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Show THE FUTURE TOLD METAL MARKET. BY MAIL. will answer all questions you wish to know; give you advice In business affairs or affairs of the heart as easily by mail as at personal sittings. Give Madame me a trial. Terms, $1. Schnieder, 48 West Third South, Salt Lake City. 1 cents Sunday, July 1. Silver, 65 per ounce; lead, $5:75 per cwt.; copcents per ounce. per, 18 cts.; lead, Monday, 2 Sliver, 65 $5 75; copper, 18 cts, cents; Tuesday, 3 Silver, 64 lead, $5.75; copper, 18 cents. cents; Thursday, 5th. Silver, 64 lead, $5 75; copper, 18 cents. 5-- To be assured NEWEST HOTEL IN SALT LAKE eat, NEW BUILDING, .NEW TURE, NEW EVERYTHING. Illinois Central .FURNI- purchase trty HOTEL, inter-mountai- rmi - m FER6US COALTER MU5IC COMPANY.' WIRELESS. a a This la a new system of telegraph a lng without a connection between the Pianos, stations by wires. Have you heard a about it? Have you read about it? a that this can be done? If not, it ie to your interest to invest! gate it. Remember that there has been wonderful things done in the scientific world within the past few years. A certain number of people have always said it cant be done, and with that assurance in their minds have allowed great opportunities to pass by, and felt very foolish later, that they did not investigate at the time, as stockB bought in the promotion days of the great inventions, have, almost without exception made fortunes for the holders. Only a few of these cases are, Bell Telephone, the Do you believe commercial success of which was laughed at by apparently wise people, the Westinghouse Air Brake, which was ridiculed by the great Vanderbilt, the Morse system of telegraphy that had a very hard time selling enough of its stock to put up an experimental line, the Electric Light and numerous other great and grand achievements, all of which had a hard struggle in getting started, yet have made fortunes for the ones who were wise enough to assist In the promotion, by buying a little of their stock. Wireless telegraph may be very mysterious to the reader, but like all others it has its schientlfle principle, whlich upon 'investigation, is easily understood. The best proof, however, s that we are doing it. Over land and sea, the DeForest Wireless Telegraph Company have their stations established, and are daily transacting BAN BERNARDINO. WE ARE 8ALT LAKERS. I Why trust your treasured pictures to 44 strangers? Ours is a Utah firm, managed by Utah men. In India ink, Pictures en- larged, mounted a Sapla, on cardboard or K Water Colors 55 IN THE WEST. 0b--4 and" Ask nearest agent for information on Pacific Coast Rxewnioaa, or writs to J. L. Moora, DUL Fas. Agent, Ban Padr. Loa Angelas A Salt 4 Lake R. It, Salt Lake City. VT 0$ 4-0- O ; - Pn.nptly obtained or no fee. Write for onr II LETTER before CONFIDENTIAL for patent ; it is worth money. We I hfamirfaw. THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUT FAST FLYEES DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVBRs 3 choice or booths. mOUSH HJIUUN AND TOURIST I 3 SLEEPERS FROM OGDEN OR BALT LAKE PATENTS THAT PAY.I HuJn, I and inventor to sncceea. help I fiend model, photo or sketch, and we send IMMEDIATE FRKS REPORT ON PAT-- 1 TO ENTABILITV. 30 years practice. Regie-tered Patent Lawyers. Write or come to I jIns at 7th St.. WASHINGTON, D. C. I ST, LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OP CAM Free Recftulog Obalr Qua. Dining Our Bervfo $ la m IB tbroagh trains. Far Foloaaa, LUaMrated Beeklota, ate., 606-60- ea-rt- 1 L A KENTON, G. A P. IX . .. .. BALT LAKE CITY, HOMES PROTECTED By Life homes. insurance are always happy Remember that the INSURANCE LIFE BENEFICIAL COMPANY OF UTAH 214-16-- t'tt'ttttllt.litt.l To All Suffers of Disease ELECTRIC, SWEDISH, GERMAN AND VIBRATION MASSAGES. Scientific and best apparatus In City. If you are SUFFERING from any AILMENT or DISEASE give ua a call. We GUARANTEE A PERFECT CURE OR REFUND THE MONEY. CONSULTATION and Long standing and chronic diseases our speeialt ' ADVICE FREE. Office hours, 9 a. m. till 12 noon. 2 p. m. till 6 p. m. Sundays 9 a. m. till 11 m. Or o 0 0 O - 0 o - The Natural Cure System Hydro. 513 South AO A FEROCIOUS HENHAWK State SL, Salt Lake City. o o 0 0 o THE HAWK SUNK ITS TALONS INTO ITS VICTIM. near by. He killed the bird by cutting its throat. The hawk was;skinned and will be . mounted. PATIENT In hot pursuit of a Cleveland, crowd of yelling boys, frightening pedestrians, with a brick in each hand and clad in a dressing robe and one slipper, Charles Heckman, a patient, escaped from the city hospital and created consternation on the South side. Heckman, who is large and powerfully built, was first seen coming down West Seventeenth street at full speed, shouting and threatening passers-bompelling them to flee for shelter. He turned into Rowley avenue southwest, then down Scranton road and side streets, routing pedestrians all the way and fighting any who attempted to seize him. An orderly from the hospital joined in the chase, hut the cries of the man warned him to keep at a safe distance. The Ninth precinct police station was called up. and the patrol wagon, containing Sergeant Howlett and three paOn trolmen, set out In hot pursuit Scranton road they took up the chase, and after some minutes of wild speed the wagon came up with the raving man. The officers jumped out and surrounded him, but he was armed with bricks and gesticulated menacingly whenever an attempt was made to cap O. of your patronage. Issues modern forms Life Contracts at the lowest possible rates. Home Office, Beneficial Life InsurDeseret News ance Co., Building, Salt Lake City. LOS ANGELES RAIL- - WOMAN BATTLFS WITH INSANE Is purely a home company and worthy 0 they spread the news arouwl th neighborhood. Howland wa3 well known in th voHamilton section he had been lunteer fireman of Fort Hamilton and soon the house was thronged with old friends. They were permitted to go into his bedroom. 4 11 agreed that poor old Dick" was certainly dead. Mrs. Howland about noontime sent, a boy in the neighborhood after tho undertaker. 'The boy lost his way and it was not until nine oclock at night that he found the place. In the pieantime the neighbors had removed Howland from his bed and placed him upon a couch in a darkened room.. His wife remained at his side until the undertaker arrived, at 11 oclock-Whe- n the undertaker went into the-roowhere the supposed corpse was laid out he was amazed to see Howland suddenly sit bolt upright. The aadertaker hustled him back to bed and Howland, staring around the room, asked, feebly: "Wheres Mollie? meaning his wife. Mrs. Howland, hearing his voice rushed into the room. Howland told her he had had a strange dream about being dead. I thought you were going to bury me, he said, faintly. "Im not going to die until because I want, all the boys at my funeral Sunday. Then Howland talked of angels he had seen and in a few minutes dropped off into a stupor. The doctor heart was called and administered stimulants that kept Howland alive When he until Wednesday noon. stopped breathing the doctor was again sent for and declared there was no doubt now that he was dead. Gussie Holland, one of the neighbors, said that Mr. Howlands body THE "CORPSE" SUDDENLY SAT was cold when she saw him Tuesday BOLT UPRIGHT. afternoon. nieces remained with the dying man He had every appearance of being in his room. His pulse grew weaker, dead, she declared, and we did not a pallor came over his face and at 11 think it necessary to call the doctor. oclock his breathing seemed to stop I listened a long time for his breathentirely. ing and felt his pulse, hut there Mrs. Howland and the nieces wait- seemed to be no evidence of either." Howland was buried on Sunday ed for a long time for evidence of life; then, convinced of his death. New York. When the doctor Htt Richard Howlands home, in Brooklyn, the other Tuesday morning he told Mrs.. Howland that her husband could not live half an hour. Howland had been gradually sinking after a long ill-- , ness of a combination of diseases. The doctor left the house at ten oclock. Mrs. Howland and two of her Springfield, Mass. Mrs. William J. Houghton, of this city, battled with a ferocious henhawk that tore her dress to ribbons, and succeeded in holding it until her husband came to her assistance. Mrs. Houghton has a large poultry farm at the corner of Allen street and Sixteen Acre road A few days ago she heard a great uproar in the barn yard, and on going to the door saw that a great bird was circling down. She saw that the bird was a henhawk and ran out to protect her flock. Before she could get to the frightened hen at which the hawk was aiming, the bird of prey had swooped down and sunk its talons in its victim. The hawk rose from the ground and started to soar away, when its progress was stopped by a wire fence. Without thinking of the danger she ran, Mrs. Houghton rushed at the bird and grasped it with her hands. The bird dropped its prey and turned Its attention to Mrs. Houghton. Mrs. Houghton dropped it when the 6harp curved beak was buried in her hand, but she was not going to let it go. She put her foot upon its body and tried to choke the bird. It tore her dress to ribbons with its talons, and she was cut badly about the ankles, the claws being as sharp as needles. She screamed for hel?, and her husband came from the fields Attorney-at-La- Practice In both state and federal courts. Special attention given to mining and mining law. Communications solicited, and answered prompt312 Dooly ly. Bell 'phone 590-Y- . Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. WHEN Richard Howland of New York Dies, Then Returns to Life for Several Hours Sees Angels in Strange Dream. Has Dress Torn to Ribbons and Is Badly Scratched Before Wild Bird Is Finally Killed. THOMAS F. ASHWORTH. It is a very unusual line of advertising that Secretary Shaws boom has been getting of late. & 4 OAR SERVICE FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. - FRAMING A SPECIALTY. UTAH ART CO., West Second South, Salt Lake City. Mail Orders Solicited. red "rasho." SALT LAKE RIVERSIDE, Palatial Vestitmled Train Inti Salt Laka City 1:11 p. . dally. serration, Drawing Room and Btaadard Pwlbnaa Bias per, Towrlat DIbU Car, stretchers. a or Oi Pictures sent by mall are as safe as If brought In person. g The Pennsylvania railway has purged itself of graft charges. Two clerks and an office boy have been fired, to say nothing of the bigger ones who have been "jumped on" with both feet. PASADENA. FINEST DINING It win be just like some fool reMr. Bryans porter to spoil as soon as he steps on the wharf by asking him how he is now standing on the question of the sachome-"comin- RANGE GROVEB. a; g commercial business, successful of which we have abundant proof. If you will think what the telegraph business of the world means, and then carefully consider the results of saving of 95 per cent of the cost, you must admit that it is the greatest money earning power in the world. Let us send you by mall, testimonials and statements in proof of the success of wireless telegraph from the most reliable authority in the country. Let our agent when he calls at your town, interview you. Get some of our stock in the original parent company and enjoy your share of the great profits to be derived from the future operation of wireless. For further Information, call on or " write to H. A. TRENHOLM, Gen. Agent. 17 West Second South, Salt Lake City. BEACH. BAN PEDRO. Organs, Talking Machines,! . suc-in- :: TO CALIFORNIA OCEAN POSTPONES DAY OF DEATH SO FRIENDS GAN GO TO HIS FUNERAL ORPHEUM THEATRE BLDG. April 25th to May 5th the COLO138 SOUTH STATE - ST, SALT RADO MIDLAND will sell round trip "WATCH HIM GROW. tickets Salt Lake to City of Mexico LAKE CITY. An Enterprising Young Firm in the and return for $69.80. Good for stopovers up to sixty days. Your choice H. E. BARTLETT, PROPRIETOR. Musical Business. of three excellent routes. Illustrated SStBOg' Other dates Among the local music companies books on Mexico free. to Chicago. from Omaha destined to play an important part In later on. reL. Write General H. the of Harding, Agent, business the - First-clas- s service also betweea gion is the Beesley Music Co, Though Salt Lake, for further information. Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago MIDLAND THE ROUTE is line the RRRRRRRItWtlMtW(nttttW8WWW and SL Louie, as well aa all points la organized less than three years, they have grown to Immense proportions, that has that through observation car DONT MISS THE LARGE AIJTO-I- f the South and Southeast The death of their first president, ProMOBILE $ Dr. Leroys French Tansy Tablets. For full tnformatioi call on or writs fessor E. Beesley, capsed a vacancy in An of with these all tablets runs to was acquaintance JCthat Interests which points promptly their company, J. A. FOLEY, filled by the election of Mr. Alvin A. will result in a pleasant surprise to Sfwith a good chide. Fare $1.00. f Seeing Salt Lake" Car and Autos., J women. safeladies The of suffering was the who predecessor Beesley, Commercial Agant In cases of painful or sup- 5 40 E 2nd So. the present company, having been en- guard. SUCTHEY menstruation in Second Sooth Street 76 West No. pressed some years previously gaged for the sheet music and small instrument CEED. Price, $2.00 per box. At all drug stores or by mall, securely sealed. business. The success of the company in ban Doull Drug Co., 338 Main, Salt Lake ssssssesssi ssssWmWMriMWAW dling pianos and organs has necessi- City, Utah. NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. tated several trips east for the purremrde talma aa part chasing of goods. Mr. Alvin A. Lewis BOYS AND GIRLS, WE PAY CA8H. jam m QrHadsr New Oaas. is the purcnasing agent, and has attended several conventions of the PiFREE TRIAL AND EASY PAYMENTS. Many bright boys and girls are makano Dealers asiciatlon, and at the bott 90S models of tho COLUMBIA ORAfHOfBIMB last one President Roosevelt made a ing $5 weekly after school working for the latest improvements In the talking bbmM9 all of to ambodr members us. the If talk want same the send you very pleasant chance, standard of perfection are the and porid this of The readers association.the us your name and address and we will TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT MACHINE new firm and ANY OLD paper can watch this send you $2 worth of our quick-sellin- g lateet the typee, and dont forgot that for fairly see them grow. la eaohange Household Specialties. When sold, A WRITTEN GBARANTEB send us $1 and keep $1 for yourself. , A FAREWELL PARTY. Backed by the Largeet IhlMing Machine Company in tho WesM You can do this In one day. We will Goes With the Machine On Monday evening, the 2nd, about furnish you permanent work. met of Mrs at home the fifty people CO., GENL. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH A Address N. H. Groesbeck Co., Hattie Russell, 1147 South Second BALT LAK9 CUT. IST-Bo. M.I" Bt Both Phone. West, in honor of Mr. John Field, of Springvllle, Utah. Lyman, Wyoming. Mr. Field has gone to England to serve a mission for the dominant church of Utah, and his . friends took this opportunity to wish a a him godspeed. The affair was a very a 10,000 pieces of Sheet Music 10c! pleasant successs, and Mr. Field left a per copy. for his field of labor knowing that there was a pretty big bunch of friends a in Salt Lake, as well as in Wyoming, a a who would watch with interest his a AND rr FAMOUS WINTER RESORTS. work abroad, and wish for his success a a and safe return home. Bon voyage. a CATALINA. LOB ANGELES. H CORPSE four ticket t! a RATES REASONABLE. NEW ORPHEUM , City of Mexico and Return, 9C9.80. 3-- 8 arieasaa of y. LASSOED. ture him. Unwilling to use violence-- , yet compelled to overpower the man, the officers procured a lasso. With a deft twist this was thrown about his body and his arms pinioned to his sides. Then he was lifted into the wagon and conveyed back to the hospital, where he was placed in a cell. . At the hospital it was said that Heckman Is subject to epileptic attacks at certain periods. When one of the attacks comes, on, he becomes foi the time a raving maniac. Was an Armless Farmer. Tupledo, Miss. James Walton, an armless farmer, who planted and harvested crops for many years on his plantation near Aberdeen, met a tragii death while working in the field behind the plow. The man had for years bees In the habit of doing his plowing by means of rems placed around his neck Trained mules have been taught to obey his call, but when he experimented with a horse hitched to the plow the animal became frightened and rax away. A sudden lurch and the farmers neck was broken. He was removed from the field unconscious, and died soon afterward. r |