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Show r i NlPK sir wew :amii! We are selling residence lots north of Birch Street on a basis of $5.00 Cash and $5.00 per Month. Lots $120 an 8 8 residence lots south of Birch Street we offer on a basis of $10 cash and $10 per month. Lots $150.00 and Upward Ail lots are 40x130 feet to ah alley All fi ft Why not make a start, toward owning your own home in the future Smelter City of Utah? You can easily do it under these favorable terms. Payments may be increased or the entire purchase price paid up at any time desired. If these terms are not satisfactory, come around and- tell us why - Where the Homes of Hundreds of Smelter Employees Will he. s For Further Information Cali on or Address ETS !Sk2l3 THE TOOELE JULIES N All BEAUTIFY YOUR HOMS Kinds of Locks, Keys, No 748 tain country, and the centre of jtah ; the home of the Largest and most important smelting plant in the world ; the most promising city in the western country today backed by a bright future ; and semi-tropic- other house a palacial home place for the deserving homeless. Everybody welcome buildingand ET aod repairing Hardware. - MAKE A 1ARDWARE TRIMMING FOR YCUR HOME. 1 EE We hsve t lot of other styles to help yeur selections. All Quilts, Foot size Cleveland Ranch Has Been Sold Blinds, Blankets, and Rugs All at the "Out In Arizona," yawned the pretty fcirl, "I saw an artesian well drill that fcad been digging away for weeks and ,Hreeks, it reminded me so much of from lisped the young roan who la what Ilever glanced at the clock. "WcMly-- Way? Why, it was such a chronic bore.' V f Cl a an Shave Permas Meat Market. Sufficient Reason, Are you going to the cointnctice-- i ment? notf" neat to a comro-enccmea- t once." During the SALE for impossibilities, when possibilities You may search the state of Utah throughand through and you wont 'rind the equal of these remarkable values. We are positive of this, and know whereof; we speak, and so confident are we that we undersell every other bouse, that we unhesitatingly refund the purchase price ' n ithin 140 days if you equal our values. the colonists will come IVcm Si- ARONS list ten days the have . ; Why OVERSTOCKED No use waiting Quit Selling Copper. fro-r.- i Xo. 1 DAYS OF BATONS are at band. Gogenhcims Suddenly same general plan of colonization will be carried out as was success fuily accomplished at Lund and Preston, which are shining examples of the great work the Mormon church is doing throughout the desert region. As at these places, the lands of the Cleveland ranch will no doubt be so'd at original cost on ten ycats time at 0 per cent interest, which will give people of limited means an opportunity to secure the homes and pay for them of bien t the has soil earnings stated that the gieater piTtionof mid a Per f c c Pair Cut Handing Him the Lemon. f: f TREMENDOUS o Some weeks ago the Record tbe probable sale of the Cleveland ranch of Spring valley one of the largest and most beautiful ranch properties in the stale to the Mormon church. On Saturday la.t the first payment of $10,000 was made ou the purchase price of $100,-000- . Thomas Judd, who had much to do with the colonization of White River valley, arranged all preliminaries in regard to the deal, and took the option on the pioperty in his iidine, but it is the general supposition that he is aciing for the church. It is presumed that tbe Frank II. Newell, Prop Next to - great Industry. THE NEWELL BA1BER SHOP I LIST 5 or' WHAT IS GOING ON HERE AND THERE REGARDING UTAHS IVWWW vVVvWvVvVe WV A HE no,.-mean- 30, 1909. suing Fiertiion- very lowest prices. Suez Canal Shipping. Consul General Robert J. Wynee make.! the report that the returns ot shipping and tonnage of the Suez eanal for 1907 show that the net tonincrease, nage exhibits an the figines for the last year showing en increase ot 1,262,930 tons as coin-farewith that of 1306 and an increase of 1,594,329 over 1903. Receipts during 100? showed an increase ol j?l,&57,000 aS compared' with 1006. ad. SgS6ilS5 M Hangers. hsrz.mz. you want a local or display SATURDAY, OCTOBER the Hardware line at our store EE Let us help you in the selection of Hardware T riraminga to harmonize with the style yout house is huilt in. If The Times come around and talk to the ad man, or write for rates. in You can get anything- for the house from a heating stove down to a tack in Lafayette Design Lock Sets t ' . PUF.LISIIED IN TEIH Richest garden spot in the Intermoun- Glass and We car a wide range of designs (f niahe in artistic bcilders hardware. Broadway. Tocelc, Utah. TSSSSSSSSIL George, one of the roost prosperous settlements of southern Utah. Doubt'ess many of these people will have ample means for the rap'd improvement of their plages, so that the community will immediately into importance us a producspring er of agiieultural supplies for Ely and the surrounding mining camps. It is expected that one hundred faroi lies, or approximately live hundred people will be located upon the lands of the Cleveland ranch within the coming year, but this will by bo the end, for the entire L Spring valley is susceptible to cul-ltiyation, either by artesian water by pumping from shallow wells. With the iuflux of this new popula-- , lion it is reasonable to presume that within a very few years tbe entire valley will be peopled with a thrift v and intelligent class of people, who will add greatly to ibe wealth and general rrospuity of the country. Ely, Record. . - The Original Leader 10 not been offering copper through their selling agent, Mr. Gleadenning. For some weeks the Guggenlieiini have been scolded by the copper trade In gtre 'al for the policy whiclr they wore following in forcing copper on the market everyday. 'Mroy were underselling their competitors, and tiro result has been dc norailzatiou. Weether or not they have ciclerm;i,ed no longer to shoulder the blame for much that has happened in copper, and are disposed to sell1 goods as do other Clipper merchairs, is not known, but it is a fact that dus ring the past ten days a very s:gni-fic.change has apparanlly taken place in their policy. S, L. Triluie. Operators of 11. L BIWN, Manager. Stores id TOOELE, UTAH i ESES32 A ili-'i- mt Round Trip Rates on sale daily. Limit returning six months. Write for full in- formation to i car via the Tooele Valley A spec; Railroad, loaves here every night at 1;24 a m for the junction of the Salt Lake Route, for the accornnodat'on of those wishing to take the roldn'g-h.pgrsengor train. By informing the 'r,'c:it at their otfice before six o'clock carc.ii. the evening previous you will for. Fare tv. 2a cents. 1 KENNETH C. KERR, t I 1 iCg So, Hain street Salt Lake City Utah I |