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Show MS FAME III 1 QUBSCRIBE FOR O THE TIMES. All Our Ads It Will Glenn Curtiss Long Interested in Aviation. PAY YOU TO DO SO. S Via Had Little Time to Prepare for Contest in Which He Captured Inters national Aviation Cup His Remarkable Biplane, Cashier You'll have to bring some one to Identify you before we can cash this check. Got any friends In fhe town? Stranger Not one. Im the tax As St. Louis Lawyers Talk. anhad Circuit Judge Reynolds nounced that he would hear jurors who had excuses to offer for not serving, and a dozen American citizens crowded up to the bench to tell their troubles. Their excuses were as varied as those who were bidden to the feast that the Bible tells about. Cue had an Important engagement and another coidd not hear very well, and anothei had sickness in his family, and another had duties to perform which nobody else on earth could perforin, and another was going on a journey. And so it went. The last man in the line wanted to be let off because he was a German. He might have been excused if he had not presented his excuse wrong end forward. Judge, he said, I cant understand good English. Oh, youll do all right, said the There is no good English judge. spoken In here." St. Louis "Filthy Lucre. The expression filthy lucre is of Biblical origin, and is to be found in the third chapter of the first book of Timothy, where the qualifications necessary for the office of a bishop are thus set forth: This is a true saying. If a man desireth the office of bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop must then be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach ; not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous. New York. By his achievement In winning the International Aviation Cup at Rheims recently, Glenn H. Curtiss has jumped into world-widrenown in aerial circles. That his victory was a surprise even to his closest friends in this country Is expressing it mildly. When Mr. Curtiss left for France on August 5 his machine had never been tried out, and he admitted that he was afraid he was taking a big chance with the limited time left him to get In condition at Rheims and try out his motor thoroughly. But after two or three days tuning up on the field the machine apperformed admirably at every pearance, and when he established a world's record for speed at eight minutes 32 seconds for the circuit his American friends predicted that he would win, and he became a favorite at Rheims. If there is one thing that Curtiss does know thoroughly it Is something about motors. He was an enthusiastic motor cyclist a few years ago, and held many speed records. He has been manufacturing motor bicycles for several years at his factory In Ilammondsport, N. Y.. Quickly realizing the future of aerial flight, ho was one of the earliest in America to devote careful attention to the manufacture of aero motors. He was invited by Prof. Alexander Graham Bell to become one of the six members of the latters Areial Experiment association, and with the exception of the experiments carried on at Baddeck, Nova Scotia, last winter, the greater part of their work in solving problems of aerial flight was done at It was there that the four aeroplanes designed by members of the association were built and tried out. The third machine, which was the most notable previous to the longdistance flights of the Silver Dart over p The Overland Route S3 All the Way. is 53 e A SCENIC LINE OP THE WORLD. PANORAMA ' EAGLE OP NATURAL . CAUTY ALL the WHEEL GAP. QLENWOOD WAY. Go Direct RIVER CANYON. WAGON Tell the agent, THE OVERLAND It ROUTE AS FAR AS IT GOES. avoidin time of a will mean saving ance of changing cars, broken connections, etc. flPRINQ 9t the GUNNISON. CARDEN OF THE GODS. CANYON three MANITOU through trains. THE SPRINGS. ROYAL QORGE. Youll Know When You Go." 2-- 5 Shake Into Your Shoes AUens Foot-Easthe ant'septic powder. It makes tight or new shoos feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tiled, aching foot Always use It to V?reak in new shots Sold by all Druggists So. Trial patkoge nnilotl Free AdUiess Aden S. Olmsted, LtKoy, Now York. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPER TO DENVER. I CHICAGO The Aid of Fashion. if you actually found a man under your bed? Stella Id drop my hat on him. , f VP Pokier. Reekie, L A. BENTON, 0. Baft Lke JLMrM Zt, A. P. ft. City. Ask any Short Line Agent for rate9 and particulars. City Ticket Office, 201 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o Round Trip To Los Angeles :oTa4j S40.OO Round Trip to Los Angeles Return via San Francisco. o Round Trip to Los Angeles Return via Portland. o o o o o o Curtiss at Wheel of Machine His Flying the ice nt Baddeck last winter was the June Bug. It was with that machine that Curtiss challenged for the Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Bl tress from Dyspepsia, In digestion an J Too Heart J Fating. A peifect rem edy for Tiz?tm ss, Nan sea. Drowsiness, Bad Taste In the Mouth, Coal ed Tongue, Pain In th LIVER. Side, They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL COSE. SMALL PRICE. TORPID Genuine Must Bear CARTERS Fac-Sim.- Signature !e uvea fccFUSE SUBSTITUTES. r Just Lather and Shave NO BONING NO STROPPING t r VV J kViir ' .A'1 KNOWN THE r WORLD OVER HAfiKEWS BALSAM HAIR fluid beau the t'V&Qsrg Promoiet 1 uts a luxan-ni- four-cylind- eight-cylinde- halt. growth. tv ever Falls to Bewtore Gray J Hair to its Youthful Color. g a hur ln Cure scalp d c, eul f I ad at Pru.r-tf- l Tfl I useful pr.o tic il Hap hold hptetalue, needed evkrv d iy, in eery Aiuoneun bout Keeper. Jtigbla homo by quality. Cheap m price only, bend stamp lor c it iotr etc. LJLLA SUPPLY CO 2tH8 Stoat SL, Denver, Cot v the latest, Scientific American cup, and won in one minute 42 seconds. He was only required to go one kilometer, .621 ot a mile. When the Aerial Experiment association was disbanded last spring Mr. Curtiss directed his attention to making practical aeroplanes at and the machines he has turned out embody many of the ideas gained from his work with the association. The first machine which he completed was purchased by the Aeronautic society of New York city. Mr. Curtiss gave some creditable exhibitions with it at Morris park in July, and then transferring his fljing experiments to the Hempstead" plains, near Mintola, made his best flight in this country of 52 minutes 30 seconds on July 17 last, covering 291a miles, which is now the record flight for the Scientific American cup for 1900. Mr. Curtiss' machine which he took to Europe is practically a duplicate of the one he used here with the exception of the motor and therein lies the secret of his success. Instead ol motor he built using a r a special one, watei cooled. It develops 60 horse power, and weighs complete about 200 pounds. He carries a thirteen-gallogasoline tank and a three gallon oil tank, the fuel weighing 60 pounds The engine develops propeller thrust of 2S0 pounds, against 160 pounds on the old June Bug. His machine, a biplane, is about 30 feet wide, with a total expanse of surface of 225 feet. The total weight ol the entire machine ready for flight Is 700 pounds, about 100 pounds heavier than the first machine used at Mlneola. It is interesting to note that Curtiss was the second choice of the Aero Club of America. Efforts had been made to induce one of the Wright brothers to represent America, but they declined on account of other duties. Mr. Curtiss was definitely notified of his acceptance by the Aero club within six weeks of his departure to Europe. most Fl BOSE OF m itsi CUBE ram iw is as safe as it is effective. Guaranteed to contain no opiates. It is veiy palatable too children like it. All Druggists, 25 Cents n O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Ella What would you do AN0 Means comfort all the way when you travel east. Dont buy a ticket via a broken route. of the GRANDS CANYON S Q o o o o o o o o 8 G o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o 6 o o o o o o Deep Sea and all the delights of the Boating, Surf Bathing, Fishing, glorious Pacific ocean. o o o o o o o LONG BEACH SAN PEDRO CATALINA OCEAN PARK Booklet describing SAN DIEGO VENICE fornia ocean resorts, SANTA MONICA information Coronado Tent City 169 South Main Southern Cali- hotels and full cheerfully furnished street Round Trip Rates to Old Mexico. The Salt Lake Route operates three daily trains to Utah Valley, morning train to Tintic district; many trains to Garfield. The Salt Lake reaches New house, Frisco, Pioche, Bullfrog, Goldfield and other Nevada camps. at o o o o o o o o City Ticket Office 169 S. Main Street, Salt Lake City. T. C. PECK, General Passenger Agent. KENNETH C. KERR, District Passenger Agent. o OQQOQCOOOOCOOCQQQOOQOGCOOOOOOOOOOQOQOCOOOOO OOOOOOOOC o o o o o o o o o |