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Show The F.eAlie, N?pii, Utah, Saturday, August 15. the ccn.rjon jtnn:erc;al Xephi XI UT RsSOUrCCS, dvautSSS sulphuric aclJ description, and a v,a.--l to couiu.n what- -' ew-- r is required to be frcztn cr cooku. Only 03 ptr cent cl the deaf scho.eis ;aluril;yj the pcan is the most impor were taught by the oral method tea years tant part 0j t;-- whMe u acl.ine, arid care i x C t t . t then to so ,, ; , .. i1,. . : :g.n it that it v i.l ago. Since then this style of teacr-i- i g has ao- i much that all new pupils projJce ;i has advant-l i i are put under oral instruction, and not teuworl: 'lift more than 3 per cent f.i.i. of the plant is 'tie only '.lOiii.. ; c M - Ijr hie su; ; it oi c union M I rren.iliers and cf yhuric acid, destroying Ade;ce T ll.f L I .t I .,t K can U 'h be or of chemist cornis worms tight I.'l-.'Nary the spreid cf fruit ;iiT I V ic stores aau .sis a consider-tl- e lid ,t U::k : i ing into esuite'a general use among crani cru;. u terry growers at Cape Cod. Itw consists' - r hich of a torcti mounted ui a poie, milThe the night. through left burning lers are attracted by the blaze and ily c-- - , , .. ' -- , b-- rc U- . J '? P : 't l it V '' ' : - ! AWAY 'r - i 'SMi000 wSN 0" I REV WEEKLY !u-:- i : ol Ysnye, the violinist, is s inp'.e in his Tv c. i LOCAL TIME CARD. r.i lishis I a said he, t'.ir.n... n .ir ti.r t.th; Yelit'u.. All ask, tastes. m And li. a fish some The the wl.ii water. les ) and l.ne In etTact. NprP?", As it op to t icr. the better. I can Pit far hours with the Train :irrie ami dvpavt at ur.uih stations i of K : v m rL a slen ;:an Ye, water in poll 4a as ioiiow n: perfect happiness. line in the Astir-t 4. X.v:VhMUn! r Stations. When a nibble cone 8 my dream is over. Lu.ive Ltave Air. Arr. 11 also contess to a weakness for a bicycle, But, ah, Id t Oprtlen .... 5 00pm 2.1Jpui pm ,Jiaui l O' idea il...t ha are t " Illi.i for FU .Il 'l'" cure Uii.' but politics. ' nothing 3.h am in pm Ar Sait t Lv 4.UO piu ? n of OI iiiMuiiUt ,Mi'l fit a. ip the in-r 7.40 am Gi pmLvl Lakel Ar T.r.it a. undid rte quite, am ti ho pm Ah, l i Tn.k lac cuij., ed in the ' Tha h'ehest notch reac v. do yu i .von.Or w v? c m o Ut n .1.' .1 cl' pm Sandy.... 9.15 am ti U pi i' .at li;o t iiv.iju;iN munuiacture of pistols is the mitrailleuse lajs aij. r in a U'e t u o. T. r i.rtmiih $.5 am .. Fairfield .. 4 3s pm rimless I hr.a t. .k n f o :i th p e. 4. Cl..,!. t in: lit slip 3.hH) pm j v.o t tciii! y pistol, which fires twenty-fou- r I'U'i am ... ti. .! nil' smokeless U.dlHlUidUlWil pow. 1. vc l.ir.J Leader, cartridges chrrged with in i, t..i nii .1, (r ''ni r seconds, with an elec- The der in r i. " it. t .i r.Vd l.t 'i Vu.c.i tMFlu.it bv oi hearts oace n: tde some fl tive range of five hundred meters. It is il1 L4'.i3 p"iiP, A a ti rro;Tiiits It - t .o key to almost automatic, the recoil ol the shot 1ul one y i'i.)r ;ti I u tr 'n ' I v, t m o a SnMb. 13. ot two extracts which . mechanism the moving a: d u. have a l.;a f. 13 U the empty shells and moves the next car- .! o .in ' 'l point in 4 niti a i. lactoriU'! tridge in position. :t Id. - .:- . Soparcitc Prizes 55 ' ;s.7 . PJO-- into it. - mis, jmnmn ?env. r, y:G:(y I ! I 1 j C( K., t i . ee-ci.-r, . . i - lit ; ont'i-bou- ft ik-.i-! C .'' j . ' t ! ic'-l- -- 1 : '.' t 1311 t . i i l.'xt'st rtWi, u fallout il ii j 1. ; a t. miii-- . de-- s 1 to the Farm, the Hoii c. o', iron: nil the ; t i.l of t'.e c daily e.ii-- ,ic i. l In cotif.n.'tl in It; It j t c 'J.'ins of fill the v aid it id r u out a i t V.ofi'v Ntis dtrm'npd to have all th ciuulatun :mt Mississippi r.vvr arid th to t,,rt t ' ,i t. 'j ti.M f ope it ofp . .J ftt i 1 ; c i v n i qu'-e- t' , e . forty-fou- l. t i pTrr " c f n, it is tl o 'fu- i ?. iAht. :'n f,f ii f ;.i i u:. i and im-- it 'i i T r , t i;e k ( h hui-fka..- . , i jj i, .'HMoiis . -. .1 .1 1.1 l it - , . - . c i I i . . i H .? i' : i n 1 v - i i ., : t i iuu-- 1 . ; of.?r ever zn.de ' h.ii i. r s j i ;.x 4 o i -- ! f y r t !.! ; C O l -- i- 11 0 f ; A if ft? tyx - ( ui i ! 1 e j I fGPtiins in Frizes v 49 3 te m the : u tc.aii'd l. O rfoatest P cf nun.P-- lie tt lii. t pth-- 3 lit r ir- - iiukl . G V1-- - ; fiZOVUR AGENTS COMMISSION Mi m t IN ADDITION. CONTEST BEGINS A T ONCE. OPEN TO EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE. ALLOiVEO i . i, . I Dr. Walker, a prospector In Alaska, : It - Mil-)- : 1( n ; took some horse3 up with him. At the1 Luu,, on ;t, n.t M t t. a or th r rarttrulars ' i nit- Ill'll a !i" int! wr first Indian village the sight of the horses pcr when I ask it ' .s t r r CTo. rk'cAVds n:..i lulod Li.d i queer-Th.,t drove all the dogs howling into the im ia la. 'i doal IT. I..'-- c ' t 3t Mil ii.P.ir. Colo, ruue Rriaoil iv, Denver, trait Tnbane woods. The children dropped their S.oppev on No. South, Tauisuay c tin oi an t ill'll J' ill vo, ami p attirday. that playthings and fled crying into the liurs. ii.htr.n. ii f i t. tin Mi .tion-- . an on Uo, 2 Xorth, M )rulas, Tue Siooptuti i iiv. i.l t t Ao ra o otviiTih) m d.usauvi lM'iila's, The men and wameu stood their ground, a nr'i pu.atn n of l ay 3.1MJ, d wonder. After Trains souh of Juab run daFy except Suhin Tin DAYS although i.i'M', air1, l.il'.fNh ulfitV-T410 ts Mn! much inducement they were finally pre- Two through trains daily from Salt .ant om i.ili.U''. b, ..I oh laaj.- m.'I C; "fl O'l M VvI Tr '1 vailed upon to approach the horses, and in!..!- oi Xu ill a Lake to nil points East. ClM sihh.i'UI i.ii liiniiiii.', I u ' ' ,,v i :.i k" m a i ..! Iumc y. v 1.1, Pullman lilo Salt J Palace from .ii !mc Through bounds. no Sleepers knew j.jc.rn wonder their to Lake itimut oha:it-Chicago a t lie.. til ic ib v u; tkf Aval - i . .. b Improved Tourist Sleeper-- . A little pocketbook with a combina- - ;la Cy.i Free Peei.uin Ciiair ears, Oil u li.c lha'l.-yu., l.,:..iltr .r:.i 0K.Uvi.i: tion lock is being sold on the Iaris boulerieyaiil day coaches. - If arT:ie line i'u!v be iu:;. vUOii'4 can llPtf operating diuind oar serviee. vards. Since the comtinalian The bUurteh.t ahd fastest line to all points ti !. i BEU-HU- R in ranged that it may or may not act, it has E. T.m luatil become very popular. The combination Agont, I.ophi. D. 17. Parley, Cienl ALrt. rass-rrI L: i Dept.p i can be changed to suit the purchaser, j i l.t t City Tieket Ouiee, l'oI .Miuu st., s.Ft Lake. U: comnine hand at the with H. and L. Luiuh.v, figures liN oron-'; IJa.pTr. and h lehet Aurt. p, .s.1 ' V. i. LA viw. : hh '0 2vlMETt fcE. Ikrkuison, y.onl Mnpr., Omaha Viin ih. i'i'.iruur, a binations are poisiule. Tais poeketbook )v it tlnouU 11. H. S. t'.oti of tiio IonoI. icm'V! a rmU, m elaborate tr.fl a pocki sells for OU er W. Mink, ,but moie t 'a pi .u ot J i: t o .uty ui tin.t.r.'l t tut y killing tin; lio; . o..v oi7vlii, i K. Klh'oy Anderson, h ih ar fo.tnd Id. l.iuos .piio. tiie v, and wallets are made with com!'oi a i John V. Du.uii, vm-'.o-- t. Pe il ami instead 10 auj.ira;oL jm cos o. x.i bination? comprising cf figures Frvueriek P. ('oudert, a Horn Tint o. t.n l spriin !i nv.-iur time, Inf Ueceivera. r v t a. ami ivi a ai i opt o:i of lJoo) of four. av id ttu Wo .torn t; un nicr iiw..i it i ii.';de lilm-.o'.UitV. vi The German papers an nounco the death i :i .;i .ir.i. ium pent last month at llei iin at the age of S3, c i a i.'niit1'- Aop.ii iii,y is d.r'etoij A i'lu 'ii i.i! oi' ike the man that took core. of Ilnperor Wil;t lev liuildifcil Ilia name waliam I. for thirty yeu-sAN DPT: W' S CO.. ' t hi- !i in tC wol ( i - ixi Ij so Du ai j was much av,.:y. old the and Emperor Engel, i at ti tiiict EV.u.r.m h'luu :m a created lie . him that iiit'ngv.c to CJAV special attached I'TAH V.'eoULtOV,';:;:1-iiit. li.i.jl.i, ..l.uiugi-:1- . n: ..in. he i al :i: it w.i-- , a: title for him Gard ;r n; rorsr.. He b.ad chaige cf tie Emperor3 histone v ,.v ;i !. Jas. ... lio.'.xijioiigh, pioi r. to was the it and duty special : collections, ; FKEUinTI3 7!?a, JicTl.I UXi'i.V newscontaining see that the Nil It. t'. Fd'iU', prep t - . i ; .. . paper clippings made from the Emperor t:hz, M ""L : 11. il. i.iiil Ciiiiicelli.r ary. was placed before him promptly every i A. I.T'NT A SOX, morning. 4 ' oa VA M T i . old L: AC. ENTS oi Mgr. FJconio, titular archbisphop are, TIME TABLE NO. 16. O ai xo coorn;. rYr-n(, xP Acernia, who, it is announced, willin li tm f.aiv. Tinners and PlumbWashCT in Effective B Sunday, Noveinber 17th, 1S93. shortly succeed Cardinal Satolli v hile irct (.OLT'EX E ' .1 i: s M ingtion, is an Italian by birth, about 53Pr.-in ai ... t; 5 t ' and educated, of speaiihignly age Lini.i'i-years f t". .Vjrfu.1 North South. !., ? f r? one 'x'li'' r c ri 1, ' o r n.s ing English fluently. lie spent fifteen io.e. M. r. t.iroe wiiite U : a f. w ' y of the time most t Cofiti: Mai.er. new ty iiv C.I.I!.! ' the I world, in on said animals he tu1 and Dist. years if Dist. s V . i' . id,.-.S No. No. d:ivx sroin tin d vte of Amm ; from Irom Stations. e A I. LEX. in Canada. lie was sent to the United paid ill. mi vt on Daily Daily t no dev ht da ill be. at Manti Nvphi ol and Sadu!.-t ra y po Ui.l. States wliil? a novice in the order of the Neplii they oils 11. 0.a in ail of horse Ir.riiisliing iU5sv 4d 0 Lv. NVhpl Ar. m. I.1', u'riO'b: Tun- and dat ol at the c.y. p at college 3S 5 0 10. Fa jV'd 0 Sait Sju ilias 10p Franciscan?, studying o :n IO.M11 10 0 in he llolhiway where l.lop gradugatea Pa., Alleghany, Nophi, 12. hip 2ih0 lO.lUa Fountaiu (rreon H 0 - n Hoot' lu.d Suoea. I NewIi. in Doun u Jam time some Ulip. Keeper, 2:1 5 2 ... He abo spent 1SC3. li .Ft a lop Drapt'i 5 5 23 Moroni li y.C.ia misi.:ep r'1 f'Tt: sons foundland, where he was sent as a 0 27.0 iti 9.10a ft l.I2p ('hestr i.i is 35 0 tf.O Kih ralm 9.4?a p sionary. At present Falcanio at Rome 8.15a Ar. 3Iunu Lv. 43.0 fEItCAXTILE IX- Dj.Iop x. oirmtATiVE (o Iranciscan of the head the is he where vv. ui-order. supt. I'u-r- , t1 li-- . 1 s ! ; A : I 1 :v . ' "lie i a ) i i 1 i -- lrintlug Tiu-m!,.- I - . i ;. open-eye- t i i vii-a- .tt V. . ! - . f r, i . ii . : I J ( i e n - - M i i la-- . i . . - . - W . - i A' 1 oa.-ht- ' s . ' - . I t a - t I , Ib-ii- V, 1 . ; 1 - 5 v. iu-- r - cr.-,- .1 r ! I ; -- l eno-tgl- ( . v . : - !i-- eroben-lDtendan- I C ..l-- 'ta-ngtl- i t. i -. r- SAN PETE I 111 , h- ? YALLEY RAILWAY , scrap-boo- k , U I ; am ) : - A ( - v m-x- J Al-- , -- k Wine-?-- , i ' Lx. . o -- 5 j I j hiht ) i i i I j tviu--- I iiiiit--- -i ? d' - 1 v. t. u 1 : eu-- e cla'i.a-re- . f ; . ' i fr . -- V I i II . 1 Morei-ar-di'e- l . - - : OVERWORK i, Nervous Prostration II. Maurice Despres, an electric.. engineer of Cordova, Spain, recently witnessed a shower of electified rain. The day had been warm and windless, and about 5 ocock in the evening the sun was overcast with dense clouds, lowering to the horizon. Between 8 and 8:30 p. in. that is to say after dark, there was a flash cf silent lightening, and two minutes later great drops of rain fell, which crackled faintly on touching the ground. From each of them sparks darted toward the walls, trees and soil they fell upon. The phenomenon lasted several seconds, and apparently ceased when the air between cloud and earth became saturated -I- l i'LTTE.IIILV.'. .'iamnac tar of and itoa'er In .Harness, NDUCED alld . s PAIXTEIt. Uvalt-- in General and green Groceries. a supp.ic-s- j:;- Complete Recovery by the Use of OitD BROTHERS CLOTIIIXG CO, Dealers in Clothing and Gents furnishings .fc OCKEY, Ayers Sarsaparilla Butchers. II. II. IIAWKINS, Boarding house and Restaurant. Some years ago, as a result of too close attention to business, my health failed. I became weak, nervous, was J. cline. I took three bottles of Ayers Sarsaparilla, began to improve at oner; rrv An English journal, the Housewife, an account of a j prints in an recent issue Max Miiler, the dinner given by Frof. of the philologist, at w hi ill the origin was tie- This was shown. tumbler table menstrated in the use of a little round bowls filled with the famous ale of the little bowks college. When one cl these wai emptied it was placed upont the tabic moath downwaid. too peric-c- was its bah-rc- o that it returned instantly to i.:i A.mtbrr lur. c. uorght position. are relied along the floor o. side its upon same r draped u, on the so.t carpet, the of ti t C.e origin was This cd. suit SI. C. OSTLER, Boot and Suoe maker. ERAXCIS SELL s. Furniture anil undertakir.g. XEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. A. Ua.n r, Supt. EXC KI.SIOR MERCANTILE CO., unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de- with moisture. lu'inTii Sierehandise. Baxman, Supt. in ea'c-.-- s I Vi. c J. A j i ALen tumbler, the round pli is tart s.or fiat hare superseded th balane-si- l Supt. t. a J le anti lirtvc Cvor sihcj el the rttrn- I . - COO LL. yx., r tt. UJ ' ,. Lm-- U 'COURSE . x a .r ' .s r i;i ..a'-'- Wl ii 'n m III Dm f, ' Uh'l .1 1 a ' l . ' ies. no t C 1G . . M my weight from to t ivo i.d twenty-fiv- e .. Finro then, I and my nave . .1 this medji inn .vie n (j: fh i r r, ... f - s 'Y'A 1 h u 1, e, rl ar' in the vre a'.trihnte 'i 4. ,i!i Hi I v t '1 At iT'1' - 'r ' iMt NYPIPAL YYIIMPPGIAL PM !t OlTY 11-- X T of im Sixrh JSt.7t'c7, KANSAS. A e... 1 'I - J. -- .a V 'A r ii L L.lhl V .? p i h TOPEKA, v- A - . T: to v. i .all. l. I 1u hove my c I: i AverS S f.itlierle?s would have had it not b" n fin Ayers SiiV'itearilla, of vhich preparation I rannot say too IT. O. IIivsov, Io'tmaster ami Much. S. C. Kinards. Plantar, i i'l TiA of n Jiuh fc j .i i t ... t . miT v h.iilth, a I t ic ' R TiHCllLYTRU; j Ai. f.ixxl i.l ! 0 , A rAi.-- ,11 V oMy"'. SECUitl'l THIS ot. t. nnI.z - L. rrrer I d 0! i?e a. To be abi - to make a thre e cr four miruttb not'd' 13 ifcrtai'-- y a great boon Hr the mountain ctmDiig wi-i- ) party, or for the era'.; ii.g party, as n e v. nen parsons as for other occasiws temporarily called away from the conveniences of c.vilizxi 1.1, either bv business or pletsure. The machine is constructed on the weliknow n piicciple that water will e when rapidly evaporated by means of a vacuum pump and powerful absorbent, and the machine consists ruiiniy ! a powerful vacuum pump, a vessel calE'i the absorber, which conttir.s Jf AY IHiinaESflSIfillAQK&iiia.'Na1 : name. I ; i : r & CK r;:, b. A - II. S. Kerr, U. F. & F, Ajjent, Mant, James gi-ic- upon AJ1.1 V ii I hi-- . r ' ti?' : -- 1 . Bd'-TH- D r' ' . Salt Lake City, ii. Birtn l ..V Theodore Brubvck, Fres. it Uenl Manager, KNOWLES ,fc AVELB, Wheel Wright-- . HYDE & WIETMORF. cnaint.-e- . General TIIOS. BELLI sT 'X, Mamie Works. Agt. all. i common LpM! Blacks,, iilmig. j ' yk.fllN a. PEXTOX & CHASE, j word I r Trains leave Mitnti for Sterling. Funks Lake and Morrison at 3.00 p. m., Mondays, redoes. day's and Fridays. Returning arrive at Manti at 6:00 p. m. Direct connections at Nephi with Union Paditic Railway from and to Salt Lake City, Ogden, Butte, Provo, Milford and intermediate points, and all pointe East and West. Stop on signal. The Company reserves the right to vary rom this Time Table at pleasure OV O : 1 .yjrs S REGEIVSK3 MECfiL to-da- y S31 AT ftYERS Pills Savo e V) re .. t ' 1 v r- J, r ; I. v" i t t.e me oyi.-ij- : .jI ti.cdo ': . iiiior.-.'1-'.on' aw an F t N jls i.iir.1', pr i it d and in laxlae. '.THE ir.P.iGATiOM ACE, CHiCAGO.fr . 1 D iul.li'hc-by G. K. (UvLlX(,. h A SAMPLE COPY FREE. S t t a v v -- can think of some simple tUlurf to patent? Protect votir thv mny bring you wealth. Attor- Write J6HN WhbDEKLEKN & CO., Patent D. their C., WaPliington, prize offer npvi, ani IDt o two iiuaurod iuveuuoiii waiiiyU. Bills- - " Lle.il k'' ol Ml"-j j.ick ' H i : (ill, uU iiiiif'H.ili .l.llvi' Mie mtihi F A Lui 1 fV9 pH Lc.1. at.'l wtji . . H t ' .'11 M .. a rvw h KRT j"r L'i.V'- S 7 :M atM ; t 'I'M iv111 t t sfruiv'i t l KH d II HT F v .i U rou,.t rfoi I ' v ol tilt1 Oiil'll'ill 01 it UK t Vf, no i Blacksmith, All kindsof repair work don9 Alain Street- Nephi, Utah. ' v i 1 TTlio WDRLBS FAIR. Doctors 1. v a V i ' .H- -' I i i .U v . exjitiTi;'. tt A . Oie i fiw Dr. J A enfi y. u f tte--tft t. Ltui9, .-.No ' tJf DK? to. XI'uUft' HAR-rr- hv v i'lllD.i fSjM l r'' ' f' 7 |