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Show The Republic. Kephi. Utah.. 'Saturday, Aug. "n fTrn 3 15- - inrrnnnrnF t.J LmuJ U- - .A i itt tM v i it 3 Wuii "l OF OUR DISGOOTECT. h Said the Immortal Lard Shatospoaro. At the time' when. tho?e pressions us these may have been uttered hv some of Nepliihs citiauis. Em i: su.-looks to that of bnghtne-- s For we have the wherewith to turn vour '.v v m-ui- has were Wen vhe' r.tt-nv- Eat suuh exthey v.vre trying imL--J- . they eau very real.Iy dispel them now. J d-- e, per-o::iLe- WE HAV- EJust received a great consignment of the finest line of Childrens Clothing that Xej hi- - city ever saw, and at such prices that will make your ears tickle with pleasure at their cheapness. . from AXjIi WOOJj OTIT Ages to $1.75' $8. ' 1 !i: From Four to Nineteen Years. The eheap('st and best line of Ladles and (buns Footwear i:i t xv, n. We are determined to compete with any store in legitimate business, prices and Goods whether Eastern or Home made. ; MS CO-O- II1CMM P IN 1876. iews Then and Now Dovetail. Democratic Ticket, When yon need Republican Ticket. j JFXXIXG i of Ohio, who advocated John Sherman the e bill of 1873. may have understood dollar silver the of omitting portance m coinage, but if he did, the following tract from his Uroesbeck letter of 18( In the letter 11 need explanation. ted Senator Sherman said: in During the monetary conference was our in country silver when iris, uneluded from circulation by being of the favor in was I strongly valued, and wrote a of gold, standard igle pro ;ter, which you will And in the statibriefly conference, of that edings c view. At that time the wisest For Vice-Presiden- ' WILLIAM MiKIXLEV. LUYAX. For t: Silver GAIlllLTT city, JL j on us. STATE OFFICER. We A. HOBART. , Governor are Here for Vour Health. is an got in a who Attorneys - at - Law. j James T. ...James Hamu Chip' Auditor Morgan Kielum Attorney ienera! A. C. Bn Supt. of Public instruction John R. 1 C. S. Zam1 Judges of Supreme Court u. y fcar. Jnde Fifth Judicial District J.E.A.V.Minei Hi Senator. Sleuth District.. ..James P.DidseoiJ. Member X.ower House Adelbert Cazier. Registrar Land OtHce Bn on (iron. Receiver Lund office Fraill; Hama. The Only First-clasStore South of Salt Luke. all kinds of Fancy Drugs, Mcdi'-ibo- , TIIURMAN & WEDGWOOD, Holier M. Secretary of State IVcasurer. .... s Bug. Mr. Tom Foote of this Drug Line t Fait to Cat! nt: ARTHUR SB WALL. A Directory. .. Frank J. Gannon. Senator. Art Dor Prow n. LMcate to 'ongrres .... t J. Alien S. V- - In the Dun V State Officers and Juab County ANYTHING For President: For President: ) W . OKD, 8apt, Dont Exactly WILLIAM the matter of 111) X. JOHN SHERMAN in lias just j Soap, Toilet Articles, Perft The of silver Hoorn and 3, ume-, Stationery, Artists unique hugs. consignment Firnt National Bi, ness of this campaign badge is, that the Materials an-the best contiivancc works bv means of a spring, PROVO, UTAB. Seda water in Utah. JlAB COl'MY DlKi: TORI. which, when touched throws its wings out Charles Foote A GOOD TOILET SOAP FOR 5c, upon which is inscrioed a picture of Bryan, iluyo AT DANCE A. JUAB. 1. 1(! to L, d jiclu i.Tn and the legend Anyone wishing my J- T. Sullivan All as as the sudden cheap the cheapest. Assessm ( nn.1 not llie to accommodated at he olleetor anticipate get them can There will be a dance at Juab this SatJj. W. Ca.ier mong us did C It rk and Recorder occurr11 of silver or the rise of gold has store of C'lia.s Foote & Hons. of some urday evening, William gotten by up Burton, Thomas Winn beUlrI".v This uncertainty of the relation Ed , aril I,Ue young people, and from reports Pietcrifition t ntl cor-rt-ri- iy Surveyor Nephis chief T. f. Hanford the two metals is one of the they are out to have a good time. Treasurer Notelets. Vm. Oelcey of a monometallic fled a favor Fh ( by orouer n'Opatm gumentsin show-- g nt Schools other SnpcrintfinJt argument, Jolui T. Mi!!r stem, but the I'hftnwftst. Nowadays hives are made so cheap and Atoney to Loan. the dangerous effect upon industry good that you cannot ulford to make metals them yourself. earn 50 "ou In any amount from one hundred to dropping one of the precious the nearest ten thousand cents a day at it. Sen-in ( IT Y OFFK LRS to, dollars. On improved farm outweigh of value, standard 3m the a J au movable bee in dealer get supplies to the property or on water stock. theoretical objections best-1mind will do Minor:., Whether hive. frame y you : E. Jx. IJooth T. C. Winn, County Recorder. v Ml inn Street, Nephi, omuMlinen: Ja,, F, Wri-ht, John Sulaell metallic system. get an eight frame or a ten frame hive Mavtm Larson, John Ellison. AH red I unt is a question. Perhaps you might best : P. (ioldslirhun try an eight frame hive ar.d if that dosent alai sti.iil lames Schofield use two room can stories, enough you of Dissolution. Notice Ireasurer: give Abraham Unne WELL DONE! iowa Homebeehives are made of ardent Bry.m supporter i sf-rlft- fxt Lunts Pharmacy, pine. !un heretofore y Tin' stead. the name ami U !e ot Ostb r .V Orb i. at Nejmi. I tali - I !i lav hiA Danbury (Conn.) man has decided duing hv solved r mutual ilmiyr upon an original plan of committing t living. The will .lerealtev lie business suicide. lie intends to enter a cage conby Charles Ookev a. -- ims under the taining a live lion and allow himself to lirm ll;i!,e ill Oekev -- oils, who v. ill eulnet be eaten by the beast. He proposes to outst;inilii)e mle ntei ness ar v II pa., ail i v. charge an entrance fee of 3. to those who ilebts coat raeteil b Osi'er.L -I'll KM IMIlieil, wish to see the tragedy, tne proceeds to Nephi, We.lnesi'nv J m.v g t ii , go to his family. a beard trimmed round Henry I. and ltichard (Joeur do Lion a short A stimulant is often needed to beard. Henry III. shaved, but his son, and strenghten the roots and to nourish keep the Kdvvard I., wore a cprled beard , hair a natural color. Halls H.ir Kene- wer is the best tome fir the hair. Since 1S78 there bat been nine epidemics of dysentery in different pa H of the country in winch Chamberlains Colc, Cr.olera Diarrahoea Remedy was used with perfect success. Dysentery, when The epidemic, is almost us severe and dangerous as Asiatic cholera. Heretofore Is the one thut guanintee-th- e the best efforts of the most skilled physician i have fai it to ch t its ravages, linest iirul nio-- t art ie this remedy, hov. . w ha, cured the most on their work. The liniph malignant cases, o.ohrao.-of children and is placed pn all liimst and the condiunder adults, trying tions, which pioves it to be the best our Collars, Culls, etc. medicine in the world for bowel complaints. For sale by A. Lunt & Son Wa call for work Mondays and Deliver Druggists. Fridays of each week. -- 'in-de- r eM-iin- -- -v rorth Jones of This City Passes an Examination. -, ouim-hi- er A-- i i lsworth Jones, the smiling ot Lunt & Hon s Lake the other Salt to went up ., board ppear before the medical medical materia in nination a ejecting the gentleman to rigid with out went tion, Mr. Jones usual a thau more with jior3 in one portion of the examiua-la98 per cent to his credit. The of 6. ir centage was an average is to be congratulated that there s pharmacist i.i town, srs. Lunt & Sons deserve credit a1' this about. drag-pharmaci- st d first-clas- Stockholders Atceting. of the eting of the stockholders Co-o- p Mercantile Institution will in the vestry of the Nephi evening Aug. 17 at 7:30. less of great importance is to be ;ted at the above meeting, and all to be oldersjare expressly requestedcondi-the the know t, that they may wish business, and the board w their sentiments, Thomas Ohd, Secretary. Taber-.Ionda- y I . -. ( Dont Forget Best Laundry TROY at the world's Fair. for u - tcd. HARRY it k II. 1 KENDALL, 1. ers of other sarsaparillas sought by every means to obtain a showing of their goods, but they were all turned away under the application of the rule forbidding the entry of patent medicines and nostrumss Nophi City The dicision of the Worlds fair authorities in favor of Ayers Sarsaparilla was an effect as follows: Hot and Ayers SarsaDaril- ila is not a patent medicine. It does nit of list nostrums. is to the JJlt here belong on itsmerits. Main Street i., Win. Paxrnan Nephi; President. harlcs Sperry and j.uus y. j:itvS Nephi : ( unclurs. every week a pcfiult;. Ollicc . ( aiiCy E- - L slore. Sparks Xr. W ARIK Eureka Jntib...s I;:n Monti Agent- Ncplu Peter I.u llteljs ncr ilobt. f Si e en soil Firt . Second clinip'Um . .... ".... . . . The Golden Eagle TAUl.UNAI Id AMI MAI. . . P. U.tsmus sen H. Neu tun Wm. XI. ;t.. nor T H. (1. PiM kes riios. i -- n, p . E. N. Em. sf;vil.s. Sen ices every Sunday ill the Taberiiaeh at I . ill. Sabbath School lb o'clock a m. . V.o'eloi-L. M.l. Association meetings are heb m tue First wtml every Wnlnesilav eveniu- - md m the Second 1) " Tuesday evenings.' j 1rimarv meetings every Satiiulaj at 3o',-- ook Ii. m Ilirh Priest s meetings, first Salurdav each uiuiitti at J o'clock g. m. i When You Want a Nice Drink Visit the Presbyteraiu, it. V.1). S. Wilson, pilstor regular service, Sunday at II o'clock a. m a ,d j o'clock ' Praverim-stinvr- at To'ch.ek ulm-vk' Sunday school at Klo clock a. m. Boys, Methodist. Agent. lawk in's Sample rooms. t iv'nf ( di-r- t vujT-- t it Utah Steam Laundry. Ayers Sarsaparilla fenjoys the exttry ordinary distinction of having been the Oh only blood purifier allowed an exhibit Worlds fair, Chicago. Manufacturt ' STEAM LAUNDRY. iu:irrtr A -t But Ayers Wm. : Juab Stake j None Atun-nc- Suiit. Water Works; The Oid ihTable . . ( it v BLACKETT BROS. Sunday School at o'clock a m Services Sunday 7.3U ii m J. A. Smith, I'astoi , Kev. H. HAWKINS U. S. Post Office. Hoarding House All kinds of beer, fctu k. jqjon and (ignrsin Time of departure of mail from the A.i mail gointr South am Moroni and Chester, leaves thefountain 0Ore, "0 office, m., Gold Baths. daily. . Ndphi. NcpM Utala. lkaF m" mTp? m9G p m.7suuda |