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Show WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. < Lake City. Located la the heart of the city. RatM Reasonable, light, airy, dean rooms. Flnt-elaa- a to every respect Steam heat Electric Ugh to. Th Lond v THE D&stsnc SCOTTY Record. 8PECIAL. IMS Miles Over Mountain and Plains In leas than 45 houra, demon tratlng that u8anta Fo track, equipment and employees are of the dependable kind. CYRUS a Probably YOU wouldn't care te ride e fast You prefer the luxury of 3 Regular Trains from Utah and Colorado to Everywhere Eaat and South- GATREtL Attorney A Counselor. U D, F, Walker puUdlafc Salt Lake City. west Ask me Ticket Rate and Lit-- erature, RRRRRRRRriMtRaeitlMMMttatRtlMtRt GEO. W. PARKS, . j Land Attorney, Auerbach Building, Salt Lake City.jj C. F. WARREN. General Agent. The Atchlaon, Topeka & Santa Railway Company, F( Dooly Block. Salt Lake City, Utah 411 This is a new system of telegraphing without connection between the stations by wires. Have you heard about it ? Do you believe that this can be done? If not, it is to your interest to investigate it. Remember that there has been wonderful things done in the scientific world within the past few years. A certain number of people have always said it cant be done, and with that JOHN HAWES, ; Marysvale., Utah. Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. assurance in their minds, have allowed great opportunities to pass by, and felt very foolish later, that they did not investigate at the time, as stocks bought in the promotion days of the great inventions, have, almost without exception made fortunes for the holders. Only a few of these cases are, Bell Telephone, the commercial success of which was laughed at by apparently wise peo-plthe Westinghouse Air Brake, which was ridiculed by the great Vanderbilt, the Morse system of ti egraphy that had a very hard time selling enough of its stock ti put up an experimental line, the Electric Light and numerous other great and grand achievements, all of which had a hard sl ruggle in getting started, yet have made fortunes for the ones who were wise enough to assist in the promotion, by buying a little of their stock. Wireless telegraphy may be very mysterious to the reader, but like all others it has its scientific principle, which upon investigation, is easily understood. The best proof, however, is that we are doing it. Over land and sea, the Deforest Wireless Telegraph Company have their stations established, and are daily transacting successful commercial business, of which we have abundant proof. If you will think what the telegraph business of the world means, and then carefully consider the results of saving 95 per cent of the cost, you must admit that it is the greatest money earning power in the world. Let us send you by mail, testimonials and statements in proof of the success of wireless telegraph from the most reliable authority in the country. Let our agent when he calls at your town, interview you. Get some of our stock in the original parent company and enjoy your share of the great profits to be derived from the future operation of wireless. to For further information, call I paj.o.o:o:o:o:o;o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o;qs J. D. iROCERIES REDFORD, AND PROVISIONS. r, S Marysvale, Utah. ( X I $ K X X tt rr,rrrr,rr,rrr,r.rrr,rr L. H. GRAY, Land Attorney. Attend to all business before United States Land Office, U. S. i jj x j l, State Land Board, State Engineer. te x Surveyor-Genera- X Land scrip bought and sold. D. F. Walker Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. 300-30- 1 I ILAbATONE D6TC3 Mr. A. M. Marital, Pro US raeth Main Street Salt Lata C3 (Macs famished Room by the Day, Week or Month. Batee, 50 cents to fl.60 per day. Special rates by the day, week or MATHEWS & FLEGAL. j Psychologists and Phrenologists. Consult Prof. B. N. Matthews. He gives you name and tells yoq what you need and wish to know. H sska no questiona and confines htmt elf to the truth. Prof. Matthew holds the secret of power and pen sonal Influence. He reveals your post slbilltles and enables you to reallM them. Everybody he reads for la aa aured of success. His advice on love, marriage and business la sound and reliable. He Betties all disputes am) helps you to get the money or prop erty that Justly belongs to yon. H tells you when to make Investments aad what to Invest In. If It ia not convenient for you to see him, It win pay you to write. This gentleman 1 truly gifted and the wonders he ba accomplished form the topic of conversation In every city he has visited. The sceptics and the helpless are especially invited. He locates friends and relatives and anything lost of tolen. Reading, $1.00, , oqorrite month. iiOOC OOOOO ()..l o 0 NOTHING IS CONCEALED. H- - A- - 1.0 R. H. Officer & Co., TRENHOLM. GENERAL AG3NT, Aesayere and Chemists. 1M B. W. Taaple St, Balt Lake City. Write tor Mailing Sack. West Second South Street, 17 SALT SAKE CITY. 142 S. Main St., Through Service Salt Lake City. TO ST. LOUIS EAST ffHimnmmimimo AND THE VIA Missouri Pacific RAILWAY THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO W MISSOURI PULLMAN KANSAS SLEEPING CARS, OBSERVATION DINING CARS. Electric lights, Electric Fans, reclining ( scare chaijbcars rntt). PEMFUKTR, . Dv Coaches. in FlGU&INO TOUT TRIP EAST THAT TH1 Oregon Short For Berths, Tickets, Folders, etc., address THE DOCTORS WHO CURE Line rtTltDII to . BVtLET, k S. SPEMCEX. A.O.P.GT.A. GP.GT.A. H. WHITLOCK, Dealer In Harness and horse I fur-- s 0 NISHINGS. fi Utah Marysvale 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE X VTTM TM UNION PACIFIC W I at, 201 alt STAC iui art. aa rcrUAX Koun th. TO AIL and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communication strictly confidential. HANDBOOK onPatenu sent free. Oldest apenc? for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive tpeciai notice, without charge, in the m TTNION PACIFIC LJnSXCCLLED IT R0CRB3Y3 Scientific American. A handsome! illustrated weekly. Tersest circulation of anv scientific loams!, Terms. 3 a year : four months, $L Sold by ail newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,BrwMh"- - New York Branch Ottloe, 36 T SU Washington, D. C. t lUKt porao ar by latter fro. te alL Ht BI MRIL te 1 nv trm th.dpalr city. RUiTbM OVERLAND Wttk Dr. F. Wo euro yoa PHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON, Marysvale, Utah. 0 PER- Ml lipete patlMta bar WB CAN'T RUBLIBH OUR CURBS Df DISRASES B...Q00 tt would botny oonfldeno Heno. wo bo vo to prova our telll la this Siam f troohtea In anothw way. This te oar plan! BLI Bvanln rn. to I OfBoa ham lot pntarrhoM. VI DRS. SHORES & SHORES, lint than Indorse a whan yoa an eurod. Ten opon mu word, thoamnda af nnc WANT TO TALK TO. W. hare prowon our aklll la aurlas CHROMIC dlaoaM by publUhlnf th many voluntary tartlmonlali from bom.pmpte, sirtas tea ptotans and adSON J. Lyon, Cured Pay When and ate a Men tnrton TOU ARB THB VERT ROUTS) wtm it lMi t ml lynomnc (TH8 SHORES. Call or write. btcauM you lira at a dlatane. Hn at RhorW new Dr Kqwrt adrlo. and trotmuit HOMB TRHATMEKT makM I enablM tham 41m which 41mm Tfcftr vmtOT black oTr rvary ba dona for you. had what year ttw aad tall you what your traubla ta, what eaa tha of tha euro will ba. WRITS If you aaoMtcftll for thair naw oymptom lint a&d taka advantage of tho FTRBB BXAJUJIATBOIf. Whothar you taka traatnaot ar hot, th. adytoa ooata yoa nothins. COMFORT SAFETY THfe KEELEY CUR. Cored. Drunkenne euro to A positive and permanent drnnkennese and the opium disease. ua There 1b no publicity, no sickneei 1. at as thrt as privately treated dies own homes. The Keeiey InsutuA W. 80, Temple, Salt Lake City. Utah DR O. W. Oaaaultatfca te IS tttt.U Anrone sending cur. (that ara curabl) orW. no pay. la I day. liquor habit DR. A. SPEED OfflQ MAM IT. A Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. sketch CONNECTOR TH OVXBLALD BOUT GTIBin . 1M MKT ul throat Nirvau. DlHua Biddr Kidney Dlmm, DIuum of Trouble He.it DljML.e VisPile Bowel and Stomach th. Bernal tula and Rectal Pleea.ee, Woof Chronta Pleeawa Complaint JUcSot Spinal men and ChSdran. Dlaeam DeafnMi, Skla Trouble Aethm Brwxhial aad Lons Trouble Rbeumatlem. Hay PTer, Xm-ral- st Bye aad Bar Dio-mHyaUrl Oottre (or Ms neck). Tartooool BWd DIMM Loot Han hood, and all Scroful Prlrate Dleeaee forma of Karroos and Chronlo RAILROAD v Km (ih, and Ltrar H. C. TOWNSEND, SXSXaXSXSXSXSXSWCslQtXsXSXisXsXSOiXaXsXsXSXsXiflWg hava Just eompltd with the largeat of Organ in the world, whereby we oan now offer to our many patrons here an Instrument delivered at your own station for what has ordinarily been known as FACTORY COST. This Is an arrangement that should he Investigated thorough- . ly before you look elsewhere, as we are aure It will appeal to you. REMEMBER we save you from . . $26 to 176.00 on one organ. This Is certainly worth saving. EAST TERMS. Tou can send , , . us $2.60 to $6.00 per month, to suit . your convenience. WE FAT THE FREIGHT. We T will deliver one ef these organs at any R. R. station In Utah or Idaho without any additional charge to you whatever. Do not Imagine that It la impossible for us to do aa we say. Our system of handling our outeido buetneSs Is so perfect that wo can without any troublo whatever make delivery to the smallest town ta thle western section. WE BUT IN CARLOAD LOTS and are thus enabled to make the ridiculously low priaes that we da TOU GET THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS. Write us at ones If interested. If not, see that year friends hear I of this , great money eavtng op- -, . portunity. REMEMBER 'we have been hi I ; business here for FIFTY TEARS . . the oldest house In the State. OUR GUARANTEE on an Instrument Is absolutely good. We fully warrant everything w aelL If you doubt our financial sating look us up. We refer you to any Banker or Commercial agency in this State. manufacturer MOW WJG WANT TO CURB TOO with tha dlatlnot andontandins that wo will not tanand a antll wa cur. yoa. This aspltes I Manhood. Snnlnal WulryM, m I te Vbrtcocl DImum of tha Clayton Music Co., M Bandaya aad Holiday Expert Specialists," Plea.se mention this paper. U m. te 5 11 Leading Music Dealers. 8. Main Street. SaX Lake City. Utah. 10I-U-- HI llllIHUHlHi |