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Show ovv&oaoo nterp'ume JHfcTS imponancp mh as looue 2 now is unit uk wUUdv uUlhe ure nr. j uem 3 cun afford to have it represent painn 'go out blikok n .ippearnuce Im toe J3 liu koi j, good aiUertising pationage. pw Kn CT7 LotQiMWOVVWHh00OX.0 Wol. IX, No. ft 60 opg to rw When ini ihiervM surrounding ou tht MuoUe from that trrand M smelter begins to tU1 oer the mountain too iht u w be our inne to Uow I uilogethe ne J 0OP60 and wide iu ak t 'I 38. fm's if 'SATURDAY, OCTOBER , 'laiSffiTIOSlSL Hlfa ill OOELE,-UTAH- 1,030, 800 LISTS. pP COM ElEOieiO New Series, No, 30, 1909. :.sa FLAHT Offiisrs of The Tooele Standard Furniture Co U SHARES MIDDLE HI CMYOfi John Sharp, President R. As Asllgl Stock Is Kow Ssilirg $124 Sbsre li'Hal JiriieiiJ cf $B Per An- PorjIt Lstolfeto PftaSn U nuia Has Bseo Es!at!ished. & M. M. Rush, Treas. John. , Manager. Board of Directors: Divsrt John C. Sharp aB tr - Madsen, Sec. V. M. M. Bush John. R. Gordon On last Friday a Salt Laker made application with the state engineer for the purpose of diverting six thousand feet of water from the flow of Middle Canyon crek near East Tooele. The Salt Lsker is A. W. Gallacher of the Utah Light A Railway Co. The water- thus diverted, if the application is granted, will be used for ud electrical plant, with a .F0 horsepower capacity. Mr. Gal '.ichor is reticent about the matter, P. J, R.. W Madaon 5 Nelson I as J The listing of the 100,000 shares of issued capitalization of the Smelting & Refining Co , THEIR SENDING WILDINGS THE par value $100 each, on the Boston Stock Exchange, has just been com TO OUR FRSENDS'AMD THE GENERAL PUBLIC pleted, and this security, which ban R!l! STEEL INTO THE heretofore been traded in Curb with a high record aroutut $13-- per share, is traus'erred to the We are now in our elegant new home in and Arosad Ilia Inieraatlsaal Smelting inside market. The total authori3)00 k;ii Employed the Building; and take pleasure zed capital stock of the Intereat'O u.s are others interested in the iu extending a cordial invitation to the . CompnyS'Works. and still' Skilled nal company is 500.000 shares, am scheme, but it means, should the .U'eneral public to attend the ounting to $30,000,000, of which parties secuie the right, au expendiLaSsor is 400.000 shams are respred in the ture of perhaps $75,000 in a plant in from the Formal Opening of Our Big Establishment On treasury lor the purpose of extend thk canyon The ed point of diversion of the water to issi the Of business. the ing There was a little town down in nearing completion. The steel work capitalization by far the greater the site of the propored plant is all up and the machinery is being 'he southern yart cf Utah, in which isinstalled. feet, or about three miles, and in Wednesday, November 3rd portion was given b3 the company the citizens were preparing to put in exchange for the Raritan refin; that distance the fall is about 300 an electric plant. There were -- orae, The smoke stack, which will be, ery, formerly owned by the United feet. It was supposed that the plaut Our elegant quarters, vast show room rf them who had never seen the when completed, 25 feet in diameter Metals Selliug company, and the re- when put in, would be for the purlives in space, well lighted apartments, superior and 350 feet high, has now reached mainder was subscribed for to pro- pose of supplying the Dew Interbright side of any thing their to their power furniture and reasonable prices are today and who did all in a height of about 50 feet. Thus far vide funds for the construction cf national Smelting plaut, now being hey mortar has been made of cement the new $3,000,000 smelter in' Iine ' proposition. M discourage in the but our bid for your patronagfe, constructed Fine Canyou, declared it to bo out of the reach of and sand, and will continue so for canyon. The compauy has about projectors make an emphatic douial hope to see you at our formal openirfche people. Every move that was about 5 feet more, when the cement $3,000,000 iu cash on hand to this,as, also it is not to be used laonnde was going to fail sooner or ing and solicit your future inspection of will give way to lime. There are Dividends were recently estab in connection with Saltair beach and was installed, the But on tenders this our Furniture and House F'urnishings. ter. about twenty' plant, part lished iorthe International company the new deal which will soon take there of it size the 1o an' of the work. $0 according at the rate of ! per share per posession of that resort. Opening hours from 11 a. m. to-1p. m. is o better in toe state. And the As all the ores will be deliYored num. The funds for the payment of COST OF WORK Music and refreshments, coffee and left to kick. lickew-ato the various divisions of the plant the initial dividend have been deThe power generated by the Toaround and ' ' biscuits free during opening hours There are men in by rail, quite a large force are busy rived from the profits Of the Raritan flow will be sufficient to run the otle today who are .in exactly faying jfracks. so that when com- works, which have a capacity of i 2,600 sixteen-candlpower lights. same box that these men were iu. pleted there will be a- perfect about 20,000,000 pounds cf To construct the pipe line will cost V.T bey never have thought that the of rails over the ground.' The copper per annum. and which arc $35,000; the machinery will cost International Smelter people ever electrical department, under the able earning very heavily in excess of the $26,000, an average of $100 per intended to do anything; and have supervision of Andy Blomstrom has companys present dividend require- horsepower, and the power house o ever since the work another , large force of men push- ments, ' The International Smelting cried $10,000. Then the pole lines to comat the ing the work rapidly, - installing ;5s Refining Co. was organized early plete the work up to the distribu4egan. A glance. however, works east of Tooele will convince permanent transmission - lines and this year by the copper tive sj stem will add at least ft, 000 even the lunatic who has Tain in a electrical machinery. interests, as an adjunct tp their m more to the cost, making $75,00 ) iu rot so long that he imagines tb,it The department ing operations. The new smelter in all. As said, those directly intertakes , weekly observations in the Pine canyon will be ready for oper- ested decliue to say what they inthe world is in a rut. On arriving at the smelter we see form of photographs, and thus ation next summer, and with its tend to do with the electrical eneron every hand that busy bnstling makes the history of the progress of earnings added to those of the Rari gy which they w;ll secure by the ".movement which makes us think of the work. tan works it is expected that the construction of their plant, but it is tbs Hive of Deseret. In whichever Meteriological instruments have company will after that time be able surmised that it will be distributed direction the eyes may chance to fall arrived, and will be installed at to earn approximately 20 per cent among the several 'mining properthey are all busy. once, and this department working per year on the issued ties upon the west slope from Bingsee thtrimraense derricks, here strictly on governmental lines, will ham in Carr fork. there, raising their giant arms, make and keep accurate account of Further up Middle canyon from 'lifting into place some massive the direciion and velocity of the the point where Mr. Gallicljer and Republican TicKet or heavy wt'ud, precipitation and temper" piece of building steel At the Republican mass conven- his associates propose to divert the it will ature. where -it placing jnaclNiiery, tion held last lnday evening the fo- water from Middle canvou creek, the ben eaciy to perform its part in this Tho forces are well organized and llowing ticket was nominated to come Utah Metals company has a plant undertaking. the work is being rushed witn a vim before the people of Tooele for their which furnishes power and light for great The first two buildingsreached on that only International people are franchise: their property on that side of the at the grounds are fast able to put forth. The present force Marshall. slope, while there is a volume of Mayor Henry one M. of men employed directly at the mearing completion. .The first F. 4 term water which flows from their big t Councilman, year the blacksmith shop and boiler smelter, is C01, while about 70 more Davis. tunnel sufficient to run a great eleci bouse- - Both of these branches of are working on the roadbed of the Counciimen,-- year term Wm, R. trie plant without using any of the . the work are conducted in the buiid-ing- Tooele Valley Railway preparing it Gillispie, M. A. Wortmau, John A. water from the creek proper. It is The next one contains the ware- for winter. The compony is putalso probable that the project Mr. Lindburg houses, machine shops and offices. ting in one of the finest roadbeds to Reeordj-ElmeJ. Elkingtou. Gallicher has iu hand is a nucleus JU1 are incite building now and are be fount in the western eouutry. rrom which is to be built up a power JusticeG. A. Fvans. The Utah Consolidated Company Treasurer Miss Martha Dunn. jd operatwa. system that will be used in connecJust to 'the east of these two of BiDgham is working a force of tion with an interurban scheme and Our entire stock comes direct from the immense steel ftame-l-vro- about 200 men on the tramway, run in connection with the Saltair WITH THE CHURCHES. manufactureis and represents the newest smelter i3 being wuich they will have to rush onto f thsmain Beach electric line. cement ' o and latest ideas in put in place, on the massive in. completion as fast as possible, as the Serviees at the Methodist Church are snow will interfere materially with as follows: Preaching the 2nd and already foundations which ATTENTION! ' East of the main smelter the the woi k in crossing the mountains 4th Sunday of each month at 7.30 Do your eyes bother you? Are ioundations for tho big' reverbato-- , from Bingham to the new smelting p. m. Sunday School every Sunday they alikePerhaps one is doing more lies are in, and the steel is on the works, and Mr. Mo'lnt.o'-- says the at 11 a. m. strangers invited. work than the other. If you are soon be pul into rest of them are working like h . , ground, and will T. P, Cook, Pastor troubled in any way with defective They -- urely appear to be a busy lot place. L. D. S. Sunday "School every vision, it will be decidedly to your se .is ,pnactieaVLy of men, and judging from the wav The poyrer-houG. to consult Alonz.o Sunday at 10 o'clock a m, in the the and bevy cement that this giant undertaking is beiDg distric school house; Kindergarten. advantage . completed Utah Tooele, Gowans, maohineand floors for the engines pushed on to completion, we must Intermcdate, Theological laid conclude that their efforts are not Primary, are , being Ty and Parents Ou Tuesday there was a flurry in Bric-a-Bra- c, departments. . The steel work and furnaces of without avail. The 'Tooele Valiev in the Meeting Prftvo companys mining stock on Services Regligous the McDougal Roaster building are 'Railway is working night and day house ar 2 p. m. Everybody is the Salt Lake stock board, due to nearly completed for the No. 2 to get ihe material on the ground, cordally invited regardless of their reports from the mine that ore had building, containing 16 roasters, leaking its trips regularly, and rel convicons. been encountered on the 160 foot gous rhich aTe already in place. loaded to bedroek each trip. The C. level in the east drift. Slight inforSilas Oriie, The steel for the. dust chamber, , work of the road shows for mation is obtsinable owing to the Pltlr Clkog, "the foundations of which are nearly There appears to be ares of ground Walters. ziivixA fact that Dei Roberts, the Superincompleted, is arriving- daily, and covered from one to tea feet deep Ward tendent is away from home at BisLopric. with steel, iron, lumber and other ivjll be put into place at once. o ent. but what can be gleaned is to The sifinidlog mill building is fast material ready for the mechanics the effect that the strike is of some to in The Smelter Cnmpauy sent F for moie importance and indicates that the Lake Ctv Tiiedov t ,1'lt'1! More Rich Ore StrucK In Nevada. w ..trike !vs boon made on what CTr3 k. t. i Cl i J n w trike lm- m.t tiet nr e cxti'ii.aou oi ; tltl to W ilk fi.l Per. T" ppuo' big vt If t r. c lOtil'ient f mo - u - , During Ihe present week ".i r j q n jhoiel op rations on the. tiu' . Side Of the pitat Coptic1 Flat b and u' rich glance gome very lnter-nation- ol SEE Ain-th- h Isreen . I di.-tan- ce . 16,-67- te 2 1 We six-fo- ot e net,-wo- rk - Universal Range Demonstration on opening day, and Thursday, from vli am. to 10 p. m. Come in and let us show you? what the Universal Range can do. Universal Ranges have a reputation. They use bg-a-bo- -- Cole-Ry- -- an pho'-figmohi- 'tber9-aremenan- d -- less fuel, last longer,; bake better than any range on the market. A -- guarantee bond with H every Universal. . r rk , Furniture, Carpets, Rugs Draperies, Stoves, Ranges, Dishes, Office Fixtures, Novelties, h -, Etc. , -- ( -- Souvenir will be given to every Lady attending our Opening. A j it-e- lf. - -- p-- u.'-e- c -- -- . b-i- -n - 1 . ! 1 1) ' j ; 1 I - - r- c- es lb'-v- i - ! cm-ic- V-- -- sre, some of which will-ru- n rr. e per ceut ia copper weeks agora 'considerab.e C.uuu visittff the 5i.i .Ur ' ui.5Uiv !!, it LUiJtisUuj iiuii uwivef cj.or,Lu.ys ol uaiiye copper was fmind in views for postal card work when washing if done. Popular pi ices. ?1 Round Tiip Every Sunday to Salt Phone jtbe pt. width was handled scar- They catncMo the New Town site G ege Erocl man and II. C. Ilantons Eal.e City. three trams. Sprout. pnaprietors. jfctcAy, and seat loj the smelter for Wednesday 4cf the same purpose. itoGO vamc-jRm- n V I , i T 13 |