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Show main. It would be a good thing and we hope it will be pushed along; meantime, there is much to be said the lies within Greatest Smelter which properly Home of Published .at purview of a newspaper, and, The and Smelting Industry. T Jir.s proposes to give an occasional scrap of history relating to our ini' OCTOBER;-1909. . TOOELE CITY, 'UTA El, t mediate surrounding beginning lWO, ui the post office ut Tooth-- Ktab, under the now. wutter us Augv.tt.1, Entered t Juhhshed every haturduy. Ae.tof ituuh i man with many respected dessome of whom . are here cendants, RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: us with today, and have been here .75 i 2 00 jj .Three Month sent free on One Yedr request Mimp'e iL'opies pit right along as progressive and prosAdvertisiug rates made known on application perous citizens, by name .John was the pioneer of Tooele Editor and Proprietor. CT- STONEY-- . county. lie came here from Salt , in December, Lake looking As the pilot, and w NOTICE! I tbily occupies. more for stock lauds for grazing will commander of the this paper Tile ptrlrHshelrs say also might establish-inthan with of g conany purpqee pot he' responsible for any bills great ship of state, all look to the nucleus of 'what was destracted by any person engaged! in him for safe and proper guidance tined to become the third the business from the manager down city of the and bilious breakers an order the unless office "devil, tot the through so much more state, com consequentially the which ever beset our-- national life, sighed by the manager of do we build than wtdream of. It is pany. a careful and capable upholding for this pcntdiiifriK, doubtless true that other white men, of the rules and regulations which even families, had proceeded him to Get Together. relate to the voyage, aod for such the neighborhood, but not, so far as of just and impartial treat' loThis is a hustling, busy age, one in measure who aie we can learn, to this particular t there is in men must rnent of the great mass which Pkineas H. .In fact, Wright the craft as will be cality. be developed and enlarged or they journeying upon with a few others had previously loof the and defensive most promotive will inevitably fall to the rear and cated at what was called Settlement welfare of all. general effaced. be some distance south of here, .'eventually Creek, and by education defer IT .must be up and doing and at the purpose being to build a mill. of so much to the office and render all times aod everywhere takirg adr The parties naturally got together to it as is consonant with homage God the which means Vantage of the without shortly and theiiv united efforts not mauliness and c,uwfcure hath placed within our only made things more comfortable in the least ignoring or undervalufor themselves but were the means power to make life better, happier holder of it. ing of attracting others. The act of the apd mere prosperous. It is a delightful theme, and the Territorial In no part of the footstool are the legislature organizing which is beheld - every' spectacle more the was approved February opportunities more numerous, county where the President goes among 1852. promising aud more diversified than millions of fellow citizens is 3, ninety behooves It is not veryi'long since the quesright here in Tooele, and it aod educationas one people to unite our en- strictly inspirational as tion to the origin of the n.ume al. The peer of kings, yet no more Tooele was asked the writer, and be ergies, combine, our capacities and than the peer of any one of the thousgive undivided vigor and scope to ands who doff their hats and 6hout iug unable to answer, he took the oar means of accomplishment. loud acclaims of welcome whenever trouble of looking the matter' (ip, With a town whose- growth he draws nigh! Such occasions must the solution being found in year has been phenomenal, It seems that in calvaDd gladness to the hearts and which is constantly forging yield joy for an appropriate them about ing of fo1 whenever the gods themselves, ahead by leajjs and bounds; with an for the new community manlfind such outward demon- designation agricultural system second to none strations byshows how the pioneers, wautiDg to make- a loyal it is to in point of the quantity and quality selection that would be appropriate constituted authority, yet of'pvoducts; with one of the great- properly of something characters reason by est enterprises, involving the- em- able in any one of its entities to du' tic andindigenous, hit upon the that authority by succession; ployment of men, the making and plicate which rushes grew luxuriously in distribution- of means and the draw- how gentle and submissive to rule the was once a conof what edge aud regulation, yet holding the power ing hither of men of enterprise and siderable lake near the site of Stock-ton- , to change the rule aud annul the capital, rapidly .approaching- comand called tbe county and subhow divided in sentipletion; with adequate railaway con- regulation; the town, by the Spanish sequently nection with the world outside; with ment when it comes to choosing a name of rush tute. But the pioneer irunited oue into mighty, aud progres- chief, yet a healthy, Thomas Bullock recorded the clerk, and 'when indivisible resistible unit sive population, nothing more would word phonetically as to spelling seem to be needed but the smiles of be is chosen; bow all this is brought Tooele. The novelty of the naru ,, Providence and the- admonition about by education and enlighten-meatthe founders,- ever struck which have been properly pro- perhaps which appears above as the title of they subsequently learned that this article. Providence has already nounced the glory of Deity, coupled was not correct, and it was sho'wn its willingness to help along, with blows tnd other resistance to mitted to remain that way. T am clearly the matter is up to us; tyranny when and only when no is an now awakened and grow is recourse effective other why we are thoarchitectsof our own forthe place as I . disposition not should such acondrtion of things tunes, dividualized and as its name; unique receive-thmortals admiring our lot is among All this be accomplished by menus will of who those are presumfortunate'than that of mauy approval moj-of greater business activity, more other towns of similar proportions ably immortal? It' is a healthful, proper, thing for money per capita in circulation, a intjhe state; it is in fact ahead of any the Chief and a larger perMagistrate of the nation better wage-scalother with the exception of the two of population in increase centage to mingle occasionally with those of principal cities, and they have burether-placin than this goodly any dens and drawbacks which we have his people who are not in everyday state. him to talk to them, not, making the situation about touch with Again is the admonition put forth, with eat confer and drink with them, us about Let quit talking eqdal. Watch us grow! divaried their aud obseive town them, the old town and the-ueand versified interests requirements, except as a. matter of direction or Editorial Splinters. and be for the time one of them in a description1,-- and speak only of cue town Tebde. Whatever benefits social aud personal way. It is also TnE President's visit to Salt Lake one portion can but benefit the a grand object lesson to the youth of was the occasion of the usual row. other all others and with this un- our country, showing them at a When the millennium begins andthe derstood and acted upon all ele- - glance what the possibilities for ad- greatest of all advents occurs, ments or discord must inevitably vancement are, and how strictly will proceed to the and truly democratic is this glori- clo'the catcipitalcitv aud dog act iu much the disappear, and we will get together ous land of the free. Ferhaps here same way as it has done on all octi.tj pull in concert for the common in Tooele some casions when strangers were within good, whining schoolboy with his satchel United we stand, divided we fall. And shining Us gates. morning face, creeping Cut we are not going to have any Unwillingly to school, y Thbcontroversy is division. has a destiny, which rounded out in assuming more and more disgraceful the years to come will place him in characteristics. Two schoolboys The Presidents that lofty station where his country- disputing each others claims to any During three days recently the men will do him just such honor, and particular thing and unable to set. Prfesident of this great Republic has give him the same kind of attention tie it peaceably, woukl-bav- e a fight been a guest of the' State of Utah, that we have just bestowed upon a and then be good friends; when men who grow up they spend more time and the time being mainly spent iu Salt former whining schoolboy Lake City.' The demonstrations was no mor? thought of as Presi- use less sense in their controversies. made in bis honor were elaborate and dent at such time than our Tooele TnE passing of Elder. A. Milton befitting t be' occasion, jvnd- that he boy is now. Much stranger thiugs Musser of the Mormou church'., in rppreciated and enjoyed them to the have happened. was a disSalt Lake City utmost there can be no doubt. to shock the tinct of his great of Tooele. army History It was not, of course, to William He was frieuds. well known H. Taft th man that the elaborate ;.IIow many of the people hereathroughout tbe length and breadth and enthusiastic-- ' receptions - were bout, young or old, are acquainted of the state and to a considerable exgiven; albeit- he is a most acceptable with the history of tbe fcity or coun- tent beyond its borders; was-- quiet, and honorable citizen viewed from ty? Very lew, we take it. Of course inoffensive, industrious, honest man, anv standpoint-,- ' as worthy as any in the younger generation, or eveu had many friends even outside the land. But we 'Cant afford, in those on the sunny side- of middle and' tbe church. this day of energetic ' activity and age, could know nothing of it by A Pcbeioatios issued in Salt Lake business industry, to turn aside from personal experience, but that is not and entitled' tbe Searchlight, an oui regular-pursuitto do special essential to a knowledge of a localnounees thatit is opposed to pro ant marked honor to an man be- itys beginning and progress. Lots hioition and 'all other, humbugs. cause he 'is' good and honest hud of people who have never been- fur- That the case, it surely is opbe'mg knows something, and happens to be ther north than the boundary' of the so mnch that is to be found to posed a visitor; if we did our be United States know more of the arcpretty much all' taken up in that tic regions than some who have been over there that its field of opposition must be like that of some of the way, because this' is a land of good, there repeatedly. Well, there is a stars Infinite and endless. honest and educated men; some proposition being considered to put others of course.but the Story of the founding, developThose know are hereby all greatiy beyond the average, those ment and resources of this informed that the Governor of Utah in county who are otherwise-bein- g a minority book form, the matter to be com- was a resident of Tooele county unwhose proportionate - numbers are til he went to Zion to take a state piled by an experienced rapidly becoming less. No, we did and thus not only those at home but office, from which he was promoted not greet Mr. Taft so boisterously the world at large be made aware of to a federal position and then probecause of himself, but rather tbe interesting origin and progress moted back to his present job. use-of-the so au-doworhe of .station this section of Utah lofty The -- proposed - debate between TIMES. Utahs the . , secund-Llu-- 'J IV, Prof. J. J. Jeffries and Hon. J. A. continues to occupy a goodly share of the space of tbe newspai pers, hence its appearance here. Sai.t 18-ID- - r- m . , . , I -- e . m , ", 4 ,i .M.i.. , , .7 -- I . " . t2-- a g ff -- - I . ---- g fr --- - - . 1- , - h grTgygr care five munici- pal tickets in the field for the November election. Perhaps there is enough material left for one or two have them? more; if so, wbv,-noLet etch family have one all to itself ' if that will afford satisfaction.'? THE: i 4 a J TOOELE . 00 CZC. R. DAVI3.; Row-berr- y, - faras Lake so 7;- ENTIST- D -- in Spccialist of-th- 'Sflii and Bridge Crown ' I. Everything in Work Tooele, Utah. North Main St. D. COMPANY - Groceries, DUN YON, blens Furnishings, 1 EXPRESS, BAGSABEr-S- TRANSFER . Hare, wi . All Work Promptly Attended to On Short Notice to and From the city, to the Station at San Pedro Depot the-bes- 478 Wethua-in-stinctivel- y BROADWAY, TccciS, Ufa!!. Leave Order at THE TOOELE DRUG STORE self-respe- I ? l rsTHE jTii wi us-al- MONTANA BAR & j ' ALL THE TIME ALL THE BEST with-in?t- he - & SHOES. CLOTHING, BOOTS y. Wines, Liquors and Cigars: Bellied Been end Geld Draft Beer Always on Hand. - Lunch Counter in Cormection. -- Broadway, Tooele. M. Bezek, Prop., well-to-d- o -- iftlAM5' SLAUGHTER - . SUMMER SUITS! - - to 50 per ct. cut cn every light weight stilt in the store 2,5 - fZS'TZz ftg e , thingn-eonsidered- j-'1 SOMMER HATS HALF PRICE e THIS IS NO AGENTS FOR Singer Sewing Machines Tooele Count;. m FAKE SALE BUT THE Genuine: Article! - pro'o-abl- . TOOELE- A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Made. COME AND- SEE US! CARD EMPORIUM POST PICKLE BROS. Tooele Tooel2, Utah. Main SI. Bdutii v L. Mercantile Go. NORTH MAIN STREET. - snail-lik- e Cook-Pear- THE !30PA.L Pure Whiskies, j ( I wiiss, Cigars. 1 Square Deal For All. BLAIR & ADAMSON, Props Jjj North Main TOOELE. St. kr -- Brick Contractor.- E5tiwbs, Famished. : 3! Prices Reascraite. y - time-woul- vast-ly-moi- If Ycvr Local Store Does Not Supply FRESH RUBBER STOCK WORK GUARANTEED FIRST-GLAS- WH WILL.. TRY US - s TaDELE UTAH, w. g; reed. , . ' ALL USES- - TOOELE COUNTY STATE BANE i' - laA-week- - BAUfrij- international sHOllSE J oseph Rizzi. Prop. , . . Don!! Drug Co., 338 Main Street, and the"PostGi&ce is nest dscr. Finely Farnishad Rooms. Eagla Bar In Prpeya and Kai!.ia. X.smlioa e who-don- t 8o-th- book-mak- er, beca- j Fii&Yite, Uqoers kLGiprs best Trade Solicited. Centrally Located Near the DepoU - Breadway,. . Tooele,- -. Large French FSihiffy. The laYges. family in Paris has eight sons and five daughters living and three children dead. - The eldest son applied the other day for exemption from military service. la granting his request the authorities ex hort?d-hlrto help his lather in the arduous task of rearing--suca DiffusISg the Anneyanee. "Tbu dont suppose we take boarfli ers because we need the money esi claimed Farmer Corntcssel, .loftily, i had some such idea, answered the man who had ventured to criticise Not at all. We just gat t&eso peon' pie !r. from town to keep the mcsquJi toes from devotin all their attention tW-Ou- iiocw--cIeJe,-1 rJ |