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Show Krttyv Tin j s Towle un tiitj of importunre. BD no is and lnoMUiblv wiUlx are.ler, f L can afford to hm e Uh ropreeninuve news- X popcr RO out slurk io lwas.Ro (or ti.e 4 putiouane. ick of a food ; ui-- - aikulng 0frWaaaoaeOip 'I Vol. IX, No. 34. BLOODY AFFEAY. Two Transients Looked in a Death Grip ON SAN PEDRO One FREIGHT CAR la Jail, the Other I In Hospital -- he Prisoners 3tory. Id a bloody scrimmage which last Monday on a freight oc-sar- red train between Tooele and Stocktou, George Kramer was so badly cut p. slashed and bruised by John JoDes that death may result.the victim having at once been, taken ro a hospital in Salt Lake City. Jones was arrested and brought before Justice Frailey, when he and was held to the District Court for trial, being unable to give bonds. There being no hearing of course do details could be bad, except from the defendant himself, so Tub Times maD, meeting Deputy Sheriff Gilles-pi- e, besought his goodly offices and was courteously accommodated.- The prisoner looked the caller over suspiciously for a minute, and in response to a request for his- story of the affair, finally asked if we had got He lthe other fellow's statement. was theu told, apparently to his surprise, of Kramers whereabouts and condition, and then proceeded, without hesitancy and in quite a consecutive and lucid way, to give waived-examinatio- - OOHLE, UTAH, SATURDAY, OCTOBER Alining Mention. thought plenty. I had a razor which was tied around my neck. It was securely bouud around with string and with my one free band I got WIIAT IS GOING ON IIERR AND THERE REGARDING UTAHS ho'd of it, him on top of me, poun-dio- g of the the I cut GREAT INDUSTRY. away. strings razor with my teeth, then opened the blade and slashed him across The Times Leads, Others Fellow the knee. lie says, You s of a b of Manager Irvine, Im going to kill you! I then used weHyarecourtesy in receipt of a press clipping the razor around his head and neck, Ifrntn the Intermonntain Clipping wherever I could, hoping to make Bureau, which came in with several him quit. Pretty soon his finger J others, headed International makgot into my mouth and I held oa The matrapid time in Utah. it. This accident saved my life. 1 ing of is furnished ter thus good use tried to get from under but coulis and Jt not the quite frequently, dnt. Theu 1 cut two or three times fault of those who prepare the sermore, when he lay quiet but stilj vice that, in getting the best that When the brakeman came can be got they naturally draw on to us we were lying side by side, this paper when they want to give still holding each other as hard as this anything of importance fro-we could. found be fatrlt noroan booming city; with an occasional item that bears A GIIAEfiY SPECTACLE all the earmarks of this office findThe arrival of the railroad man The one marked the end of the struggle. ing its way back here. above origwith the quoted view. heading A fearful spectacle met his on Tlsfis in The inally appeared in a pool of blood, Two men lying without both disfigured and helpless but yet Sep. .11 and was copied the Denver Mining Record clinging to each other in a gory credit by from which it was grasp. While Jones was and is a on the 22nd, Glad to have Bureau. sorry looking object, Kramers aps taken by the in this way, pearance was horrible. He had a our work appreciated or no credit. credit least a dozen cuts on his face and neck, one of them all but severing Silver Island Progressing the jugular vein, and a terrible slash case I. E. Pratt, secretary of the Silver just above the right knee. The Coalition Mining Company, Island come will probably up at the press to Salt Lake last Wednesreturned court. ent term of from the property at Silver day Island camp, and brought with him held-me- . 2, edive-gre- New Series, No. 9 twjgyra-- Loins Solomon, Manager . . Style, Finish, Fit j en Announcement for Fall 1909 exceedingly The Bee Hive Tailoring Co. announces the arrival of their fall line of good, in Woolins, Scotch Tweeds, Unfinished. French Clay Worsteds, Thibets, ete., etc. becoming enamel black on flaming. It is soluble in nitricjacid to a yellow solution, from which a bright yellow pre- cipitate is thrown down with ammonia. As pitchblend (uranite) is a uramte of urnayl and lead, with other metals, it generally yields reactions for lead. It occur? in granite rocks, and in metallie veimv often with sulphides of silver, lead, cobalt, nickel, iron, zinc and cop, 2Z BEE HIVE TAiLORING COMPANY1 brittle. The most characteristic, test is with the borax bead, which is green, per. We Carry the Best v Our patrons are assured of receiving the 'bast for the money, put up in the best shape. . Twenty-Fiv- e Everybody doesnt know that the Years Experience 'Mr. Solomon has had twenty-fivpeer of any iu the business. mink nearest Tooele is the only one in Utah that has ever produced na tive silver. This is the Mono of Dry vears experience and is e tbi Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing Canyon, Matt Gisborn, its principal owner, has a hunk of the stuff on which a was stamped, all the features of theeoin standing out in bold relief. A good many people believe there is lots more of the same kiud in the recesses of the Mono, and that they will be recovered sometime. half-dolla- wtda-wak- uo iqog. other, inscription of it. given by the Mining and Prejs, is here given; It is a black granular mineral sometimes botryoidal, and resembling pitch, though sometimes blotched with brownish or yellowish spots. Its specific gravity is 5 to 9.7, and its hardness ir 5.5; streak on porcelain gray, and dark brown; UI eoirprjstn an ibr iintffsw surrouidiaif you. Wb the amoWe Iron that grand .14 p mailer X Wzms to curl over the mountain tap T than will be our tune to bowl altogether t $ Ofl All suits made by us year free of charge. r are cleaned, pressed and repaired for on Suits $16.59 and Up, Pants $5.50 and Up All are invited to call and inspect the finest line of domestia and imported goods ever brought to this city. SAIT LAKE BRARCH BEE HIVE TAILORING COMPANY- - Next door to post office and meeting house., So. Main St., The Utah Copper Companys operaTooele City, Utah. tions at Dingham are suspended owing to & ' strike of 300 Greeks for higher wage. The strike occured early Thursday mofning, and by such means 400 othe men were, thrown out of work. HAS .THE BEST KEW Trc-h- le is looked for, although fifty armed men are on guard, together with W Free delivery to any part of the city. Try it and be convinced. severul deputy sheriffs. The people generally sympathize with the company. We also carry a full line of groceries and vegetables in season. Tooele Meat anil Storage Co., Local Brevities. a sackful of fine looking samples Cline & Hillward, Tooeie City Perhaps it is not altogether nec- taken from a new strike in their James Thompson, of Butte, Mont, life proceeded to say in substanee essary, but may serve as a gentle workings. He reports to the Trib- has recently secured and important that be was at the depot going away reminder to a few, to have the noti- une that this ore w$9 uncovered on position at the smelter herre. In a letfrom here and met Kramer, who at fication given that tomorrow is Sun- the Emanipation vein in two places. ter to Mr. Riley of this place, he exonce accosted him, tantalizing him day. Let us all be good on that 400 and COO feet, respectively, south presses himself in a (very enthusiastic in regard to the future of a about a ten day sentence he occasion. Some of us are good all of the tunnels which have been manner " Kramers here. served hhd recently the time, and all of us are good some mined for some time past. The point language was pnnctuatrd with nu- of the time; but tomorrow suppose of discovery is some 200 feet under. merous threats and desires-tfight we have a general stand-i- n cn the neath the apex points of the vein, Shoc&ing Affair somebody, Jones apparently prefer- proposition, refraitr from our regular and iu the first place of the ore Jfr few days ago J. W. Pereell had Y r. Dealer ia Words with the boy of a man red, but the latter held aloof. It labors except where such are showing a six' inch streak wai d Beer, who had come down all hands go to church. developed at this juncture'that there overed. At a point some 2( i risers and was using hois-- 1 was a feud between them, founded in What a novelty it Would be to at north of this the seme vein di The liSS, boy, who is to language the iron workers least a few! How needfully benefi from 10 to 18 inches of the ore Jones hostility ordered away was old, of these. one Kramer being here, cial to all save, perhaps, the reader to carry valves to the extent of $! penalty of being slapped. When the train came I got on a car hereoff per ton. The product is rich in ga while passing the Beer resiami Kramer (who claimed that he is observable that the distance lena lead and shows also some cop- dence, he noticed the boy walking near It was Toughey McGurk of Philadel- between The Times office and the per Values. It is further learned him, apparently trying to get his knife and Cigars phia') fol'osved me, talking a place railway depot hasnt ehorteeded a t.bat shipments are soon to begin out of his pocket; but at this juncture opposite and crouching as if waiting bit; in fact, if a fellow has to walk and that the property is paying for the mother appeared with a shot gun and fired at Mr. Pereell, the shot taka favorable opportunity to springon It seems somewhat longer each time its own development. effect in the right hand and remainme. I went, to another car with the the feat is ing performed. Pedestrain Ceoterally Located in the same business taking place. Finally ism is ing there, injuring him so seriously that Pitchblende. good for the digestion, but it is unable to work. He swore a he to he where on a gondola car, we got Great Smelter Metropolis doesnt bring much cheer to the one It is to be remembered that there complaint against Mrs. Beer, who was opened the battle, grabbing mv whnse digestive apparatus is already is a fortune awaiting the discoverer arrested and taken before the Justice caue and hitting me on the bridge of in r. O. POX lit. PHONE Bell 107 good working order. fairly of No. ltt.BUOADWAY pitchblend in large enough quan- of the Peace, Who released her on her the cose hard enough to break the of which The tities to make it an object. As it is own recognizance. tented The field, Ut&h Cane. In the mixup he bit me on the Tooele, If the facts are as herein stated, there Times has been a conspicuous figure as likely to occur in one place as an- Mr. Mx Mallch Proprietor, Union liarin neek, kicked me and tried to gouge is the prosomething very wrong fronrits inception, is rapidly dimintoy eyes out. I got hold of the busthe play will ceedings. Firing off a loaded gun in numbe of Tuesday the matter players. in the ishing the limits is a serious offense of iness end of the stick (which I had of structures and more substantial be The New Magdalen, and on itself,citybut when it is aimed at and hits used a3 a cane, being a cripplp) and Gloriana will be are appearing all aronnd Wednesday night a human being it is very' much worse. ga've him a whack on the head, which quarters will follow suit in good season the bill- Popular prices Will prevail. We o seemed to satisfy him, for he ran to Some of the buildings now being the end of the car and jumped out On The appearance of a few apple trees Hebet Ajax began excavating yesthe bumpers as it he was going to bereabonts seems to indicate that built in East Tooele are having a 12 terday morning for a meat and grocery foot pavement put in place at the store, on North Main Street, which get oil. Apparently he changed his their productiveness was not entirely time of building, so that when the from present appearances will be a commost in mind and came back, when I hit him cut out, although the fruit sidewalks are paved In this beautiful modious structure. again. I got! hold of his ear with cases looks as though it might have town of beautiful homes, the rest of A laage number of winter. hard a passed through cottages are being my teeth and he tne walk can be easily connected erected east of this office. At present Tooole D11AGGED ME AltOUXD THE CAR the At Opera with those Coming! already in. We hope to they are not countable, but presumably in lhat position! Finally he got me House, for two nights commencing see this Reliable Representatives Wanted paving all over the city in the number will not fall short of fifty. down, saying I'll fix vou, you bast' Tuesday evening, October 5, wdlap the near future. Of course we are loomingj That is obard! 1 said nothing all the time, but pear Anna Cleveland and the Colonial vious to a casual observer. Peter Marron has been appointed Franks is opening his Clothing 'and by Dr. Phipps as special heaitb offiJACKSON, Mississippi. FO&T WORTH, Tezas. cer for East Tooele, with instruc- Furnishing store, under the same manas the A Leader agement at Murray. tions to visit all public places and specialty of this house Will he the World Tooele. The Ideal Smelter City ef the World go where he thinks necessary, loth Typhoid fever seems to be an epiprivate homes, and report conditM , ions to the Boafd of Health, at the demic in Tooele, in spite of the earnest same time ordering all nuisances and effective efforts of the anthorities 11 possesses a delightful climate. to head it off and stamp it out. Two abated, and allowing according to miles southwest of Salt Lake City, Thirty-fiv- e XTA eas are reported this week and there law--, but two days time for such are Pool ; Its schools are excellent and well maintained. seventeen cases. There is no need g-abatement. of scare at .J any all, as the Situation is Surrounded bV beautiful and romantic scenery. Twelve Tables SiS Fellow citizens, it is time we were now well in hand. Meantime the utIn the midst of a rich farming and country. moving in the matter of making most cieanliness should be observed and Fool 5 cents per cue, 9 a. to 11 p. m. 40 cents per hour. Here Ihe cliindte is so delicate that it is a pleasure to nominations for municipal officers the orfidauetf in relation to nuisances breathe by day and by night. The health officer The election is only five weeks off. strictly observed. his associates are undoubtedly doing and In One immense flower garden in spring and summer. Two children of night watchman j their full duty, and the citizens must do Gallery autumn the luscious fruits abound That at state fairs have Riley, of East Tooele, afe 111 with theirs. J. L. CHAPKAN, Propproven the finest iu the land, typhoid fever. hotel be will Tooeles view big in opened a a lies Salt Lake The only panoramic great Through circumstances which ijq on were partly explained at the time, to the public, as we understand, short distance to the north, where crimson sunsets form a a be would 10th. credit It some features of this paper were Sunday, picture against the blue cerulean sky as if painted by an angel. As or other Lake Salt City. to any is ideal ail location not at Tooele has an altitude of 5,000 'feet and is an slighted last week. It I'JiriES, LIQUORS is make to elaborate intention the for the buildiDg of a modern city. It is situated on a gentle likely thataoything of the kind will jteA mention of it next week it will be TOBACCOS, CIGARS occur again. slope, within plain view of the gftat Salt Lake, and has a needless to say anything more" at The days are growing shorter very beautiful mountain background, this time. Fishers Salt Lake Bottled and Draft Beer; ftlo Eastern Bottled fast., , Perhaps you have already With every advantage and the curly completion of tho xyl Marks and Shaffnef Beer. famous Emporium for Celebrated Carbon Whisky. Hart, noticed it. a Use Smelting & Refining Com great smelter of Trade Sollcitod for Finest Brands of Bottled Goode and Family Lookout the for opening d GIVE US A CALL. tdaiket. i Straw hats and dusters, adiosl dothidg. pany, we can reasonably expect in a very few years tet see a Main and at the store, corner of WM. ST. CLAIR, PROPRIETOR. vl See yoil again when the sun rises call A population of 15,000 people in the City of Tooele. Vine streets. Teesle City, Main North Street, over the big smelter. niS STATEMENT. The Union. Bar ) MAX MAtjCH., PROP o I mdis-pecsable,a- od prob-yea- Subse-.MZ- rs y, - - EtRONEY On Real Estate Long Time, Easy Paymets, J3he JacKson Loan Trust Co. 1 fi DRIUGAY HALL -- Billiards and fruit-growi- ng Full Line of Cigars and Tobacco Shooting - |