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Show u.5sa;a?;isas2?assas3:s5isaa?ss3:5sstisasisss EM it KT LL, SL' H p & I $The- Smelter City of the WorlcL - YYMdvisecl You to Buy Lots in the New Town of TOOELE If you failed to take Advantage of this Money-making Town Lots on the 15th of last April. At the Sale OpThose who did get in: on the ground floor are now. reaping, their reportunity you missed the chance of your life. ward. and continues to advance from Property Purchased at that time has Increased in value over 30a Business houses and residences are going:up everywhere. day to day at the same ratio. Again we Advise to buy property in Plat C, the new Subdivision. -- per-cent- , the-invest- or NO W is the time to buy property in the growingtown of Tooele and engage in a profitable business. ft ft Where the Homes of Hundreds of Smelter Employees Will TTC Up to you if you do U d not get in on this opportunity for inprofit- -' the able investment new city of Tooele-youwill be the loser.. $ ft ft Be. Without fear of success ful contradiction we maintain that there are better opportunities for investment in Plate than in any westermcity. : k ft ft ft For Further Information Gall on or Address ft Tiie Tooele Imprsvenien! Company Tooele, Utah. N aSssi. BROWN does ths work THE WRIGHT COMPANY BROWN-WRIGH- T Honest PImbIng Honest Prices , ' LET US FIGURE WItH YOU. COMPANY BROWN-WRIGH- T f No. 1, volume 1, of the Box Eldt r is a caller at this office, Ii Booster No 748 Broadway, Toosle, Utah. has a brisk, healthy appearance, m PUBLISHED IN THK ' neatly printed and while qb names Richest garden spot in the Intermoun-tai- n appear,' the earmarks of one 'liar country, and the seem to appear quite visicentre of Utah ; the home of the riogtoa bly. Largest and most important smelting Peter Merrow, health officer for East plant in the world ; the most promising city in the western country to- Tooele, requests all residents to te$ day backed by a bright future ; and a palacial home place for the deserv- that their outhouses, and, in fact their premises in general, are cleaned up and ing homeless.- Everybody welcome semi-tropic- Modern Plumbing and Heating Mr. Morrow properly disinfected. intends to strictly enforce the law which It you want a local or display ad. in The Times com& around and talk to provide that any resident failing to the ad man, or write for rates. clean up his premises, when properly notified to do so, shall, upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1909. COM The Tooele Cash Store Nice Line1 otLadies and BesfLine of HbUsehold Utensils in the Gity. In the Wrong Pew A few nights ago n Representative of The Times, deir.g somewhat unfamliar with places and custorh3 here, started out in company with a friend to go to the theatre or to a church service, which ever there might happen to be going on. The opera house was passed and seveaal times, but no signs of life issued from it of the meeting house adjacent; so the pair walked and walked taking observations of the planet mars and its heavenly neighbors, when suddenly their ears were greeted bell. with the sound of a church-goin- g the whence from know didnt They sound came, but proceeded iri that - direction and were soon gratified by confronting a chapel within 'which Services were evidently in progress. Being uncertrin as to the character of' the place or proceedings, one of them hung back, but the other pushed on in and was immediately the observed of all observers . Pretty soon a speaker arose and proceeded to deliver an eloquent address and the scribe might have enjoyed it if he had been cultivated up to the grand opera standard, which requires one to enjoy a performance without understantlihg a word of it or being able to make anything more of the music than a ciashirg of inharmonious sound. The- fact is, or rather was, it was a Scandinavian meeting of - 23532! The miZitirW EgjgjragfStSa: jiA -- d. in-th- e $ tl ; Apartnent Store up-to-d- ate WEARING APPARAL FOP. ALL THE FAMILY Spfcfcfal fort 'Saturday: Ladies Eall Saits in the new shades, $18.00 values, at $9.00 Lkdies flats, no two in the store aliKe, from $4.50 to $9.00 .(lie latesffSiyies and Gut, Regular $18.00 Values at $13.53.' Negligee, values up $2.00,- now,$1,50 Complete line of Mens Women's.. Children Sweater Coats A B .A RONS The Original Leader. Operator is of IO Stores. Manager.. HA.-BROWIl, TOO-ELE- , UTAH! Tooele Electric Supply Gcl. VERYTHING pLECTRIOAL Finest Line df Fixtures and Supplies in the City.. Call and look a velour stock We A. L)6 All Kinds of ElectHal Work and Furnish1 the Very Best of Materials I,. NELSON, Manager. North Main St., TOOELN, UTAH WWVAAVVVAlWNAVWAA ( H 1 The Finest Line of Mens Shirts In Town, both the Dress and; Second Great 'Canadian-Road- . For the first decade of the twentieth century one of Canadas greatest will be the completion of the dominions second transcontinental railway. The Grand Trunk has finished its prairie section from Winnipeg to Edmonton. From Edmonton to the coast, 700 miles, through the mountains, three years more will be noeded. The work is exceedingly difficult and expensive. Astonished. "Just think, exclaimed thi sweet boy graduute, "I have secured a posi: tfon already and the head of the firm has promised to pay me what I am Before the international court at worth. The Hague can do aRy loud talking it Well, what of it? have to get son c international ,"I did not think there was that much rrh!.v Houston Post coneta'j!cs.'' ' jUoney beyond the capacity of that, one Sj he puietly withdrew. Notions, Let Us Think. Much thinking attenuates the frame, and a hasty temper has the same effect. Those who think little and take things easy are most apt to become corpulent. "Fatpautlches, says 3hake. Yet, lest speare, "make lea'ti pates. we forget: The biggest eaters are often the most emaciated of men. They cat so much' it makes them poor to tote it. character, but an entirely respectable of" Collection of Dolls. of Belgium, Princess Clementine youngest daughter of Leopold, is credited with having the most wonderful collection of dolls in the world. Among them are specimens from Babylon, bone dolls from Greenland, a wooden one from Peru, a paper doll from India, Greek dolls with wardrobes, even dolls houses, with furniture and dishes in them. M m Mens Suits, 5S?fefcag!IS - & al Tooele . Utau1 Lafge Assortment' Stationery and Toys. i - Our work severest tests will stand with any in thii good, broad land THE THE TOOELE V. & |