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Show Attorney A. H, Christensen of Mauti is a Gunnison visitor to t lay. LOCAL ITEMS. KWH lft yester- Pater Christiansen, Gunnisons day for h busii'fH trip to Salt Lfko. shoemaker, went to manti Thursday u n it to purchase lumber for Ins new store dance Tha leap year given lest building. R R the young ladies Friday night by Mr. and Mis. C. W. J. Holst of oifoctatiou was a big succpr. A nice nm of money was realized which goes Levan are Gunnison visitors this week, 'the guests of their daughter for the benefit of the Bteociation. .1. C. Ml!or of Fayette t A. f). Dimtnick a is a former resideot of Gunnison, came up from Richfield the fir.d of the week to look alter his a in this city, pioperty is The public Schools of Gunnison school district, which have been int-reet- t t Mrs. Geo. S. Francis. R R R J. B, Griffiths of Green Rtvr hes been a Gunnison visitor this week in tho interest of tho Modern V cud men of America. R R R B. F. Lowell of Mt. Pleasant is in Gunnison this week making connections for the rural telephone exchange that is being put iu at thin closed since the holiday vacation cu account of the measles, opened up ngin lat Monday with good attenplace. dance. r r w teacher in ono of our schools osught tb janitor in a lie and asked where do you suppose you ro him : if you tell lies? lie answered, Well I dont knor; l lit wherever I do go I will be makin firps fcr ect ool teachers. R R Sportsinan must remember that after today if they desire to fish or hunt during the coming Reason they must procure a license from the justice of the peace or the game warded. n is R Bees Laxative Cough Syrup for coughs, colds and whoopingcough grows iu favor daily. Mothers should It. is keep it on hand for children prompt relief to croup, ft i9 gently axative, driving the poison am phlegm from the system. It gives immediate relief. Guaranteed. Sold by Paul von Xordeck. , I R In another column R wo publish R land, traveller aud lecturer, and Mrs.! E. E. Shepard of Salt Lake city, j president of the State Womans Christian Temperance association, were iu Gunnison the first part of the week in the interest of the temperance esuse. On Sunday and .Monday evenings Miss Broad gave interesting lectures of her travels iu foreign lauds. Ou Wednesday eveniug au organization for Gunnison was effected with a membership of 28. Following are the officers chosen: President Mrs. Willi9 Christenson; first vice pres iii ent, Mrs. Sarrah Martin ; secoud vice president Mrs. August Villard ; recording secretary, Miss Hazel Gled: hill; corresponding secretary, Halverson; treasurer Mrs. Mrs-Georg- e a notice of the school trustees calling a Autoue Yppson. meeting of the property tax payers of Gunnison district to consider the matANNUAL MEETING. ter of enlarging our school buildings. Every tix payer in the district should attend this meeting and some action ROBBINS & KEARNS DAM AND Canal Co. Principal place of busishould be taken to secure the ness, Gunnison, Utah. Notice necessary school room. The Annual meeting of the above R R R said company will beheld in the City Following is the program for the Mutuals to be held in the ll S. Hall, Ilall, Gunnison, Utah, ou Monday, 3, 1908, at 2 oclock p. m.,.for Sunday, February 2, 1908, at 7:30 Feb, the purpose of acting upon the Yearly o, clock p. m : Report, the election of officers for Lecture John Larson. ensuing two years, ana the transacSnug Evelyn FjoJdsted. tion of any other business that may Reading H rold Cnrhtenson, properly come before the meeting. Music Clarence Halverson W. H; GRIBBLE, Secretary. Lnard Fjeldsted. Dated Gunnison, Utah, Jan. 28, 1908. R ecitation Olive Fr edickson . ad Notice. Rank Foolishness Whoa attack d by a cough or a GUNNISON IRRIGATION COMcold, or wheu your throat is sore, it is PANY. Principal place of, business rank to take auy otder medicine than Dr. Kings New Dis- Gunnison, Utan. Notice is hereby given that the covery, says C. 0. Eldridge, of annual meeting of the stockholders I have used New DisEmpire, Ga. will be held at the R. S. hall Gunnicovery seven years and I know it is on the 3rd day of Febuary, the best remedy on earth for coughs son, Utah, at the hour of 11 oclock a: m. and colds, croup, and all throat and 1908, for purpose of rendering report of lung troubles. My children are subcompany for the yea r 1907, and for ject to crup, but New Discovery quickly the levying of assessment for 1908, cures every attack. Known the world with fooli-shues- X BUTCHERED the price of many articles enti save a lot of money R a painful, expeasive operation for Piles if vou use ManZan. Put up inn ollapsible tube with nozxle, ready to apply. For any form of Piles. piioeGOc Sold by Paul von Nordeok. c R R Miss Lucy Broad of Cornwall, Eng- j Our big butcher sale is now on. In it we have It will be unnecessary tegu through A R R uW . at this sale. by purchasing It may last two weeks, perhaps longer, but we advise you to come early and get the best that is offered. rvnnrlo Underwear, , Out ting Flannels Mens and Soys Clothing Rubber Goos, Shoes, and many other viill oe goods offered at this butcher solo. Mens and Boys Suits. We are going to offer them so cheap that you can afford to buy one to go in the wood hills with. Come and see If we are telling tlie truth MCTarwTiwaf'rmRgB it pa ys to bu tho SG ik friimufctKT HVja WTJBM have, C E CENTERFIELD, IT t A..v $E3a&v U TT it - any other business that over as the King of throat and lun- Bt come before the meeting. remedies. Sold under guarantee by may J. H. Roylanee, Secretary. all druggists. 50c. and $1.00. Trial Dated; Gunnison, Utah, this 21st bottle free. day of Jaa, 1908. together - i Removal Sa Good supply in Girls Spring Heel Rubbers, size 2 2 to 4. Also Ladies and Boys Overshoes, going at Cost. 1-- IVlpHC iV&Cfld QhirfId Ufiiil Mens Fleeced Liued Overshirf and Blue Flannel 8hin.tr,-gellinAT COST. SHOES for everybody. both young and old. , ! MENS and BOYS Suits, Gloves and Hosiery. FVIoes Tho Lowest, P. Christiansen & Sos: Cirmiiiscn Utah, uae door north of Post Offiet |