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Show I TORTURED TABLE WITH GRAVEL Since Using Doans Kidney Not a Stone Has Formal. Center Decoration Some Pretty Flower Combinations. Adjt Watts Camp Roanoke, Va., says: "I sul fered a long. long time with my back, and felt draggy and listless and all the time. I lost from my usual weight, 225, to 170. Urinary passages 2 were t frequent and I had to get up often at night I had headaches . and dizzy spells also, hut my worst suffering was from renal colic. Aftei I began using Doans Kidney Pills 1 passed a gravel stone as big as a bean Since then I have never had an attack of gravel, and have picked up to my former health and weight I am a well man, and give Doans Kidney Pills credit for it. Sold by all dealers. fiO cents a box, Foster-MllbuCo., Buffalo, N. Y. Capt. S. L. Crate, w-o- - A Difference. Bacon Marriage does make a ference, after all. i Egbert How dif- Dangerous. "I ! ope, said the new' minister "that you love your neighbor as youri s'lf. bo? "Si, h," r plied Deacon Sniggerly, a pretty little widow'. Dont let my wife hear you. Chicago Rec, good." "Of course." "But after marriage, when he hoars the same girl make the same remark to the baby, he calls it tommyrot,' Yonkers Statesman. you know. i man a nurrirs, Rare Treat. "Some gnat physician tells us," said the woman in the green waist, "that eating beef puts a person in a had humor. Does It put your hus- band in a had humor? "I should say not, sighed the little woman with the typewriter Ink on her fingers. "My husband Is a poet, and he Is so tickled when we can afford real beef that he is in a gojd humor for a whole week. Chicago Dally News. Stuck. Cogger Up to the hubs, eh, and have telephoned for a team of mules to pull you out? Motorman Yes. If I ever get this auto out I shall offer it to the harbor dredgers. use Cogger What In the world would it be to them? Motorman Why, It is such a perfect mud machine! Chicago Dally News. INSIDIOUS EDUCATIONAL An essoclatlon NOTES. Are Tall vases full of flowers are not used, the center of the dining table nowadays because they obstruct the view, and make conversation across the table almost impossible. The graceful baskets, with or without handle, which are brought in silver glass, china or even straw, make beautiful center-piece- s. Purple and pale yellow make a cool and beautiful combination ofj colors. Lilac combined with huge bunches of very pale blue forget-me-no- ts make an odd but attractive decoration, and sweet peas of all shades or asparagus ferns with maiden-hai- r are always attractive. At a dinner you should use lighted candles. Very beautiful shades are now made as follows: A design of flowers or of leaves is worked in beads the natural color of the flower or leaves. Each flower or leaf is then cut out and fast-tenon a little wire frame, so as to form a graceful design which entirely covers the frame; at the top is fastened a row of large cut glass beads of the principal shade of tha flowers or leaves; and at the bottom is fastened a row of deep fringe made of small beads of the same color. Very pretty little shades are made of row after row of narrow gauze ribbon sewed on a piece of gauze the size and shape of the candle shade frame. Fruit is often served as a first course even at dinner Instead of hors dceuvres. A very little soup should be piu in each plate. Fish should be served next, then an entree. Two entrees may be served if you wish. Then the roast and vegetables. Then game and salad; and last of all. the dessert which comprises ices, then fruit and bonbons. Coffee ends the repast. in ed has been formed for the purpose of supplying, under certain conditions, spectacles to children in London elementary schools. The education committee of the LonNOT WHOLLY DIFFERENT. don county council has been revising the list of prize books given to pupils. Among the books struck out as not quite suitable for children to read are Dombey and Son, fVcnlty Fair, and "Pendennta Great Expectations. The recent convention of .learned men at Berlin has advised the government to establish two kinds of lyce-um- s for girls, one of eight years, corresponding to a high school In this country, and another with a suppleCHILDRENS CLOTHES. . mentary couise of four years, preparatory to the university. Simple Dresses Both for Afternoon Joseph C. Graveur has been schooland Morning Are Preferred master in the Tombs prison, New York Ones of the Day. city, tor seven years. His pupils are the young men and boys awaiting trial Common sense has entered the dofor various offenses. Mr. Graveur has main of babys outfit and for summer exerted an influence for good upon every child will have a thousands of boys. There is not suet quantity of dresses and aprons which another school in the world. Th will not need a fine laundress to do schoolmaster lets the boys ask him them Justice. Both afternoon and whatever they want to know. There dresses are severely plain, but morning the door. no set form of study. One questioi the simplicity of ciit is relieved by the "Come jn. leads lo another, and the Tombs schoo pretty material and the care with ni asked but An Oh, Capt.Trentham, you elderly gentleman wearing eye- takes more the formof a general in which these small garments are fashinto the gardens to talk about botany, glasses and other garments, of course, formation bureau than anything else. ioned. Smocking, a pretty honeycomb and a very aristocratic air, entered. you know. effect, is much in vogue now for chilI now want to talk about His worst fears were realized. Yes, and TWICE TOLD TALES. drens clothes. As smocking is delighthusbandry; there isnt a great deal o "My name is Chaplain, of Philadelful fancy work for odd moments, many In an Tatla court, now? English Tht difference, there, recently, phia, the father of Seymour Chapof babys dresses are made by mamma was man 2 fined for contempt o tler, lain, he added significantly. note in pay in the long afternoons on the hotel Please be seated, said Blanche court. He offered a I DID NOT' KNOW. was but told ment, the clerk that piazza. with a simper. by Next in importance to the smocked 1. he had no change. Oh, love "You keep th son. my I did not know how sweet the wind court novelties are the Russian effects, both was the ii take change, And Ill reply; he loves blow said Blanche me, for boys and girls. Some of these RusOr how serene a place the world coubd with downcast eyes. She made an ef- out in contempt sian seems rather extraordinary be. fort to blush, but if she succeeded 'the j A Frenchwoman waa complainlni to thesuits Before I learned that hatred of my foe conservative taste and the genuto her husband was he too that muck was result not visible, as the paint on But added to the hate he had. tor me. of a bookworm,' that he retired toe ine Russian dress, with its patch of her face was too thick. colored material under the arm, can If. And I suppose he wants to marry often to ble study, leaving her te I did not know, while I went envying only be worn by the picturesque chift. I alone. spend many evenings you, said the visitor, smiling ironicalThe ones who prospered, leaving me beand looks out of place on the she ended, plaintively, wish, that hind. ly. modern youngster. The Russian I How - many triumphs every day could were book. a Then I might always Yes, sir, replied Blanche, de' dress Is veiy practical howbring, have In your company. that case, fiantly. How many joys they left for me U as it is easily laundered and can "I will probably have something ta my dear, the Frenchman answered, ever, find. be made up of almost . material. 8. E. Kiser, In Chicago say about that. I will be candid with "Id wish you were an almanac. Elaborated with fantasticany needlework, could I Then once a you change will you. never Seymour Couldnt Stand That marry you. pretty gumpe and bands of different I gave my word to an old friend years year. "Why did you break your engage- i colors, it is charming. ago that Seymour would marry hid ment with Miss Fluphie?" A little girls Russian dress shows BRIGHT BITS BY THE WITS. A Philadelphian who bedaughter. "She couldnt cook. wide tucks, falling from the shoulder longs to one of the first families never Must bold a mortgage on to the hem of the garment. The dress Will "Why, you knew that long ago. on his word. You must reauccesa. is shaped slightly to the figure in the "Yes, but she told me the other day goes back turn his presents; I will buy them The busybody butts In without any side seams, so that it does not look too that she intended to learn." Clevefrom you. lfs or buta. land Leader. bunchy or fulL Blanche was absorbed in thought A correct Russian dress for girls Charity begins at home, but if it Force .of Habit There were numerous New Yorkers ta the real brand it soon outgrows its has no belt, but the addition of a belt This, said the agent, is the best who would squander thousands upon native place. usually gives a smarter look to the motor car you can buy. It's Just the her, who would even fly with her ta It is hard to work much confidence frock. thing for a lady. Europe, if she were free. a man who wears a ring on his ip "Yes?" she asked. "I suppose its You have my sons diamond ring middle finger. THE PALE CRAY NOTE. er kind and gentle and not afraid of on your finger now. It is an heirloom A mans knowledge cannot be Cassell's Journal. I will electric tramcara? give you 110.000 for It It is Judged by the, fool things he says The Parisians Are Making Use ol only worth 2,000, but Ill give you when in love. UNCERTAINTY AND CERTAINTY. Some Very Soft Harmonies of five times its worth, provided you re The golden calf will always be worTone This Season. linquish your rights on my son. said shiped, though it wear the tail of a old Chaplain. The present feeling in Paris for monkey or the ears of an ass. is worth My love for Seymour touches of pale gray is prettily carried more than all the priceless gems of Modern Love. out in a charming pale, dull, melon-gree- n the orient. Anxious Father But do you feel afternoon gown, which is much Well, say $15,000. I will write out sure that you can make my daughter and gathered, and a check. happy? with a quaint garniture and trimmed Never, not for millions. Youth I havent thought pipings of pale gray velours, very sparCalm Ill give you $20,000." about that. But I have finally de- ingly and lightly used, so as not to Blanche was silent. Well. I must cided that she can make me happy create a heavy effect Worn with a be going. said old Mr. Chaplain, Somerville Journal. pale gray, very fine chip hat, with a door. the opening green veil draping it, and a cluster of Say $25,000 and it's a bargain, CLEVER DOCTOR. green and gray velvet clematis Jack-mansaid Blanche. this makes a delightful dress. Mr. Chaplain returned to the table Cured a 20 Years Trouble Without It is accompanied by a shaped pelerine and sat down. He produced his check of green taffetas mousseline, exactly Any Medicine. book and with a fountain pen filled matching in tone, also decorated with out the check for the amount in favor A wise Indiana physician cured 2$ gray velvet in many narrow rows, and of the bearer. Blanche handed him years stomach disease without any fashioned to resemble those worn in the ring and the old gentleman took medicine as his patient tells: the forties. his leave. I had stomach trouble for 20 years Another very delightful frock, with An hour later Seymour Chap'ain tried allopathic medicines, the same gray touch, is a very pale buff patent I dont know made his usual daily visit. Wandering William medicines and all the simple remedlei silk muslin, embroidered in So you have come to bid me farewhere my next meal is coming from, suggested by my friends, but grew style with gray silk, and owning a lit-Jt- le well, Seymour, but the $25,000 check worse all the time. lady. gray silk waistcoat and stock colLady Well, I know where it is not your father gave me is poor compen"Finally a doctor who Js the most lar. from. sation for and she your love," coming signed prominent physician in this part of heavily. the state told me medicine would do Room Cool and Fragrant "My father! He ain't in New York me no good, only Vanity and Business. my stomA woman who has traveled in India irritating Pas-say- , Miss Milliner He at all. Really, telegraphed that he could ach and making it worse that I must Crafty suggests that one of the daintiest ways the white feather on your hat not come until What are look to diet and of keeping a room cool in summer i9 quit drinking coffee. makes you look at least five years you talking about? I cried out In alarm, Quit drinkby hanging curtains of an eastern O, my diamond ring! My diamond younger. coffee! why, What will I drink? ing grass which is now procurable here in Miss Passay Well, you may er shrieked I Blanche. ring! thought These curtains an Try Postum, said the doctor, T the windows. put a couple more white feathers on it was your father. Where, O where drink it and you will like it when it drenched in water. The air passini s. Is my ring? it. Is made according to directions, with the moist grass is not only So you wanted to sell yourself foi cream, for it is delicious and ha3 none (through cooled but also slightly perfumed with His Chance. a paltry $25,000? You are no longet of the bad effects coffee has. an oriental odor which is peculiarly "I never would marry a doctor, a love of mine, said Seymour, and he Well, that was two years ago, and refreshing. In lieu of the grass a widow who had said the grass kepi stalked out of the room. am still drinking Postum. My stom- piece ol flannel dipped and wrung out' I him in a corner for over an hour As the reader may have surmised ach is right again and I know doctor of cold water may be hung over th "Where are you going? the check was worthless, and Sey hit the nail on the head when he de Vindow screen. "To study medicine. he replied wlti mours father was also bogus. cided coffee was the cause of all my a sigh of relief. Judge. Thus the fair deceiver lost both hei trouble. I only wish I had quit it A Second Call. love and her ring. Brooklyn Citizen. Postum and in drank its Is ago years no fixed rale for the length There The Incidence of Spanking. Name given by Postum Co. of time that should elapse before payplace. Boston Father Waldo, this hurts Good Thing. Battle Creek, Mich. ing a call for the second time, aftee me worse than you. Mrs. Poppy I couldn't live a day - Never too late to mend. Ten days the first one has been returned. Often is without Waldo Corporal punishment you. trial of Postum in place of coffee an invitation of some kind, to tea, tot sufficient kindly indignity; surely Mr. Poppy Thatll save life insur- works wonders. Theres a reason. instance, is given by the person who spare the insult to my intelligence. ance Los A'lgeles Herald. Look in pkgs. for the famous, lit- called first I N. Y. Sun. tle book, The Road to Wellville. when he Oo's 'uvy all to the Before hrars his sweetheart say; duvy U oo? he thinks she's ra Wl FEYS LITTLE HINT. Fills Tall Vases Are No Longer Liked for, Gentle 1 eon. Bat the Frohabllltiee i Seymour Chaplain was the son of one of the wealthiest and aristocratic merchants of Philadelphia. He was not particularly bright, so his father determined to send him to college. Shortly after his arrival in New York he made the arqu ilntance of an actress whose dramatl : ability was confined principally to her pedestrian performances. Her name was Blanche. Blanche soon discovered that her admirer was the scion of a wealthy and aristoi ratlc Philadelphia family, and she determined to set her cap for him. As Seymour was a very su cc;it-Ibl- e young man, she met with hut 11 tic stri-ildifficulty. Her nut Ives honorable, as her ob ect w is miH In the maritime, how,? er. ibe was not aver.-- e to accepting present c fiom the enamored yo til. She aV.i :nallowed him to pay for the they mutually enjoy eJ. in fact bar coudeseenslon went so f r that ill? allowed him to eirrv her e; poo'' e when they took a stroll in Cea' i park. It was generally- - unde.st o.l that they were engaged. Mr. Chaplain, Sr., wis very .liberal in supplying his son's wants, bur the extraordinary demands made on him finally excited his anxiety. A report came to his ears that his son had presented an actress with a very expensive diamond ring. Seymour was somewhat surprised when he received a letter from his parent to the effect that he, the aforesaid parent, would be In New York next day, as he desired to see himself how much progress the young man was making in his' studies. Seymour showed the letter to the object of his affections. "Don't despair, he said; the course of true love never did run smooth. As sodn as we are married we will surprise the old gentleman And ask his forgiveness. He will grant It on the spot, and you will be admitted into the most select circles of Philadelphia society. This was what Blanche wanted very much, but she had her misgivings. On the day following Blanche had just returned to her rooms from a rehearsal when there came a knock at DECORATIONS. sir's well-dress- one-pie- ce Recm-d-Herald- Dr. Inswim Congratulate me. practice Is Increasing so that cant attend to it. Miss Qulzzer How nice! I Mf really I congratChi- ulate both yourself and patients. cago Dally News. One Kind of Reform. Stern retribution I decree For others faults. So be It known I think Im privileged to be A little lenient with my own. Washington Star. Information Supplied. The evening wore on, continued the man who was telling the story. Excuse me, Interrupted one of his but can you tell me what audience, the evening wore on that occasion? "I don't know tl at It Is important," But if you must retorted the other. ltuow. I believe it was the close of a summer day. Cassells Journal. He Found Out "So you believe in the transmigration of souls, do you? queried the man with the crimson beak. I do. answered the solid citizen. "What d you s'pose I was in a former state? asked he of the c. b. Oh, was the reply, you were probably a man before you became a tank." Chicago Dally News. His Advantage. Mrs. Stubb Look at that gentleman in that fine coat. I know he is a bachelor because his buttons are dropping off. Poor man! Mr. Stubb You mean lucky man. If he was married he couldnt afford such a fine coat. Chicago Dally News. Both Barbarous. There is something about, the Indians that reminds me of college students. Van Albert What is It? Rodrick Why, you cant tall their songs from their whoops. Chicago Daily News. Rodrick The Eternal Feminine. Wouldnt you be happy if you could Save everything you desired? No. indeed; to be perfectly happy I would need to hav? everything some Houston Post. jtfcer girl d sir'd - It Cured Hubby of Staying Out Late It cam about this way. Tha man, although a good fellow and well liked, managed to evade the - women until be was steered against a widow, who won him hands down in three months For a long tim'e he was one of the model men of the city, end all the young married women held him up as a Ladies Home Journal sample of manhood, but later be began staying oat after ten oclock and finally ba came so bold and hardened to feminine scoldings and pleadings that hs had been known to barely get home in time (or breakfast. The other morning at three o'clock he turned the corner leading to his home and was surprised to see a light in the window. Thinking that his wife might be sick, or that something else equally as terribls might have happened, he quickened his step and burst into the door to find his wife black-What'sitting in the parlor dressed in mur the matter, dear? he mured, all out of bTeath. Oh, nothing, was the calm reply "Im Just mourning for my late bus band." s Safe Deposit, Of Marshal Field III. an amuslnt story was lecently told at Lakewjod, The boy, according to the story, approached an old lady in a Lakewood hotel and said to ber: "Can you crack, nuts? No, my t iar, 1 cant,, the old lad; eplied. "I lost all my teeth year ago. "Then, said the little boy, extern full of walnuts, please tog two ha hold these while I go and get some o-- is more. Denver Times. Beware ol Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, mercury wlU surely destroy the tense of tmel lud completely dertnge the whole system whet mucous surfaces. Such atering It through the used trtlclee should neter be except on prescript Uons from reputable physicians, ns the damage they will do U ten told to the good you can possibly dm rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo, O., contains no mep eury, end is taken Internally, acting directly npon the blood sod mucous surfaces of the system. In thg buying Hall s Catarrh Cure be sure you get Toledft-Ohlo- , genuine. It is taken Internally and made In by 7. J Cheney ft Co. Testimonials fret Bold by Druggists. Price, 75o. per bottle. Take Halls Family Pills for constipation. Women Want Much. ' Skoller Of course, the generli term "man" includes the women Maryat Not always. Skoller O! yes. Yon see For instance, Maryat Nonsense! the sentence, Man wants but little here below, would be ridiculous Ir that case. Washington Star. Important to Mothora. Examine cuefully bottle of C ASTORIA, ef. and rare remedy tor infant and children, and ae. that it mij Signature of b Da. For Over 30 Yean. The Kind You Bare Aiwaya BoegM Some men would be happy if the) possessed tbe ability to do others ar others do them. Chicago Daily New Mn. Wlndawi Soothing Syrup. for children teething, wftena the gum., reduce, in lamination, allay, gain, curt, wind collu. ISCftbotU. Many a mans experience in a buck et shop has caused him to turn pale Dont be tbe under dog ust to ge sympathy. IT SAVED MY LIFE BJUSE FOR FAMOUS A KEDIC1XF Hrs. Willadsen Tells Hew She Tried Lydia E. Pinkhaais Vegetable Cempeead Jael la Time. e Mra. T. C. Wllladsen, of Manning, town, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I can truly say that yon have saved my life, and I cannot express my gratitude tr yon in words. ni, old-wor- ld Tit-Bit- - -- Before I wrote to you, telling you how I I had doctored for over two years steady uid spent lots of money on medicines besides ut it all failed to help me. Mr monthly iods had ceased and I suffered much pain, nth fainting spells, headache, backache and tearing-dow- n pains, and I waa so weak I ould hardly keep around. As a last reeort ; decided to write you and try Lydia E. Pink-uuVegetable Compound, and I am so hankful that I did, for after following your nstructions, which you sent me free or all :harge, I became regular and in perfect health. Had it not been for you I would be !n my grave I sincerely trust that this letter may lead very suffering woman in tha country to writ you for help as I did. felt, ns When women are troubled with irregular or painful periods, weakness, displacement or ulceration of an organ, that bearing-dowfeeling, inflammation, backache, flatulence, general debility, indigestion or nervous prostration, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. Refuse all substitutes. For 25 years Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-laof Lydia E. Pinkham, has under her direction, and since her decease, been advising sick women free charge. Address, Lynn, Mass n w |