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Show br.1L KXPK ,T1S G'JXPN'T 9 " Ll ' For Brides Colonial Silver is a desirable gift. We show today the handsomest effects in colonial designs that skilled silversmiths have produced. Infinite variety, sterling quality, reasonable prices. SALT LAKE CITX UTAH. J. ROBINSON LAW ATTORNEY HARRY AT 304-30- 5 Judge Building, Salt Laka City The Joke on Carnegie. Andrew Carnegie, at a recent dinner, told the following story: I was traveling London ward on an English railway last year, he said, and had chosen a seat In a nonsmoking carriage. At a wayside station a man boared the train, sat down In my compartment, and lighted a vile clay pine. This is not a smoking carriage, said I. said the All right, governor, man. Ill just finish the pipe here. He finished it. then refilled it. See here,' I said, 'I told yon this wasnt a smoking carriage. If you persist wih that pie I shall report you at ihe next station to the guard. I handed him my card. He looked at it, pocketed it, but lighted his pipe, At the next station, nevertheless. however, he changed to another compartment. Calling tlhe guard. I told him what had occurred, and demanded that the smokers name and address be taken Yes, sir, said the guard, and hui ried aawy. In a little while he returned. He seemed rather awed. Ha bent over me and said ajologetically: Do you know, sir, if I were you I would not prosecute that gent He has just given me his card. Here it is. He is Andrew Carnegie. Pinchots Fish Story. When Gifford Pinchot returned to Washington from the west he was Visited by a score or more of anxious MINES AND MINING High officials of the United States Smelting, Defining & Mining company are on a tour of inspection of the companys various pioperties in Utah, California and Mexico. The test run on ore from the Spring Hill mine at Cow camp has not yet been made at the Pittsburg-Silve- r Peak compauys mill, but it will be made soon, according to the Blair Pres3. One of the large western holders o Boston Consolidated has been approached within the last few days, according to a Boston dispatch, with the view of securing an option upon all of his holdings at $20 a share. A sample i is soon to be erected at Manhattan, Nevada, by Frank Peterson. owner of the Peterson mill and r lease on t.he Sulholder of a livan properties. An excavation for Ihe p'ant has been started beside the mill on Mustang hill. A lease covering one year has been signed up by Henry Bogan and Louis Colvin on the old Joe Bowers property near Silver City, and in view of the development work they have already done, they expect to have a shipment on the market in the near future. Up to October 1 the Ray Consolidated Copper company had developed 38,361 919 tons of ore, averaging 2.26 per cent copjier, on a total of ninety-siacres. This statement will appear in the annual report for the year ended June 30, 1909, which will be mailed to (SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TIMES. S3 Via if The Overland Route v .4 7 - A j?V ' I I SJ All the Way. 5 jj Means comfort all the way when you x travel east. Dont buy a ticket via a broken route. kx iifeSfep? ' 4- wCCENIO LINE OF THE WORLD, CANYON of tho GRANDE i., CAGLE RIVER jPANORAMJC x OF NATURAL WAGON WHEEL BEAUTY ALL1 THE GLENWOOD WAY. OAF. SPRINGS. I Tell the agent, THE OVERLAND ROUTE AS FAR AS IT GOES. It CANYON three CARDEN OF THE GOD MANITOU THROUGH i SPRINGS. THE ROYAL OORGS. TRAINS. Wt" THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPER TO DENVER, T. LOUIS AND , ; Wvr roldon, Booklet. CU 144TM CHICAGO K7L A. BENTON, GL A. P. D, alt Lake City. 7 - V- , Go Direct IP CANYON. five-yea- will mean a saving of time in avoidance of changing cars, broken connections, etc. Youll Know When You Go." Ask any Short Line Agent for rates and particulars. City Ticket Office, 201 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. d stockholders. Developments in the Prince Conmine the last solidated companys week have been ao interesting as usual, says the Pioche Record. On the 4(0 the ore body varies In width from 10 to 14 feet, with values running about 8 per cent lead, 12 ounces silver and $1.50 in gold. inThe entrance of the terests Into the Ely, Nevada, district vn a male, together with the recent encouraging developments in the Ely Consolidated and Ely Central properties, Is given as the reason for the active trading and advanced prices of the Elly stocks. The Provo Mining company, it is announced, is just breaking into the northern extension of what Is known as the East Tintic Development east level But vein. It Is on the the Provo company has the ore. The same crosscut went, through a small quantity of ore In the west vein. A car and necessary track for the lower tunnel of the Silver Island property in the Sliver Island district, was sent out to the mine from Salt Lake last week. A shipment of ore will be made from thl3 property at once, and should it prove as rich as it looks, Oole-Rya- g 160-fo- Daly-Judg- e love-smitte- n , Iiigh-gTad- OOQQOOOOOGOOOQOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOQGOCOOQOQOOOOOGQOOOQOOOO O O . O n They all expected correspondents. koine expression from the chief forrow. ester on the Pinohot-Ballinge- r Nothing of t.hc sort was forthcoming, however. Finally one of the correspondents noticed that Mr. Pinchot had a finger bandaged. What happened tx your finger? he asked. Oh, that big fish bit It, replied Pinchot. You mean, replied (the facetious one, that Ballinger bit it when you the mine will become a steady prooffered to shake hands with him at ducer. There was recently acquired by the Salt Lake. Put Pinchot stuck to his fish story. Ray company 4,000 acres of land for mill, smelter, power plant a.nd tailTwo Smokers. ings site. Construction on the mill I had a big surprise today, said a has started, and when completed It bellboy in a Denver hotel yesterday will have a daily capacity In eight afternoon This mornln I was called furnaces of 5,000 tons of ore. Treatto a womans room to bring her some ment of ore is expected to commence Wrltin' paper. Wheu i handed it to Jan. 1, 1911. Since the copper properties of the her she slipped me a dime. Yerington district have to a large exIts for cigarettes. she says. Much obliged,' I says droppin the tent been proven up beyond the uncoin in my pocket. Ill spend It for certain stage of the prospect, and the erection of a smelter ha3 been promcigars. I dont smoke cigarettes. mincare I wlial dont you ised by the Mason Vallpv people, Well, Those cigarettes ing men are devoting their interests smoke,' she says. to that part of the country with reare for me. newed energy. DenAn I got em for her. too. ver Post. There is a genuine gold stampede to Bruneau, Idaho, on account of some Sweet Day of Rest. very rich ore that has been found on And now, said Mr. Fishback of tilie mountain. The rich float was Rillville, let us be thankful for one found first and later the ledge was day of rest a.nd get ready for church." struck. The ore was assay od at the "Yec said hs wife, "run mu and assay office In Boise and returns of chop some wood, and milk the cows, $491) per ton were had. Many claims and light the dice, and make tie cof- have been taken up. Hance Johnson, one of the leastr fee, and wash the children, while I Atlanta Constitu- of the old Jones Bonanza property bang out my hair! on Bonanza Flat and part of ths tion. ' holdings, says the Park A Proposal. Record, was down town Tuesday last A youth who was study- and reports conditions at the proping the approved methods of proposal erty encouraging. Som? thirty o asked one of his bachelor friends if he forty tons of ore have already been thought lhat a young man should pro- taken out by the leasers. pose to a girl on his knees. News comes from the Deep Creek If he doesn't, replied his friend, mining oountry of tfae sals to the the girl should get off. Every- Guggenheim people of the property of body's magazine. the Woodman Mining company in that section, tho consideration. It is Sure. Something Coming to be made la Mistress You know, Melinda, were said, being $2S0,09), The property transthree payments. Tond of you. I hope you like ferred consists of all of the Woodman all very your room and are content with your holdings in the Olirion dlsirict. wages. Im thinking of giving you Silver King Consolidated has a new my silk petticoat. in entirely now ground, which strike, Cook For de Lawd, Mis Howard! appeal's to be a big one. In a crosshow many folkses has you been done cut driven in a southern direction Puck. gone an asked foh dinue-ron from (be east drift on the encounI 1,550-fno- t has the level, Found. a new vein carrying three feet Mr. Popp Hurray! For once In my tered of tho character from which ore of life I know where my cuff links are. Bark City has derived its fanio a a Vhe e axe they now? Mrs Poj-camp. Mr. Popp The babys swallowed to in,- - ImpraetWinlhv of Owing 'em. Cleveland Leader. operating the minc-- of tho Nevada United Mining company at Coppereid. Place for Her. Mrs. Xasrc'ns May I stay at the Nevada, during ihe winter mouths, closed Thousand Irtands this summer, dear? these properties have been will not again be rework and down on each Naggins Yes, stay a week sumed until next spring. of em. Chicago News. No western miner but has observed The Immortal Bard. ihe close relation of igneous rock, One of the critics says Shakespeare 'ommonly called porphyry, to the oo urrence of ore deposits, says Mining could never have written the words of a popular song. We are inclined to Science. While this connection is tha believe he might have done even that invariable rule in the west, if has become generally recognized by geologIn one of his sonnets lie niak-eists the world over. "fleet st rhyme with sweats. The spirit of boosting is perhaps noVery Considerate. where in greater evidence than in tho Don't let the young mining camps of the west, says Lady (to nursemaid) children sit on the wet grass, nurse; Mining World. Exercised wilhiu certhey might catch cold. If they are tain limits it indicates a healthy contired, sit on the grass yourself and dition, without whch erect developtake them on your knee. Philadelphia ments would never be possibl e s - Inquirer. All Our Ads It Will PAY YOU TO DO SO. O O O Round Trip To O Los Angeles o o o o o o o o o o o o -- Q 60.00 Round Trip to Los Angeles Return via San Francisco. o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Ci o 0o o RQQij i9 ewictoo. o o Boating, Surf Bathing, Deep Sea Fishing, and all the delights of tha glorious Pacific ocean. LONG BEACH SAN PEDRO CATALINA OCEAN PARK o o o D SAN DIEGO Booklet VENICE describing SANTA MONICA information o Coronado Tent City 169 South Main streeL o o o o o o o o o o o o o cheerfully a The Salt Laka .Route operates three dally trains to Utah Valley, morning train to Tintic district; many trains to Garfield. The Salt Lake reaches Newhouse, Frisco, Pioche, Bullfrog, Goldfield and other Nevada camps. City Ticket Office 169 S. Main Street, Salt Lake City. T. C. PECK, General Passenger Agent. District Passenger Agent. ) ) OOCOCOOOCOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOCOOOOO at furnished Round Trip Rates to Old Mexico. KENNETH C, KERR, Cali-fomi- ocean resorts, hotels and full Q o o o Southern ' - 0 Q O G O O O Q O O O O o o o o o o o o 0o O CGOOOGOOCO |