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Show PROMOTE THE TOOELE TIMES Published by Th Western Publishln Co.. Ino. J. T. Jftkeinan. Manager AH TOOELE . Nobody Knows Better Than Farmer What a Valuable Asset to Community Good Road Is. "... When the army balloon corps is or in de ganized high privates will he mand. Dont hesitate to tell the censur taker your age. discreet. He has sworn to be It is estimated that out of a popu lation of 40,000,000 in Great Britain. 12,000,000 are either under or on the poverty line?" The world over Americans have a s reputation for doing things. That why the foreign aviators at Rheirns accord Curtiss so much respect. on the The latest calculations course of Halleys comet, approaching the earth, exhibit no point of peril for Still, comets and aspiring aviators. flying machines both have been known to do things out of the day's run. . It might have been supposed that California had enjoyed her share of earthquakes; but now while Mexican cities are partly in ruins and Spain Is reporting tremors, California will feel herself fortunate at having escaped with the shake of recent date, which wos so gentle that there were and San people in San Francisco Jose who did not feel it. In his brief experience of the business of ruling an awakened people, the Shah Mohamed All has probably learned that there are times when wise people do best to adopt the motHe to: Anything for a quiet life. has been offered a pension of $75,000 a year if he will restore the national jewels. The likelihood is that he will take the offer and retire into Russia. ' y V d PIPES FOR POSTS The pieces of old gas pip this shelves are put at convenient about the place may be rea distances apart and the four sides are lzed as fence posts. I cut ilI covered with burlap. I used barley about 7 feet in length, then? sacks for this purpose. inch holes in each osi The cooler I made was threq feet in the sketch, says a writer1 t box and Home. I set one end oil square. Ordinarily a eight or ten inches deep the size of in a block of concrete, usinl Jlthe top is made and set on the top of 4 feefHT pie box mold about 2 the frame. Around the box near the inches at the top and 5 or 6 square bottom a row of gimlet holes is bored inches square at the base. and these are fitted with plugs. The box is filled with water and the plugs in the holes are loosened until the water seeps out just enough to ,rmmcm run down through the burlap on the T" tx4 sides and keep it wet all the time. The burlap on the front side is fastened to only one post, the top and the . ' J r' ' An Imported - other side being kept in place by rings along the edge which are slipped over nails partly driven in. This constitutes the door through which access is gained to the Inside of the cooler. Once in a while I saw one with a skeleton door over which the burlap was stretched as screen wire would be over a screen door, but this was considered rather elaborate for most people. of As pools of stagnant water, cisterns It and neglected drains are breeding of- places for mosquitoes, Prof. Surface, the Pennsylvania state zoologist, recommends that all tanks of water, cisterns or vessels which hold water, or which might be filled with water after a rain, be covered or screened with a screen of at least 18 meshes of wire to the inch. Standing Vater A curious source of wealth is reon lots on commons should not be perported by the French consul at mitted. All shallow lots should be Mongtze, in upper Tonkin. It lies In drained and kept dry, and post holes wood mines. The wood originally was filled, old tin cans and bottles empa pine forest, which the earth swaltied, and all breeding places destroylowed in some cataclysm. They lie ed. All stable refuse should be reIn a slanting direction and in sandy moved at least every week. Where .soil, which covers them to a depth of there are large natural bodies of waAs the top ter which cannot be about eight yards. drained, the surbranches are well preserved, it is face should be disinfected and oiled thought the geological convulsion with kerosene at frequent and reguwhich buried them cannot be of very lar Intervals. Kerosene is Invaluable great antiquity. The wood furnished in this connection, and it is also good by these timber mines is imperish-ab- e as a disinfectant. Chloride of lime, or and the Chinese buy it for coffins. common copperas (sulphate of iron) can be thrown Into cesspools Richard W. Sears, who Lar should be above the average. They are reputed to be good scavengers and very prolific. Their record in Colorado has borne out this reputation. Several years ago a few specimens of the breed were taken to the Central experimental farm at Ottawa, The Colorado Importation Canada. Was made in September of 1907 by Prof. W. L. Carlyle and consisted of three sows and a boar. The object of this importation was to introduce a hardy prolific hog that could be produced profitably. The only experiments so far attempted have been a series of crosses between the new breed and the Duroc-Jersethe d-China and other cornbelt hogs, with the object of giving to the native breeds the prolificacy, vigor and rustling qualities of the Large Blacis. These points are ones that directly concern the breeder's pocketbook and in addition are main points of controversy in the rivalry of the different breeds for public favor. During the last two years the Large Black boar has been bred to Tam- Polan- Working Plans. The cleats, c c, are made of old tire iron, lxli inch. These are bolted to the pipe at the two top holes. A block, h, Is bolted to the bottom hole. Stringers are attached to the iron cleats. Pickets are nailed to the stringers and a foot board is fastened to the block, b. NOTES. and Duroc-Jerseworth, Poland-Chinsows. In each case the black color of the sire has prevailed in all the pigs. This was to be expected in the Poland-Chin- a cross, probably in the Duroc-Jersecross, but remarkable when an old and prepotent breed like the the Tamworth furnished one-hablood of the cross. The single litter s was far of Large rowed in May. It consisted of 18 pigs uniformly black, with the exception that five of the pigs had a brownish red tinge towards the outer ends of the hairs. This disappeared in a few days, leaving the litter solidly black. In this case the useful limits of fecundity were passed. The pigs were small and weak and more than half' of them were lost within a few days. These pigs are now sufficiently developed to show the large pendulous ear of the sire and to give promise of the bacon conformation with a heavier head and lighter shoulder than the Tamworth. The pigs from the Duroc-Jersecross were not uniform. The skins of all were black, but a few had at farrowing time, and retained for a few days afterward, a reddish cast to the hair. Some had the large drooping ear. All ear, others a small semi-erec- t were more rangy and higher off the ground than the typical Duroc-JeiseThe Poland China cross proved the most desirable in several particulars. y a y lf Black-Tamworth- Lake, 111., the other day. At five p. m. the man whose financial career would have been meteoric had it not been for his quiet way of doing things was out in the fields supervising the work that the 20 men who came an hour later were to accomplish before sundown. Wearing overalls and straw hat, as if he were accustomed to them, Mr. Sears surveyed his model farm as if it were the only interest he had in life. He refused to turn from it and wide-brimme- d y y look backward over the 17 years that have elapsed since he left his post as telegraph operator in Redwood Falls, V. business Minn., to start the mail-orde- r that has grown into the greatest in the world. Im awfully busy, he declared. I have to look after the threshers and I haven't get this work done any time to talk about myself. Never' did have, he added, with a merry twinkle of his eye. Farmer Sears, who has announced that he intends to devote the rest of his time to his family and his farm. Is only 45 years old. He was a telegraph operator of a wayside station when an eastern watch manufacturer sent him a watch with the privilege of returning it if he could not sell it. He found that he could sell that watch and many more. So large did the watch trade he established become that ha resigned his position and went to Min.if, neapolis. Two years later he came to Chicago and began the business career that v ended recently with the sale of his ' ' 'i! , stock in Sears, Roebuck & Co., to a 4, New York syndicate and his retiret i.T ment with great wealth. f y s' ' Mr. Sears family is enjoying the farm life as much as the head of the ge Slack Sow. house. His four children two boys and two girls have been reveling in ears were The uniform and of medium rural domesticity and say they want to size, the form departed somewhat be farmers too. from the broadness and compactness of the typical Poland-Chinbut not so much so as to sacrifice maturing HALL OF CHRIST IS UNIQUE and fleshing qualities; the bone was medium and the quality throughout Aula Christi at Chautauqua, N. Y, was very fair. Only Building of Its Kind in the World. Like results have been obtained by crossing boars of other breeds on the Chautauqua, N. Y. The dedication Large Black sows. None of these experiments have as of the Aula Christi or Hall of Christ yet been checked by duplication and the only building of its kind in the no feeding experiments for testing the world, took place recently in this city. cross-breprogeny have yet been at- The one who first proposed the idea For western conditions it is 18 years ago. Bishop John H. Vincent, tempted. probable that an infusion of Large gave the dedication address. This new building to be devoted exBlack blood would be of more benefit to the Poland-Chin- a than to any other clusively to the study of Christ, was breed. Results so far attained indi- erected at a cost of about $40,000. The cate that the early maturing qualities largest single contributions to its of the corn-bel- t favorite can be re- erection were $10,000 from the Massey tained in a great measure and his estate in Toronto; $5,000 from Miss vigor, prolificacy and rustling quali Helen Gould and $3,000 from the estate of N. T. Arnold. The last $12,-00ties much improved by the cross. for its completion was given by If the Colorado specimens are fairly at a single meeting last of Chautauquas the the representative breed, Large Blacks are the most prepotent of all year. The building is constructed of while Roman brick, stone, steel and breeds of swine. white terra cotta. The windows are all of historic significance presenting and indirectly by admitting air intc in order events in the the silo. If ( the bottom is well ce life chronological of Christ. mented damage from this source ie All the books which have been writavoided. ten upon the life Christ, including a A silo foundation very large library dealing with the and floor is shown in the accompany interpretations of Christ, and Christ ing illustration. As will be noted It is in ethics, in social science and in made of brick and cement work. The walls below the surface are construct ed of grout and extend to well below the frost line. Several courses ol brick are used to finish up the wall foundation, after which it is covered with cement. The floor is grout work below coated with a surface of cement on top. Such a silo foundation there to stay and is certain to give the best of satisfaction in every way. K water-tigh- AND GARDEN r to-da- Pieces of Gas Piping May Be Usee to Good Advantage In Fencing in the Farm. FARM FARMER t.. In establishment Is a pity that there is not the like wives ficial sympathy for In this state, where the whipping-pos- t has been established by law and practically nullified by the sympathy, for some occult reason, being given to the wife beater instead of to his victim. sy. v. Cooler Without Ice. r wife-beatin- g One of the latest and most interesting importations of breeding 6tock Is that of large black hogs by the Colorado Agricultural college. The Large Blacks are practically unknown outside of England, but have been bred for many years in the south and east of that island. Little is known of the foundation stock or of the method of breeding pursued in developing this distinct breed of swine. However, judging from the uniformity of type of those brought to America and the power shown in transmitting outstanding characters, it is evident that no admixture of outside blood has bpen used for many years. The individuals of this breed are uniformly black in color and are classed In the bacon type. The ears are large, coarse and drooping; the nose is of medium length and the shoulders are the lightest and most refined of any of the breeds of swine, writes E. J. Iddings, in Breeders Gazette. The sides are long and of medium depth; the hams tend to flatness and are rather long and tapering The back has a medium arch and parwhich is takes of the narrowness characteristic of bacon hogs. The impression that one gets from the general appearance of this breed Is that Howof coarseness and ungainliuess. ever, there is not an undue amount of bone and the dressing percentage g Old j of the whipping-pos- t of the great number cases In his district. town how long would It take to throw a shovelful or two of dirt into these public nuisances? It would save you and your neighbor many a jerk and jolt, to say nothing of the wear and tear on horses, harness and vehicles. Same way with the approaches tc nine out of every ten bridges you bump over while driving to town. Patch those treacherous holes in the bridges, too. A horses leg is easily broken in one of these wicked-lookinholes. Make It a rule to stop the team and throw at least a dozen rotks-anpeb bles out of the track Into the ditch every time you drive to town. You get mighty tired of the jerking and jolting they give you. They alst knock out your wagon and bugy tirei more than most men think. ' ' A diagram and illustration of a split-lograder is given herewith foi the benefit of those interested in th construction and maintenance of good roads. Nobody knows better than the farmer what a valuable asset to a community a good road Is. UTILIZE The work of arresting chauffeurs PREVENT COW SPILLING FEED when they can be caught and fining them for speeding goes merrily on, Ordinary Candy Bucket May Be Embut w ith no appreciable diminution in ployed to Stop Animal From the speeding. A little change in prinSlobbering Feed. in ciple might work a great change custom in this respect. If the autoTake an ordinary candy bucket and mobile were arrested and fined and bore a hole in fine of the held for the payment To each side. things would soon wear a different this fasten the aspect. halter in such a manner that the for found A new use was promptly cow cannot lift the new Lincoln pennies. It seems, her heaii Out Of . lL .. ki account, a to Washington according the pall. After that they are in great demand by conHolds Feed. she starts to eat in babies their to to present gressmen she cannot over nor slobthe districts, as the first Issue will be- ber her feedtipall overpailthe floor. of come in time rare coins. This use the penny is significant in pointing HARM IN STAGNANT WATER the fact that in spite of its great achievements this is the age of small All Shallow Lots Should Be Drained things especially babies. and Kept Dry, and All Breeding A New York magistrate wants the Places Filled. on account v Drag, AS from business with Are Uniformly Black in Color and Are Classed in the Bacon has retired made in 17 years, took charge Class Very Prolific By E. J. Iddlngs. of the threshing at his farm at Grays g In Chicago they have started a school for tubercular children. Most of the sessions are held in the open air, and the children are said to act as If they were having a picnic. Their routine work takes in systematic care f the teeth, breathing exercises, gymnastics and the shower bath. There is something very pathetic in the picture of the little shah of Persia trying to kill himself because, frightened at his lonely gradour, he wants his parents. The emptiness of high royal honors in these stormy times strikes even to the soul of a child, when he has to pay for them with his human needs. Split-Lo- g HAPPY Mail-Orde- Chicago. roads are simply a result of thorough drainage, and keeping the surface of the roadbed smooth and well packed. So keep al dain ditches BOX open, and the ICE BUILT CLEVERLY road drag moving. Nothing comes so nearly filling all the Refrigerator Which Keeps Milk, But- requirements for maintaining a perfect roadbed as the simple ter and Other Perishable Goods drag. Cool Without Ice. Fill up all low places, and work the dirt toward the center of the road. . Cut or trim all hedges bordering the By MILLER PURVIS. While I was in California this sum- highway, that the effect of sun mer I saw almost everywhere coolers and wind may be good applied. Do your or refrigerators w ich were used to full share of improving the road and keep milk sweet, butter firm, and to try to persuade your neighbor that withcool water, all this being done he should do the same, and the most out the use of ice. I made one of gratifying results are certain. these coolers myself and most of As in most everything, its the little carthose I saw were made by local items that combine to promote good penters, although they are kept on road making. If there are some shorr, sale In some of the towns. deep ruts between your place and am not an expert with tools and in the remote place where I happened 1 Society must be improving since the various scorching denunciations it has received. The news comes from New- to be tools were scarce, but with port that there is a lobster famine only a square, saw and hatchet I made the cooler and it worked Just as there. well as any other one I ever saw. We kept butter perfectly firm in it, People may not be able to explain rationally the popular sympathy with and fresh meat cool and sweet. All a Jury that declares a man insane who sorts of stewed fruit was kept in it recites poetry, but the sympathy is much longer than it would have kept there, all the same. outside, as the temperature was above 100 degrees for weeks at a time and Women who have won farms in the went as high as 110 more than once. unmarried if can government lottery The sketch shows the cooler with doubtless get all the help they need :he front curtain back to show the for harvesting their crops without ap- shelves. plying to the employment agencies. We would put glass fruit cans full af drinking water in this cooler and it The scramble for social prestige at was kept cool and refreshing, and Newport has caused a French visitor I probably much more wholesome for witticism: to revive an old Gaelic purposes than it would have doubt if the people would take any- drinking been had it been iced. into to trouble much get so thing like To make one of these coolers a skelheaven." eton frame made of 2x2 inch posts, It has been estimated that 40 per joined by 1x3 inch strips, is set up. cent, of the children under eight in the public schools of London drink alcoholic liquor more or less regularAnd yet American children are ly. called precocious. SEARS House, Former Head of Who Retired with $25,000,000, Works in Fields. ALL SWINE BREEDS Good The earth is one big, hard, unchart d rock to the crippled aviator. OF URGE BLACK HOGS POTENT h.A.i.3 GOOD ROAD CEMENT BOTTOM FOR THE SILO cross-breedin- g d 0 d How .about the ground you're going to sow with alfalla this fall? It is better to sow rutabaga turnips in rows than broadcast. Apple culture in Texas should be developed more assiduously. Rotation must be practiced in the garden or truck' field to obtain the best results. Black Winter or Spanish radishes should be sown in August or September with turnips. He who lets the weeds go to seed this month is storing up for himself infinite trouble next yeai. It has been said that "weeds are the devils flower. Certain it is that they play the mischief with a crop. For best results in the vineyard plenty of water is necessary. During the hot season is advisable. A fall crop of potatoes w ill be found profitable, if the grower has kept his land in good tilth during the summer. The eighth annual convention of the National Nut Growers association will be held at Albany, Ga., October Foundation Is Important Factor In Building Feed Pit It Excludes Rats and Vermin. As important element in the construction of all silos is the foundation By foundation we mean not merely the wall upon which the upper walls of the silo set, but also the floor of the silo. While many silos are simply supplied with dirt floors and are giving fairly good satisfaction, it is preferable to have the floor cemented. A Steaming A Soil. It is thought an excellent Idea to sterilize the soil when there is oppor-- j ' ' s'jj,;' tunity between the taking off of one V- crop and the sowing of another. This is done by laying on the bed inch and a quarter iron pipes, in which pinholes have been drilled about an Inch apart; four of these pipes on a bed 8x10 feet wide. Then the soil from ' another bed is thrown on this about a foot and a half deep, and the steam is turned into them through a two and 8 half inch pipe, which is connected 12, 13 and 14, 1909. boil (with one of the All decaying cabbage should be dug 70 pounds pressure. Tlii; ers, showing Good Silo Foundation. up and destroyed. Black rot and other any fungous germs that may fungus diseases and insect pests will cement bottom is not only desirable destroys be in the soil, and leaves it not only thus be held back. because of its durability but more par- as good as new, but a little bettei All rubbish should be removed from so for the protection It gives than new soilf This cannot be dons the garden before it is plowed. De- ticularly from rats which sometimes burrow In all cases, as often while our cro bris of any sortis annoying and in- Into the silo from below and destroy is maturing another is beiig stailec terferes with culnvatiop of silage, both directlv in the same bed. is. f - j j ' Aula Christi, or Hall of Christ. modern civilization, are soon to be collected in one room of this hall. In another room will be collected and placed in easily accessible files copies of all the engravings or other pictures of Christ which the art of ages hes brought within reach. In charge ol the library and engravings will be a A beautiful main audience curator. room will be used exclusively for appropriate meetings. Already these meetings are being held In the new Later courses in study are building to be inaugurated in the life, words and deeds of Christ and in the results of his teachings. These courses are to be conducted for both old and young A special seriee is to be held in this building at least once a month throughout the entire vear |