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Show The Republic, Nephi, Utah. Saturday, Aug. 13. 4 not only fit the views we area pin it in your liat. that wo an for bat they are the princiAXI ,N' MLW.ii, lliOl by S n.iMr Cannon Tin political pot continues to IEAI), AXD r.Kl HKOl 1"V IN' ples advceaP-i hi. ii:n i.r addiv in "mi," hoil ami it sei nm to be vi.--i ntr everv 'anil Mill show a in I bacac our in The sentim nt in M inti is allay- - Whether the sentiment v ill jJV pac.(s THE POLITICAL SENTIMENT. THE ivEPUBLIC. N It is to pc 1 hoped he will he drop, into the deop pit ,,f oViviun. be 1 wturday I." W. L. ROE. . i. r: moiinixo I i Editor. it is h anl to tell. Oil the one Now, we would like to ink a few from our "volatile con-- ) liaml a certain owtiou of the pen-- i que-tio- temporary. which the people n-- j pie are being intimidated by eato be liieie aie tern capitalists, to sucli an extent. !'ume questions, ly thewav. that that were they willing to support law er ncially take a a popular doctrine, the.-people will answered er illls''' ail(i these would not allow them. l'or anyone to come to a definite .confer, a favor, not only on us hut conclusion beiore the respective tiponsome of our questioners: I If McKinley is dieted, candidates for the jiresidcniy have "iU t,H Congress pass a given to tin public their speech of. acceptance, would be suicidal in Uotectiv e tarill bill inside of a the eyes of thinking people. Hut to claim that the jicople arc now j Second It Bryan or Sewall is drifting from their silver views in l'kCted, how soon will we have silver? vast numbers is not only redicu-- j Third Is it not stated in the lotis but is misleading to the platform of the state Redubliean public. The Nephi Times (which for the party that they are "for the free and unlimited coinage of silver?'' past few weeks 1ms been like a Fourth Is the Times in favor of juvenile rooster that has only ju-.- t the epithets which become possessed of its tail been straddling the board the eastern press (which by the hy fence of uncertainty and was un- have been subsidized by the money decided upon w hieli side to drop. power) is continually throwing at It lias the following rather prevari- the southern and western people of all grades, such as anarchists,'' cating account of the present po"repudiators," litical sentiment.'' if you please: debaucliei's of the law, The political sentiment seems to "bueaneer.s." etc., have entirely changed in this city in vituperators, and is which directed at the pople tlie past two weeks. Immediately after the Chicago convention the sen- of all grades and shades of political Ja.--t. rUK-cnimo- N: i an-were- d. (ull-iledg- e ed j ii-s- tr.uiMttn'., m thro.'.j.'U ma.l matnr. mad tnj us SATURDAY AUG. Utb, I?G. Be Sure that you ADVERTISE IN TfieRepUblio It will Pay you. THE ISSUE t j mud-slingin- g f'eath-:ers)'li- as -r- obbers,' timent appeared to be largely fer Bry-an- d bewail. But now it seems to be and many persons (Demochanging crats as well as Republicans,) freely express themselves in favor of McKinley and Hobart. While the people are generally in favor of free coinage of silver, they do not want free trade or tariff for revenue only with it." Now, Friend Times, we have no political snap in view, nor is there one in the whole of Ftali polities Yfhile we individually believe which is remunerative enough for that freee silver will be tin best us. We might take a senatorship, thing for America in the long run, but even this we would he forced we also recognize that the wool to decline, believ ing that we can There are a great many persons in Nephi who are undecided which way to vote as vet, hut who recog-niz- e and have gone so far to assert that the who! sentiment here in Nephi and also in the west, is unanimous in its endorsement of the silver movement. belief. Fifth anil last for the present- Is this a logiiftl way of bringing the west to the views of the east. Now these are only a few ques. tions We would like answered. We are prepared to receive all kinds of shot. Because of our independent stand, good Democrats have come to us aud said we were running a Republican paper and good Republicans have on the other hand, said that we were running it in the interests of Democracy. To all such we say, we are for all of you. If the New York Sun and other metropolitan papers can run their newspapers on an independent plan, so can we, and if people will take the trouble to peruse our paper they will see that we publish both Republican, Democrat, Independent and Populist form of sentiment. Thats what we are here lor and nothing else. Rut to be candid, we can say as far as we can see it, the sentiment has truly changed but only to tin silver movement. Rut whether it will he kept up after the public speech of acceptance of both candidates is given, is a problem that we are unable to solve. In conclusion it can be said that our friendly editor of the Times must be another Rip Van Winkle, if he supposes for one moment that Democrats and Republicans are changing in regard to their silver support the people bettor without holding anj political preferment. The above remarks, however, are not true, and it comes as a surprise. not only to us but some prominent people of both parties, and the majority of those whom we have spoken to are Republican in sentiment. If Democrats and Republicans express themselves as being in favor of the Republican nominees, then the whole of the western and southern press an a lot of unniiga-te- d liars save one i. c., the Nephi Times. Now in reading the editorial of this bright and sparkling paper, on The Address' it says: "The ad dress propiw's the endorsement or nomination of McKinley electors, hut at the same time seems to give thi impres-io- n that concessions will be made to the free silver or Dryan faction hy according to them the national congres-maii.- " views. to sentithis then All Republicans, save a few. the According Inis ment not changed, lmt that want silver and vice versa. w are illing to grant t oncer they to tlie "Bryan faction by acANOTHER CONVERT. cording to them the national congressman." F.veu the Republican We have always had respect for state committee lia e doubts as to tlu advisability of supporting .M- i- the Munti Messenger, both as a that openly advocates Kinley or Hobart in this cam- newspaper its views not only political on plete study. paign. Oh. eonsKtency thou art a on the welfare of the but The respective tie of both jewel. If, wt ask. tlu sentiment grounds, in this issue has changed toward McKinley and masses. In its last issue it had the say to the Hobart, how is it that the Republican committee did not take advanpeople, study the question, do If o ir st itu committee will take the not rely on our views, but after tage of the opportunity- at the time trouble to learn the wishes of the masthe committee were in session and ses of the th iroughly learning the mie facts Republican voters, all doubts iconic out boldly and emphati- would vanish from their minds as to vote for which ticket you honestly tlie best thing to do when the state cally for the head of the ticket? and conscientiously believe to be meets to select a ticket. A convention Wait a hit, you can answer us at ticket with silver straight Republican light. your leisure, we will give you time, electors would meet with general apAfter studying the question we are and a friendly tilt will not hurt proval: or gold and silver headed tickforced to confess that the subject is either of us. ets, thoroughly united on the same a deeper one than has been heretoYour little squib also says: state and local nominees, would not be so bad. Whatever the individual defore broached in a presidential While the people are generally in sires of the Messenger may be, we are election save when Abraham Lin- favor of free coinage of silver, they convinced that in Utah the single coln was plucked out of darkness do not want free trade or tariff for standard principle will never carry." to overcome the dreaded problem revenue only with it." True; nor We can heartily endorse these do we, We claim, and you can words of Editor Lauber, for they cf.slaYc.ry. men and general public need other benefits as well. Wc have decided for the future to give a column of Kepublican, Democratic and Independent sentiment on this question. And in doing this we believe that it willhelp all people to peruse and study the question on its true basis. Individually we are firmly convinced that the placing of both metals oil anepi.il footing will enhance to the prosperity, rapid-growtand of American manufacup building tures and institutions, and we shall deem it our duty as an t journal to publish every thing which will hi of benefit. Vie believe that tlu truth should Retold about both sides, ami are not in aee irdanee with the mis lea ling statements of some people on the true status of the case. We have sounded the business men of Nephi and their views are truth, utlly given in another column, and we Iru-- t the general publiewill peruse them and realize that for them to vote intelligently they will have to give the queMiou a com. changing Friend notice it. Tim-.-:- Kin - h lade-penden- Senator th- o:i form-- J M. Ib-nr- in t! i rii.ciple-- of tin me.. will sp uk ns j fr so . A silver dub has been I th-r- e ;a Ti-Ik-- fp lrft We failed to n :ice tin kinky aud hr u'.c r!y sentiments of Era. of the Mercur Norman B. Dres-e- r. 3 . Miner in reference to this paper, Editor ago. published a wi- -k Teeth Extracted Without Pain. Dres'cr w ill please shake hand-- ! of GOLD CROWN, May the perpetualazure-skPIVOT TEETH. capped Ftah shine And his editorial BRIDGES AND may upon the keen cutting Masts of winter RUBBER PI.ATES and its atmosphere hold aloof from our friend and fel- NEPHI OFFICE: One Hock south low worker in journalism, in Mer-eur- 's and half block east of ktore. gold and silver blanketed; camp. rxcl Dr.C.K. BIBB ci Gist sun-dun- y lu-ad- . d Co-o- p Offices: 2Vr.xiti. TvTojolii lie re is another paragraph from a speech of Americas greatest statesman. James G. Elaine given in tlie Fifty-thir- d Congress: The responsibility uf and honorable silver in its ancient as in money Europe an 1 Ameriplace devolves ca, really upon the 0 ingress of the United states. If we act here with wisdom and firmness, we sh ill not only successfully remonetize silver and bring it into general use as money incur own country, but the influence of our example will be rpotenti.il among European nations, with the possible exception of England." c 'tViJiT'ioi.ir, ? V 'iiiui.t. . t S. TIN FIRST HATIOHAL BMIK of HEPHI. 350,000. Capital tSULirip lus, 37,500, ceneka- - i: . N k: n ; in ai.t. HE- -. The St. Louis It will surprise most read says: ers to learn that this country last Nephi City, . . . year exported 51 ,581, SOI of sausage casings." The Utahnian cannot help regretting, that such an ad- THE CITY LIQUOR STORE, mirable opporl unity to rid the Tic Fine-- t and most complete country of Grover Cleveland was not utilized. lie might have been Lines of Liquors and exported, as the biggest lot of sausaCigars in Neplii. ge-cover America ever produced. The Utahnian. Piihts anl Salt Lib ter on !;an;L Globe-Democr- .Utah. Cleveland's Courteous treatment to ail. lus J. R. Edgheill Prep. brought the country to this state. GREAT MIDSUMMER Sale m In order to make room for our new fall stock which will soon arrive, we will for the close out Tlilrty Pays our entire Summer stock at Greatly reduced prices including the fallowing lines: Mens cvxacI Boys do tlx. Axis Underwear, Xccl.wcar, nOscry, Shoes and. Slippers, SJillsL Trimmings cvxxcL DrosS Goods etc. ns Besides the largest line of Carpets ever offered in Nephi. We invite you to call and examine these as we fuel satisfied v, e can please you and save you money. NEPIH CI1Y, UTA II. Ghas.Foote, TIIO. II. LLT. K.i- c: t - ut TilOS. KELLY, rr-V- t. Maiuv-r- . i,.-!i- i . t . i L. 3. 'lJVLR-'- iiimnm st. r.C HAS. KELLY, Sci-- i wrrrnrvn JOHN .t m in !! imi mini ILFT M Yi I.oui-- , C. WHITE, 3.1 Vi IY-h- U. Chicago Lhe Stock Commission Ca. (Incorporated J5SS. Capital Stock S2C0, 000.) ft We make a specialty of Handling Feeding Cattle and Sheep. Pile: uk: "'. I.yi, C. Whitmore, President Firt OFFICES -- Chicago, National Bank, Nephi. St- - Louis, and Kansas City. |