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Show IKE LOCAL ROUNDUP. TToia today. asd Jerry. - P. About ten new homes hare taken Toot during the week- iMr. McQuinn went to Montana ' Q.; last Thursday. , Furnished rooms forrcnt. at this office. lat ft S.W.MANN, 'SocUlad Btmnen Mention. "Halloween Bon t forget the religion class convention tomorrow. A good prog- ft ; ram-is prepared and an agreeable CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. a and profitable time is expected. 5 Plans and Estimates cn all Buildings, Mr. Newell, the East Tooele barber sees how business is- growing. V Will Supervise and Care for Construction work. He forced;-- to add another t? chair to his shop, making three $ Work Guaraieed. Bell Phone 108 which he is now running. C Attend the parents class at the L. B. S. Sunday school Sunday OLIVE, COOK morning and discuss the subject of the Relationship of the' Home to the District Schools. Bring all of your MILLINER suggestions with you. Apply It you want to buy Th Tims call PickleBros news 6tore. haB-bee- $ $ jt ft ijj uA VJt TOOELE TRADING COflPANY, SI , AVIA a: f. v. if.!! y Mf thing vi HISS N . r: ip in General merchandise sSS in All the latest-stylesMr. Reed, the contractor, whom -- Dont-be afraid-tlet Th Tims we reported some time ago to be Ladies and Childrens Vk .editor kn;w all the news. getting over the typhoid fever, reHats 'Brown and Wright are pushing ceived a bockset and was taken back 'the work of installing the new heat to the hospital again, but we are TOOELE East Main St. pleased to note that he is again able plant at tbe courthouse. to be around. iThe offices of the Tooele improve-rjnent Harry Cartwright of this place, PSSS22 Company have been moved to accompanied his father to the Lake athe Commercial Bank building. where they received the body on Wanted, a good solicitor. A Good Sunday the 24tki. end left with it at 'thing for the right person. Apply odco for Beaver for burial. CHARLES FURROW. Froisrictor at this office. We. extend our sincere sympathy to all those who are called upon imMrs. Vowels entertained at her to mourn hie loss. We '&ome.last night in behalf of the de- -, mediately feel that all is well with him, for he jparting missionaries. died in a good cause, at his post of BE KSST Cf THE BUT F08 THE UtST Newly The Tooele Commercial Bank has duty serving his maker. received its charter and is now open Trade Last Saturday Thomas H. Cart' Tor business, wright of Beaver, came to Tooele on meet Lake City-t4 Go to the Standard Furniture Co. his way to Salt his son Joseph, who died of the body and see their opening' Wednesday, at Boulder, Colorado on the 22nd. itfine display of new goods. Efficient Service end Courteous Joseph inst, of Look at the ne line of dishes the bad been laboring as an L. D S, C latest styles on the market, at missionary and was taken ill only The Tooele Opera House of tho City Prompt Delivery to Any rrDroubaye. about two days before his death. c: e. green, siauager The heavy wind of Thursday did Two young ladies wanted at this On the 'some damage. It took the frame- - office. Salary to right ones. work of at least one house from its A ago as special health offoundations. Theatrical Circuit ficer Marron was passing up BroadTom and Jerry bave arrived in way & man came out of one of town. Invite their friends to eall. the places of business with a bucket Every FriS' " Q. P. of slop and walk deliberately to the slop in; - Bead Evening the announceipent 6f the water ditch and empty the is there No wonder to it. typhoid of lot a Furniture .Standard money Company's work as in this vicinity. rGrand Opening, on the front page fever in our city. S1 Moving Pictures with Illustrated Songs Possessors of thatmoney this ought to be mrde an example of .of this issue. Ever) Night Eicept Sunday tnd read this paper; they swear by The Tooele Building Association to be shown. Haye you been to 'Franks new it. want .1 They Dance Nights store yet? It is the most' beautiful is roofing some of their dwelling If your goods are right;' they and Mr. want to buy. This paper otore in Tooele. 'NewtrYork styles houses east of Broadway, Building Material anil'; Building Hardware. have most of to expects talks to that money at regular Engdahl rand NewYork prices. intervals. them completed within the next 30 Its money that vW. M, Hass the F C A man was talks back and talks back to From days. .You Contracts and well Supply the Rest tile 'Tooele yesterday, andsold $3,001) Get your share do strong. Lake of Salt Winn Mrs. Sigrid local to ad10:00 of worth p.m. your talking throughour City, was at . theColonial during "dealers before noon. vertising columns. the fore part .of the week visiting t. AII Classes of Brick Supplied A. II. Birrell ahd R. S. Shipp, her husband who is a machinest at (Copyright, l'juy, by W. N. LA 10 oa three companions came out in the smelter. She returned home IIUS XBpuns AJ3A3 dpi ptmera i$ ' Fond Lover In Hard Lwck. from' Salt Lake last Thurs Wednesday, auto :an For . the pavement with hi has are Rumor1 it Doors, Windows, Sash, Lath and Shingles that they day. If you have anything to sell tell it tick totapping let his sweetheart know when in'our C3nsidericg investing city. in The Times. he passed beneath her window, a lawclerk was sentenced to two days r Work onthe excavating-fothe We oaonot afford space to give yers In jail as a public nuisance In London. PARKER-WARNE- R CO. ; fcotelt ew.$3O.0O0 jnst east of the you even an idea of the merchandise oVine beautiful Isgreen building on in stock, bnt we here urge The Old Man's Record. Yard East of East Street. TOOELE, UTAH. bd Main streets,' began in earnest the trade to look into our store ' Rizzi. Prop. How is the old man Joseph on . week. getting Ihis since we changed our lines, and we these days? mutu be will will that 'we he wiH promise kin "Well, A sale jump-uthnt ah crack htt '"Coming upl ' "WM benefitled.- P. 'A. Droubay. heels twice when he afnt gtft the rheu- Finely Furnished Rooms. anything ever seen in Tooele. ally i matism, an when that comes he Eagle Bar In Gonnectioir .Justwhat you will needhis winter-ThFranks new store is now ready kin stay still an' out cuss the manonthat goods for the house and ladies with a complete stockfof new goods Pde the cuss words. Atlanta ind children. ia'the newest and most attractive Bronbays Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars and ' Mrs. M. Smith, proprietress of patterns Hardest of Ordeals. Aheldabna-Inexpects to be able to styles. The hardest of all ordeals fof an best Trade Solicited. A good, steady girl to learn pricihonest man is to stand arraigned at open the house to the public about Cor. Broadway and Elm, Tooele, Utah. Hhe 10th. of November. ng office work is wantod at this of- the bar of his own conscience. He Centrally Located Near knows more counthan the keenest See Droubays special announce fice. Apply at once. sel, the most vindictive enemy could Depot. tnent. They have receivedthOOO and Savings urge for a verdict r.leals fn The Western-LoaJ. A Monoy-- f ' Utah City For 'Tooele, Broadway, Steuart worth of granite and tin ware aud Co. 'of Salt Lake City, a corpora- o ?are putting on a special sale to in- tion of about 17 years standing with ' A Demonstration In assets of over $300,000 has establish troduce .them. t'l Physics. "Do you intend to run for office 5 of ed for an here the ...TH purpose agency Tom and Jerry Q.VP. if yon are defeated this timer making loans and securing invest- Again "Perhaps, answered the candidate Dr. J. M.' Spalding, formerly of ment contracts which pay from-- to Tou see, when a man gets really unFun Whiskies, Wines, Cigars, Grantsville; but now of Silver City 10 per cent per annum. Mr. J.lHuff der way running for office' p he gatherk of the rejBLiuissw was 4n Tooele the fore part so much momentum that It is difficult BS2B2 SBSgg!B3SBg Square Deal For All. for the company manager general to week. The doctoris thinking some has beeD here for sevtral stop. days look BLAIR & ADAMSON,- - Props. ., making Tooele his home. HIVE ing over the situation and is very TOOELE. North Main' St. call ye- much pleased. The company has apWe had a very pleasant Louis- Solomok, Manager sterday, from Mrs. Arthur Gentr pointed Mr. Geo. Chase, Secy, of Co local .of Salt Lake City and her son1 Arthur the Parker Warner-lumbeHe will were same agent. gladly give any inplace. They fpf the a with . formation desired. business ! a proposition at t W. G. REED, view to Arf burs establishing bim-Coles hot blast heating stoves, all Duringf the next 30 days we will make any of self here. kinds, P. A. Drebay Co. Cash Contractor.- our- M. F. Cowleywas A Tooele visitor Store. RBasooabli Prices Faroished. Estimates L D. $1 Round Trip Every Sunday to Ssdt lest Sunday and spoke An ad. in this paper for1 Three t trains. Phone Lake City. Suodayschool. FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEED any business whatever is Sproat Dick and" Lafayette a moneygram to the buy-in- g Eldere-Joh- n Last. Wednesday an automobile rme werAthe speakers at the L. public from' you. ' E. Me Gutv ofF. consisting Dartji after They appreciate your 3. S. meeting ,last Sunday rin president of the Salt Lake Secubelief in their financial oon. rity and Trust Company, E. D. standing. David Platt, '.one of the leading els Woodruff one of the directors, and They buy your goods-here cleaned and pressed metricians at the smelter is down C, J. Feikner and W. V. Hoare, moneygram never was fever. Lake made a Balt with typhoid run marked collect. of charge one year capitalists The currency pours into :Sub?ct ibe for Thk Tons, your from the Metopolis to Tooele in one Overcoats1 made to order, all waterproof, aud fifty minutes. The two your cash box of its own local poer, if you 'want' to keep hour free were named will. and first in from events looking $15 up gentlemen posted on current If advertised are while your bargains after the and business, company county. Around Tooele city "big. your sales are big. All clothes made here made waterproof if dewere looking over People appreciate big, strong, Mathias Nelson, !who owns tbe situation in this busy smelter town forceful trade announcements. sired. Colonial hotel is building himself a All Such ads. inspire commercial respects to The Times ho confidence. Come early and avoid the rush. ibomeoa the lot just east of the We are pleased to have your tel. Come again. gentlemen. Next door to poit' office and meetii houie.. Be. Mil It,, GET WISE; ADVERTISING o ;Mr. J. Huff general agent for the TIME IS $1 Round Trip Every Sunday to Balt IF ester n Loan and Savings Company Utah Phone .Three the .Lake at train. was caller ty. a ml Salt Lake C'ty ' - SprOBt. f . . J, I J .BtauiwiJU miU. Wednesday. yiaw ! TOOELE, UTAH.- o it V0WLES & EVANS : : . -- Tooeles Leading Hotel HEATS flliD GROCERIES furnished Throughout Solicited .Transient Rates Reasonable o TOOELE CITY, UTAH f Trcstncst typhoid-pneumoni- a.' 3 Pert . Inter-Mounta- in Trade with us and Get Satisfaction fevtf-da- ys . BACK - : Dances day THERES Lumber, Cement, Lime, Coal . Conti nuousPro-- . 7;30 gram III Matte anti-prohibiti- on - i Admission on-Sfio- Cents international Wce. rl LUMBER we-carF- y THE e JOHNSON BOARDING: HOUSE. - the -- the 4-B- .... the GUS. JOHNSON, Prop. fiOPALBARl' 6 -- ! BEfi TAILORING COMPANY 1 - Send Them r look1-do- Style, Finish, Fit g ieneygrams v $$$$$$$ " to-tn- e $30 and 32.00 Suits For $25.00 e FREE last-name- d paid-thei- r com-dan- y, TO-DA- Y , ' I uvvrseav, wk r Tooele, |