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Show rm.T K'cplliH li ricaoxirccs, 1 1 ,ii4 volu::e iy. Vvee r Sol t o : S II v e i tat. Mr. jet hiltniml iVi-fl- 1 0 to 1 but at present I am Well. ciuit Mu,' Tenr. NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1S96. a.. A Only S2.00 Per Itb 1 am anil Proterlioji on "Wool non-comi- tm t- Pay 1 'am umltc: led a i n shall do. The too ibep t T me to fathoru. 1 Jp'-e- what e 1 rails Th? Biilev Judge Toot ' I am tiipbat ical !y in favor nf ..Iver. 1 would Lave f referred with protection. but as far aam concerned I am in for silver anyThe Sentiment is in ravor ot Tree Yu want it and must have it. way. they Believe that I have rmt heard of the sentiment Protection Should be Given changing in this city, but if it is It As Well. seems to be in the direction of si er. and as far as I can see the sentiment ve. i' after i.i f.i.er of silver is increasing My The P.ErciJLK iev id that the .Republican party h ft a senti-ithe Teadirg reports that hue and the 1 emorra'.s at in Nephi was charging, decided bread in a men and see stole maidi ur.J pit into the breach t'.. call upon tbe ar.d I think they are going to worst what they really believed in. A meat number of those interviewed, the:!. on tbe subject, were Mr. Eii w In Riafh-- - am (bcidedlv in ar.'l u.tend to teu.ain so till both the letters of acceptance are given mime (lf protection and do r.ot believe that he. Tbe ma'.oiitj w ant free silver, free silver without protection will give but are forced to acknowledge that the ,jie country that rtneial relief and we enjoved a few vears age. present aspect t r Amdican po.it:cal such a talc that they are Aiime.v- - I Lo.ev e we ought undecided w hlcii v ill do the most good. fr to Plh'l':': 1)l:t protection is lllve Rut very few will declare them iutenneMou ana we mm have it. 10't tious as to which way they will vote a Mr. C. II. Blackett I am in favor rf thus showing that no one can place liver, but don't know which will binecal eentimuit of Nephi. ft us mo-- t silver or mi lection. The tlrst seen was Mr. Ti m Fco'.e, of the fnn of Chas. Foote A Sons lie said We want silver without regard t THE SUMMER INSTITUTE, anything else. In this campaign, the tariff is not in it in my estimation. Silver is what we want and it is a Continuation From List Week cf question which is rbov party Res. tho Course. When 1 real the Times article. I was surprised, lor it dots not give the true Til TODAY MOKNIMi. sentiment of the people, a great many leaded what to d . I am Lfil g Professor Stewart took up the Bub- vs have een a Republican j. and a 0f Nuinosrs." lie began by ex- n of principle, not ? a s bat li for arithmetic and gaining the OU! tv it- - study, a ml its practical vakm. free in o bel'cvc the he should Children, said, E,.ofl.l INCIIKASE. on eJ This Mr. Digley al-- o made a statement in regard to t lie matter. After some further discussion, the claim of Mr. ThC. Digley of .",0, but it was conditioned that liirf bond-me- n would not be released until tbe time stipulated by the con- Hi!, Silver-- -Though r I factorily. ;unl -I i repre-c-rd- j Speaks Before the State Board of Equalization. Attorney Pike Corroborates the Judges Statement, Judge root -i i l.oual-i..atl- 1 IN WEDLOCK. Salt ty WorlMnuton-AnihrsD- s. Thursmarriage took pla.'e in day, between Mr. Charles Worthing on of Nephi, and Miss Lida Amier-oof Founlaiu Greea, at the reshlunsj of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Worthington. The reception took plaee in Millers is hall, where the sweet strains of Sperrys A - j rea-on- . .... it wn. iCiiofci U Le a f. j and as try. I am a pH,tectliijist we lf ay Eng- Rob Ingei'soll sajs: w- have tbe rails steel landshd for has the and money, steel rails England but if we pay V to the United Statewe have our s eel rail- - and alsoour meney." i l beve, however, that this ho fought out ou the campaig : i.r.ci. uut'siion d ' rt Onl The sentiment Mr. here ,(" of silver. Ror mjself nu.r of the white metal, I am time I am ieforpn. rune but i u the event, of the lection of teUe house as it ; resident and the a s COUTz i , . ; i Republican in sentiment, there lability that we might get both At p sent I am e Stout I am for free silver, but I am as well for protection. I am dead opposed to monoplies. I am in favor of the masses inot the classes. But I believe if we vote for McKinley protection will do us a great deal of good. At present I am ft, i- : - a ; l. Ju-tic- I Mr. Chas.Tingey I wont silver strictly. believe in free say anything till the speech of acceptance is given out. Rev. J. A. Smith I am in favor of at free silver, but am rs views will give my present. Rut are of letters acceptances soon as the given out. The sentiment in Nephi the west is entirely in favor of free silver. Mr. Win. Bailey 1 am in favor of free silver first, last and all the time. And am in favor of electing a silver president. Mr. Tim Foote I am out for free silver, first, last and all the tune The sentiment hire is for silver not protection. John AY. Ord Not in favor of oil ver without protection. 1 have not studied tiio question enough to give a decision either oneway or the other. l. al flat-foote- My idia at pre-eis overwhelmingly nt ver movement. is d that Ihesentiment in favor of the AA present I am sil- James 7. Raxman I am in fa vorof free silver. While it might incur a temporary disbenelit to the wool men, yet in a short time we will feel better for it. Mr. Amos Allen I think we need Mr. free silver, but wo want protection as ' -- igr.s ami symbol- - ' . 1 . in, which an to pub-lisoil h, (Quadrille Band discoursed to t ho joy of those present. The Republic exttnja hand of good fellowship to Mr. anu Mrs. Worthington on their journey. that the duill,f "ood wa- - liOt V should be kept out1 Aephi had no Cu-inl- i a-- -- 1 n-.i- c nt di - Id. Augu-- t ni'S'.biy. II, f. -' ol h i' of the fiiai (1 J. ,1. Ti: m vs. . L.-va- of the smelier mison should be The Claim ol G JO. I. Jackson, ol the teacher, and learning by rule and ()(1 f0 ,e unpleasant task of rate discouraged. In the afternoon, rrofes-o- r Stewart leeturud cm Rewards, The claim of Y. A. AYright, for and Management." S1G was also allowed. The lecturer dealt with the subje lhe claun of ( u0i,cr- Typer A in a way which showed hisdeenac-- ' for Sd 4.55 was referred to the Co., life and his rp.iaintar.ee with child , . and sympathetic heart was committee on (.mums. in touch with the study. other husiue.-- s was discus-Tli is closed Professor .Stewarts series sed and transacted. and immediately after lie took the Justice Stout was then given train to the capital having business to attend to. the floor and in introduction, said Professor Tanner continued his that he was one of the Farmer lecture on city geography. lie made a search committee, and showed up personal explanation in. regard to the to the council the work Mr. Lee misquotation which had appeared in had done in searching for the misin he abhored the Tribune, saying the study and its application to the sing man. lie said Mr.Lee had not i Puni-hme- 1 0 nt ; ti--- i u. : i i n, ! 1 o 1, iicj.pft to the ed t b.-pL- received city council, The People Harvesting. ef's couven-1.lire chief Af--j Aug. IS Th3 peon l dance. no very baisy y. iuu a s doomed .. fc.'iv ire i.n i y ait I.ake that ing the grain, ami the second lucerne is being gathered in. oilicer Lai;-relativ- 1 .i with regard u free Report ol S' reet A. AATight was Isamu too lengthy a docur. but which sin street supervisor v. f work in the city. A communication from the Salt to the lire e; and that tion, a ()f R:js 0jtv pe h , f 'il. , (ii-!.- '' j V, Augi-tl- ( j I Liki'fity. me s and ( iiinini--- ; t e li i.u of 'onntv An l.tor nt Juab County, Ctah. ll You me hci't-hHH'ii: t'aat fa i ite D uni of Rpuli,: ili.m of I tali valaation uri, e thu niv.'i'1-prop oi- -, in .van umn'y, fw be id all l vear of I.y adding tluui'',i dm Mini ol tilt' same b ing an im-- u-- " of cd as lil'teeii p i' cent of the real A- -,' as l!,e '..is ir siinc app bv the County ro.l of yourt'uunly on thi1 on the a ilal". r nil ofjeifuns The Bmid Will con-iinirea-Mich to at its be made whith limy unh-in Salt. - da- C ity, on or la tine We To -- r, vt s j 1 1 t.iv--- 1 j g o ii'-- i j j li-- ty i j j !I;h Undid thl-ci- bu-.r.e- -s 1' WfcHi Mr. Salisbury asked the council to give him i el iff in the matter of water, which was also granted. Mr. L. A. Dailey asked the council Ped nil 1)C nf Judge It in a speech, to reconsider their action of iiiiiiu ud the of half i.iunty in closing the spill near the tithing c vi it v .imbior oi Juab IoTity. a nnl. ' ai lh s' iO D i.ud ol Reft nv:l to committee on watert th R the State Doai l t fa1 works. hail limn it uc ; e y 'o i!Hno,' tie Aftr di. posing of Gome minor mat-te:b mi of Ju J' h. u g an the council adjourned. 1 v of iiKova- -' p cent, b' low: i'h.e leitii - a;'PU.i-'-- I 1,1.0-1- fafcm The h tract. 1 pro-peri- w qnlestions were by the as couned to 'ts city general stability am I Mr. Dailey answered them satis- . m llceloroetty Xiead; Some Ibiul.t Ip er fc pressure this sare it qiii'-tin- The li'jiiiiiic. No 11. t.-v- V I I c n Jo...' g to r'1 i. ni tA i jiuw'.a l1!" I" . 1 Gi-- .'1 Willi u jilii, - Hi duMiv nn- - ie -- ch'to Silt Lik mi appeared hci'nie the on Mmilay, an I met Ld.i.il wlam they and othfcis l'anucrs the a l.ir pi. ill ulf a g ' I The peopie generally have very littie time to talk politics, but accasienally at the blacksmiths shop our friend ilunsen vigorously a Ivoeiting ids money :yi- - of Juab enmity. tcm. Some feiv are for McKinley and his Ju h;c Piifitc st it' d m oid standard, the majority, however, im lhe pnipu-'! hi-v- d ie vig.inms inert a.--c. ( ugh ali'eady t tl had all that pine them and slmwed they larna tin: which land on .u.ei.t He said viil be abl to liquidate our debts sooner 'oi dry cultivation. than under the present system. au injustice to the people to do Lst Sunday evening one of the pro'es-Som- e askcil them to think the mailer sors of the Agricultural CoMlega, Logan he c hoped that they would do i, gave a very excellent lecture on agriculwould he again-- t the the inline . ture. Showed up in good stvie the ques- e irncrs this upon the teojile, tion of rotation of cropi profit of place ive piently for to unable he it, will pay cows etc. it will be sold for Lives and Lie county H. C. L. J. will soon have a whole lull" j.iopirty on its hands which it will not know what to A Republican View. do with. When the Judge was finishing Ids plea, is a well The Chicago Inter-Ocea- n the Attorney Iike came in and corroborated known, influential McKinley organ, and Foote. of affairs of life. It has always testimony Judge been paid enough for his services, strongly Republican. and They treated the gentleman kindly, stood for McKinleyism, high tariff and I j and said that it would not be right Republicanism, It says: said they would give the matter caret a FR1DAV MOItXIXQ. for us to again call upon the citiThere is nothing in the platform adopt- consideration. Professor Tanner spoke on the zens, who had donated freely as it ed at St. Louis to indicate the election of The Judge states that the State Board was not to blame. They have, as a matter No abrupt was, and that was the reason he Mijor McKinley means the kindergarten Training. taxation of the tariff law of 1S90. There is nothing of fact, to raise XJODJIDO, and the change should be made in school life, brought it before the council to see in recent come anywhere or not Major will McKinleys speeches now as but consistent graduation compatible if the couhcil would appropriate in his letter of acceptance favoring the near that amount. with the childs mind should be the the to balance restoration of the schedules contained in Ou the face of the proposed increase, it sufficient liptdate chief feature. the act bearing his name. As the lecture proceeded, Trof. Kerr of the debt. looks to he an outrage to the people t them and it of the li. Y. College stepped in and the Councilman Wright thought if place .his further burden upon will not do Thanks! Sam! Thanks! hoard the mathe-and introduced d that the is earnestly hop speaker popular the ordinances were so worded n an work will hardship matieian. that anything would be applicable to that they Professor Kerr shared the. time with the public. Ve have just received from Genial, Professor Tanner at the afternoon this case, he would certainly favor The Judge jy t ) he congratulated for the free silver, and progressive to the call session, lrofessor Tanner speaking cm an appropriation. Rut the attor- generous, promptness and energy of rising Sam Levey of Salt Lake City, the The Relation of Parent and Teacher ney had said that it could not he for the people. and board the of lighting a box of fine Havanand Professor Kerr spoke upon Sym-- i done. V. motto 10 tbe as, bearing J. Bryan, bols in Arithmetic. Roth were high- tol. Civar. In thanking you Sain, we moved Sidwell it Councilor that Dv appreciated and merited can say that if tne silver cause is as true appmuse. Iloma Miusionarbs. Tanner ably illustrated the be referred to the committee on and goo-- as your cigars are in flavor, howThe motion, then our cattle cry is bring it on board. effect of impression, either for good or city property. In smoking your health we uo so recogbad, lias on a childs mind, and the ever, was lost. nizing your lifelong service to the cause Missionary an;i iintmi"at i ibr Sunday; many parents and teachers present Waterniabter It liky s :: f that owing of oi the and the people KipuoiicanUui, ed a with August third, areas tallows: were impre. higher souse of to tin: tardiujs- - i,f lim Ut.m I. limbing west. Nephi William B,n kholt. John AY. Oi l. ones. dulv toward the little f ;r company, his report was i.ot Xebo Edward Newton, Adclhert Kay. prt'Ei'iiuiion. M jiia Thomas Siejiaims in, Jos 'pa Pries'. enun: i wish'-Mayor Booth Mid 1 I. 0. 0. F. An ts m, Joseph Jenson, B lreki RATL'KUAY JI I'. X ! N L. to know about taie rw.v water tank, M ini ii itii Tli im is Ori'.v! V. J. C Oder. 1rofe-so- r Kerr continued his series whethei it was ready. Ju ib John Ad tun, Ebviu Both. The 1.0,0, 1. hijgcs of Ni'phi and t it at be Mr. Bailey, in reply, report of lectures on mathematical symbols-Thexcura Welbngtra Istae C.G.ul 1, lLw Cirri.--pa- n to institute has been a very instruc- and the committee went up In inspect Jaiiti011priipi.-.- -- 1 ugivemm grand 1 st n, atlake. I Aug. tive and entertaining one, and a,l it and they, after a 1ni iugli ami cmn-- ionize tne Neil.soa. Allred Gill, An Irr-Levan bojs and get out and hate teachers have been greatly beuetieted. piete inspection decided that it would 1 officers iri'M will an Mission presiding is Yod time. There nothing like The visiting teachers speak highly of stand and would be ail right. There for future reference, as out this clip pleas: dauc a cause. Music, the hospitality of Nephi citizens and were a fjw small cracks, he said, but supporting good will be the on other notic.-.- will he given of your apand ng, boating and noticeable, were bathing these to hardly the countcous treatment extended J, V. laxma'i. pointments, thought, as it had stood the heaviest theme. then t lie a I iS'iii1 u t is ! j -( ng mag-nanimio- 1 ed ui-'i- ivoll-knov- cigar-maker- , 1 e 1 1 |