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Show The day after a shut (low n of ffS diss. shut-dow- n of this impoiatiou was begun liefoie the geneial ngiei liient was made, ow The Commieut is ing to a small stiike. shut-dossa week for ilumges and slight liar! man Heard lepaiis. The Wump: neag is oil its lifih Lea Mantle w i ek of shut down, udditu mil time being taken to allow of making lepaiis. The Meiehants anil several other corporations begin their seiond peiiod of a two n weeks uutailmeiit today, while the McKinley Electors to be Put In by Repubits l'ouith week of shut-dowlicans Fall River Dull -- A Wool 'Weekly Ailseitiser (Boston.) Failure-Comm- ent on the Wool Failure. THE REIILICAN Ml SEUI-wEEKL- j - il Muli-aniisiso- Convention. u imitatiou of Senator Ix'c Mantle, chuiimun of the state leimliliean mitral committee, lepivsetitatne members of the p.uty to the iinmher of se- i.il liumlml liae been in secret con let erne i iscussing the politic il -- itu ttion ami the of putting MiKu.loy ideetois in he fa hi this ('all. Butte, Mout., ; f : .mgs ,weie : al 1oweis. 1 s i A. The conference was no! in session halt u hour before it was manliest that there 's a strong sentiment agiiiist the :u tin l oi 'M.ltor Mantleaiul t'oagressm m ll.uun.ui dec lating ibr Bw.in. ami latlai bitter i 1 Aug. s 1 bv c Sell lie Powers aet ;is ,1 eiaotle o. basing pula cl le conference. A eompiomi-- i ss ,ts nsuht.l to the etl'ei t i.it when tile s'a'c lonseutum meets the ite tit he t w ill lit a he iioinin ite.l ami I'len er repieseut.it is es w ill ilioss out of the , i tuition, leasing the gol.l men to pat up ' Mt kin lev eleitois. Semi-Weekl- ' 1 i I SilaV attractive JOURNAL. 1 -- t-- Devoted to y letter writing and correspondence, especially adapted to those who are downhearted, lonesome and lonely. In it you will tine pleasure and happiness. Through it ou may And peace at heart. Send 10 cents for a three months trial subscription to f Letters PublishingCo. armth-ertriumph- Indianapolis, Ind., U. S, A. There lias been one iailure in the wool And read the addresses of many attiade during tlie past week, W. 1). Eaton tractive young men ami women that A Co. hasieg hieii foiled into insolvency, w ith liabilities of between ai.d are wealohy and live in luxry, who de'ilieir eieditius aie said to be jjj'100,0110. sire a correspondent. mostly eonfmed to the hanks, lmt little beBut few ing owed by them on the stieet. ii been ulais base giseil out, hut the pai dV. & in is the tiade that thcie must base leeling betnothir causes br,idis the ileiline in Lead in the race wool In base bioug'it about the disaster, k. T! 12 lhis f.ulii.e has a bad elleet, inasmuch as it f Come and see us. -w ill make money mine ihffault to oh, am paahy, c.lv. t'unn the h ink', lmt it ssill isms' a mine African explorers w i.e,- It is eua-utl- ej Tiie fiaiisna! & Barnss ik's' s'luiuy of imlits ami asa'kdde le-- s jn puro white, With trimmings of sii"r, a e J is an (..v,u,s.te rrsa: p. wives (B iston. Weekly Ailvei p,.cj k o. If you w, any Job printing done ipSao no come to us. The CI'.Kago Convention. Queen Victoria is in poM.v is i auis p And d.r t Ll'tW. jus needle. Ii w ..s :,i ;c .Second South St. Salt Lake City, ou lOIL- - t it. re m if.ict wv t Ke i .it .a , and re-- i nicdle Til ' ( ,1 fi i I, e Oil 'p ) ',iv 'I c im.;- aa i i m nt.ii.uie. present the i'i m pi tiy ii liki ii bcinme v,i tiy of fue si.wi scenes fo.ti t.io t) men's iitc ate d piclel 1'i.imfi'Miit s, w iti h i ,'P'Mt uiil teife'.ite the on tiie needle, so iinely eet that t!,ey aie s,..'.i' fill u nv.i-- i t ,.eoi , il e same pi ", it mb J.sc.ruibk' only thrj 11 it- s line 1 'pi, is, it s, .in 1 the s uue unliuths-Ti- e :Ii ,.c:rs3, -ui tl lati til it of the nan Id w Liming ko.van, tie U a s ho reemtiy c ilieuge J;m Corbek to nt ( Sf. 'nil the n Lo.iw fide'd, u i, e.d me box four r 1st Prize. rizio, Styles, ;unds for points, is well known 2d Prize, m mis iity, where she Bicycle, f:r rr.an or Yonen 'V, fa-j 5 appeared several Cesii-- . 3d Prize, . ninths ago. ihe challenge to Corbett kp fK 10 C:zli Frizes, eicri G25 was a porently issued m good fi.t.i, for qi Misifi ,, .n ii.n, couaideiab.e as a 1 A. CAINE CO. o te non-partisa- n. -- ic-;- - I'nl 1 1 This will gise the billing y ti-- is t don, n here cbe is enterta neJ clabirately SALT LAkff TEISUNE. during the height of ths present season, Reduced to $2.00 per Year After Jun Miss Etith Collins is the g,rl of the 18S5. hour, the is a jT,000,COJ hcire--- , ,vOn 1st June the rfai. Lake Tribune will weighs less by 2, Sib, 00 J ttna her wi.j.e riduce the of the to price fJ'' tune m l'0 bills, 03 per yisr. Tne present high standard wi.i be and maintained, effort Airs. James G. Place will erect a tmab w ill he made to keep the Semi-every Weekly in in Augusta, Ale., in which vrKi te laid the front rank. the remains of her noted busbar, 1 an' their two sons, iffe site that she has ATTENTION, SHEEP MEN. now selected is on the orow of tue tilt overlooking the citv, and many old e!ms shade the spot. The Denver & Rio Grande B. R. on 1st improved and enlarged their July Women doctors have j jst scored sheep corrals at Tennessee Pass, ColorTwo women, Australia. ado, where there is the finest of mountain Miss Gamble and Alias Gro g, have been grass and clear running water, which is placed on the Melbortte hospital staff. free of cost to the sheep men. The comThere were six vaeaneiis, and the high has also provided sleeping accomopany iiualifleatiocs of the two women Jed lo dations, which will be kept especially this new departure. for sheep men who stop there to graze Mrs. Ebeneezsr Humphrey has present- their sheep. We can handle your mutton ed to the town of Oxford, K. II., the for all eastern markets. Before ordering original warrant issued by Kfc.g James of your cars, be sure and write for further 'Sngland for the coilectna of t.,e town information to either B. F. Kevins, General Agent, tax. It was issued to II. C. Gray, kings Collector, and is dated Ike. Cl.'ICTl. Geo;:c e A. IIawkes, Traveling Freight Agent, An American bicycle rei has np ny J K or 0 i Traveling Freigh cently made a beautiful wheel, which Agent, 7b W, t 2nd liouth St. , Salt Lake will be sent to .Mrs. Ii.grv th-- ciifiee;:! . a J KM ri 1" bur: J ft I'-- r. OOGeSd Pi;ZC3, E2Ch I Mis, i i', L.'oS'y, tim is iij.v ri re than 7) 1 O M 52 1?) BgtgMfltlVTJ f ifC fV V Ij !oJ Ls Ff ;223 yvai-Thou- g'vj h is keen bl.-- i is alw .ys h ippy b.rth, s''e For th. ry-tw- a i CQ D x T& ' a and ene.riul. ii ar, see l.is va i.i t ic d e Ilf Vl .11,1 ( ( oil 1113 RUM'' , " I,," i: J sap.l'e uo o prize w 11.1,1 is v If e a n".imi"i v lied. In i i ' t , or r.u.ie nm- 'mm"; pul.b ,'iiti'Vtj e same length .re i" ,i cf c t, slii.c t v rer.ro e t ,, it ,i I, ,u pit are N if m tl-- a: !l ,i n fi? J t u, t iruu-- ei b.s i"vn Sti.tineo, and n p.'r-,ill , a il, ved i "i i cm si i' e. ,1 irui lie nres tmit'rt1 thin the Ivr. king, n m up si:, n: mi i amiut re roe wed. iffsidents acit mar c i of Lmaha aio nut Purn.u'ud to ccmpt-ie- . tbe Cro,;, Co nc to Cm er .. tfy. 'I hi h LULLS FOR 7ME EL'ITLK Aly Way, O rurni-hr.uL :u.' .oi'i til : B.uiai!, Eoil- - by the I luted Statis is jnepi stt rous. Thai k The Fr ;t i ,i a neo la to I e m mu the of 1, tier; it -- onWr'i nli r.t, I .in id, Duilee, is the one 'f.tr t by ini;, tli.iic, hut no t ! r e ti be i.si ,i or ci aided mote tlinn three '.mts. irtity. thing fh.it would itwhiiiily thwart Irs. La n try is know 'n as Mr. Jer e ' o v.ord cveept "n t ban o'. e. cr I c..n c i. eil ri T.ie ente nee rail1 eo skill lli it lion Winks Co., lull Kiwi any attempt to s'iiiio t'ltci national biniei.d-li.-- in of eoninie (e wi w English racing eircles, in w hieu atm tCM muse not be ir id. 3'he .ctiS, licuie-- , .,1'jH'i 1 proimuii M.iimf.'i toiy. Grm.Ito. H.tig.nv Mo. 1, iiid llO id l life a will i'e ed , eoupk'te w or f 5. Proper tin the gold (ountiies of Europe would the famous beamy seems to be uno; nnot I e i. i . eh e'i.t,'st mt L.u.,t i.aueate by licurce at the end of his Roars t, sent jilo how JIci li.s.iu-s- Mcrt h mts. Mi t.uonii t, . Danc-inweleomc the oppoitunity to unload u on :he usual, y successful, her v n r'ti g Hi nix'-it , ittt it coni Tins remarkably libi r:.l cITer is made by thcWErEL? Woiu.D-IlEr.xLOshoin Mo. 1. lica"'it. Kobcsun, I'mted States all the silver b aie, having Won 1530 sovereigrs at of which they do not tte t (.021jJ. the l.ulc. btcieii-- , Tn tini-il- l. I'liion, present Manchester races. She is said for subsidiary cuneney. WILL! Air.i to recognize a good horse the instant she criYAN,be is Editor, AVampunoag, Wtct.uc.oc. and it is required that ea h euwpoi erclostd with one dollar for a sees and is she it, not at to Hie ad afraid dim tuUi 1 Wih.lv is issued in pay year's und r.ptiou. secThere are l,7(if,7' cpinilln and ll,ldd a- - a as is for rood tions. she the what is It nearly daily. western champion of free wants. Women In of Note. of the fact spite and the n looms idle. Besides ihose in the Stevens of uncage Nebraska. .,dmg family newspaper that she taues defeat very Address, philosophically, v ill there aie 17.111 opeiatius idle in nil. Mrs. Langtry is said to have a. burning WecMa World-Heral- d, Omaha, Ke&. The Infanta Eulalie of Spain is in Lon- - ambiuou to win the The Ame.icai Linen Co. stated up to derby some day. employ of a iin.i m K v V iz k C.lv. Ainorg the hymns whuff ae his wntten Se i a ' i. cv , - nr . i i i ti . v, el, - . 3 '.,, -- -. --- I ' . m , - e..y J., CS-fXo'O- fkrri e u -- i rc , -- i 1 L !..,,r-(-l,lrbt'!- Mkura-gui-ei- -- J. se,m-weJk- Iv t |