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Show case been quite satisfactory, but this is by no means a condition of things peculiar to Utah, so let it pass. We believe they have been faithful workers keenly alive to the best interests of our beloved state, and attentive to the personal desires of constituents to a marked degree. We wish them unfailing health and continued EDITORIALS. THE CONGRESSIONAL TION. DELEGA- The continuous seven months session of Congress came to a close on Saturday, June 30, and released all hands to go home or elsewhere as they saw fit. For fear there may be those who might think otherwise, it Is hereby given out with not a tremor or the fear of a syllable of successful contradiction that the Utah contingent were permitted to depart with the others,, and presumably all are comfortably quartered at home now. There is a good deal for Senators and Congressmen to do that their constituents never get wise to, judging the plenipotentiaries by what oozes out of the official proceedings into the receptacle of the Associated Press. This is never much of a showing, and in the case of the Utah members, unless it is something to their disadvantage, is oftener than otherwise nothing at all. And yet this paper would have its wide circle of readers understand that their agents in the halls of national legislation have been decidealy busy at almost every stage of the seven months grind. Take an example: The postmaster at some rural place Skunk Pasture, let us 6ay has had ihe misfortune to die, or the greater misfortune to he unable to account for a missing two-cestamp and his bondsmen have compelled him not only to them but to resign forthwith there is then a vacancy in office which must be filled at the suggestion of the representative, who, THE WRONG MUST GO. n concern until the Republican, holding the welfare and rights of the people above tae mere consideration of dollars and cents, took up the right side of, the case, laid bare some of the iniquities which have taken root, and contributed a great deal toward suppressing evils and outrages which are winked at if not encouraged by those whose duty it should be to suppress them and prosecute the authors. There is and will be in these columns no word of encouragement for those who honestly owe and dishonestly refuse to pay. If, through unforeseen vicissitudes the debtor is unable to meet his obligations, let him make the best showing and give the best security he can; but for a nest of human sharks to have the power to harass, annoy, insult, and even imprison him, ignoring the law as it is and carrying on a system of their own, there is no warant, no justification, and the thing must be absolutely stopped, or, as our neighbor says, the people, finding there is no protection in the law, will resort to the hereditary and natural right of protecting themselves. Inter-Mountai- g Our namesake and neighbor, the Republican, recently had an editorial article in line with some others which this paper has produced, regarding the methods and workings of a protective association in Salt Lake City. So nefarious, so contemptuous of law and the ordinary rights of citizens had the concern become that we deemed it a duty to remonstrate and did so; the opposition means has to and its ways at last become pronounced and we are no longer alone In denunciation of the lawlessness complainned of, but are strongly as well as respectably associated in that respect. For the purpose of securing their silence while the plundering and oppression were going on, the association has liberally patronized the ad- a vertising ctfiumns of all the daily a 5 papers here, and the money thus spent was not thrown away, for not one of them had a word to say against the d C. J. BOWMAN, Room 5, Eagle Blk., r. out-doin- g A. Richter, well received and successful. J RICHTER, REAL ESTATE, 19 West Lake City. Be sure and call on me it you want a Have them from $700 up. For 30 days a J ern 2 stery light pressed brick residence s' I Second South, $6,250. I p First South home in Salt Lake City. modbrand new on Eighth East near FOR REAL ESTATE , W. J. HALLORAN, See Peterson Real Estate InvestReal Estate and Loans. ment Co. Large list bargains for Telephone 823. Established 1887. 14 W. Third South Street', which we are exclusive agents. Special attention to property of estates Salt Lake City, Utah. and Old $350.00 buys very choice Main St. reliable agency. Correspond or call. 330 So. Lots. Main St.. Salt Lake City, Utah. THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. MEEKS & LYNCH, Homes on Installment Plan a Spe- 4 A Main St., Hooper Eldre lge BUY a LOT or a HOME before prices advance. We advise you re Real Estate and Loans, gardlng localities and make your interests ours. Investment, Securities, Trades and MARINGER INVESTMENT CO., Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. 40 East Second South. 41 West Second So. St., Manager "Seeing Salt Lake City Salt Lake City, Utah. Cara. REAL ESTATE. Ma 49 S. GEO. M. McCONAUGHY, i i Salt Lake City, Utah. j SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. The Resorts. The week beginning the first of July has been the banner one at Salt-aiFirst and foremost as an attraction has been the Royal Hawaiian band. It is seldom that a musical organiza-zatio- n of such great merit has been heard at any western resort. Every musician in the band is an artist and the soloists are equal to any in their line in the profession. himManager Langford is self in the matter of attractions this season. The scenic railroad and the old mill are becoming more popular all the time. This added to the best bathing in years makes the old resort the meca for those who wish an afternoons pleasure. Shooting the chutes is a new pastime in this neck of the woods. This sport is now in the heyday of popuIt would be larity at the Lagoon. hard to describe all the beauties of this beautiful country resort. It was pretty in June, but in July it is slm- - aa- the great The Casino Park theatre is still presenting light comedy, and is presenting In a manner which leaves nothing Calder's park as a family resort is to be desired. The openair amusement resort is growing in popularity growing in favor and is drawing great and deserves It in every manner. crowds. It also has chutes and has been renovated and beautified until it is an ideal spot. It is being run on In making up your round of amuso. a strictly temperance plan and is ments do not forget the little Bon Ton drawing its patronage from women on Main stret. One hour of genuine and children. pleasure Is sure to be found here. It is the only first class vaudeville house The Theatres. in the city, and the quality of the Among the theatres, the Salt Lake turns presented are all that can be theatre has been open for the first asked. week in July. The company which W. J. Bryan, Jr., is going to enter has been playing for some weeks in the Orpheum held the hoards, present- the navy. If he will first make aring The Wife, a drama of great pow- rangements to have his father elected er and beauty. The Orpheum has been president, promotions may come rapclosed during the week but will open idly. again shortly. After its period of jubilation haa Oklahoma can settle down to passed, The New Grand theatre Is still open the serious work of making American and the Ethel Tucker company is citizens out of American Indians. drawing large crowds notwithstanding the heat of the summer. This in Itself proves the hold it has upon the EGAN, REAL ESTATE. people of the city and state. During the week melodrama has held the If you want to insure, sell, buy, boards, the first half having been given to "Jesse James and the latter to build, or borrow, let us know. Deadwood Dick; both have been SORTS. - ll a:5 Nice homes on easy payments. Cheap lots any part of city. Farm loans. ply beautiful. It deserves patronage it is receiving. AMONG THE SHOWS AND RE- t We have all kinds of investments in Now is the time to Invest. A rapid estate and we write all kinds of real advance is certain. Choice building insurance. mWtitiMWRwawUMWWRiwtmRawttRR wtRRitttatutiwatttitt t, lots all parts of city, $100 to $500, Wr YOUNG & YOUNG, j, $12.50 cash, $7.50 per month, 7 per vS ? v and Estate Real General Insurance, A HINT TO THE INVESTOR. 5 5 vcent. Salt Loans, 202 Whitingham Blk., HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., I Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. cialty. 78 West 2d So. SL 315 & 316 Atlas Block, Salt Lake Heal Estate is tne Barest, surest and best thing to buy In the from $7.50 to $25.00 in Why pay Salt Lake City, Utah. OUR MOTTO: whole wide west. It is cheap, too month when you can buy a 1? rent per HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. far cheaper than it should be, considVacant lots, modern homes and home at the same rate of me? Quick Salks in Real Estate. Farms and homes for sale or trade. ering resources, geographical location, msiness investments. rapidly developing tributary region, Horses, Buggies, Etc., Bought or If you want to buy or sell Real Homes for rent and sale. Lowest and the attractions of Salt climate Loan. us for to Exchanged. with Money list property your Estate, Lake. The country around about is Room 8 O'Meara Block. prices. Easiest terms., 251 Main St., quick sales. We have the buyers. Nineteen years in Real Estate Busl-les- s far ahead of Salt Lake. Salt Lake No. 63 Vt W. Second South Street, in Salt Lake City. must and will catch up, and while it is Salt Lake City. Sait Lake City. Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. catching up is when values will double atstiiattoiitstitatititiutitiMamaiiMitautRRiw and good money be made. ItKHIrtrViViVrVi leVomviliiDiiivmioiieviia VrtiVsfcfcMVilsIslifcls'slslstalajultlritlslifcis'A MM1Mitataii!r, t EVERYBODY i BOOST !! H tj Sa.lt Lake! ii jt Boost, lii!iilBear "boost!j Reader, ii'!?iBoostS Help to up GREATER SALT LAKE CITY! . , THE WAY TO BUILD UP A GREATER UpVH IS THIS: a UTAH DEALER!" DON'T USE Imported Goods Unless Bought From r If, in this List of Business Houses, You fail to find Whdt is Wanted, Wait until Our Next Issue, and wwrir.:i,r.r.i'rrrrri . w a34 the matter becomes complex and renuous, is likely to call the two nators Into consultation and thus volve them in the transaction. One ction of the town want Bill Smith for istmaster while another wTill hear no her name than that of Alphonso' herinctum Fittzfaddle mentioned in Then the ich connection. mill is set to working over-m- TRUNKS, TRUNKS. ) fOliver R. Meredith, f Trunk Manufactur-- I BELIEVES IN BEING Main St., Salt' Lake. e. The member get from 100 to , 100 letters a day on the local conten-onsome of them containing long fidavits and other nuisances regard-the matchless qualifications of ieir candidate and the horse-stealinoclivities of the other fellow. When iese missives dribble down to the figure of 100 the members mbtless begin to wonder1 what they e going to do with their surplus time, owever, they dont wonder long, for kunk Pasture Is only one place and ,ere may be half a dozen with similar disother bones of contention to-bOther constituents want ced of. )oks, documents, maps, information om dozens of different sources that in only be gained by personal visits id interviews, and thus it goes, the tetch being but slightly exaggerated id this as to one or two things, while le rest are so greatly understated iat as a lumping proposition the ader can confidently accept all. But,y iind you, this mountain of responsi-ilitand labor must be performed ses-oiiiefly while congress is not inmem-er- s for while it is sitting the are supposed to be and generally s re in their seats, for their constitu-ntare directly interested in some of le pending legislation and indirectly after which i pretty much all of it the correct reach to is It easy bowing the inclusion that holding a seat in skit-es atlonal legislature Is not all and beer by a thundering sight. This paper has had and will continue have when occasion demands it, ords oi criticism for some of the pilservants at times, this chiefly ecause at such times they seemed to ave forgotten or overlooked the fact iat they were servants, and needed how-vegentle reminder. It has always, malic-m- s been the design to avoid or unjust representation, it being wel-om- e luch more pleasurable to bear is It than unwelcome messages. in to able say be to lus ratifying onnection with a welcome home to ur congressional delegation, that it is sinned uite apparent they are moreappoint-lentTheir sinning. than gainst or those they have been instru-lenta- l in securing, have not in every g g utam etDOiNC-n- COTTON rc coi FELT If ss SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. e n, es r, s, 3 fjTbe WAKANTUb You buy fresh Eggs, Its Interest Is ffWide. m JLThe Why not insist on HEWLETTS AFFLICTED Get the benefit of recent discoveries in medicine. . . . if THE BEST obj'ect of the organization is to promote the use of ALLfj is none too good. UTAH-MAD- E GOODS in all lines, in preference to Dr. Powells Nerve Tablets. Orrin those manufactured outside the State. The very latest treatment for Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Insomnia, Melancholio, Failing Memory, Impaired Energy, Physical and Mental Weagness. A positive cure guaranteed by the manufacturers through their agents, who are under instructions to refund your money if not satisfied with results. Price, $1.00 per box; six 5 betterment of industrial conditions in every city, tewn, village, J. boxes for $5.00. At all drug stores or Address mail, securely sealed. hamlet and district is its aim. For full particulars J by Doull Drug Co., 338 Main, cor. Market, Salt Lake City. write to iBusy All the Time In Utah"j -- r- MATTRESS ' HHthe FRESH II ROASTED H COFFEES. State-- ! I manufacturers and Jjj mer-j- i SMOKE THE BEST. CHANTS ASSOCIATION. P. O- - BLUE BOX 1584, SALT THATS ALL SALT Mail orders promptly filled. Write for information. Rubber goods a specialty. Golden Seal Compound cures catarrh. G. S. Kidney Cure and G. S. Rheumatism Cure are guaranteed. $1 per bottle or 50c per box. We pay the postage or express charges. GoldTHE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT en Seal Medicine Co., 112 W. 2d South STONE CO. Street, Salt Lake City. Manufactured only by INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., .. W. Clayton, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK UFACTURERS. SO CLEAN Is a granulated sweeping compound that absorbs all dust on all kinds of floors. Business men, painters and housekeepers that dislike the dust that arises from sweeping should give this home product's trial. It is guaranteed-S- o Clean Mfg. Co., 261 South West Temple. Ind phone 783. Concrete Block Machines. Want to establish a plant In every city, town and village in Utah. Block machines from $100 upward. Start a email plant and become independent. Correspondence solicited, P. O. Box 1131, Salt Lake City. Ind Phone 3806-7- . BELLE PHOTO SUPPLY CO. OF KODAKS A FULL LINE AND CAMERAS. A CAMERA IS WHAT YOU WANT TO TAKE VIEWS OF YOUR CLAIMS AND LOCATIONS. Developing and Printing. Write for Catalogue. 21 East Third South, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dept. M. CIGAR. Wanted. District Managers to post signs, advertise and distribute samples. Salary $18.00 weekly, $3.00 per State age and day for expenses. Ideal Shear present employment. Co., 39 Randolph St., Chicago. 10 men in each state to Wanted: travel, post signs, advertise and leave samples of our goods. Salary $75.00 per month. $3.00 per day for expenses. Royal Supply Co., Dept. W Atlas Block, Chicago. MEDIUMS GIVE VERDICT OF .11 RY In the case of J vs the DiaR Whitaker and Dallas, Makers, 134 W. mond Coal and Coke company of Wy3rd South Street, Salt Lake City. oming, which was decided in Judge Ritchie's court in favor of the defendant, we predicted the outcome 10 days WASH IT AWAY. before the jury brought in the verLead and uremic- poisoning cured. dict One week before it went on trial we Castilla Hot Springs Water does the work. Rheumatism vanishes at its were consulted about the outcome and touch. For rates apply to C. H. said: The company will win without Then again in our meeting 222 a doubt. Room Southworth, Manager, 4 some one asked about it, and Commercial Club building, Salt Lake March we in the presence of 200 people again City. predicted that the defendant would win. On the back page of The Tribune CLIFT HOUSE. March 8, under the heading Not Due Third South and Main Streets, Salt to Smoke, is an account of the trial and verdict in favor of defendant Lake City. s a lady occupying one of O. Again ' All New But the Name. cottages came to us about a This centrally located and well damage suit with the R. R. We told known hotel has been thoroughly re- her how it would terminate, etc., novated and refurnished throughout. which it did almost to the dollar. No other mediums have such a record Under, the new management reason- of fulfilled predictions. able rates and first class accommodaArnold-DicksoBros., 269 East Third tions will prevail. South St, Salt Lake City. Private consultations dally. Can be reached by street cars from all depots MRS. A. L. MASON, Prop. For Piles, Burns, Sores Eng-dahl'- MAN- SOLE AGENTS FOR POINT PERFECTO "Souvenirs Stolen F"m Hotels. The average high-clas- s hotel in New York is said to lose $15,000 a year from the practice by its guests of the arts of spol'tion. There are many elegant ladies who carry from the tables the salt shakers that charm them, or any Bmall article of table furniture that arouses thel- - esthelV adThe great transatlantic miration. liners are also sufferers from the beautiful and often culUvsed grafters. It is generally an easy "atter to arrange. A tip to the wa ter, who suddenly becomes blind, and my lady is off In triumph with her spoil. - MEDICINES BY MAIL. ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND barber trade Graduates earn $15 to $25 per week. Cat. free. Write us. Mohler System of Colleges, 62 E. First South St., Salt ake City, Utah. (Incorporated) er. 155 Men and women to learn in 8 weeks. Wages paid every night, The Manufacturers and Merchants Association of Utah, ' corres-jndenc- e pKrilKRittii.iUir.r.iut.iUtramn,, - if Western. Goods for Western People!1 S tf X i- Perhaps You Will Find ItThore.i Buy Made6 Trunks. L. Hoggan, G. 21 E. Third South St, Salt Lake City. ifHf n Dewitts 823 Salvo |