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Show i The Republic, Nephi, Utah, Saturday, Au 15- - 3 nounnnnua anoDQnnooanE?i OD htri -- rF jr-- n t- - - t .N; y p"S-- "3 J m iri l :r;vi Vv-- r s !T3: ; 3 fcfrrss Di trss nn It is Such a Wonderful and Patriotic Performance-Nothing Selfish About it. No more Bond Issues Until After Election. an pecie Srl.Ol3.sl7 7,j. Some do nor carry gold enough to give the stockholder-- , a taste in case of liquida-t- i m. The Gallatin National, of Yew V( rk, for instant" owes its stockholdand has but S.'dS,C32 id ers gold. Of course, the figures vary greatly in detail thioughout the cities, but they Low that the condition ot the banks - not such as ta make it appear that stockholders stand directly related to the bank funds o! the country from other creditors. So the conclusion is that th" gold the bankers, are taking to the treasury is the gold that belongs to the people who have become creditors of the banks, n transi'eiinig this goi to the government bank, the b"' ,:er do not own custody it wholly out of tl pla,-form. earne in Tin except machinery stnl exists bv which the gold haro been urawn from the treasury, a .the banks that want gold can still opera'e this machinery. The greenbacks they tak away can and will he usi-to repos-es- s tins gold in case a baiia should need if tor exp irt given or to serve customers. Sr) where i the great gem y of it? The generosity 0 exactly the sum as that vvhHi exists when one help-- , another m a pinch, nod tei occurs constantly. In otliei w a !.. t is a t soporary use of bo ( n, i i i li uj.c ,.fera. There are led la i.e tmi'i a ii ii, do,1 n banking , ms in s I) uninion. The is done t.. 'High branch banks connected with a metropolis, by llais unity of - fern, currency i3 easily nifted fiiit.i nil pirt of the (country to v Ii sent a e iother i where it is led mu to it needed but wlit. ier i.obodyi- - any the ric.,er or poorer for the h'.fr. so is New York at the present moment. Too national banks have simply formed a more iniiim.tc union with the government bank, and by the arrangement spade can bo shifted to where it is mo- -t neided, Nobody loosen or makes anything by the shift, except the gain of general convenience. The banks give away nothing and sacrifice nothing. It is not a case of generosity or patriotism at all. An enthusiastic Western editor says the banks, the natural allies of the government, ha, e voluntarily come to the aid of the treasury. They ihave given it gold in exchange for its notes, -- -- 2. C. I). Allg. (special Correspondence ) The gold gamblers have concluded not to experth bond issues iment any longer election is pendPresidential while the too is dangerous. Instead the ing. It New York banks have concluded to try the experiment of helping the governto ment bank, called own gold keep its gold by placing their at its disposal. The thing has made a greater stir than the achievement call for. The movement was begun in eo much fussiness and has been advor-ti.emer the wires with so much is nourish that the popular impre-Mo- n that here is a magnificent exhibiuon o WASHINGTON, v i sub-treasur- d on the put u the patriotic millions of gold bankers. Twenty-liv- e will bo transferred from the national banks to the government bank, and many people actually belieo that this is done in the form ot a donation, or else it is the voluntary e bange i f a self-deni- al vast a.iioun' of very vuluntfv matnal for a quantity ot other stub less all for countrys sake. 1 am unable, however, lo s" w.iee the great financial Bucniire " the thing comes in. Ail the trouble it amounts to is the tr, rosier of Uu- p 'me ibfrom the bank vaults mer tot' .do. i. tmuster the reason'. Once the banks stand financially where they wre before as far as the interests of the bankers themselves are concerned. The gold held by the hanks is one item alone of their resources, lint the resources of a bank do not belong to the exbank, but to its creditms, with the of reprethem tint ception of that part sents capital stock and undivided val"-uin- e - -- -t i profits. The gold that they are sending over is the gold of other to the and they are the greimbaeks people, are the from the treasury taking away This other of people. greenbacks would not be strictly true if we were to suppose that the banks are cherishing the design of la ing out all their gold sub-treasur- y 1 1 . - hith-fcif- ro-'t- - -- 'ii ; bu&-ie-- i -- 5 m FJZi vTT 30 . E-- rg p H ra J3 l to their stockholders and of paying the inferior money to their deposit creditors, when the pred.cted crash comes. The average banks gold is not far in amount from the bank's capital stock, The Yew York Continental National, for instance, has capital stock of 1 W pon- imiJTT' yu v t 3 T--T LC CD r.n j and no resort to a bond is.uc will now he required. The lesson the latest of situation teaches the money phrase is plain enough. The government, by the voluntary action of the banks, has been, lor the time, taken out of the banking business. The hanks themselves have attended to their business for the government, precisely as they attend to the banking business for citizens individually. If the government may be taken out of the banking business in this instance why should ir, not be taken out of the hanking business altogether? The lesson taught by ihe avoidance of the bond issue and letting the banks of the country attend to the gold reserve is the most important that the country has had a chance to learn ince the resumption of specie pin men ts. No more bond issues ought to be necessary to keep up the gold reserve. Hut the gold reserve must be kept up by bond issues if no better way can be found. The better way is now in evi- 11 r1 -J Ira ti -2 E- i l::tl If. I Ltd L.VT f'1J '.1 J"T 'd space hetween the inner and outer shell 'is used ior Hilling with water and sinking the machine, thiity two gallons being suflii inct, and for hiiov'an y when air the nr jivj T'E -- In fact, the owners can sleep, eat and moke while enjoying the wonders of the deep at 1000 fathoms below the surface, il dence.' Inside the compartment there is idesned. I quote this utterance with dccuh-for vtoiking the motive wheel-gear II dnving It is by a gold-buapproval. the nriehine and the steeling gear. Tor docs not knowhow ably he irgues the wmk there are grahliheis, sdvage silver quasi ion. Th friends of the or prongel shovels, to he revolved to scoop came mild tell him. p ui shells and t hs them into arcTwci .1 l cl'. I'cina sov. up vvhi h in it- - turn lus to discharge into the inner spaces ol the cyliu.l r, to lit: finally handled by- - the divers and picked in the SCIENCE AKD THE ESA. compartment. p If tiie eeavs to operate, the Laics' Phrases of liiirni Invention , ol the cylimh i have a supply- on hand in the i ham.'ieiB to List thin I or an an! hour, and. should then sehoonei get adrift, them can ll nf to the sui face by emptying K. mu d- - i i New .Sjith VViI ? me ge.d-i- y their water ballast, and iide the pillow - like The (In ing madbne is to b0 inte led over .m in.e'itinii by .1. Yer-mi- ii a hfohoat of ,s dm v, v, !ii Ii j,. ' icvoln-tioie- e tal n to Topes twgbts ol Guinea coast, ami will !, employed m bringing long deep ea div Mg. On .lime 1'), the Imbed t ie tsiirr in from the be of the soj. h dug-bel- l was te-llij Milivy ILtibor. National ih ( order. iiitul SICi - Coii-n- l, Captain belt, tic who wiliie ed flu ic-- l, tlm-de- -i phis it: I aimed in uu Italian, m icmpaiiy with a number ol -- eioni iai Jli.niii t lli,.il. List of Unclaimed Letters. Vfe had a number ot haw i bo.ud to The list of unclaimed Idlers remaining -t till (living lie!!. The nut nine in Nephi post office Aug. is;, lyjj is as It inohed follows. linating at the side of a a g oil deal like a stier t iidler. LI. P. Nelson Oil our anival tin- thiee ton of steel was G. Shorn back bolded iiji by the ti.u kle of the sihooner. Mrs. Minncrva E. Ilnewlton If the above letters are not called for in The owi( is, Ilr. Bariing'im and J. Is, cal, 30 days, they will be sent to the dead letthe l invited us to tluovv our bowlders ter oftiee, This vvedd, and then examined II. F. McCune, P. M. the iinieliine, which is not b( hut i onstructed on a dii'leient plan entiiely. It is a 3 Under 7 feet 1 indies in length, and of the same in diameter. It is built of steel, three eights of an inch thick. Inside this is a second cylinder of similar st length hut oflesser diameter by ten inches. The - For - ea The Largest siifsissf, -- snd Best d ol 1 . Subscribe wat'r. The two men entered through a manhole on the top, and the cylinder was hermetically ra led. The Older was then given to let go. Ho well adjusted was the cylinder that Dr. Harrington and his companions sported about on the waves until they wanted to sink, when the.v opened the valve nid the water rushed in, filling the space around t u innei cylinder, and down they went until the icgister iudiwfed lieaiiy twenty fathoms. We were all moie or less frightened, and began pumping air to them at a furious rate, when a voice from the depths of the ocean sounded in our ears. It came fiom the telephone attachment of the To much air, d let up; you are miicaine. ei eat ing such a current that vve can't light a match to have a smoke. m m r:i Print Weekly Published in Utah, All Home in-n- - P.o-eirc- li. -- or 171 E skin. CI3EA Tim mien e itching ml rmarbag d i1 iit to ec m, t tie , celt. rheum,dl.-yc-a. J o ilLcai'-efthe skin is i.:A,'-t!I've end - ivii ry rying ChmibiiLiiuV, O.nti lent. Iir. ny Very bed c.ee-- s hrvo her n 1 ly it. It is equ-.'I- y cLicient for itikirg j iios an 1 a ivo.ite r for sore r'pif-s- ; chqq'cd Imnlq cl kdiv, fro-- t bin-- , an 1 chroma ten c; Ior i da by ibvgv ts at 2G cci.l3 j er hex. S n-,.- . 1 -- 1 cd 'ryllr. Cad;. .ore j. id when tlou. a Ceid'N n rawder,', i! iior-enwd- s Tonic, blood i 1 c- Scientific American Mei-ou- y v.iiinhi - t,di u.?;evand vciiiiifug'- - t l- I - over-hoar- VVA T ::aVv v- d. IPowcScs L ...a cavEATC- - it t Cesicm Pi- V" 17 p.'- r COPVRJCtvTC, ,t For infnrmatfoa anl fro? Hantlbco vvi MUNN & (. 0. oGl Ip.oaijv s t b Oldest bureau for Beourinic p u ,o i ) A Every imtent taken out by us i i I ni,, I tne public by a notice feivon ireo (7 Larynt clroulaflonof Ch unv panrr Cl r. lvorU, hplenilidly illiistraled. No uitcll. man tiliould lie wllliout it. WecHv, .i 0(1 .i,a Tear; $ ..SO isix months. AiWress. IHJN'V & C(J, l'ciiiniULKs, IKil ilroadway, New Voik City. J |