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Show Tflb MARK or- - t CONDUCT DRY FARM C,JAPN'TLLl It is no wonder brides are delight-- d when they see what beautiful wedScientific Methods as Practiced ding silver we display. Sterling silver wedding presents may be had of in California for Years. us from two or three dollars up to the elaborate silver services costing hundreds of dollars. All solid big Farmer Simply Divides His Land Into value with our unequalled guarantee. RaisTwo Portions, on One-Haing Crops, Other Half Being Summer Fallowed. DIFFERENT CROPS TO RAISE Among Small Grain the Drought-R- e sistant Sorts Are Important-Wi- nter Rye Successful. A GREAT ANNOYANCE. PAINT FAULTS. Kidney Disease Shows Many Painful and Unpleasant Symptoms. , j LAKE CJTX UTAH J. HARRY ROBINSON AT LAW ATTORNEY Judga Building, Salt Lake City 304-30- 5 i He Wont Vote This Year. When Dominico Esposito was questioned in the United States district eourt to test his qualification for he showed a lack of careful soaching. "What is the constitution of the United States? Esposito was asked. The biggest Ship, was the reply. What is the meaning of the fourth of July? That is day Easta riv froze over. Who was George Washington? Georga da Wash was big Tammany man. Had much contract. Is Goyernor Hughes a state or a national officer? I dunno. Yes. He stop mucha horse race. I guess he want Teddy' ob." Do you believe in anarchy? I dunno. He from Sicily. Never heard of him. Are you willing to take up arms at any times to destroy the United p States? Any time what Sun. 1 can. New York Those in White Array. KIrsty McDougail, who lived in a remote Highland parish, had a visit from her Edinburgh nieces, w'ho were to spend a week or two with the old lady. She determined to show them off on Sunday at the ancient village kirk of Lochaber. The young ladies wore costumes of the purest snowy hue. At the point of his sermon the minister, In speaking of the angels of heaven, was heard to say: And who are those in white array? To the consternation of the congregation Kirsty was heard to exclaim: Its ma two nieces, sir, frae Edinburgh.'' Tld hits. REFLECTIONS A OF BACHELOR. The longer ago a woman was born, the easier she can remember to forget when it was. A queer thing about the lies you tell Is how brazen they seem when else tell the you hear somebody tame ones. The reason a girl likes to wash her hair Is how romantic It would be to have a prince catch her drying It all down in the sun. Na matter how much a woman is sure a man loves her, she wishes it was more so she could ask him to ay it in bigger language. One great trouble a woman saves herself by marrying a preacher Is how she doesnt have to nag him to get him to go to church. New York Press. INTERESTING ITEMS. of the human race About lives on rice. The London Stock Exchange has 6.4U0 members. St. Peters, in Rome, will accommodate 54,000 persons. The lungs of an adult human being have 175,000,000 cells. Two million American made cigar ettes in boxes and tins am seventy thousand pounds of tobacco In tins and plug were imported into Bangkok last year. Stealing electricity in Colorado is punishable by a fine of 150 and for thirty days. An electric glue heater ras been put on the market which is said to melt glue in thirty minutes, and to keep it at a temperature of 150 degrees for several hours after the cur rent has been switched off. In the seven years, 1901 to 1908, Chinas postal service expanded reThe postal routes now markably. cover 88,000 miles and the postof-flce- s number 3,493, as against 176 in 1901, an increase of 3,317 in the seven years. and Investigations Experiments made both in Europe and In America f of the indicate that fully occur from ' consumption deaths among people who are compelled to breathe dust in its various forms. The advance in stumpage dues on lumber cut on crown lands In Quebec province, Canada, for export is expected to occur In September, 1910, and will, says our consul at Sher-broopractically prohibit the shipping of wood pulp to the United States. one-thir- d v; one-hal- Yarn of the Sea. Yes, Ive seen some rough times, sir. Once we was wrecked and wed eaten all our provisions. Then we 'ate our belts, and then the old ship turned turtle, and we ate her, too. A '.asselTs Journal. Correct. Teacher (trying to impress upon the class the meaning of the word cuticle) Now, Tommy, tell me what It is with which my face anl hands are covered. Tommy Freckles, maam. DOCTOR !!ISe,f;.Cr0We11 1?09 Broalway, ' I was troubled Those crops which are grown 1e Helena, Mont, says: with a disordered rows and only occupy a part of the condition of the kidground, like potatoes and corn, will, neys, some backache where the season is long enough, ma and irregular passture with the least use of moisture. ages of secretions. At Among small grains the drought-resistan- t times I was obliged sorts are very important. to get up out of bed Macaroni or durum wheat is one of at night, and the are and wheat best. the Polish spelt The system of dry farming methods was unnatural ' stock drought-resistan- t Cured by Lydia for and good recommended for the arid states ina or bald the ppe&rance. On the feed. Barley, either Is that which has been successfully advice of a friend I Vegetable Compound practiced on the Pacific coast for procured Doans Kidney Pills and Taw Paw, Mich. I suffered terrimore than a generation, with such began using them. This remedy helped bly from female ills, modifications as are adapted to difme at once, strengthened my including inflamferent conditions of soil, climate and and corrected the disordered kidneys condi-tion- . mation and congesrainfall. The farmer simply divides tion, for several one-half on two into his land portions, Remember the name Doans. Sold years. My doctor besaid there was no raising crops, the other half by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster ing summer fallowed. By this methhope for me but an Milburn Co, Buffalo. N. Y. I began od, which is easily understood and operation. Ring of Chinese Grafters. E. taking Lydia carried out, the farmer has a long SWEETLY PUT. Prince Ching, head of the foreign Pink hams Vegetaseason instead of a short one and ble Compound, and department of the Chinese governdrives his work instead of being can now say I am I is pictured as an eminent oriment, driven by it. Crops are produced a well woman," correental the Peking grafter by Emma Draper. by this method when the seasons are of the London Times, who spondent is one big crop dryer than usual and Avoided. Another Yuan of Operation downfall Since the writes: 111. raised with one plowing, one seeding, women to want I Chicago, ofShih-ka- i the (foreign know what that wonderful medicine, several cultivations, practically two state former fice) has relapsed into its E. Pinkhams Vegetable Comyears' moisture and one harvesting and for this Prince Lydia of incapacity, pound, has done for me. Two of the The plowing must be deep. The Ching is to blame. Amiable but cor- best doctors in Chicago said I would plan recommended is to plow old if I did not have au operation, and rupt, he has stood for a generation for dienever ground eight or nine inches deep. It thought of seeing a well day is worst in Chinese official- I all that is always better to plow in the fall, I Lada small tumor and female dom. All stories of his rapacity. Ids again. troubles so that I suffered day and where possible, in order that the his unscrupulous sales of office, greed, night, A friend recommended Lydia moistabsorb winters the may ground his indifference to the affairs of state. E. Pinkliaws Vegetable Compound, ure, the sod becoming decomposed His wealth is enormous, yet no gen- and it mado mo a well woman. Mrs. and the soil sufficiently compacted to erous or charitable action has ever Alvena Sterling, H Langdon St, form a good seed bed for spring plant111. been recorded in his favor. Every new Chicago, Myrtle And yon never tire of pushing. Lydia E. Iinkhams Vegetable Comminister in every office of emolument made from roots and herbs, board my ing walk chair? pound, All spring and summer plowing lias proved, to be the most successful Jerome No, indeed. On the con- has to pay him toll. should be thoroughly harrowed the remedy for curing the worst forms of trary, I feel like I am carrying everysame day it is plowed. If possible, They Didnt Have to Change. female ills, including displacements, me. before our which in thing the pure years During harrow (and drill as well) diagonally inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregueffect into I have been food laws am put Myrtle not Wljy, or at right angles to the way in which everything. larities, periodic pains, backache, bearinga and been has Jerome there But you are everything to great hurrying -down the winds blow. The object in doing feeling, flatulency, indigesmanof on the food the me. part scurrying and nervous prostration. It costs tion, this is to prevent the land from to methods to their ufacturers change but a trifle to try and the result drifting; to hold the snow which falls HUMOR BURNEDTND ITCHED. make them conform to the law. to many millions has been worth on the plowed ground or winter grain, conThe Quaker Oats Company is a women. suffering a on Shell The Game Farm. to prevent the particles of soil or snow Dry It was admitted Eczema on Hand, Arms, Legs and spicuous exception. that Quaker Oats was as pure and from injuring the young grain in the hulless, or the beardless Fice It Was brewing Something Terrible. clean as possible and that it was an This Trade-mar- k barley, for feed, is a short sea ideal food. J son crop which will mature with Complete Cure by Cuticura. Eliminates All it is so cheap that any one can nf-- I J ' a minimum amount of moisture ford it and so nourishing that every .if Uncertainty About fifteen or eighteen years one needs it. The result of last year's Oats do well in all parts of the in the purchase of Alfalfa will succeed, ago eczema developed on top ef my experiments at Yale and other points arid country. tested is that paint materials. but it is important to get seed which hand. It burned and itched so much where food values were is an absolute been It Oats has by adopted Quaker was to a show to I that it compelled is raised in the north, where the seaof pur. on food which as their guarantee many persons sons are short. Brome grass is one of doctor. He pronounced it ringworm. and endurfor und quality. ity vigor rely adding they the best drought-resistan- t For yeur own crops for After trying his different remedies the ance of muscle and brain. see The Quaker Oats Company meets pasture purposes, but it quickly gets disease increased and went up my protection, that it is en the side of and it must be harrowed or arms and to my legs and finally on my all demands in the way it packs every keg of white lead disced to keep it producing well. face. The burning was something Quaker Oats; regular size packages you buy. White sweet clover is being tested by terrible. I went to another doctor who and the large size family package; MTlPNll IEU COMPANY the Wyoming experiment station and had the reputation of being the best the latter, both with and without 1901 Trinity BuTUIsr Hen Turk 4 china. in me town. eczema. was He told it developed by plant breeders so that it Mars the Next Field. will become a valuable crop. French His medicine checked the advance of There are many who will part from clover or sainfoin is a hardy drought-resistan- t the disease, but no further. I finally ncluded to try the Cuticura Reme-an- d the north pole with regret. All thoir clover at high altitudes. Th found relief in the first trial, lives it has seemed the one unconquerof the body the winter grains are especially favory mtinued until I was completely able salient of natures fortress, the Biggest organ most for dry farming, because the sum;! the and bowels important d from the disease, and I have very synonym of the impossible goal fallow methods properly prepare I ot to be looked after neglect C. Burkhart, een since. troubled of human With the endeavor. for seed and such pole the spl ground V. Market St, Cbambersburg, Pa., itself succumbing, the world is no means suffering and years of rains are sufficient to mature the cl . 19, 1908. longer the same, and everything seems misery. CASCARETS help Winter rye is one of the most A tier Drug St Chexn. Corp., Solo Props,, Boston, within the realm of mortal achieve- nature keep every part of yonr drill furrows by being carried along cessful dry farm crops and is one t4 ment. We must now think of talkbest for be the feeds can that hogs bowels clean and strong then Snake Story. these furrows by the wind. with Mars with more respect. ing produced. said the went Before he act right means health to fishing, they Winter grain should he sown early. story-telletown swallowed The professors mirrors may prove your whole body. he wi a Spring grain should be sown as early GETTING AIR INTO THE SOIL reality. bout a pint an half of snakebite rem- any day In the spring as the ground can be treat-CASCARETS xoca box foraweek edy, an of course you know what that ment. All riniggtstn. liiggest seller m If Your Eyes Bother You put in good condition and danger of the world Million boxes a mouth. ' hard freezing is past The earlier the Russian Experimenters Claim to Havt is? Well, after the snake bit him, get a box of PETTIT'S EYE SALVE, old the reptile cut all sorts o capers, kaze reliable, most successful eye remedy made. Discovered Secret of Nourish grain is sown the greater is its chance the remedy went straight to its head. All druggists orliowardIlros,l!uffalo,N. Y. ment of Plants. of stooling. Another thing of vital Last thing it tried to do wuz to swal-le- r NEA It CHIC At lO Mix dollars an acre tbla It may get so some time that a man importance is to see that the seeds Its tail, an It got itself In the form A London paper puts forth the fol year only ; alfalfa and clover auro crops, are planted properly. own to who his will attends business no better land for general fanning and of a hoop, an Im a liar ef the chilcalled News. be Dallas eccentric. fruit. Hplendld climate; pure water. One The experience of the most intelli- lowing: dren didnt roll it around all day! The Russian wheal nitfht from Chicago by rail mr boat. Easy in experiments farmers shows gent and terms. Write for map and illustrated booklet TTamlins Wizard Oil is over fifty years by which it Is claimed 40 Atlanta Constitution. that by sowing 30 to 40 pounds of growing deold like old be can an J T. MERRITT, Manistee, Mich, it .friend, and, more tons or can of be grown State grain wheat per acre in the fall, better reof Ohio City of Toledo. I pended upon just as surely as the family to acre are in the Lucas County. attention f arousing doctor who may be miles away. sults will be obtained than with Frank J. Chfvey makes oath that he Is senior BKLIABLK many countries. ot the firm ot F. J. Cheney 4c Co., detiut more. partner buaira-8ikompf and of Toledo. In Stale the Oonnty The conical pits and frequent layers City Oold,75e a tuld and man When is he sick has m m m great n aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of The press drill is one of the essen- of earth are not the ilrar $1 w loUL only secrets oi ONB HUXDRp;!) DOLLARS for each and every trouble with his wife as to how much Silver and Conner. 11.60. Gold m! silver refined tial implements for the dry farmer. case of that cannot be cured by the use of and bought Write for free nmllla he should eat. system. These Russian experl Halls Oatanhh Catarrh cure. OGDEN ASSAY CO.. liMCMmrim, DmaCA It puts the grain in in proper shape the FRANK J. CHENEY. menters maintain that have dis they Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, and to the right depth, pressing the WHY M KFER FROM A COT.T covered a secret of the nourishment this 6th day of December, A. D., 18H6. when a few drnpbot IVrry imvi Painkiller taYen HOWARD E. BURTON, A9c8hV5,s?.hd soil around the seed, which insures of all A. W. GLEASON, l in nnme bo! water or milk will preveul It? all i that argue H They plants. ftromptly pec! men price: Uold, Silver, Lead. j; Geld, moisture to cause It to germinate, and 5kc bottle. Alail dealers i Notary Pubuo. Silver, 7fx; Gold. f0cj ZiocorCepper.fi. Mailing from the ex- I the observations resulting and full a a of list mm tea Hpplieadoo, ten or to week arte and Cure taken Internally envelopes Halls Catarrh making gain days. of the culture of corn by directly and umpire price work oUit4. Leadvill Do God's will as he makes It known Control upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot Ihi The man who sows alfalfa broadcast perience CoL lieferooce. Carbouat Natioaal Bank. free. for Send testimonials, bushing shows us that the principal System. will take care and F. J. CHENEY A C., Tetod. generally puts in from 20 to 40 pounds condition for obtaining good crops deby all Druggist, 75c. of .itself. of seed per acre, when if he uses a Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Thompsons Eye Water pends mostly on how much soil can be press drill, ten to twelve pounds of Wiimlow' Mr. Smithing Syrup. impregnated with air. His Proper Sphere. A rent Wanted for MMFDARIP.M Tor children teething, iofieng the gum, reduces It wirt seed will he sufficient. allays pain, cure wind collo. 25c a bottle. !i rivet. Also A K4f RICHEST Aft DYHatehk Prince Bismarck was once pressed Experience will convince that by 6 looUin I. TlioMAa FLAMC OO.t Lee Autfuiee, CadL The soil mulch is a most important the loosening of the layer of the soil by a certain American official to recNo man can pray right while he factor. It is by soil mulch that the the earth improves in quality and in- ommend his son for a diplomatic lives wrong. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. moisture is conserved. The summer-fallo- creases in felweight. This fact gives place. He is a very remarkable should be in a granular form us ground to suppose that the parti- low, said the proud father; "he of small lumps, but care should be cles of air as well as water contain Indeed, speaks seven languages. taken not to get it too fine. The ob- as gases all the elements of which said Bismarck, who did net hold a summer-falloweof ject cultivating the Does not take into consideration the one essential to womthe soil consists. very high opinion of linguistic acquiresoil is to prevent the formation ' ans happiness womanly health. The truth of the principle has been ments; what a wonderful head waitof a crust; to allow the proper action The woman who neglects her health is neglecting the er make! would he some in form in Engof the sun and air; to break up the acknowledged very foundation of ell good fortune. For without health lish text books, but the method of obleve loses its lustre and gold is but dross. Like Their Famous Namesakes. capillaries and prevent the moisture taining the aeration is a Russian disAn upper Harlem man named his Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally be rising to the surface and evaporating, covery, and a most fascinating princiregained by the use of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. twin sons Theodore Roosevelt and and to intercept the growth of weeds. in any garden. ple for experiment William Taft, says the New Ysrk The soil mulch must also be This Prescription has, for over 49 years, Sun. A friend asked him the other d on the been curing delicate, weak, Mixed Farming. land which is maintained how they were getting along. day the ot women, hundreds The thousands In best farms thorby the the are crop. those dry paying spring raising end this too In the privacy ot their homes "Famously, was the answer. Wiloughly harrow the winter grain (or use in which a system of cropping and without their having to submit to indelia weeder), and remember that to do feeding stock Is combined. Where the liam digs steadily into his breakfast cate questionings and offensively repugthis properly requires that the har- crops are fed to stock at the farm bowl while Theodore yells asd pounds nant examinations. row teeth shall be sharp. There are there is practically no loss of fertility. him over the head with a spoos. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. a large number of farmers who are There Is an annual rainfall of from A Suggestion. afraid of harrowing their grain for twelve to twenty Inches on these Ponce De Leon was seeking the fear of tearing out. The man who lands, the greater part during the fountain of youth. s v.oa uuui, ID, reopie Medical Adviser, newly revised once harrows with a good team and growing months, sufficient under propedition 1000 pages, aaswers m I wsnder, muttered his impecuPuntt English hosts of delicate questions which sharp harrow teeth will not only have erly applied methods to produce good nious rival, did he ever try to pass a every woman, single er married, ought to know about. Sent free, in plain wrapper to any address ee no cause to regret it, but will see that crops. receipt of store his with best one-cedrug girl? to cover In cloth binding fer 31 il stamps or mailing only, Alft is always done in the future. stamps. Digging into his jeans be was comfalfa and grass meadows should be Big Crop of Wheat. pelled to pay for four sodas. with Dry farming comes through Because alfalfa thoroughly disked. A Cure Eyes. Good Roads Mean Money. bells in a way that is anything but the diskthe occupies land, permanently need to be educated to The childlike bland. We and ons people know is the only mething and harrowing od by which the soil moisture can be man with a dry ranch of 3,830 acree the fact that money spent for good properly saved. Potatoes, corn and who will this season take down $35,-00- roads is not money thrown away, from his crop of winter wheat whereas money spent for makeshift other rdwed crops should be harrowed up to the time they get too large, and now in the process of harvesting, says improvements is worse than thrown MAKES THE USE OF DRUGS UNNECESSARY! Price, 25 Cents .Dnmisfs. after that shallow level culture should Denver Field and Farm. This is not away. Louisville Courier-Journa- l. so worse a for horseback on farmer be followed. The spiritualistic medium finds no ten-celand. For Pink Eye, Eplrootio hidden treasure except in the pockets Shlpplag Fever the of credulous It 13 said that cocklehurs and many living. & Catarrhal Fever Dry Farm Crops. Fnr cure and Txwtt! ve preventive, no matter how homes at any other troublesome weeds can be conare tnferted or Wheat, oats, rye, barley, potatoes Pierce Pleasant Pellets re mi late and InvigIr. on the tongue; at on the Blood aak expound. Riven Liqultl. the trolled or eradicated cheaply and and sugar beets, under the scientific orate stomach, lrver and bowels. Sugar con led aok fhwinra in peitKtnouejrrrniH from the bndv. C'urs Distemper In Dutn and to Cures as take La ktrtran brimre Easy Un; roultry. Roiling live utock romedy. granule. Laiyeet candy. tievhf use of the hv of Is iron. method of cultivation and a fine Kirlnoy rtnirdy. &nc and a bottle, ttand lio a doa. Cnttvfgt-St- . called quickly sulphate Dry Fhnw liruiHt. who will get It for you. Free Booklet, bletuiuper.Caueee The sulphate of iron should be applied Farming, or with the aid of irrigaaou Cures."toyotir The people who dont want to stay Boenal agent wanted. in form r.f fine spray. are successful SPOHM MEDICAL CO.. Bcr!SISJSi GOSHEN, INI, 0. S. A. tion, little must read big hooks crops lf SALT It Is a common occurrence nowa-days to hear a man remark with dis- It is impossible to have good gust: painting done these days; either the paint is not good or there are no good painters." This, however, is not true. There is good paint, and there are But the question Is. good painters. bringing them together. One cannot expect a satisfactory painting job without pure white lead, There Is a way to make sure you are getting pure white lead without test-urin- e lng it. See that the keg bears National Lead Company's famous Dutch Boy Painter trademark, which is a positive guarantee of purity. However, anyone can test white lead. National Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Bldg., New York City, will send you a lead tester and painter's outfit, consisting of book of color schemes, specifications, etc., upon request V Wai-wu-p- ADVISED OPERATOR u it I sod-boun- 30 ft Bowels Its r, RANCH LANDS : to-da- U.wu 1 40-19-09. d Fortune Telling pain-wracke- nt Certain S for sore, weak a Inflamed MITCHELLS SALVE j |