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Show Social and personal Itention. THE LOCAL ROUNDUP. TOOELE TRADING COF1PANY, mi r vyde-awa- ke Store iirCir-- The new resort has aain changed hands. Mr. Fairbanks this time be comes manager. All ladies should visit DroubaysDry Goods Department and select a, few pieces of white wearing appearel at one half value. They are just it now, - ft V- - fjV- - rW vj Colonial Eotel to Sail phone hake City. Three trains. Sproat The turning of the water into the mains in Piat C of Tooele City recently, was an event much appreci attd by the people of the east side, and marks another forward step for town. our Barlow, representing Los Augelus Olive Growers Association. was here Thursday looking He thinks it all wrong up trade. that people of this country should send to southern Europe for olives or olive oil when they can get as good, from southernCalifornia if and we agree with him; Sproat. Looks like the smelter people wanted to get some of the bnck weather work done before cold comes on. They have advertised in the Salt Lake papers the past week lor 20 bricklayers. not-bette- A special car via the Tooele Valley Railroad, leaves here every night at 1:24 am for the junction ox the Salt Lake Route, for the accommodation of those wise mg to take the midnight passenger tram. By. informing the agent .at their office nefore six oclock tne evening previous ypu will be cared xor. Fare is 25 cents. Mr. McGurrin and Mr, Holmes of . the Salt Lake Security and Trust Co., and Miss Birch, stenographer of the same company, took an auto spin from Zion and spent most of Tuesday in Tooele looking over their companys interests here. They were more than pleased with what saw, and will no doubt visit us Jack Frost has lelt his footprints they in the near future. again ou the mountain slopes, and the The New Kagdalea gathering in the tender be "New Magdalen will not The In so he that patrons vegetables of their Tooele ou of the the to opera Louse wid have fatten able spoils an opportunity of seeing one of tbe summer s toil. most remarkable plays of the year cn acre OR LEASE--160- . next Tuesday evening, October 5th. farm, situated near Farmington in' Da- While not altogether a problem play with good vis county, well fenced,, contains it many home thrusis at Apply for dwelling, house thereon. much food for. whole and 52W. 1st society particulars to E. E. Rich, some In it Mi$s Anna thought. Lake ho. St., Salt City. Cleveland will haveone of the best Paving lias begun on the sidewalk vehicles in which ever apDoremus property and on along-thpeared. iLe .ine of the Tooele Valley RailThe sfory of the play contairm-al- l road. Mr. Doremus can now, with the elements wbichi make for succiear conscience, say to his cess,. Mercy Merrick-- the heroine is of Tooele, in the language a Red Cross nurse. She of the good old book, Go thou and house of served a term' do likewise.! correction and aWthe opening of the For the best assortment of truuks play is seen giving aid' and succor n ltd buit cases go to Barons. Cases to the' wounded1A in the war. young girl named vom $1.25 up. Grace Roseberry is thrown in her outset her There is some talk way, but almost iulo 3 ecclesiastical ward?. new found friend1 is wounded by a iLis is another mark of improve bursting shell and is later pronoun nent. ced dead oy a French physician. The of Grace Roseberry brings Attorney Marks' new residences diary out fact that she is on her way tbe tre fast nearing completion. from Canada to England to join her The Standard Furniture Co. ex- friends whom she has-- , never seen and who has never seen her. On tbe pects to occupy its Dew quarters-ihe very near future- - look oat for spur of the moment the Red its announcement in our ad. columns Cross nurse dons the clothes and assumes the personality of the dead Tbe best and uoobiest suits- for girl. She goes to England aud is Ladies ever shown ia Tooele at Bac- received in the character she is imon's. She is Escorted to personating. of the Salt Lake Holmcroft a Il3tace by England and Trust Co. was a caller at newspaper correspondent, who later this office last Tuesday, He is a t.urus out to be a friend of the family very pleasant and agreeable man, she is going to. Matters progress and is much impressed with tbe prog smoothly, however, until the rrival ress that is being made in our city, of the real Grace, who is found by a lie thinks that tbe solid appearance German surgeon and: by him rethat everything has around tbe turned to health and strength. In smelter, tbe new townsite, and, in the meantime, Mercy, as Grace fact, all Tooele, should be sufficient has fallen in love with a guarantee to anyone of the purpose vonng clergyman named Julian That they have of those interested. Gray, but they Lave not anuounccd tome to stay and mean business, no their love because of a sane man, having once glauced at meet the young gi?l has allowed the situation, can doubt. herself to drift into with Horace Holmcroft. Upon the arrival of the The job department of- The Times an Grace real opportunity for spleu can do your job printing or.ehort notice. did work is given by MissClevelaod. The Tooele Steam Laundry does all Ih spite of the story told' by the real kinds of work in the very best styles,, Grace, she is outfaced aad; through their laundry man being an expert from the word of the imposter is herself the Troy laundry, where he has worked made out to be in'flhe wrong. Later, for a number of years. Their wagon driven by remorse, the nurse conll call at your borne twice each week,. fesses her part matter from Mondays and Wednesdays, and deliver her friends turn to but start finish, when washing is done. Popiflar prices, in from her Only tbe Inathiug, t&ecrge Brockman and IL C. Hanson,, minister- remains faithful. young proprietors. Realizing tbe girl's real nobility of The Times jpb plant is one of character and the temptations to compLuter:o any country office: which sfcebad been exposed-.bagain We are presvared to do your job work offers her the succor of a great love right aud at right prices. Come and and tbe curtain- falls upon in happy of- ovr work,. eadie.stsee . e FOR-REN- -- , in-th- Franco-Germa- being-livide- at-th- - Ros-berr- y, semi-eDgag- . u-i- in-th- - t - e TOOELE CITY, UTAH Efficient Service TALISMANS POPULAR' IN MALTA There are still to be found In Malta a numfier of small stones shaped and colored like the eyes, tongues and other parts of serpents. The superstitious among the Maltese connect these, with the tradition that St Paul when shipwrecked was cast on their island, and that it was there that while lighting a bundle of sticks for a fire a viper fastened on the apostles hand. St. Paul calmly shook the reptile off into the flames and no harm followed. The natives wear these stones as talismans, in which character they suppose them serviceable in warding off dangers from snake bites and poisons. They arc found in St. Pauls carve, imbedded in clay, and are set in rings and bracelets, and when found to be fci the shape of a tongue. or liver or heart ase hung around the neck. They are also taken internally, dissolved in wine, which method is attended, according to some people, by more immediate results. FIRST ONE THAT TOLD The Tooele Opera House c. e. green, Mauager On liie Inter-Moimta- Trade iviifi ds and r Every with Illustrated Might- - Answsr That Bank Officer. Satisfied --3 f fe: Cents Building Material and i Tooele City, Utah. a situation entered the apartment of a high bank L. L. baker; officer and made known his errand. Well, kindly said- the captain of Attorney at Law. finance, theres an opening in the bank for the right young man, and Conveyancing,. Fire Insurance and there have been several applicants for Fidelity Bonds. it already. Are you energetic and will& Evans Bldg., Tooele City. Vowles to learn? ing You Rustle Hardware. Building the Contracts and ell !t I Supply tbs Rest V I 1 . Try me, sir. Thats good for a. starter. Co u. yets gamble? sir. I have a mother to support and cant risk my earnings that way. Ahem. Now here the great men squared himself before his applicant, ia indication that the most important Do yea question was now to come. ever go fishing? Yes, sir, replied the young man without hesitation. Was fishing yesterday. Ah! and' what kind of acatch did you make? Only one little perch, smiled he. "Good! Youre the young man Ive been seeking. All the others answered up all right until 1 put that last question; then they lied! 1 MAN AFTER THEIR OWN HEART. !j LUMBER CO. PARKER-WARNE- R X'o, SPEND MUCH FOR AMUSEMENT Convivial; OctUirien Realized a Brother. Hd They Yard Millions Are Invested in Parks in This Country. e Itf costs a lot of money to Build and operate an amusement park on a large scale, say Frederic Thomp- son, In Everybody's. I suppose that mare than $25,000,-G0- 0 are invested in these p?ks in this ountry. Dreamland ou Coney island Cost about $2,500,000. Rivervfew Park Had the White City in Chics-jcost fcbout a million each. Luna park cost $2,400,000: Tbe total annual expenses, including the oost of rebuilding, of putting in new Shows and the operating expenses, average about a million dollars, and the season lasts four months. I spent $240,000 off one show, of which was for'ftnimals, mostly elephants ir.d cameis it uras the representation OS tb Tvllan durbar and I lost $100,-!M- 0 t x charged the loss op to educa It , and it we3 worth it. 0P3fs $1, 00 a week to light Tnr.a ffrk, and $4,500 for the music. The BAlaries of the free performers this ore $2,2C0 a week. And all of these expenditures, as well as a good esany others, go simply to manufac-(Sat- e th?- carnival spirit. Not many days ago two men who had dined not., wisely tut too well boarded one of the cars at the Grand Central. The car started with a very violent suddenness so violent that the two cheery gentlemen were thrown off their balance, landing in a heap on top of a very solemn gentleman on one of the seats. This individual had bean In the car for some time, and had preserved an austere- uclemmty of demeanor that was most impressive. At once the two men who had lost their balance became profuse in their apologies to' the solemn one. scuse Oh, m shoshorry please me," requested ona. hie Begpardcn couldnt said the other. The solemn gentleman, who had listened with magisterial severity, now opened his mouth in turn and remarked benignly: "Oh, thashalhlght. Car shtartad like thashallright. For a moment they looked at him dazed: then Aeir expressions changed to delighted surprise. In him they had recognized a brother. And when they got off a few blocks further on, in a region of many cafes, their party consisted of three N. Y. Times. , TOOELE, UTAH -- -- iTHE JuniMun uumi Cor. Broadway and Elm, Tooele, Utah. Be3t FJleals m tho City For tho Puzzled Over Radium Radium is' still puzzling scientists. The latest conundrum Is: One Where does It come from? scientist says that radium comes to us from the sun in soma farm of solar emanation. He doe3 not believe it to be something inherent la certain earth born substances, such a3 the pitch-blenfrom which it was first extracted. He thinks that It comes to earth continually ia infinitesimal quantities Ith every ray of light, so to speak, that reaches us from the solar orb. This accounts, he says, in a measure for the traces of radium being cs- advertise in tlnually discovered in all sorts ( wide- awake things, gaseous and mineral alike. j i IVIortcy-- f GUS. JOHNSON, Prop. Fire Insurance Real Estate List Your Property, For Sale or Kent, with the Square Deal Seal Estate -- $G8,-CO- If you want results-The Times, Tooele's newspaper.. East of East Street. . , help-myshel- f, Twenty-Fiv- ia Tooele City, UtaM Lumber, Cement, lime, Beal Attorney at Law. County Attorney. A young man in quest of Satisfaction a- IX):30 10 hi North Main Street. Continuous Program From 8 to V' I The Hungry Geek Us.. The Epicures Praise Us. Everything in Seaeon and Everything Seasoned rightly. The best the market is none too ?od for us. Our object is to serve you and not to rob you. TRY US. L. E. ENGLAND, PROPRIETOR Songs-Ever- WILLIAM S. MARKS, Exceptional fee City MANHATTAN CAFE, Wednesday and Saturday ssion Psrfl of Fri- - day Evening Movimg Pictures Treatment ia Tiiealrical circuit tDances mi Cmsitas Prenipt Delivery to Any TRUTH. Mr,-Holme- ! TBE MOST OF THE EEST FOR THE LEAST ss she-ha- eu HEATS M1S 6S60EB1ES Transient Trade Solicited Rates Reasonable Ef- r?S - VJ'1 VOWLES & EVANS Newly furnished Throughout Odd Shaped Stones to Ward Off fects of Snake Poison. "- T Toceles Leading Hotel of-th- e Mr. W. H. Carr, former manager of tbe Droubay Hall, has been recently appointed one of the new man agers of the new smelter plant. Mr. Carr is a hard and consistent workwide-awa- ke er and we wish him every success in to Salt hismew field of labor. $1 Fmund Trip Every Sunday Phone trains. ' the 'ihree Lake City, M. the-mos- TOOELE, UTAH, A The building ouilt aud intended (or the Townsite Company's office was sold recently to Frank Hoffman, who will use oue side of it for c.old storage aud meats, while it is not fully decided as yet what will be in the other, probably furniture.. fellow-lownein- Trip Every Sunday to Salt Three trains. Phone " Oroliosky of the Toaele. o V Commercial Co. went to Zion ou a $1 Round Trip Every Sunday to Salt Lake City. Three trains. Phene business trip lust Wednesday. Sproat. Miss AJice Taylor of Salt Lake c j City is teaching the 6th aud 7th (' FOR SALE A pool and a billiard table. Inquire at this office. grades of tbq. Tooele City schools. Messrs. Wright aud Brown, Tooele's plumbers, took a run. to Salt Lake City last Sunday. Crystal Drug Manager W; L, Irvine came back A. Bevans, Prop from Salt Lake Thursday. It is re WHERE 11 IE CARS STOP gretable that his wifes health does Our Crushed Frtits are not improve. strictly fresh Mrs. W. F. Winn and children, TRY CGPPER'Cin SUNDAE who have been visiting in Idaho and Some of Our Specials: Montana during the past few weeks, MaplkFkahpb Cuck,ermerry Ad returned home last Friday. Mk.KKY Widow Ego !& Coco t Annas Dreoi Cantaloup Sundae Charles T. Stoney, proprietor of Coriantom Sundae The Tidies. returned from the capi tal on Monday, bringing his family with him, and will make Tooele Ms residence. Mr. manager of the Droubay Hall, spent Sunday in Salt CHARLES FURROW, Proprietor Laka with President Taft. Wnilein the city Mr. Kauffman was a guest Commercial Club. Euiiaess-flention- . Social A improvement and advance-iiiqre tLe order of tle day in Tooele, why not have ft tewq clock? Then eyery man could be 1VP to date. ?1 Round Trip Every Sunday to Salt Three trails. Phone Luke City. ?1 Round Trip Every Sunday $1 Round Lake fity. Sproat" WE Co. HAVE- - City Property For Sale In The Old and Mew Additions Farms and Orchards In (he Immediate KeigiiborheoLss Don't Overlook these excellent opportunities of today for profitable investment. Cull on or Address : Real Estate Square Deal R. Co. J. HUNTINGTON, Manager. Bending, Loans : |