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Show N a You wouldn't drink skim milk, why drink stale coffee? HIKING GUARANTEED CONVENIENT WATCH STAND) Allen S. Olmsted Wins in Cburt -FACTS Trade-Mar-k e The Sustained. One of the Little 1 lectric Lamps Formsl Anaemia are Cured by Buffalo, N. Y. The Supreme Conrthas Neuralgia and Pert of the Outfit A Cigar Or. Williams Pink Pills. with costs a framed injunction permanent Box the Stand. For nearly a generation the people f against Paul B. Hudson and others of OF MONEY METHOD OF MERCHANTS CHECK DISHONESTY. Foot-Eas- TO IINOIBV' New York City, restraining them from isilyi making or selling a foot powder which made wl.h the aid of a small woodeul the court declares is an imitation and now so large-.- y on box end one of those little electric! advertised and sold over the country. lamps that can now be obtained ijt The owner of the trade-marmany shops for a small sum. It is in- Is Allen S. Olmsted, of e Rov, N. Y., and tended for use at night, and should, .he decision of this suit upholds his tradeliable who mark nnd renders all be placed at some convenient spot, fraudulently attempt toparties by the exprotit within reach of the bedside, or hungj tensive Foot-Kasadvertising, in placon the wall by the side of the bed. ing on the market the spurious and sim-lappearing preparation involved in the Plenty of material for its construcase. Thia the court declares waa will In an ordinary he found tion in imitation and infringement of trade-marcigar-bowhich should be cut downj ;he genuine right. to the required size. The lid should Karh package of the genuine Alien Foot-Kas-e has the facsimile signature of Allen then he nailed down, and a hole made! S. Olmsted on its yellow label. in it to receive the lamp. Fig. A is Foot-Kas- Pin Is Used Instead of a Fen as Com- crowii Coffee is ROASTED FRESH Daily 4 Bind 15. 3C, 35 e4 40e th pwmd. monly Supposed Devices of Police Experts in De-- . tec ting. How is money marked? Love Little Crackers. hath its victories its victims. What Is the oldest game known to man? The game of hearts! repeated headquarters detective to a WashPerhaps the yellow newspaper is yelWell, ington Star reporters query. low because it should not be read! that manner the It is not marked in What Father Does. Mothers may talk, work, struggle to the public thinks it is. The splendor falls on castle wall The average person no doubt bemake their sons models hy whir tc The newspaper prints a muck-rak- e pri-! . shape a new heaven and a new earth. lieves that money is markedbillsby with The story trust magnate is roasted brown vate marks placed on the But the boys world Is In the man And shorn of joy Is all his glory! who is his father, and the boy believer pen and ink; perhaps some employers in bills place the thus mark they be whatever may that, right on SunThe collar button trust has been the cash drawer which is being busted. This will knock warts, will days or at prayer times, the thing Of that are really good, that really couni robbed by a dishonest clerk. kind it not? are what In life, father does, course marked money of this is good evidence in court on the trial says Moreover Harpers Barar. If the strawberry plant withers dig been of a man upon which it has It is what father does which it up and go fishing with the white unthe means with which the boy found. But a check mark in ink, on the roots. grubs with less very expertly put on, might, shall work, the sphere wherein bis efacforts shall be shaped. In a word, the aid of a good lawyer for the The man who shaves himself may what father dees is the beginning ai cused, be shown to have been per- cut his chin, but he doesn't have to the would H Is the end of the boys achievements haps accidental, and thus listen to the barbers. t, reasonable doubt of the in the robbery accuseds participation LOW RATES EAST. I wonder how large a mattress could be raised. be made of the locks of hair loaned There are several different ways of Via Salt Lake Route, Utah'e Moet during loves young dream." money by police experts to marking Road. Popular the end that they may establish its I want to hear the old, old songs, If you don't mind the bother. For Elks convention, Denver, Colo- positive Identity of having previousthief The old. old songs! Sing every one rado. Extremely low rates for the ly been in their hands before the Except the one of Father. I personally round trip. Tickets on sale July 14th extracted it. The Isway perhaps the safemploy, and which Thomas Jefferson Meek, a veteran and 15th, good to return thirty days. est to secure certainty and convicman, raconteur and railnewspaper Bee agents Salt Lake Route. method. k tion, is the road denies the report printed man, Let us take the familiar silveij Submarine Monotony. denomina-- i in a St Louis paper that he Is dead. certificate of the As a rule with few exceptions, the tion for an Illustration, one that hasj Seems to me Meek ought to be the best purface of the earth under the oceans been somewhat worn Is better thanj judge. , s devoid of striking and abrupt cona new note from the treasury. In the A California newspaper wants th6 it center is the well-knotrasts. It .would be monotonous vignette of were brought to view. The actio l of the head of an Indian chief In full married man to wear a wedding ring, that the public may know he is marthe water and the depositing of organregalia of feathers and trappings, ried. Whats the matter with the now ic and other matter settling down presenting a full-fac- e We view. Cant he see the editor, anyhow? through the sea have smoothed down take this pin and make two puncture the greater part of the subaqueous right through 'the bill and directly marital yoke? earth and left it far from picturesque through the pupils of the eye so, for him who never sees hand you the bill, and, even though Alas, The love light through his cypress trees! We Maks Travel Easy. you saw me make the punctures, they Who single whiles his time away. are not visible at a casual and even Who eats his meals at clubs each day Five trains daily via the Atchison, with his' kidlets ne'er can play! critical glance. I now raise it to thq And Topeka ft Santa Fe, Colorado to KanWho hath not known of family blis sas City, St Joe, Chicago, Galveston, light, and you can see the two tiny Or sipped from lips the morning kiss! Ask me holes made by the pin point as dis- A life Is naught but sacrifice El Paso, City of Mexico. That never paid for coal or ice! about reduced rates. C. F. Warren, tinctly as windows In a building. G. A., A T. ft S. F. Ry., 411 Dooly then apply the pin point very neatly To kill bugs An authority says; Block. Salt Lake City, Utah. at the twist In the neck of 'the large near your shingles lay squash plants figure 5 at the two upper extreme em every morning! The Useful Goat. ends of the note. You will observe and squash ' or tchig-ger- s wood-tick- s A man in Scotland, whose house adthat these two diminutive twists do Those having a the use ol with the teth kept may railway, dispense goat joined not appear In the necks of the two .red in his garden. A friend asked figures of 5 which are in both ends shingles. him one day what was the use of the at the bottom of the note. I then There was a girl In our town goat Use of the goat! he replied. pierce he note at the extreme ends And she was wondrous wise: Man. that goat keeps me in ceals of the scrolls on either side of the She bought a pair of stockings Never a train passes but the fireman In Of long and ample size. word five, which may be seen Then straightway did the maiden throws a bit of coal at it" the direct center of the note at Its Cut oft the silken feet lower edge. And now with gloves long wrlsted. Good Thing. The marking of the note is now She looks almighty sweet! Mrs. Poppy I couldnt live a Any complete. It is exhibited to one or A Sign of Destiny. two persons In the secret for the purwithout you. Little boy, said the wise philosoMr. Poppy Thatll save life insur poses of preliminary examination and once. Los Angeles Herald. identification, and then placed in the pher upon the bank, watching the lads themselves in the limpid money drawer, perhaps with several disporting others of the same denomination, all water of the old swimmin hole, little boy, come here! exactly marked alike with the greatWatjerwant? queried Nicky Fassest care. ' The thief may be on the lookout for marked bills, usually ink binder, ceasing in his mad endeavor to pick a clam-she- ll from the bottom of marks, hut he is a slick one who will get on to the Invisible but sure- the river with his toes, whafs eatin ly present pin pricks. You see, this ye? Come, come, little boy," repeated class of thieving does not admit of of Honey put in the bank brlnft a low rato the observer, come to me. I see on howa of crucial examination the are, There is safe. money hat interest, generally ever. other investments equally as safe and before taking; it Is usually done very your body the sign of destiny! Look, more productive. We list a full line of the See right there undei "stocks. and recommend them to your quickly by palming the bills, placing playmates! notice, firmly Believing that as a security giving arm his is a mark regarded by some of in them be cannot preliminary place adequate resnlts to the investor they exoelled. to be later removed. Then we the Arabs as the omen of a great dessafety, McCormick mowers, binders, headers, reapers count on detection with the bills g tiny! and rakes. Little Nicky looked where thg wise International Harvesters and Red Tag bindthe person before the thief has a ing twine and rope. chance to exchange or to spend them. philosopher indicated on his gleaming, U. 8. Cream Separators. F. B. Myers k tiro, and Red Jacket pumps. Indripping skin, and blurted: And the pin pricks remain? OHrer k Deere Plows. Aw, go on, old whiskers! Whasse Bain k Cooper Wagons. deed they do. The money is after-- , I. H. Co. gasoline engines for all purposes. matter wid you? Dat's where m lit. In ward slses. different manure placed Co. H. envelopes carefully spreaders, I The best on earth Demonstrations made. and Is not promiscuously handled. tle brudder Bill hit me wid a ax! J. L Case threshing machines, engine and When they are exhibited In court and See! .. And the wise philosopher, The most complete line of light vehicles ofexsighing, their preliminary preparation fered at any point west of Chicago. his peace. held automobiles demonstrated for "Rambler oath conviction under is pracplained durability, speed and kill climbing propensities tically certain. and the The farmer, rancher, Chronological. our Us public generally are lnvifed to inspect and Lake Logan If you want to know what mean of "stocks at Salt City, Ogden Replenishing Oyster Beds. Idaho, and Utah, Idaho Falls and Montpelier, time is just attend one of those at the thirty additional stores we have located The big pile of oyster shells which at different points in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming strictly Informal functions in your Nevada. and accumulated at the oyster wharf durclothes. points working Correspondence addressed to the above ing the past season is rapidly disapnearest located to your residence or shipping point Insures quick replyfew a and in pearing, years will be Our general offices at Salt Lake City will be Decollete. , closed at 1 p. m. Saturdays from now until Ser again on this market with dozens of That was funny about the failure 1st, inclusive, owing to the fact tbat rallro fine oysters attached to, each. The of he Sisterhood of will not receive freight after tbat hour Society Women In C Bundavs and holidays during the harvest old shells are being loaded upon vesW a. from work are men at son a force of New York city, wasnt it? sels to be taken to depleted oyster etr. until p. m. filling orders for machine Broke up, eh? 1G3 Bell H Telephone ns. Independent 120 and beds in the mouth of the river, and during the boors named. Yes, disbanded. You see they passed on the nightly. Watchman over on the eastern shore of Marypremises a resolution to wear a badge of the soland and Virginia, where they will over the heart as a symbol of the be scattered over the oyster bottoms. ciety association and its earnest cause!" To these old shell the oyster spat; Yes. floating about In the water will at-- , And when the society women found & tach themselves, and the ovstermei couldnt wear thosp cute little inthey say that In about three years these over the heart, the bubble Leslies Inclement Dealer Utah and Idaho signias now be beds will barren covered with burst! George T. Odell, General Manager productive oysters. I see, but why couldnt they wear W. 8. MOCORNIOK JOS. P. SMITH. the badges next their hearts? , vioa idnt pnaaioaMV. Distinctly Eligible). Nothin to pin 'em to, of "Why? M1LVIN D. wills, Saooavanv. He came hurriedly from the parlor course! to the piazza. , Who was that handsome young Quinine and Plum Pudding. man who just left? he asked. We have spoke about the bottle of The fair girl smiled and blushed. restorer made of rum and quinine, That was Harry Harker, pa, she hair us sent 11 lot recently hy a good Samaritan, watch need s Jnat what you for, He has just proposed to me, said. know, and we will teil yon what to bay to which we have been using as a beverme he and tells that his income is Set guaranteed reenlts. age. We T.OW keep a bottle of it in 115,000 a year. the house all the time, and last Sun"Fifteen .thousand a year at his day we had some friends to dinner, age! Great Scott! What is he a and the cook poured about half a botlearned lawyer, an eloquent divine? tle of the hair promoter on the plum said the old man. and sot it afire. Our guests No, father, she answered, he Is pudding eat It all up, but when they got baseball player. a professional 170 through, their faces was all "wrinkled Philadelphia Bulletin. ''MAIM ST up and they looked as if they had swallowed the bitter pill of adversity. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Cruel Man. Hardeman (Tenn.) Free Press. Mrs. A. What do you thing of these waflles, my dear? I baked them myNew Pants for the Band. self. A subscription has been started to Mr. A. Waffles? A O OS lAAfi purchase a new pair of green pants for Ms ! HANAUIR What did you think our "Certainly! OITV, UTAH LKB . V St.T band. He has been plowing in the IDS. tiey were? present pair. Grindstone (S. D.) Bee. ORDERS TO THS SEND YOU Why, I thought you had made a CO. mistake and cut up a Turkish towel B. C. MORRIS FLORAL in squares. and decorations Chicago Daily News. designsCUT floral CHOICE FLOWERS LAKE SALT 0T KOIMT. A4UAM s j e ar Foot-Kas- x, The trade of Chill is almost entlrs-t- y in the hands of Europeans. Francs imported fJOO.OOO worth of ipples from Canada laat summer and (all. In 1904 Denmark sent to England over 55,000 tons of butter, valued at 145,000.000. It la thtlmated 1 1 Investment Worthy Investigation horse-power- s. stock-rais- Consolidated Wagon Machine Company FIND OU Union Assay Office IT. I that 1,000,000 tons of steel rails for 1907 delivery are under negotiation, and that fully half that (tonnage has already been placed. It la said tbat the hides of American live cattle sent to England to be killed and eaten are by prearrangement all sent back across the Atlantic, there to be tanned, and, mayhap, reshipped to England aa leather or in boots and ever-sough- flve-doll- k e TRADE AND TRAFFIC. de-On- pin-pric- Foot-Kas- k and also this country have known Dr. Williams Pink Pills, during which tune proof ef thousands of cures by this remedy ha been published and confirmed and nol one person has been harmed in the slightest degree by their use. The pills contain no opiate, narcotic or stimulant, ncr any drug which could injure the most delicate constitution. For oyer n year," says Miss Charlotte Tail Salisbury, of Cnstleton, N.Y., I suffered from neuralgia and palpitation of the heart. My skin was pale and sallow and I was troubled with dizsiuesa, faiuting spells and fits of indigestion. I was very nervous and would start at the slightest sound. At times a great weakness would come over me and on one occasion my limbs gave way under me and 'I fell to the sidewalk. Of course I was treated by our local physicians and also consulted a noted doctor at Albany, but nothing they gave me scented to benefit me. One day I read in a newspaper about Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People and I immediately gave them a triaL I soon felt much better and my color had begun to return. I continued using the ptlls and by the time I had token eight boxes I was entirely cured. ' My sister, Sarah Van Salisbury, snf-- ! fered terribly from anaemia. She was! pale and thin aud we feared that she would become a victim of consumption. Site tried Dr. Williams link Pills for Pale People and in a short time she began to gain in strength and weight. She is now strong and well and we both heartily recommend Dr. Williams Pink Pills to all who are in ill health. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are sold by all druggists or sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cent per box, six boxes for $2.60, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Oo., Schenectady, N. Y. Descriptive pamphlets free on request. shoes. Shipments of anthracite coal during May amounted to 3,254,320 tons, against EASILY MADE, tons in May last year. For shows a side view, and B Is the box 6,005,158 to the date, the shipments aggreyear, the and forward tilted spaed showing 19,709,783 tons, contrasted with gate into which the lamp Is slipped. A 4,873,954 tons In the corresponding the hack a piece of wood is firmly period last year. glued on, and in this two little holes are made for nails to go through when Showing Signs of Reeovery. it is required for hanging on the wall. How is your new servant, Mrs. In the center is a small brass hook, on I heard she was 111. which the watch hangs, and all that She's Improving. She was able to is necessary to see the time In the sit up this morning and give notice. night is to press the button of the Philadelphia Record. lamp. If this useful article is kept in An Unfinished Course. place where we are able to lay our son graduate Does . your bapds on it in the dark, it saves all the trouble of striking matches when month? we wish to know the time in the night, Oh, no. He has another year on to say nothing of any risk it may save the track team. Cleveland Plain us trom fire. Dealer. It can be ornamented In many ways, but ptihaps one of the most simple Is to well sandpaper the wood and stain It a nice dark green, and the front part of the upper portion, against which the watch hangs, may be covered with a small square of velvet. Up-mor- EDUCATIONAL. Th Grtatait Board! HOUSEWORK HEALTH. NOTRE DAME, INDIANA Ui 0PBOUL TERMSi So4 Do your own housework. -- A Vo? CASE FOR Burl. T1iIm. ..4 Laudry.MM. cat. I. Ih. Bajiatrar hr Calalatu. You Cannot nasal catarrh,uterlne catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore, throat, sore mouth or Inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you sure! y can cure these stubborn If you effects. Window washing gives you Just the amount of outdoor air you need. The window is open and you get the benefit of the hot house air rushing tcvhe outside. The air is far from biting, even on the coldest days; in summer time it Is positively. bewitching. Meanwhile you are exercising your arms and breathing deeply from the exercise. Window washing is good for the nerves; It teaches them to be steady. As you stand in the ledge which you can do after a little practice or as you sit leaning far out, you learn to control your nerves and muscles. You grow steadier In your head and more accustomed to. keeping yourself In check. Again, I consider window washing good for the mind. I once had an insane patient who was absolutely cured by the simple occupation of cleaning the windows of the house in which she was kept A society woman, with noth' ing in the world to do, she lost her mind upon a sudden shock. Nothing would Interest or divert her. Once in a wild moment a nurse gave her a cloth and told her to wash the win (lows. She did as she was told and worked Industriously an hour. The next day she took It up again. Within three or four clays she began to grow quieter, then more rational; and with in a month we sent her home cured. The work steadied her nerves and ocsay more in cupied her mind. favor of this helpful branch of fresh kir work, but this suffices." l PRPARTMRHT FOB BOTS UNDKtl XHliiTKliN all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions of the mucous membrane suih as m want out of door air, get out and wash the windows. Window washing Is to my mind a fine piece of arm work. The windows are'never muddy, so there is A no excuse that it is dirty work. chamois, a cloth, ant a pail of fresh water are about all that is needed. And then just think of' the beneficial Is the World SV faa rant twa taiata: Oar atadaata atady aad aar atadaata bakava tkamaahtaa 75 Pral.uart 860 Stodwtl 18 Baildisfl CurM. In AnH.nl and NiHlnrn, tnnrnnn.. Bn.. Huh, History, tad Rronomlcs.rheratvlrv, Aielocy, and Mhwnwil togl. Pharmacy, Civil, Electric-!Shorthand, Boob koay-tag- , notilnfr, Architecture, i C30raff i Washing Windows, for Instance, Good for Muscles, Steadies the Nerves and Highly Recommenced. J College University of Notre Dame wsnm AND affections by local treatment with Paxtlne Toilet Antiseptic SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE AND FIRE Tbe most terrible disaster ever known. Everybody As interested in the beautiful city by tbe Golden Gate and should have "The Picture Story JO vie wt, 35c. of the Earthquake Beautifully illustrated. "Before and After the Fire 26 Sub-PoCards" taken from new, 25c. "Photo the beat photograph 24 for 25c just the thing for your aouvemr album. Stereoscopic View 1254 cent each or 10 for $1.00. (100 different view.) All the above are absolutely the beat obtainable, exceedingly realistic and the work of onr finest artists. Orders promptly filled and sent post paid upon receipt of price. AGENTS WANTED S: St rruciic., C.UL which destroys the disease germs, checis discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine Ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box TUB R. PAXTON CO.. Trade Mark, Design. Copvrigbis and Label prooarad,O. 9U F tit. Washington, Natkav Bickford. WINTER Mm Wheat, C I. baskets piiMrt autioKue and tampies IKit d U. Ittf.l. latrwi.lHa aler W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 27, 1900 BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Bums, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. WAISTS. the Delicate Blouse a Case Should Be Provided, Need Not Be Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1, Expensive. Sold by all Druggists. delicate waists of dain- To keep the ty summer frocks or of evening gowns unrnus8ed and in good condition the summer girl is making cases in which Ito paik them. There should be one for each gown, They are made like the pillow slip j Tor the babys crib or carriage, having Ithe opening midway across the back jto be buttoned or tied together when 'once the waist is slipped in. Of pretty flowered muslin, any of which can be bought for 10 or 15 cent! 'a yard, lined with soft china silk oi muslin in a solid color and bound with soft satin ribbon of a harmpnizing shade, they are among the most prac tical and acceptable offerings one girl may make another. Some sweet sachet powder, the odor chest liked by the girl who is to make :use of the case, is sprinkled between the outside and the lining. I , THE OLD RELIABLE LAftealT SFOdTlNa AOODS HOUB IN THB UNITKD KTATBS BROWNING BROS. Co., Ogden, Utah ALLEN'S A For FQOmSE Certain Cure lor Tired, Hot, Aching FREE Feet. DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. oa .Terj box. Trial Package. Addras, Allen 8-- (limited. U liof, X. X |