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Show 8PECIAL NOTICE. DREYFUS CASE AGAIN. REMAKABLE FRENCH MILITARY who had already suffered untold mental and physical agonies, accepted tbs TRIAL TO BE REOPENED. government pardon offered. And now after seven years of weary the name of Capt. Dreyfus is Third waiting, the That Expected Hearing to be cleared. Certain new facts have Will Result in Clearing the Offbeen presented to the supreme court icer of Charges of Selling of appeal bearing on his case, as foli Secrets. Army lows: (1) The petit bleu (city tube tele Facts unknown at the last military sent by Col. Ianiz.ardi to Col trial of Capt. Albert Dreyfus have been gram) von Schwarzkoppen about the trans brought to the attention of the of troops on the Eastern railway court of appeals of France and port in the event of mobilization was not caused that tribunal to reopen the written in 1894, as was believed wheii ase which gained such world wide was tried at Rennes, but it Dreyfus (otortety, and has dragged through the year following, when he was al die military courts of France twice alDevils island: (2) At Rennes Dreyftn ready. And thus at last the truth re- was thought to have communicated case tarding the famous may be made jublic, and the name of the victim f the most remarkable military conspiracy in the annals of history cleared. In the summer of 1894, when Cen. Mercler was minister of war, a member of the French was caught near the German frontier and released by the ministers order. Mercier thereby Incurred the strong opposition of the liberal press, and in order to stop the further cries that he was in the habit of freeing traitors he seized upon the opportunity which presented Itself when a bordereau or list enumerating articles, that had been transmitted to a foreign power was Intercepted and brought to him. The character of the contents showed that the writer was a treasonable member of the French general staff. Mercier called to his aid one Du CAPT ALBERT DREYFUS Paty de Clara and ordered him to find the author of the bordereau among note on the differtmt artillery .regi the officers of the various bureaus. monts to the German government, ai The handwriting of an Alsatian Jew, it was supposed to have disappeared Capt. Dreyfus, resembled that in the from the bureau where he was work bordereau, and after a sensational ing. Now this very note has beet trial, in which prejudice and perjury since found at the war office. (3) Thi had almost complete sway, Dreyfus fact that the initial D occurred is was convicted and sentenced to death another petit bleu" exchanged be a sentence later changed to impris- tween the German and Italian military onment on Devil's Island for life. attaches was regarded as proof AH this occurred In December, 1894, against Dreyfus. It has since been ind January,. 1895. In 1898-9the su- ascertained that the original initial preme court of appeals decided that was scratched out and replaced by the Capt. Dreyfus might be sent before letter "D." (4) It has also been found the Rennes court martial and tried that several documents in favor of on the charge of having transmitted Dreyfus were not submitted to the to a foreign power certain documents officers who tried him at Rennes. (5) mentioned which overwhelming evi- Since 1899 a document has been disdence had shown had been written by covered which shows that Dreyfus another man, now known as the no- never made an avowal of guilt. (6) torious Esterhazy. It is alleged that there is evidence of l one false witness at the Rennes trial! Again the Rennes found Dreyfus guilty of high treason, The supreme court will therefore but with extenuating circumstances, officially proclaim Dreyfus to and later, In spite of many of Drey- be innocent,, and will restore to him fus defenders, who wanted to make bis civil rights. It will remain for his case a national tBsue, this man, an assize court to fix the damages. e Contre-Espionag- court-martia- t. FARMERS FRIENDS. That there variation In excellently well that It should be so. animats Is becoming much more com- Not only are these two birds beautiful monly recognized than it used to be. and harmless, but both species, genPresident Roosevelt has called em- erally speaking, are actively useful, domuch good to the farmer by eating phatic notice to this tendency to Indi- ing insects and small rodents, and some vidual variation of habit among the little good to the by wild things the big game that he has the destruction of immature rats. Rut taken most Interest In shooting. It Is though this Is the rule of these species, a variation which seems to be Ind- and their general habit, there are inecent of circumstances, and to be de dividual exceptions which are very apt to lead to a mischievous mlsjudgment if it be not clearly understood that such cases are the exceptional ones.' Now and then an owl, forsaking the usual harmless and valuable habits of its kind, will sometimes form a personal habit, all ita own, of visiting not only coops, but also dovecotes, and preying on any unprotected young thing which it may had not sufficiently far grown to protect JtsyL It is perhaps dtfflcult)u say whether a bird ever breaks a habit so formed, ot whether the habit endures for a season only; but it seems more likely that such a habit, once formed, would become permanent. We may perhapt even say that there is a reasonable risk of its being transmitted, by example and by the taste for a delicacy one acquired, to the young of a bird thus individually differing from the type ol termined by the character of the indi- its kind. Tnere is virtually no doubt vidual. A little reflection will show of the truth of the fact that these birds prey in this way on the that it is far more reasonable to think do learnof toother birds. The writer is young that there would .be some such varia- not able to speak of his personal extion than that there would not. We all to Its truth, but has been inrecognize a difference of disposition in perience formed of its truth by those who have men and in women; we recognize a first-hand experience of it. and whose difference in character in our dogs, honsos and other domestic animals. testimony is not to be doubted. The great trouble Is that the person There is reason to think that in the with an exceptional ease natural state these differences would whothefalls in can kind of hardly, by the most be apt to be greater rather than less; artful persuasion, be convinced that il yet the writers of books on natural his- is exceptional, and not the comtory and on sport, and those' who have monreally habit of the species. Perhaps the received in simple faith what they have written, have been very prone to best way to convince him would be tc Insist upon his making a note of thi an over-hast- y generalization, to argue from a single instance, or from too contents of the crop of every bird ol the verminous kind which he kills. 11 few instances, as to the general habits were done all over the country of a species, and on this inadequate this we should very quickly have a great evidence to convict or to condemn, as addition to our knowledge, and ws the case may be, the whole class. should find local variations of habif ' This is a risk that is specially apt to much more important that happen with the animals that have re- probably we suppose. cently, and with some difficulty, been rescued from the black list The time A Friend, Indeed! has gone by, in the more enlightened places, when every hawk and every owl "Pretty woman you bowed to." are shot down. That which used to be "Yes. rather. the rate exception has become the rule, Friend of yours?" and owl and hawk ate spared. It is "Lord, no! Why, thats my wife! Is Individual game-preserv- er , ...I - ... i Rag Time. Sooner or Jater th.) undertaker us all. es When Dan Cupid 'shoots his arrows he generally makes a Mrs. out of a i. s. Tit-Bit- s. Is he? "Urn, yes; the wild flower. Free Press. Detroit Debtor Oh, thats all right then. I thought, perhaps you wanted mine! Cassells Journal. 4 TRAINS 4. DAILY AST E VIA CHEAP RATES EAST VIA COLORADO MIDLAND RAILWAY. 8 On May 1906, rate June, of one fare plus two dollars for round This Includes the famous Memto Chicago, Minneapolis, A tom-ca- t should make a good base- trip and west thereof. Limit October OVERLAND LIMITED phis ball umpire. The cat has nine lives, and the new 31st, stopovers allowed, west Missouri ne for every Inning. river. For further information write LOO ANGELES CHICAGO LIMITED OtHatlj Twentieth Century, Vestl-holeL. H. Harding, General Agent, Salt Hectrto Lighted Steam HeatCanada's steel business is Improv-'n- Lake. We will arrange a details of ed Trains operating Pullman Palace Uncle Sam's steal business seems your trip. Bleeponj Incomparable Observation to be on the toboggan. and Dining Cars the very Library BIG SHOW AT SALT LAKE. latest manufacture. Have you bought your horses sumFor three weeks the New Grand ONLY 41 HOURS, SALT LAKH TO mer bonnet .Vet? A merciful man is theatre has been crowded to the merciful to his beast." ' CHICAGO, doors by the Ethel Tucker Stock comTloket Office, 201 Main St aty BALT LAKE CITY. JTAH. The price of starch has been boosted pany who came to Salt Lake for three but the linen collar from the laundry months engagement presenting two new week with each plays special still comes up to the scratch. vaudeville features between each act. CO YEARS The Ntew Grand will be open every EXPERIENCS An Iowa man shot his best friend night with a Wednesday and SaturA because he smoked cigarettes. day sourvenir matinee for the entire friend in need is a friend Indeed. 30, 50c, presenting the best plays ob-365c, presenting the best plays obA Kansas hog ate a stick of dyna tainable. For out of town patrons seats will be reserved and held by addressing Tradc Mams the request to the New Grand theaDesigns CorvmawTS Ac. tre, Salt Lake City, Utah. aaama a afcateb and daaortvUon mar SALT LAKE A MERCUR RAIMA! CO. TIME TABLE. Effective Westbound. No. 1 Arrives. 11:15 a. m 11:00 a. m 10:30 a. m 10:05 a. m Leaves. Nat Stations. Mercur Leave Summit N..liU$.a ....X: Manning Fairfield ....9iMp.ax - ....SiUrbs Antvea 1-- 3 26-2- miss. TOOOOOO HUBia PIANO d. Organs And Musical g. 46 S HUDDART FLORAL CO. tc 114-11- 6 Ht KtELlT ; Pmwkswnsee Cured. end yarmniat &SS5lt W WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Iron fences. Bank, Office and Counmite, mistaking it for an ear of corn. ter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All kinds of fancy wire and Iron work. A rise in Kansas pork is predicted. We do Electro Plating In Nickel and Finishes. An Indiana poet wrote, The People Copper in all the Latest Write for Prices. Are Greater Thaa I. Yes, the packState St .... Salt Lake City ers are discovering the same great 1 truth. fRr.RRRF.RRRRr.RRRRRRRRRitRRit MAXFIELD VINEGAR CO., Manufacturers of , m3 the authorities arrested her hus- band as an anarchist. They th ought the pudding was a bomb. Factory: 5 f $2-5- S. M. RIDDLE, Manager. Consistency. Corner Third South and State Streets, Salt Lake City, Utah. The wioted little brat! For kHling a canary Dike that upon her hati ORDER OF US. Meanest of All. The Okmulgee (Kan.) Democrat, strangely enough, has been having Goods delivered at your home at some trouble this winter collecting Salt Lake prices. Prom subscribers, which has Inspired Mall Order Department and our the editor to print the following reTry be satisfied. buke: A man may use the mole on the Groceries, Dry Goode, Hardware back of his neck for a collar button: Everything. he may ride a freight to save three BARNES GROCERY CO., rents per mile; he may light the lamp with a splinter, to save matches; be 143 North First West Street, may stop his watch at night to save the wear; use a period for a semi-soloSALT LAKE CITY. to save ink; pasture his grandmother's grave, to save hay, but a j) man of this kind is a scholar and a SMOKE LAPALOMA CIGARS1 gentleman, compared to a man who 'Theyre High Grade and Union' will take a newspaper, and when asked Made. to pay for it, put it back in the post M. MARCUS, Manufacturer. office, marked refused. 155 East Third South Street. SALT LAKE CITY. Do Figures LleP Two duck merchants occupying adjacent stands had 30 ducks each. Do You Yant Work? Total, 60 ducks. 3 was FOR EVERYBODY. a WORK for Ones price dollar. The other 2 for a dollar. Teamsters, Laborers, Always Wanted. During the brief absence of one of We Furnish All Kinds rf Help. the merchants, the other disposed of EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. DIXON the 60 ducks at 5 for 52.00, for which received $24.00. he 62 East First South, Salt Lake City. Ind. Phone 923. If sold separately one man vould Bell Phone 1872-X- . have gotten for 30 ducks at 2 for a dollar, $13.00. UTAH PHOTO BUTTON CO. The other, 30 at 3 for a dollar, $10.0Q. Total, $25.00. H. N. Winter, Manager. Discrepancy, $1.00. Campaign, Society, Advertising and Where Is the dollar? Photo Buttons to order. We copy from any size or kind of C. x AST ASK NEXT TRIP VIA READ HAVE YOUR TICKET YOUR . '4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . Williams, Commercial Agent, a44 44- jf - SHERWOODS MARKET has sieved from Mata Street to ear nra premises Oar trade is growtag very We like the change. Oar Lard is akely, &ad ve cia give yon better service. Street gaaranteed absolu ely pur. Both Phones P,obert Sherwood. y y rar. MRirtatataiitatnitatatatatHdiistaisittitaMtaiiiiinaefmJ 751 Kate Street, Salt Lake City. MMRMMwm 749 & Why Pay More? W Can Havi You Money. Utah Dental Co., 234 Main Tb. Moot Reliable D --ctl.ta la tk. City. Teath ctrcted with.ut pain by ea am thadb, Fra. with oth.r work. , OUR SPECIAL REDUCES TRIOS. Set bt teath (baat rad rubbar), St Oold man. ., ItS t 16.80. Bride work, baat, UM to BA Oat! flUinr. 1 end u. Othar fllllace. Mo to aa TWELVE TEARS TROTEOTXTR GUARANTEE. tfU fi p. ax., Sunday 10 to 2. Thona. lad, MM; Eq, tns-EXAMINATION FREE DR. KMMERMAN, Xg SMXaaSt V-k- T. Good Service - Good Companyj Good Meals. That la the happy trinity make happy travelers on Reek and through train. Through Standard Sleepar dally Salt Lake and Ogdaa to Chicago without change. Arrive la Chicago bi the morning. Wc aloe rad through tourist care to Chloego and Leu la. 8tamahlp tleketa ea aeie to all pohnta In th Old Country. Lot ua know where you went to pc. Wo will d th rcct Nothing than th Rock Icland Dlnwi" it 967-k- i aty. besss Salt Lake Gty. n, picture return same uninjured. Photos on Cuff Buttons, Brooches, Pins, Lockets, etc. Why trust traveling strangers with your choice photos when permanent residents guarantee satisfaction? Cabinet Photos, Stamp Photos, Photo Buttons. 49 Main street. Salt Lake. . P. O. Box 1301. Telephone reducing, etc., copying, Enlarging, any kind or size of picture in photo, crayon, sepia, pastel, oil, etc. Finest grades consistent with price. Every grade of work absolutely permanent-w- ill not fade. Frames and framing. All sizes and grades made np to order. DR. JOHNSON, South Main street. Salt Lake T.VO TRAINS DAILY TO HICAGO OGDEN TO CHICAGO OR DENVER ANOTHER GOOD TO CHICAGO. ROUTE TO THE EAST IS VIA KANTHE FAMOUS SAS CITY AND SOUTHWEST LIMITED. NO EXCESS FARE. TICKETS OF ALL AGENTS. OR OF Y. Taylor. 91-2- issta without; Chicago, M ilwaukee & St. Paul?4 ll Railway , 4 4 WestS Moses W. Taylor. TAYLOR BROS. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. A western humorist has written Tel. 171., Utah National Bank Salt 15,000 jokes. If that many jokes could be boiled down, to one excruciating Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake Real Estate the best intickler, how long would it take to tickle a mule into kicking himself to vestment In the world. Utah Commercial and Mining Stocks the safest death? In the world. Members Salt Lake Stock and MinA New York lunatic ran an auto ing Exchange. through crowded Broadway without killing man, woman, child or dog. American Plan, to That was the reason they knew h European Plan, 50c up. was crazy he was 'so different from ither eutomobllists. HOTEL HALLS. She had the boy arrested T MKSWRRIUtWStltKKK Frank KNIFE. eo44 O VINEGAR. 720 South Second Telephone 979-- z 554 CSty, T ry This Route East 443.16 CRAGER Out in Montana a young bride made I plum pudding, set it outdoors to cool Kodtay teftltata, Man. TheSalt m Lake . Temple. W. removed ialr IBaatralad waatitf. L.raaat air. kioi'aai. Tarma, U a air Htaauaa la a, L SoU br all .aaradialafn k PURE FOOD gotwMi fltrtrican. Scientific (Opposite Grand Theatre.) Cut flowers and floral work for2 Kail occasions. k We make a specialty of shipping jg kfuneral designs. Write , telephone;? 5 Jor telegraph. ( w and the ogtm ta- tUr Thar ta no pehUdty. a taeknaa.thatt ea at as fitaa treated pdretsty IWaat abaraa, ta t&a tC Three men went to fish from a boat. And drank from a jug while afloat Each flah meant a drink And more, too, I think. For each got as full as a goat! A)td6r r aaoartai ooroptatoa fra whathar aa anttee la probably palantad a Commnnlaa. wanmir oooBdan tut mPaualt tf P. O. Box Ota Utah. t 5 2 E. 2nd So. Phones 106. South Mata Mrs Balt Lake 0, FRRRRRIW.RRRttlttStllltStlWllR tc Al Beesley Music Co.. vv4 Attention, Advertisers! The Woman of It New ways of advertising are conReassuring. I Do you begin to feel at home la stantly being devised. Some time Motorists Friend Oh, ssiy! ego Goodness gracious, well be smashed your new house, Mrs. Smithkins? Ihe English papers contained an aci Oh, dear, nq, replied Mrs. Smith-kinup In a minute! fount of an author in London who Motorist All right, my dear felIt almost worries me to death. committed suiolde for the purpose of low, dont excite yourself. The firm His ' latest Why so, dear? novel advertising ft I bought this motor from have agreed I cant find anything the matter worked, too, and many copies were to keep it in repair for a year. Milwaukee Sentinel. with It iold. Now word from his present headquarters conveys the intelligence Believed Him. is absolutely careless about His Species. Creditor Now, look here; I want that he money and smokes continually. So Dick is the flower of the family. my money! i. If this paragraph is marked with a red cross It indicates that yonr subscription to this paper has been settled for three months from that date. If marked with a black crosa It has only two weeks to run, but unless otherwise notified we shall continue to forward the paper. Very respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS. Beth phonos N. MS 1 DREW, General Agent, lfth Street, Denver, Cota. H E. DRAKE, Diet A. BIBLE, Trav. Pane MS Woat Booond BoutM Agt,l Balt Lake aty, Utah. 0. |