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Show HiE raOELE TIMES. WILLIAM S. MARKS Evanishing. Yet, the rose 1 beautiful, and Tines he withers it; and fair is the violet in Attorney at Law. and spring, it waxes old; white Tooele City, Utah. Greatest Smelter is the lily, swiftly Attorney. Published at the Home of it fadeth when it falleth; County and snow Is white, and metteth after and Smelting: Industry. L. L. BAKER, It hath been froien. And the beauty of youth is fair, but lives Attorney at Law. OCTOBER 0. JSA)9. for a TOOELE CITY, UTAH, little season. Theocritus. only Conveyancing, Fire Insurance and auttor Augus; 28, 18)J, n the pot office t Tooel. L'lah, under til. Knltitil u weoud-ela- s A Look Into the Future, Act of March S, 18. Published ever; Saturday. Fidelity Bonds. In South Africa the dream of fln&n. Evans Bldg., Tooele City, & Vowles ciers and railroad builders Is that, at RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: some future time, traveler may land ! Three Months I I 00 Year On at Pernambuco and be taken across SU Mouth Sample Copies seat (rc on tbe continent to Valparaiso in less than CEO. R. DAVIS, Adrertiaiug rate made known oa application four days, and without of car change -Editor and Proprietor rlf-gC. T. STONEY i rt- -. I s wj t is vs nV;t ;N Utahs s.Z7izi S riei EED E ADVERTISING RATES: Display Adtestisino Per inch per issue, 23a; per inch per month, 75c . . Special rates on open space taken by the year given on application. Readers Per line, one time 10 eents, subsequent insertions ceDts. Ligals Per line, one time 10c, subsequent insertions 5c, nonp. measure Round Trip Every Sunday to Salt Phone Three trains. Lake City. EproaL NOTICE! The publishers of this paper will feot be responsible for any bills contracted by any person engaged! in the business from the manager down to the office "devil," unless an order signed by the manager of the company. 1 TUB PCBIJSHEK. Last Saturday evening, two little boys were on the street a little late, but were coming home from the per- Eclipss anil Mortising Sale At Cr cab ays, Oct. 1st to 10 th To advertise our new lines of merchandise we will sell a limited amount of new goods at half their value, and also put in a lot of Dry Goods at tbe same disount, which will eclipse anything ever seen in Tooele. Prices on a few articles are all that we can submit, but a visit will convince and you will be welcome to visit at your leisure, buy or not 25c Turkish towels 2 for 25 20c pillowslips joe 20crlbbon .10c 25c childrens caps i5c 20c childrens stockings ioc 75c pillows .jo $1.00 Ids. wrappers 5oc 50c baby hoods $10 42 piece china dinner set, gold trimmed 25c stove dampers jqc 10c hand brushes 5C 75c clothes racks 40c $1 50 wash boilers 75c 2De clothes Hues formance of a duty. They had in tbe neighborhood of two dollars on them. When they reached a csrtain place on West street neir their home they were met by two larger boys, one with a gun and the other with a pistol, who demanded that they throw up their hands. Th boys refused to do it, but'the would be holdups proceeded to search tbe'r pockets. They found the money, and appropriated it, but as the boys were near to home, and one of them had left appatently to call for help, the money was returned. Now, it le more than likely that this was iu 5c tia CUPS 2.for5c tended for a joke, but it appears to 10c article iu tue store out any Hi that these are very peculiar thoughts to be filling the minds of side of tins list Now wont you buy here? boys. As sure as such thoughts are Remember Drouoay s next Mon-ca- y allowed to find room in the minds of for 10 days only, these or any other boys, the day will come when sorrow will bo the result. For be it remembered that the Missionaries Farewell thought is father to the action. - Credit or Cash. ' The man with the high forehead was heard to remark to his companion in the twenty-firs- t story elevator: It la a positive delight. to meet a man you feel you Sawyer, can trust." Oh, I dont know, returned Sawyer, who keeps a grocery shop, I prefor the chap that pays cash. Republic Menaced. Thats so. Say, what would you do if you got hold of a lot of money Me? Id invest it securely, throw up my Job and have the time of my life. -- I1 rio',n,cl Trlp Every Sunday to Salt Lake City. Three trains. Phone . pr Goiif and Bridge Crown North Main St. Everything: in Work Tooele, Utah. D. L, DUN YON, EXPRESS, BAGGAGE & TRANSFER ins' Furnishings, ! Work Promptly Attended to On Short Notice to and Prom the city to the Station at San Pedro Depot CLOTHING, BOOTS 478 & SHOES. BROADWAY, Utah. TooeFs, Leave Order at THE TOOELE DRUG STORE At a. m. Officers 4 MONTANA Prayer. Roll Call. Report of Actual Conditions of Religious Class work in the Stake Stake Superintendent H. B. Haynes. Paper: Obstacles to Religion Class Work in the Stake and how to Overcome Them. A. J.IShields. General discussion of the paper. Stake and Ward Instructors Meetings and How to conduct tof the General ( ber Board. Paper: How to Religion S. Lee. m Meeting. Singing. them-Mem- 'n Zj'; W.f Program For Stake Raligisn Class Convention, Sooday, 0cl31 10 ten SSSS2ST2S2S2 Sproat can the Church Schools Give Aid Class Work in Our Stake? John ALL THE BEST BAR j ALL THE TIME Wines, Liquors Mlsd Bear, and Gold Draft and Cigars Boer Always an Hand. Lunch Counter in Connection. M. Bezek, Prop. Broadway, Tooele. MMV Singing. Benediction- - ? Singing. ns. General Meeting ; Prayer. Roll Call by Wards. Miscellaneous Business. Need of Religious . For all kinds of JOB WORK French JlTlteracy. to tile Times office. Although France has had compel, ory education for about 25 years the of reaches the Krcentage of illiterates Sword Many Centuries Old. 40 per 1,009 men. and The Japanese were 1,000 women. this acquainted with la 9jper regard wniany appears to great advantage iron from very earliest times. A sword that was used by one of the J1..'"'ef ha3 ly four Cliterates of tbe present emperor, about population. . w $ C is still la existence. in AH The Idle rich, I tell you, constitute the great menace to our country. On Sunday We regret very much to have to evening next a general chronicle the sad death of James farewell will be given to tbe followStewart, who died last Saturday at ing missionaries whe will leave for Lone Tree, Wyoming. Mr. Stew- their respective fields of labor in a art was formerly a resident., of Too few days: J. H, Warner, to the cle, having come here with his pa S.uthern States; R. DeLaMar rents when he was but two years of to, Mexico; Clarence Johnson to Sweden; Culbert Bowen to the westage. lie grew up in this community, loved and respected by all who ern states. The following program knew him. He married and a son will be rerendered: blessed the union. But his home Why we seud missionaries into the wos broken up by the death of his world -- Bishop Silas C. Orme. Vocal duett Bates brothers. wife. Later on he married again, Recitation Francis Gilliet and through this union had five Cornet aud trombone duet Johnmore children born to him. About six years ago he moved with bis son brothers. Humorous paper -J- ennie HufTaker family to Lone Tree, Wyoming. Duet MaMe Johnson and About three months ago he received Evelyn some bodily injuries whilo sgreen trying to Remarks by the get a stuck wagon out of the mud. departing brethren. This iojury is thought,' by hi$ relaViolin and organ duet J. 1. Bow' tives and friends, to have been the cause of bis death. While the doc- en and Rebecca A lk ins. Miss Atkin will be the tor is inclined lo the belief that tyoccompa-ni- st for the evening. At the close phoid fever had set io. Saturday word of bis death was wired to Too- of the meetiugan opportunity wii ele, and his brother Benjamin took be given for all those who desire to the evening train returning Sunday assist the elders financially to do so boon with the body accompanied by Bring your quarters and .your dolthe sorrowing wife aud cnildien. lars, and don't be strogy. Tbe funeral services were held at 2 Committee in charge of arrangep. m. Tuesday, from the L. D. S. ments and who will receive contribmeeting house where a large num- utions at any time: Lafayette Orme; ber of relatives and friends showod S. W. Lee. and B. II. Bowen. the esteem in which he had been One of the hardest winds of the held in this community. Tbe Times season has been ragiDg iu this vijoins in extending deepest sympa- cinity the past few days. thy to the bereaved family. Another new enterprise that is being built between the two towns is a carpenter shop aud architect $&sol Notes. office, which will be located just east of HansoDs furniture store, and Thn enrollment has now parsed west of the Parker Lumber yard. the 450 mark, and they are still com Tbe new firm will be known as Tubbs leg. fc Bosfsond. They are both well Material arrived this week and known aad first class men at their wvork on the new building is, being profession aud will be prepared to figure oa all kinds of buildings, and pushed with vigor. It is to be honed that the school will carry oa a general contracting 1H be comfortably established in business. See them for plans and I comodioua room by the first of the estimate. year. As it is now some pupils depend upon others being absent in If you wish to Order to get seating room for the sult This Tihes buy anything conad. columns; its told day. there. P Specialist COMPANY NT 1ST- Arthur Steele. Training in .Childhood. -- Is now completely stocked with the newest New York styles and ideas ia Questions and Answers on the Subject. Paper: Nature and Use of the New Outlines Janie Huffaker. Questions and Answers on the Paper. Remarks by Members of the General Board and Visitors. We want you to know about and also about the our styles and prices splendid treatmen of our cus Singing. Benediction. tomera. Come in today and look around The Klost Beautiful Store in Tooele A. FiJANK, Prop. , BAMIHB IN ALL IMS TOOELE, UTAH. SgHAsmi.'iLL'LS Wy-UTTf- ri DOES THE WORK Tor Further Information go andsre m ute Plumbincr and Heating: Have loaned the money for the builning of over 2 500 homes. Money loaned on the small monthly payment plan for building homes, or for any oher purpose. We pay 6 per cent on savings account, compounded aud from 8 to 10 per cent on time coutracts semi-annual- Tooele leal ly, an-to- With GEORGE C. CIIAtSE , Agent Co. Parker-Warn- er Lumber and Storage Co. "XT Cline & riiHward, TooeieCity TOOELE, UTAH Subscribe for The Times Today |