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Show f j ,, cVriA I Vol. I. Marysvale, Utah, Saturday, July The Piute Courartf. - Published Every Saturday. Office of Publication "Pines Hotel, Marysvale, Piute County, Utah. g 'Subscription: One year, $100; six months, 75 cts; three months, 50 cts. The above prices are cash in advance and do not apply to subscription due prior to July 14, 1906. JAS. T. JAKEMAN, Managing Editor. MRS. S. M. F. DECKER, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE. gir Local News Items &, MILFORD AND SOUTHERN UTAH. The weather has been quite cold in Frisco for this time of year, but exceedingly pleasant. St General Manager Hanchett of the Cactus properties, Newhouse was In camp from Salt Lake Monday. . St St In the mining line in Everything Frisco is on ihe move, but men seem to be scarce and quite a number could find employment. St St Manager R. W. Foster of the Sevier Consolidated companys Gold Mountain properties, states that he will the mine and mill running wide open during the present month. d , Alex Moffat of the Newhouse mines at Newhouse, was in Salt Lake again In conference with the management, tl is under the superintendency of Mr. Moffat that the mines are at present supplying the big mill with its large tonnage. J the Utah district , which has succeeded in attracting and fastening the attention of Utah capitalists, continues to produce generous Tesuits wherever operations are being carried on diligently. The latest news of good cheer comes from the properties of the Cedar Mining company, an organization formed the first of the year by Utah people. '.I J On Friday, theJjth, a little grandson j Beaver county, f yv. GBioLie J: ":fBickley, was goiilg ' ' ( gorge nearly $6,000,000 in dividends, and today shows better than at any time during the past ten years. This famous mine is not yet over one-hal- f prospected, and there can be little doubt but the Horn Silver will be a dividend-payinmine thirty years hence,' as she has been in the past and is today. Of the Moscow, in the Star district, it may be said with truth that the mine is a property full of surprises. The vein on the surface about 150 feet east of the working shait is a wonder. At a depth of forty feet in the incline, the shaft is all in ore of fine shipping quality. It is the opinion of parties best informed that the Burning Moscow can be made to make Mat Cullen of Salt Lake the richest individual mine owner in the state. The Moscow continues a constant shipper. The iron deposits of Beaver county, of which but little is known on the outside even Salt Lake is in a manner ignorant of the great quality and snlendid quality of the iron ore which here lies buried is destined to become inone of the great dustries of southern Utah. in the Beaver district alone, aside from its rich mines of gold, silver, copper and lead, are iron deposits of limitless extent and first class quality. wealth-producin- g SPIRITUALISTS BUILDING New Offices. Arnold-Dickso- n Bros., the Salt Lake mediums, are building new offices to accommodate their ever increasing patrons. The Arnold-Dicksoflats at 269 and 271. and the new offices at 267 East Third South, represent an investment of nearly $15,000. Meetings are held every Friday night at their hall and given daily at private consultation above address. n east 600 feet to corner No. 2 of said Utah No. 1 lode, thence south 61 degrees 01 minutes west 294.2 feet to corner No. 1, Utah No. 4 lode, whence quarter section corner on south boun2 dary section 32, township south, range 3 east, S. L. M., bears N. 33 degrees 06 minutes E. 6,555.3 feet, thence S. 29 degrees 08 minutes E. 490.3 feet to cornqr No. 2 said Utah No. 4 lode, thence S. 61 degrees 17 minutes W. 1499.6 feet to corner No. 3 said Utah No. 4 lode, 'ence N. 29 degrees 08 minutes W. 481.6 feet to corner No. 4 said Utah No. 4 lode, thence S. 60 degrees 52 minutes W. 614.4 feet to corner No. 3 Utah No. 2 lode, thence N. 29 degrees 08 minutes W. 597 feet to corner No. 4 said Utah No. 2 lode, thence N 61 degrees 38 minutes E. 1306.7 feet to corner No. 1 said Utah No. 2 lode identical with corner No. 4 Utah No. 1 lode, whence quarter section corner on south boundary of section 32, township 2 south, range 3 east, S. L. M., bears N. 40 degrees 21 minutes E. 7055 2 feet; thence N. 59 degrees 57 minutes E. 1101.7 feet to corner No. 1 of said Utah No. 1 lode, the place of beginning, located on unsurveyed part of township 3 south, range 6 east, S. L. B. & M., containing an area of 44.431 acres, exclusive of conflicts with Mineral Survey No. 5136, Native Copper No. 2 lode claim; adjoining and conflicting claims as shown by plat of survey are Survey No. 5136, being Native Copper No. 2 Lode and Survey No. 5315, the Mollie Bird Lode. I direct that this notice be published in the Alta Independent at Alta, Utah. FRANK Register. C. S. Price, Salt Lake City, Utah, Claimants Attorney. First publication, May 16; last pub lication, July 11, 1906. REMARKABLE PREDICTION. DENVER EXCURSION. Bros., the noted Salt Lake Mediums, have again demonstrated their superiority over other mediums and clairvoyants by correctly predicting the outcome of the Salt Lake street car mens controversy. These gentlemen were consulted in regard to the matter some weeks ago and said that there would be a compromise, neither side giving in on all points, and so it proved. Messrs. Arnold Dickson are located at 269 East Third South street. Salt Lake City, where everyone may consult them. On July 14th and 15th. Round trip $17.50. Limit 30 days. Elks special train will leave Salt Lake July 14th Arnold-Dickso- n Beaver. Willie PIUTE COUNTY OFFICERS., . up the street In company with his .brother, when he was struck with a missile of some de- - Commissioners: Chas. Skougaard, C. Bagley, J. E. Peterson. scription, on the upper part of the E. District flesh Judge: John F. Chldester. a painful forehead, creating! Horace Morrill. Clerk: County bullet or the wound, but fortunately E. E. Sprague. whatever it was glanced off, other-- ' County Attorney: wise had it lodged lower down on the Treasurer: R. A. Allan. forehead, serious results might have Sheriff: Charles Morrill. Lura J. Stark. Recorder: followed. Assessor: Charles J. Helnhold. St St The home t Mrs. Hans Raht of Surveyor: George T. Henry. Frisco was entirely destroyed by fire i i on Tuesday last. Her small son, who PUBLICATION. FOR NOTICE was alone in the house at the time, No. 5788. in passing through a door to the cellar of the Interior, with a lighted candle, set the door Department Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, curtain on fire. Mrs. Rhats husband June 30, 1906. was killed in a mine less than a year Notice is hereby given that the folin taken she has then since and ago, settler has filed notice washing to help support herself and lowing named proof in three children. Arrangements are be- of his intention to makeandfinalthat said of his claim, support in her her to made present help ing proof will be made before the clerk ot distress. the district court for Wayne County, 'St St A somewhat serious and peculiar Utah, at Loa, Utah, on August 18, 1906, condition exists in- Beaver City in the viz.: Jonathan W. Cameron, H. E. No. Tise of water under the surface of the 14,842, dated Oct. 10, 1901, for the southwest ground, and in several places it cov- southeast quarter of the ers the surface, making some of the quarter and lot 4, section 7; northeast streets impassable for teams. It is quarter of the northwest quarter, not confined to the lower parts of the lot 1, section 18, township 29 south, town, but up on the higer ground it is range 5 east. Salt Lake Meridian, worse in some places than in the Utah. ' He names the following witnesses to lower districts. There are very few residence continuous upon cellars which are not nearly full of prove his water. The cause of this is a matter and cultivation of said land, viz.: John D. of conjecture at the present time, as C. Jacobs, John R. Stewart, GeorgeTor-rethere is not more than a normal Morrill, Robert M. Peden, all of amount of snow in the mountains. Wayne County, Utah. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. .R. E. Ross, Attorney. First publication, July 7; last publication, August 4, 1906. via the Coolrado Midland. r Helds Make band will accompany train. your berth reservations now. Stops will be made at Glenwood Springs, Manitou and Colorado Leadville, Springs. Write L. H. Harding, Salt Lake City, Utah for further information and itinerary of trip. Reduced rates to other eastern points and City of Mexico. L. H. HARDING, General Agent. , Of PAUmCBtfiKlAM! SALT LAKE CITY . r r , y, Utah State THE ALTA, 3 OF THE "EMMA. HOME S On the local market Saturday, the 7th, 2,000 shares of Sacramento sold at 11 cents a share. St St Two cars of Alta ore and one from Milford were received at the valley samplers Saturday, 7th. St St Saturday, 7, 300 shares of Columbus Con. sold at $7.95 a share on the local market The same day 3,000 shares ot South Columbus sold at 30 cents a share. St St 1100 shares of Columbus Friday, Con. sold at $7.95 a share; 1025 at $8; 100 at $8.10; 500 shares of South Columbus sold at 27 cents a share; 500 at 27 cents; 1000 at 28 cents; 7053 shares at 29 cents. 7 2 BEAVER COUNTY MINES. An inspection and knowledge of the mining districts and the mines therein being operated in Beaver county make it a pleasureable task to write of them, of their intrinsic merit as showing by developments and of the wonderful possibilities of which they are undoubtconedly capable. Beaver county has tributed multiplied millions of dollars Silto the worlds wealth. The Horn disver mine alone has been made to 5XSXsm DR. GEO. H. FENNEMORE. Physician and Surgeon. Milford, Utah. Official surgeon of the San Pedro Railway. 1906. 14, No. 39. NOTICE. ti i Anyone receiving this paper with this paragraph marked with a red cross twill understand that they are entitle! to a subscription to the paper for thiee months from date, and they not Gar- ments.'5 Rams Head Sweaters, Sego Lily Underwear, send your orders direct tv the sole manufacturers, Salt Lake Knitting Works. COCA-COLIN BOTTLES. We have established a plant for bottling this most popular drink and we want 6t agent in every town in Utah to handle it. Good profits. Write us at once for prices, etc. Salt Lake Coca-ColBottling Co. P. O. Box 3. Salt Lake City. a Nice homes on easy payments. Farm Cheap lots any part of city. loans. . C. J. BOWMAN & CO., Rooms 11 and 12 Eagle Blk., Salt Lake City, Utah. i Sfj fjl 7M When In want of help, call upkt or write Strocks Employment Agency, 45 West Phone 464. jjjfj Second g8outh A f 'tstbound. Ssatbouad. Stations. Ar. P. m. A. M . Salt Lake City 9:04 1:11 Murray Lv 1:41 1:41 l:M Bingham Junction lA 6:9 JO Riverton 1:11 Ml 1:04 f:H Lshi i:67 S:M Ml American Fork lift f:tl Provo :9 Ml 1:9 :n - :9 Bprlngvllls 10 1:11 rcrSureka :M 1:11 Ar. lvcr City as 1:11 1:9 :9 A. M. Lv. 4:W : , MS., All Jewelry, Guna, Musical Instruments, price charged by regular dealers. etc., etc., at half th oj re Broke Lv. VL'etle Mantl, Lv. Richfield Marysvale, Ar. x' 1:10 A. M. F. M. A. M. P. M. 1:10 Balt Lake City :M 1:40 1:9 1:9 Bingham Junction 9:17 1:17 1:44 Revere l:4 9:40 I H 1:07 Ml Lead Mine f:U 6:48 1:40 6:9 1:9 ldl Bingham L A. BBNTON. Oen. Axt. Pass. Dept 3565-X- i a. m. & Ea DURING JULY, AS A TEST C3 To oonrlnoo tho skeptto.1 and to prove to the afllletod the unparalleled auooeM of the New Treatment, I'KM. HUOKKH a HHOUKI4 WILL U1VH ON N riJLL TRKATMHNT FHKK AT TUKIB OFUt K N ALL CATAKKUAL illHKAHKH, INCLUDING UKAFNKMH. AMTHMA. HAV FSVKR AND LUNG TKOUBLK8, DUB1NGTH1S MONTH ONLT. After rou hara teated the auperior merlta of tba new treatment, If yon wantto beoured, lira Hhoree'wllleiirevou FOB TUB LOW FKB OF ONH HOLLAR FUR TKBATMKNT, OB 18 Hr meona of lira. Bhorea' FOB A CURB. MKD1CINKH FKBB. WONDBHFUL DIBCOVKBV the? are enabled to earn man? mild or reoent oaaea In a very few treatment. even th. old and ohrotilo eaaeamay be cured for 115, Wbr auBer from Catarrh when you can be CUKKI) for II a treatment? You are Invited to FIH8T TB8T IT FHBK, and be oonvlooed. Apply today. I) re. Bborea alao treat and oure all ourable Nervoua, Cbronla and Private Dlseeaea of Men, Women end Children of overy namo and nature, Conaultatloo and Advtoo Free and Confidential , for any dlaeaee. Call or write. Special Department for Men lira. Shore have a Special Department exnlualvely for the treatment and oure of nil Private Dlaeaaea of Men, wbelber oanaed by Ignorance, erouaaea or oontaglon. You may eonaultDra. Bborea about the moat delicate or etubarraaalng private troubles, wltb the aaauranoe that you will be given boneai advice, and skillful treatment, and everything wlU be STRICTLY PKIVATB AND OGNF1DKNTIAL. Young men who have been led astray by bad oompanious middle-agemen who have gone to exceeeee old men Who find their sexual vigor gone unfortunates who have contracted dlaeaaea the victim of Blood Poison sod all others who need tan counsel and aid of experienced and kindly physielaaa, are oordlaily Invited to oonault this department and bo FHKK OP CHARGE. Bo sure la tba cure under DBS BHOBKS' MODERN METHODS In all Private Dlaeaaea, that you may arrange to pay the foe for a oure In small weekly or monthly Installments, aa the cure progresses, or yon may PAY WHEN CURED, No matter what your trouble la, or who baa failed to cure yon, consult these Master Specialism, frea of ohargs and learn bow you can yet bo cured. CALL OB WRITE. ' . ONE TREATMENT FREE A SERMON, if ah A A A A A A A A YOU LIVB OCT OF TOWN, WRITE DBS. 8HORKS A BHOBKS for their Now Symptom List, and gat their advloe FBBB. A OFFICE HOURS: Dally, n.ra. to 1p.m. to A and A AH nn AH AH AH AH AH Sundays rrrr r ryrrrrrrrrr rrN Evenings, T a. m. to 12. 10 EXPERT SPECIALISTS HOUSTON BLOCK, 14 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 5 I A H holidays, DRS. SHORES & SHORES Hot and cold running water and steam heat, electric lights and ?2 bell service in every room. Rooms under direct charge of Mrs ' Cand-- A AH land. Hotel centrally located at $$ NO 144 WEST FIRST SOUTH STREET, SALT P.LAKE CITY. UTAH H. CANDLAND. AH ,r ?, The New Road i i DlOTOTOTOTOTO APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. 4100. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 2, 1906. Notice is hereby given that the Mining and Milling Company, a corporation, through its authorized agent, C. S. Price, whose postoffice address is Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the Utah No. 1, Utah No. 2 and Utah No. 4, Mineral Survey No. 5408,. lode mining claims consolidated, situate in the Little Cottonwood Mining District, County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, and described in the field notes and plat on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 17 degrees east, as follows: Commencing at corner No. 1 of the Utah No. 1 lode claim, whence quarter section corner on southern boundary of section 32, township 2 south, range 3 east, S. L. M., bears north 36 de grees 50 minutes east 6,028.8 feet, thence south 29 degrees 8 minutes HISTORIC WORCESTER. QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE See the . On the Labels. Manufactured by John Reeves Co.. Salt Lake, and Indorsed by the M. & M. Assn of Utah. Ask your Grocer. Alta-Peruvi- AH AH AH AH AH AH A J AH AH AH AH AHone AH AA m. Ml a. 1:41 AM AH r 8 fAA I IF ppv V Uncle Sam! Home Cures by Mail AH 1 2 U Wa will loan the most money at the lowest rate of Interest on monde, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Musical Instruments, Clothing, Tools of ill kinds, etc. You dont lose your goods If you Pawn them with wo hold them as long aa you wish. Corner Commercial 8L and First South. Big Electric 8lgn. r .H can Fork ...,U:40 a. m. Lea yiMM Jl:ff a. m. LeaVog Bingham Junction .... 1:11 p. m. 1:16 p. m. Arrivsa gait Lake City Lea voA BINGHAM BRANCH. Arrives Lea. 4 Bell Phone J 1:00 Ralv" !:H 2 aeT CHIB e Atlas Block. A k Street, Salt Lake City. fl ?DE5JU; Dt WE5TR1 si A man la a fool to buy now Watcheg when he can get an unre-- ft Adeemed 17, 19, 21, 23 Jeweled Elgin, Waltham or Hamilton movement the amount dealer charge for new good ae new, for Just one-hal- f A onaa. 8ome Elgin and Waltham Watchea good aa new for $3.00 each K J at UNCLE 8AMS, THE CUT RATE PAWNBROKER, 30 East 1st If Y BUCKWALTER 8 i S W one-quart- 327-32- fUncle Sam Says JC farm over Ihe river; all fenced and under cultivation. Brand new four-roohouse; flowing well; thirty shares of wtfter In the North Point Consolidated Irrigation Co.; team, wagon, harness, farm Implements, crops, etc.; cash; you may suit yourself as to when and how you pay the balance; $5,000. 30V&-acr- received. For a summer drink it beats anything you ever seen. Your will be asking for It. Send In your orders. RIEGER & BINDLEY, The Whiskey Merchants " REMEMBER. i If year local merchant does stock Temple Brand carry Here is a chance for you farmers who have been fighting over your water. A 1 twenty-acr- e farm In South Cottonwood; fenced and perfectly level; twenty shares of water In Big Cottonwood and twenty shares In Little Cottonwood. We have a standing offer of $1,000 for one-hal- f of this water right. You can sell one-hal- f of this right and have an abundance left with which to irrigate It; $5,000 takes It. Another. A 1 A long felt want has been filled by the car of Welch Grape Juice we just can rtjtain this as a receipt. , THE PUBLISHERS. ' J -- The Best Line to Southern California SALT' LAKE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. Only direct line Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Most Modern Palatial Trains equipped with Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Diners and Free Reclining Chair Cars. All trains via Salt Lake City and Nevadas Mineral Belt. Ask nearest agent about California Excursions or write to AJ A thorough preparatory school for boarding and day pupils. An academic course for four years, with a preparatory course ot A year, corresponding to the eighth grade. jj ! Music department, with pianos for practice. Excellent boarding department, with Christian home influences. 2 Small classes, with personal help from teachers when necessary. ji Expenses very moderate. AH For catalogue and particulars address ' GEORGE B. SWEAZEY, Principal. JJ ' SALT LAKE CITY. t J. H. BURTNER, D. P. A. S. P. L. A. & S. L. R. R. il Salt Lake City, Utah. A A i |