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Show me i'.ernslie. 8 Good I33XraCsJL & IPtcrsvcf g: t il its ..i s . .. -- c!.--a- it tl.e " in a Co-o- .. vv.ar J.L THE CITY -s sa.0 tons. U t h jm.rt-- Dixie sweet molasses i3 on tap at l..e blOlf. If you want l lie tin t line of t..t .0 to Tim h'liotes the Dow ry. Read our ad in this issue llxe.-- i or Mercantile Co, Thomas MeCune is m from the fr'..e' d heard. at the Lx.c.-i-r- ' Earp'i.LSia Mer. Co. Mifcs Alice Linton return'd to Eureka tills eek. Larue si - i t w els on iy 2 els. pi r pair at Chits. h ouU . Miss Jean Uil-- s I.'jiii Salt Lake City was a v iMlor to uur tow n tins week. exchanged goi ds for a car- The ( load of oats tins v.i , ... Litt ate making j Fiiemliy L .ceisi ir M in s. Miss G iti Lead, dnughb Hoad are in Nepln on a vi'it. 1 1 -- e rd r f York E.! g David w or 1 iiOi.i'L, j - A r'j fA h mon ' fr. ; A ieir in s g at ' J ii.ig T I t i Em i ! S F Ieiidei's in How Pricest lii'ALLil rp.kizcr m.mjc. y Cri j rf nr-. : h A' Ti f;r P- v. r so 'ii:r..' Per. Free a ii.lier. TA:nt3.n -- IT hits go ng at cost. Ord Ik os. Cmat i s tht Ext' r s o the people say. Mr. J. A. Ily ie wear to Provo the other Ir-th- Mod-bruUg- 7 CHET ( V n e v.-- r l OhiLT 15 A QUESTION LE1VI cv3 T-diM- E 5' WEAR, RE515TER5- W.Htr:1 Don't fm get to atend t.. storklioldi .'Eni- - nav and returned Hr. ting in me PEphi la y. u.ty t August 17. e are nut;- kinds cf ;b;,mi r goo.s at gre.it rtilotlwrs, Eve Dior iai barga'n , this c m .a g wejg all kinds of fur and sum- 31 r. Co. mer wear. Lxci r Co. M. ns qb r.ggan underwear w o. th f ,r 1.; J, ca.y H.,1 pr suit at t'has. s..o-The i M. D. We'ls rit g. t Footes. gents ouths and 0 w - ;.t tl e a I. c l.ut Hi.l gn-juo ar i.iitc !j: Al! our real Dress fio ids mom v . st l0't anti sur.t- btltiw to clear t himgoing out. I - vm . ci-si- ng S-'- i o-- ,t? -V ! s .Merc-i.ti- .e c-- le -- i s v .s ji e Ml. i , V v f - V. E. llaiiiday daugldi-i-nacl- Moi The fo--a- I : tile I, t.; M . y .V-t-.- Aug. is in it m prices now and ia home made or eastern J n i p i of riLiL-as- j ra: tm- - vtslry ol the iiue-t v i ii i n g . i.l . .Mo m, L'l'-- t p Eoa. 0 of 1, re tors, lie)-- . Olid. b,c. i.i miuig a t 7..!J p. I Ji f ( ' v p- -- M - i ;"1 v ' jv 9 v4 , , q a - Mg Aj , kcta' v -' 3 JL& y. ; A.;, ..J. TT.fyy , h'.xn , j - n' "Ml h i- . y ; t .. .y -- V.-M-i LCVlS-C- OIOE.5 - taxation. AtMuncie. Ind., two men were tenced to one vear in theStaa prison e ,y -!. . ; t Just rr,civ ed a large s ck of straw mattings end nthm- - noveJapanese ties at so low th it yon u id bo qston ished. ni Call and s o them atClns. Footes. Judge Foote went dmvn to Salt Lake bandavt a 'near oef.iie tne Sue li urd of i, pi.ilig viie.i in regard to ihe proposed - i - We have a hit of nice sunn i"r ho" a.i silk mitts ami cht..p too at the Co-o- vv:y r- - vY yf .I give motlicrs and iu tho Taber-i- i.re 10. suit y i goods, c i in. Ve are t 'sing cat t r balance of our re's gooaa at h If price at C'has. Fool,- 8. IE Tl. nr. nan whs a visitor to Nepki and shook hands with us. Mi.ss Et Ine Eriid.ey of Moroni, is a, I'istior to our city tins week. E. For fa i y hulls and viyita'des T. we lhe Eawc.y i notes is the place, y Co-n- sleep, Co. W. r of i o camp tu f re 1m ; J l.'j IP a 3 E j f . . a 1 Lii.e C.ty is It tjol.Ii i'. Pi .noe L J hohripu-- ho-cr- y of t ! Tony M.gMy of ca a Co-o- p Y.'cr Ids Fair, ? ,7V,. Nepbt. XiT point .ts for TALK. a li.gV.21t liGnn-- t. special targunsi-- . gents ctek This is a silver paper. Summer shirts irum23c. up at Ord Eros. The finest line oi foot wear ia town at Ord Eros. Institution is The (o- - p Mercantile w ek. this slocn taking A railway is to be made across the liehl man la the county . c f Va tt rioo , J a lues Ci .e o! tins c.ty ki'I i a Ord Tan shoes at 23 per cent discount. t n ti,- 2 y w Ero . We i Saturday, Aug.15 - Awcsied j Miss Ada M jrri- of Pay-- .' n . is stating i the Mi-fcj W.,g .t cf thia city . Mis Ujb'r.a&a c: i..yoa is vls.t.ng in' wm Utah- , ; i ui.'i:.. vl tUaso lately EVmiO TOWN binding twine All the ,ati;t 1. Ore. Bru,. Nep-hi- sen- for worth of tobacco from Solo ii-sout- in Uoplii for tiro Pamous o Ip cjiib sieai.ng a grocery. 1 t ho.: g !i I w is s t n 4 uu m y in h ' It is rumored that there wid be Sand iv inis city ing a shoe at a ctuap tale said cm . of exon rmon in the near future up See our :i ivy and bl.uk suits far yrn. tl s ou r t uslomfi s who had been seeking lm Salt Citek Canyon. And .t is to be liop-ecun Jttstru in inv two boy snajB. you u.j tlin lmy that if it and hois cheaper just week1, 1 ve renenlt d ami want a go id, town will goes through that the whole them and perfect lit. participate. l we shoe. ,1 t hem, ami you Ail nt nr.il Mrs. t.ixmun took a trip Hull lip l (iMab.aly .il lu: . lri tin stur. Apostle George Teisdale and L. A. ir buggy In iiuay, wil. south in Phi lev have gone to Mt. Pleasant to s m o: T.'.n f lor so ... tint o, uni Ta'li1 Hit Grant of Mneriean 1irk lisiung . wild Mi-- alaune LulI Miss is i i ! s ' -- d Cj-o.- i. t CM-o- p - Attorn-- Fc utc and w UMIV iiaVe i.iki-- T. I.. v if.- a-- d Dr. i . 1 - n i , i p. . a : I , i i n. us , i i' i ,,, a ll .) E Husnu no re If .lie IM.IIP.I w l.,ji lit Fish Ee.ke, cm a pleasuie trip. as a f il r n i; J pia re one t his 'n U.m-- . In g 'j tn Ir by n.pson I us.The Co np cm in-- u l r. s ill T.u'e 9 . . w '..il oil.' r al'i.l v etc ti to 4 a (i is o,i.ii ness, . legitimate firms. Mr. C. h Yorke; known diug- , was down gist id Low Inur Gicen , Ohio in EdH ilium; iitl'eioy who Icing nid id h imbei Imu 'a Cougn Hemedv. is u with io.iiii t urn - t e; n T take Mi 'isu e in ri j.n.nemmig it to .dense Ecu ti i.ii ks. ter noon Hum in my customers, t ir I aur certain that it II W al a,, s t ie,in) them. J more of Go to t h L j uni want to all otter kinds put logech r. titan it .te l'o is T. E. the, mam. iiat juiif iu i cr Sale by A. Lant A m Druggus s. genial propricto: . ml i file Fa ks Luxe is r Ow iu g t i Si an lty o Mini e w tia e most bei'iti-- 1 U I'i siifts 8 Cuu .t . Its sj It to Itave i.Jt iSi- oi lu o u iC.es ol Hi. did hut erv .si. . lt d a il tourists, and tauce !,a w Un h we are pOi ry . u:t inn, ;l air which suri onds to call your attention We is the ) i ;i o in ct, cl interest to eij e intronD-tilt on 3. our ad mo iscinent page r, iv- lei s, n nke it in if vou i 1 . v , r n I e . a 1 o ti s to o mi Augu-- . 2E go WHO the .. I W W I vv I II 1 fc l.i'-E- : . he-,- - i i Ci-op- 1 ! j (1 sp-i- ( 1 11 i .v - v i - I ; ( 1 ink1 cenfejenct I. nd - duwu from Mejuae ?Io, uana, v. siting ner relatives hem, tne 2E Cure colon v . liy there was a v erv pli-a,u given in honor of the lady; by Mr.parv and .Mrs, J. D. Pexton; Dont forget to see our school suits as low as 1.7-- per pair. Now is the time to clollie your bovs for the school season. Ourpriceson approaching these suits are reaily asloLishing. We have mjuy. th-w- av si Co-o- p ; 1 -- I - 111 ti- , They are Good That is our i i1 i - i i c s. for all ul i 1 . i 1 fry . Cu op. A lot of lied on Corni ill, m I.oi'i m with limit ot 21 feit, facing the E..nk of E n e uni , vi ns sold rei ently at a l rice eijuivailena to 12,21,0,010 an acie. Dont foicet to no'ii e our add on p; he 5. We are uilvei llaiiiu Hie tli.ist ln,t i,f goods in shoes and fuoiwear. . Eolh home productions anil Eastern. The new catalogue of the Wisconsin University shows a total registration of 1,598 students during the present college year, an increase of 78 over the attendance last year. We quote today Mason fault jars at the foliowiog exceedingly low prices. Dints 70c. per doz., (Quarts 83c. , Half Gal. 1.20. No. 1 white rubber rings to match. Loop. The Day State Is to present the famous Massachusetts with a bronze battleship statue of Victory, a he figure which will be life size, will be placed upon the forturrent. ward A vegetable meat of Japan , called tor-fis said to consist mainly of protein of ths soya bean, and to be as nutritious and digestible ns imat. It t sold in tablets, is as white as snow and tastes like fresh malt, There is a burning coal mine nt Sum-nu- t llill, uear the tow n of Mauch Chuuk. The fire which was started t y a tiny accident, has raged in this mine since lSos, and all the trials at extinguishing it have failed. In Canada no campaign buttons, ribbons or badgisc.in he worn be.v.ti,:) nomination and polling day. 2 ho carrying ot Hags'1 us a party bnugo is n.sn forhe pi unity is a line of lOvO or bidden. three mouths in piison or botii. Co-op- T-- s gLi I dam t i e . tier nn c t - hi: , c t ir,Ufnn t i 1. hoon.ng ate to be te.e invention of a l U;s lor tile equip-- f ritmibrane to the it, 0t pressure oi a ul i.u it.ethy i ii tl ,i ted "i 'hi!'' uva.it of the 1 '. i i i ; . , BlUlH c a .00 1 t i ,D-- : M i The uj ll Cf ooimon of Lun-t- s Koda Water, tee Cream etc, and whin you viaut anything in that line it will pay you to visit them. Me and my partner are satisfied. See! !Kll, ngjin photography is the person taken stands out in bold relief :r.n by ti l 'hr back ground. Since the date agaii of pan nt, March 17, 1590, an organization has hem eiiected which will give the leading photographers of the country a share in the introduct.oa of the new process. A French inveuter has devised a curious electrical alarm f.r infants. It consists ol microphonic circuit breaker placed near the hand of a child in its cradle and connected with an electric bell. A cry from the child will actuate the instrument and will thus cause the bell to ring, awakening ihe attention of the mother or nurse. bas-r-,- J i- - , , t. . I - ie I'igture of a s Sent it to His Mother in Germany. Mr. Jacob Eabensen, who is in the employ of the Chicago Lumber Co.. at Des I have just sent Moines, Iowa, says: some medicine back to my mother in the old country, that 1 know from personal use to be the best medicine in the world for rheumatism, having used it in my family for several years. -It is called Chamberlains does the work. by A. Lent & Pain Balm- It always 50 cent bottles for sale Son Druggists, u, Thera only oue place on earth where you can enjoy yourself. Where the trickling stream makes sweet music to the ear. Where the people are light hearted and free, and w her the stiinng stratus of a quadrille hand lloat upon the cool mountain breeze, where the fish sport in play ful mood oer trie waters of a placed lake, ami whire all people are made to feel that life was to enjoy, and tbit place is Forks Lake. If vju go w lth the Ond Fellows can see it. is 17 g Can. Give you the best of meat at the cheapest We are also leaders in stylish and, seasonable Dress Goods, Hosery Ribbons and Laces. Our line of Gents Furnishings is complete in every respect. A Comploto lino of Mens and Boys Felt Ilats just arrived, from tile East togctlicr with. a groat variety of Trunlts, Valises, Satchels etc. We! are also Headquarters for prices, ami yve tieat all w i tli courtesy and Yv Pax m vr, t'-- - . -- v -- ... SHEEP G&OP SUPPLIES, re-pe- Mr. u. :ufcliirg of the Fvcel-io- r .1 cicanti.e nraev Shoulder or Rounnd steak- and met with an adudent vvmle r ng t - ,.t . to In o:.,,Ncnhi. journey Hutton, 10c. per pound cr 3 liis h ifnei to quiet n ..art u Thc-rEeems to be some d.lfi cnee o oilier, m suine the lints and caugl't .Mr. opinion as to the location of the coli'e-- t Pa xuinn , Ihe liorpounds for 25c. tlr g.tJ mm snot in the w m id, e My er sav' s t nat nt w on.1- i ,ul "t'-- t nee of Ly llill j , Fiten, 83 it low ziio ol li muting m to loiio'ic t lie animal u.inu and Fhlienlv is cmiMiUnd Koth.t g out il ti nail v n tu a slcmis.ili. As a the ordinary, th- result c f gciitlemnn was tiruisLd nod lu bate was tcneiy Mr. Adelbei t Cazier has bicn Hi Hiis ha liy This Coiir.md Clt. Mr, P ixtnan to Week w ith rh umutism. From a iih.ibe 1'isbdf r a 'e nf t, ty s. tm t the gencouj source, however, we are glad to le.ru tleman is so Hr lecov'ti'td ns to be that the gen tit man is i eeevi ring. r.i ojnd. The I. O. O. 1'. Lodges of Nijl.i ant v l.t n two years of age. My little M inn Im e m a de for tlieii v:ts taken v 'oy, erv ul uiih iToo iv ip;. I arr.ii'geniento hr t ni and an nuil txeur'ior m F'uukt was'i'lusalto e Cbumbt-MainColic, JLJxittcr hituriavAug. 22, via Hie r.t-i- f Cho.era and Diarrunoei Herntriv, ami te Valley lly . leave Ntphi ul luckily procured part of a bottle. I 8 a. m. an cl 11:13 a. m. Ktur.',nc curelullj rt ad the dirictious and gave it si trial Jeavts hunks Lake lor Nt oh accordingly. He was very iow, but 12:35 a. m. Aug. 23. Sperrys Fu slowly and surely he began to Cjuadrille Hand ot Nephi will furnish tbt gradually recovered, and is now improve, as stout & music for a fit e d.tnc-- in the piv Lion dur- and strong as ever, I feel sure it saved the I . a.iJ Join Ilf niiernocn tht his ing never can piaise the remedy-halevening. Odd Fellow s and erjoy a pleasant days its wort h. I am sorry every one in outing, boatiDg, bathing, fishiDg etc. the world does not know bow good it is, Fare lor the round trip jl.00. dickels as I do. Mrs. Lina S. Hinton, Graham3-ville- , elso good re! urr ing Aug. 2d oil regular Marion Co., Florida. For sale bv (Late Ostler &. Ockey) A. Eunt & Fon Druggists trains, FieinernCer only ECO e The Best Shoe for the Money. . . , , : - sjint-difctmce- 1 , - Loin and Steak 0c. per lb. straight. EolOgun, Sausages, Qugnr Cured TTaiiie, Poi'li, Uncoil, unci Chccso always on Iiancl. v u-- Porterhouse s s 1 f Chas. Octey Sons Proprietors. .... .'. Leaders in PTeplii Low Prices, v Utah |