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Show THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG. STANCHION-MANGE- The S':ady Man. e to write a little rhyme about tl.e steady man, who keeps on time and does the ; edging all the ictt le can; the man who early goes to work aiid doesnt get home t ill late; uor try to shirk in order to be great. Theie are some fellows who will try to do their business tricks and have a finger in tl e pie of city politics; they try to put on lots of style and play a heavy role, and in a little bit o while you find them in a hole! I like the man of steady pace, his system I admire; he has no wild desire to place moie irons in the fire! Los Angeles Express. FORCE OF HABIT. Pcruna Secrets Wed h' R FOR CALF FEEDING You Should KnowS r etr System Gives Utmost Satisfaction and Permits Youngsters to Be Fed Individually By J. B. Monston. Tell my that his invitation, but am unable to accept it. Servant Good. He promised me half a dollar if you werent able to Mrs. Bauer I thank him son-in-la- for-- Government Sanatoria. The United States government come. Where Inspiration Sits. Mrs. Quilluser came tiptoeing softly into her husband's study, rested a hand lightly on his shoulder and peered over at the sheaf of sheets on his desk. What are you working on now, dearest? she asked gently. On Mary's mittens, he answered pleasantly, but without looking up. Mrs. Quilluser studied a moment, as if planning. Dearest, Willie needs a pair of shoes more than Mary does the mittens. I have already promised them to the poor boy. Hadn't you better work on Willies shoes first, dear? All right, Nellie, all right, he replied kindly, turning his eyes up into Nellie s great patient ones. Then he pushed back An Ode to the Dancing Leaves" and cheerfully began to write a Sunday special on Puck. A New Substitute for Coal. T think ( Growells He declares hes perfectly comfortable at home every day in the year. Boston Herald. The U. S. Government has bought 25 Gross (3,000 boxes) of Hough on Huts to Bend to the Panama Canal Zone, because it does the w ork. The old reliable that never fails. The unbeatable exterminator. 15c, 25c, ,75c. When a man says he is willing to change his opinion if you can convince him that he is wrong its a sign youll never be able to convince him. Pettit's Eye Salve Restores. No matter how badly the eves may be diseased or injured. All diuggists or Howard Bros.. Buffalo. N. Y. If we all had our own way other peofile would qujckly get out of it. form of combined stanchion and manger for calf feeding is Illustrated In a bulletin published by the Michigan Experiment station and is recommended as being very convenient. The principle on which the stanchion is built is not claimed to be new; the use dates back a number of decades, but the especial application and adjustment of the one hereafter described presents some new features. This particular model is produced as the result of three years trial, having unthe dergone several changes since This applifirst one was installed. ance can be adjusted so as to accommodate the calf from birth up to 12 months of age. The calves are con fined in the stanchions at feeding time only. After the calf has been secured the milk bucket Is placed In the manger; when the milk is con sumed the bucket is removed and ensilage and meal supplied, followed by hay. By using this stanchion method of feeding the maximum number of calves can be kept in a minimum amount of space in a clean, healthy, thrifty condition, providing they are given access to the outdoor yardage The average size of the four calf pens in the dairy barn, including manger space Is 15 feet three inches by 12 feet 3 inches. Each pen accommodates eight calves up to five or six months of age. The average size of two pens in the grade herd barn accommodating six calves each, Is 9 teet A Constipation causes many serious diseases. It Is thoroughly cured by Doctor Pierces Pleasant Pellets. One a laxative, three fox .cathartic. A homely truth i handsome lie. a better than Suffered 3 Years. Tortures Yield to Cuticura. Smiths Housekeeping. Growells Smiths wife must be a so? Not Heal View Showing Stanchions. Mrs. poor housekeeper. Mrs. Growells Why do you op , The Main Question. This story is current in the Arkansas hills. A woman was telling some friends what a delicate childhood was hers. When I was born I weighed only four pounds. They put me in a cigar box for a cradle. Goodness gracious! exclaimed one of the listening women, leaning forand did ward with great interest, Kansas City Times. you live? ; Gotten Scr! Root. erates three tuberculosis sanatoria, one for soldiers and officers of the regular army at Fort Bayard, N. M.; Hodge Hefty had a strenuous time one for seamen in the merchant maon his vacation. When he started he rine, and others employed in coast tipped the scales at 200 pounds and service of the government, not in the when he returned he only weighed navy, located at Fort Stanton, N. M 149. and one for officers and enlisted men Dodge That was a drop. I suppose in the navy at Las Animas. Col. The his best girl gave him up on the spot. fust hospital is conducted by the deHodge Not at all. She accepted partment of war, the second by the him right off. Cnited States public health and ma Dodge Thats queer. tine hospital service and the latter by Hodge No; you see she is a great the navy department. bargain hunter and couldnt pass anywas reduced. thing that The Final Transaction. Father, said little Hollo, what is CURED ITCHING HUMOR. the ultimate consumer? He is the last person, my son, that Big, Painful Swellings Broke and Did an article reaches in its commercial half-writte- n by boarding up from the manger to the dotted line shown between A B The front or stanchion part of the fixture is 3 feet 6 Vi Inches high and slopes away from the manger to in crease its capacity and give the call the benefit of a little more spread in throwing the head up to remove It from the open stanchion. The stan1 chions are made of inch elm and no breaks have occurred thus far. The youngest calves do not require more than 5 Inches space for the neck confined. The stan chion frames are bored with a number of holes so that the movable upright pieces can he shifted according to the size of the calf. As calves approach the yearling stage and their horns interfere with the working ot the stanchion the movable piece may be removed and the animal allowed tc go free while feeding. This system has given the utmost satisfaction, permitting calves to be fed individually ac cording to their needs and entirely preventing the many bad habits sc frequently acquired by the pail fed Little black swellings were scattered over my face and neck and they would leave little black scars that would itch so I couldnt keep from scratching them. Larger swellings would appear and my clothes would stick to the sores. I went to a doctor, but the trouble only got worse. By this time It was all over my arms and the upper part of my body In swellings as large as a dollar. It was so painful that I could not bear to lie on my back. The second doctor stopped the swellings, but when they broke the places would not heal. I bought a set of the Cuticura Remedies and In less than a week some of the places were nearly well. I continued until I had used three sets, and now I am sound and well. The disease lasted three years. O. L. Wilson, Puryear, Tenn., Feb. 8, 1908. rotter Drug & Cheat, Corp., Solo Props Soataa. Their Advantages. existence." 1 know what you mean lies a man who goes into a hotel and orders chicken hash. Washington Star. Ladies Can Wear Shoes One size MitulU r alter using A lit n s It nukes llie antisi-pupowder. tight or now shoes easy. Cures swollen, feet, ingrowing athing hot, sweating, Alw-as use it to Break In new n ills. Shoes. At all Druggists. JV. Don't aee.pt line substitute. Tii.il package IIE14 bv mail. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lelioy,N.Y. Toot-Kns- - f e, It seems strange to the masculine Intelligence that many a woman who is at raid of a mouse Isn't a bit afraid of her husband. Stop guessing! Try t lie- best and most certain leniedy for all p.unlnl ailments '1 lie llamlms - lard Oil. way it relieves nil soreness from sprains, cuts, wounds, burns, scalds, etc., is vvondeilul. Only a disinterested thud party is able to realize that there are two sides to a question. l.OSK NO SI. I 1 a nfurgiiiir coukIi or I rnidt d throat. Ailin through 1 Diirf Balsam wilt tit at t ho ult Tium tiuicklv unl ami tl.U) botttos. UauuU'Ksly. All druKgUls. 2ao, J.j X. l.f Golden Real, the root of the above plant, Is a very useful medicine. Many people gather it in our rich woodlanas during the summer. Tew people know liow valuable i t is i n dyspepsia, catarrh, an 1 ns a general tonic. Many thousand poulids of this root are used each year in the famous catarrh remedy, Poruna. This fact explains why everybody uses Reruns for catarrh. SICRBEABAGBE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Dfa tret from Dy spe psl a, I a digestion and Too iiturtj Eating. A perfect reuv edj for DfzxlneaM, Nau aea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in tle Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Fain in th They regulate Side, TO it PI I) LlVF.it. the Bowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, GARTERS Genuine Fac-Simi- le CT5ITTIE f Must Bear Signature Over PILLS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. ffi QSi kly Sdlo Wipe it off your otherwise good looking face put on that good health smile that will give you as a result from the cure of Constipation or a torpid liver. Its so easy- - do it --youll see. CAS-CARET- S 915 RETS 10c a box for a week's treatment, mi druggists. Bu.ge-- t seller la the woild. Aliliiua boxes a mouth. C A RCA KLLI I I41.FM T KO IT trnlll ami ld. H uu: hilvr, Silver reUiuxi So you have made up your mind to Great men do not drop out of the Silver and Copper. II M Gold and be a specialist. What line are you go- sky in evening dress. nte f.r free mu iBhk him ks. unrtbnmilit UL OClhN ASSAY iO., ifiWi twuri Plw, ing to take up? "Winslow Mr. Sjrrop, Soothing I dont know. I have been considfor DBFTTY lfMfMJrt Ortlvarml, For children teething, often the gum, reduce h'NKlPau material coia rftfalll caK. allays pain, cures wind coltu. 25c a outlie. rre ering various advantages in different you. U 15 to ft Hn.p for holy Agent. an ui pie a. irr Mig Ck.,2NUbLKnmgbt.,lM.'Uver,Col. branches. A chiropodist can generalWhen duty calls on a man he is apt ly get a foothold, no matter how bad to be out. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. DISEASE GERMS business is; a manicurist has usually doctor a on hand; beauty something COWS can usually play a skin game and an eye and ear doctor can often get a In when there is Is the best ot all medicines for the cure ot diseases, Milk Contaminated In Varlam hearing I havent dwelt onanything the possisight. disorders and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the From Time It Leaves bilities of throat specialists and denWays Cow Until It Readies Table. only preparation of its kind devised by a regularly gradutwo or hair because the tists experts, ated physician an experienced and skilled specialist former always look down in the mouth the diseases of women. There are a hundred and one places and the latter may get but a bald livIt is safe medicine in any condition of the system. where milk can be contaminated from or be expected to dye for his pathe time it is drawn from the udder ing THE ONE REMF.DY which contains no alcohol Baltimore American. g till it reaches the table in the form tients. and no injurious drugs and which of sweet milk, cream, or butter. First, such no for stimulants. creates In craving November. Try This a great deal of bacteria, impurities THE ONE REMEDY so good that its makers and disease germs get into the milk thousands of famThousands are not afraid to print its every ingredient on at the barn or lot in which the cows ilies who haveupon not been regular eateach outside bottle -- wrapper and attest to the are kept. Second, a great many more ers of Quaker Oats will begin on the truthfulness of the same under oath. of these owe their existence in milk first of November and eat Quaker to the attendant and the place In It is sold by medicine dealers everywhere, and any dealer who hasn't it can once or twice every day for thirty Oats which the milk is kept. get it. Dont take a substitute of unknown composition for this medicine or of this month; the result in days The moment the cow shows signs known composition. No counterfeit is as good as the genuine and the druggist health and more strength and who says something else is just as. good as Dr. Pierces is either mistaken of being ill, or when even a slight good vigor will mean that every other or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such a man is not to be eruption is noticeable, a person may month in the year will find them doing trusted. He is trifling with your most priceless possession your health- contract disease by partaking of hei the same thing. may be your life itself. See that you get what you ash for. milk. Oats plentiServe it! Quaker Try Impure water is another way In for the thirty which milk is contaminated. If the fully and frequently leave oft a corcow is compelled to drink out of a days of November and of meat and greasy amount responding mud hole, filled with disease germs more more she cannot help but drink a large foods. andYoull get than health, you ever got strength number of those germs into her sys- vigor in thirty days of any other kind of tem, some of them being sure to reach eating. the milk. While you are trying this 'see that .& Milking the cow Into an open pail the children get a full share. when the barn Is filled with dust, and Quaker Oats is packed in regular from which there bangs an untold size packages and large size family 7 number of dirty cobwebs, or milking packages. her in an offensively smelling lot. Never Opened His Mouth. where the filth is ankle deep, or milkNot infrequent rays of unconscious cow a where udder, flanks and ing illumine the otherwise Imposhumor The automatically-lockin- g Smokeless Device is an exlegs are covered with dirt and filth- -in sible stories that come to my desk such cases It Is impossible to avoid of feature the clusive a one Perfection Oil Heater. This from for reader amateurs, says contamination of the milk. I chanced of the magazines. Recently We believe that more disease germs are given the human family through upon this choice bit: John, the husband, and Grace, the milk than are given in any other ate on together in silence. There doesnt allow the wick to rise to a point where it CAN smoke, yet wife, agency; and we also believe that less was an ill feeling between permits a strong flame that sheds a steady, glowing heat without a attention is paid to the care of milk them.indubitably The devoured a plate whiff of smoke. husband to than any other food consumed of an half a entree or two, soup, fish, upon the table. No other heater In the world compares with the a piece of roast beef, together with a sweet, without ever once opening his mouth. CROSS-CU- T 44-19- 09. FROM -- Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription habit-formin- AFTER SUFFERING ONE YEAR Cured by Lydia E. Pink hamsVegetable Compound Milwaukee, Wis. Lydia E. Pink hams Vegetable Compound has made me a well woman, and I would like to tell thewhole world of it I suffered f romfemale trouble and fearful pains in my back. I had the best doctors and decided they all that I had a tumor in addition to my female trouble, and advised an opera- - tion. Lydia E. ink hums Vegetable Compound made me a well woman and I have no more backache. I hope I can help others by E. Pinkhams telling them what Lydia Vegetable Compound . has done for Mrs. EmmaIjise, me.1 833 First St, Milwaukee, Wis. The shove is only one of the thousands of grateful letters which are constantly being received ofby the Lynn, Pinkham Medicine Company Mass., which prove beyond a doubtthat LydSa E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, obstinate disactually does cure these eases of women after all other means g have failed, and that every such woman owes it to herself to at least give Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound a trial before submitsuf-erin- ting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass , invites all sick women to w rite her for advice. She has gruided thousands to health and her advice is free. FREE Mary T. Goldman's Gray Hair Restorer restores original color m mild, healthful manner n from 7 to 14 days, bn tirely different from anyelse. In effect is thing Cd Muk fbctetmd permanent. Does not wash off nor look uruat' nraV. Bus no sediment, so its neither sticky nor greasy it's as pure and clear as water Dont ex what thousands of others have fooud penment safe and satisfactory. For sample nndoomb absolutely free, write to MARY T. BOOLDMA V. a Eldg St. Print, Jlinn. nra to tr.eriion on? iD&i cMr of vour hair Pull sir bottles for sale hr all dealers " J Inches by 14 feet 10 inches, and three occupied by five each are 10V& feet by 11 feet 9 inches. Of course, in all cases except one, the calves have access to yardage at will. Referring to the illustration for detailed description, the bottom of the manger, 18 inches wide, consisting of hemlock, is 6 Inches above the floor. As the front of the manger is built on rather than against the bottom It leaves the Inside bottom measurement of the manger 16 inches. The side of the manger over which the calfs neck Is placed in' feeding is 8 inches above the bottom, one-hal- f of this distance being taken up by a 2x4, the balance by the bottom framework of the stanchion resting on It. The top part of the manger over which the calf feeds Is 15 Inches above the floor and should not be made higher, as even this Is rather high for the new born calf. The youngest calves can feed over this, but should not be left fastened during the day, as they could not lie down com fortably. The side of the manger next the feed alley is practically 2 feet high and 2 feet above the floor; the slope given to this part of the manger is a very decided advantage, especially in placing and removing buckets while the calf is fastened in the stanchion; even more slope than that indicated would be wrell. The manger Is partitio ;jd off every two feet; this should be the minimum width, for while It is ample room for the young calves, even more room would be desirable for the roughage of the older ones. The manger partitions extend upward as far as the curved line shown in the illustration, but this is the most faulty feature of the fixture, as It is possible for one calf to reach over and suck another ones ears If the meal and ensilage is not promptly supplied after the milk is consumed, though this rarely happens. A more perfect manger division will be made 9 Smokeless Oil Heater Automatic Smokeless Device SAW SUPPORT of Llzht Timber Attached to It Make It Possible for One Man to Operate. Pieces Two pieces of lath or other light strip of wood bored together as shown at 3 in the accompanying illustra saw so tion, will stiffen a cross-cu- t that one man will be able to saw with it without difficulty. The strips of wood tend to control the wabble of (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Turn the wick high or low no smoke, no smell. Burns for 9 hours with one filling. The locking device on the inside of the draught tube holds the wick below the smoke zone always responds, and. automatically, insuring perfect combustion and utmost heat without the slightest trace of smoke. Oil Indicator. Damper top. Cool handle. Finished in Nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. the Rest of Us. Please, munisey, just five Like cents, begged Johnnie. But, Johnnie, it was only this morning that I gave you five cents. "I know, mumsey, but putting his arms around her neck Im so hard on money. Everybodys Magazine. They Were Shady. have succeeded in the free end. A piece of stove wire tracing back my ancestors? What Is twisted around the saw and a strip at your fee? for Genealogist Twenty guineas 2 will aid in keeping It In place. A wire twisted about the laths at 3 keeping quiet about them. Cassells laturday JournaL will help to maintain the Bung strength. PERFECTION Oil Heater There to more Catarrh In thl section of the country than all other diseases put toetlur, and until the hurt For a great few years wa suppos'd to be incurable. many years doctors pronounced it a kwal disease and prescribed local remtdws. and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounce! it incurable. atarrh to !e a eonutltutlonal disScience has proven ease, and therefore requires coiiHtitutional treatment. Hols Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F J Cheney A Co , i oledo, Ohio, to the only ( onstitutlorial cure on the market. It is taken Internally In doses from 10 It arts directly on the btood drop to a teaspoonful. 'I hey offer one and mucous surfaces of the system hundred dollar for any ciee it fails to cure, bend for circulars and testimonials. Address- F. J. ( HF NLY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. bold by Druggists, 7rc. laxe U&U s laniiiy Tills for constipation. So you Every Dealer If Not Yours, Write for Descriptive the Neatest Agency of the CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) Circular |