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Show 4 T 4 IE THE GUNNISON GAZETTE BY NEPHI GLCDHILL & SON. UTAH GUNNISON UTAH NEXT SESSION RUSHIN Will HTO Are Displaying Great Energy Developing Business Opportunities last week. the loss being fS.OuO. Despite Japanese Occupation. For obtaining groeerles to the value of $2. SO, under false pretenses, a Salt man has been sentenced to thirty market. Martin McAndrew, a blacksmith, was found dead In a shack near Lake side, in Boxeldor county, with a bul let through his body. It Is not known whether McAndrew suicided or was murdered. Etta Groves of Parowan died last W'eek, after two weeks suffering from accidental poisoning. While suffering from a 00,u' the Joung woman took I,llls- - lhlnklDE that ,hey were quinine. At a meeting of the Retail Merchants' association of Ogden last w.eek, muncipal ownership of public utilities in Ogden was indorsed, and a campaign will be waged for a muni cipal lighting plant. Berry Neal, the young man who was almost electrocuted at Fish Creek, a fortnight since, is not recovering as steadily as was hoped at first. His memory seems affected and he has no 'xse of his lower limbs. The sheriff of Juab county has notified the saloonkeepers and gamblers of Robinson and Mammoth to cease all games at once and to hereafter close all saloons from 12 oclock Saturday night until midnight Sunday. After nearly six years of strenuous litigation, Mrs. Emily Spiking, whose husband, Thomas W. Spiking, was run over and killed by a street car in Salt Lake City, will receive $15,000 from the Utah Light & Railway Co. George Barr, a miner, was seriously injured near Grantsville as the result of the explosion of some giant powder which he was thawing out. Barr was alone when the accident occurred, and was not found until few hours later. Superintendent Christensen has received notification from the commissioner of education at Washington, D. C., that Salt Lake will be one of the forty cities, under 100,000 population, from which statistics of public schools Will be gathered. Sheepmen of Weber County say this Is one of the best winters in many Unless the years for their stock. weather becomes more rigorous during the remaining winter months, they declare that their flocks will be in fine condition when spring opens. According to the annual report of the fire chief, there were 116 fires in Ogden during the year 1907. This was over the premore than thirty-fiv- e vious year, and four more than occurred in any other one year since the department has been organized. III CHEYENNE Land Farmers End Successful Meeting by Choosing Wyoming Capital as Next Meeting Place. Arid STATU NEWS days Impibonmrnt. The Utah tomato pack of last year was 000,00 cases, much of which found Its way to I,lverjKol and Is now on the British market. Senator Smoot presented In the sen ate last week a memorial from the Salt Lake Commercial club, praying congress to pass legislation to prevent a recurrence of the panic. For the first time since the com- mencement of the recent financial flur- ry Salt lakes bank clearings on the 21st showed an Increase over those of the corresponding day In 1907. John Clark, a machinist, was knocked down by a street car in Salt Lake City, and is In a hospital suffer lng from a severe contusion of the head and bad bruises about the body. Concerted action on the part of the horticulturists and fruit dealers of Utah will probably result In the pas sage of a state law prohibiting wormy and Infected fruit upon the Utah HELD NEWS SUM.MARY CONGRESS KOI Tlio cn atm ry at Charleston. owned by local mhI, wan destroyed by lire lake BE OF Salt Lake City. After sessions extending over a period of four days, the second annual Dry Farming congress came to a close Saturday afternoon at 4:40 oclock. Tho most important action was the selection of the place for holding the next meet. Seven people, one an American, were killed as the result of a train wreck near Rome, Italy. Fire at Deer Rher. Minn., destroyed a block and a half of the business portion of the town, causing a loss ot $100,000. John Sharp Williams has been chosen senator from Mississippi, to succeed D. X. Money, whoso term expires March 4, 1111. The navy department has decided to rend the gunboat Paducah, now at New Orleans, to Haytlen waters during the revolutionary troubles. The senate committee on military affairs has agreed upon a favorable report on Senator Warren'3 bill Increasing the pay of the army. At the annual meeting of the Aetna Indemnity company at Hartford, Conn., last week, the llefnze Interests were voted out of the directorship. A motion offered In the Kansas house representative8 declaring William the cholce f Kansas for presl- dent was unanimously carried. Four firemen were killed and fifteen Injured, Including. Chief George Hor falling of the wall of a ,y burning building In Baltimore Rev. John F. Kaesterlng, aged 78, & retired Lutheran clergyman, was murdered In Cheltenham, a suburb of St. Louis, robbery being the motive. Cheyenne received CO votes to 22 for Douglas, Arlz. Among the Important resolutions adopted were: Resolution amending the constltu-St- . I tlon providing for tho office of execu- Petersburg. M. Shlpoff, former I minister of finance, returned here live secretary and making minor of Sunday after a five months trip m I changes; approving the teaching he ar cast ,Ie visited Japan, China ag. cu ture I I t s hnrhe an(l Siberia on a special government . ' e I mission, the result of which he has . j nfThnrv Farm- embodied in a report to the emperor. I imtf.Tn form' i M- Shlpoff expressed himself optlmls- - hg congress to bu- l,can regarding conditions in the ex- - tlon and jhe establishment of a treme Orient, which he said Is rapid- reau of literature, which shall issue1 ly recovering from the period of de- bulletins from time to time; indorsing to pression following the war. He is the efforts of the forestry service conserve water forest the throughconvinced from conversations which he has had with .prominent men of all preservation; urging congress to proFormer United States Senator Geo. shades of opinion in Tokio that hos- - vide adequate means to establish in stations arid requestsections; Peabody Wetmore was elected to the tilities between the United States and be that ing placed boring experiments United States senate on the first ballot Japan at present are out of the ques- in .the hands of experts who have the cast In both branches of the general tion. M Shlpoff was greatly im- work In charge; indorsing work of ir- assembly of Rhode Island. tho in pressed by Chinese activity rigation congress; urging congress to the e colonization of Korea. Although faced pass homesteads; for. the . Leslie M. Shaw has resigned comby the prospect of Japanese oecupa- survey of large areas of lands In the, presidency of the Carnegie Trust tion of the province, the Chinese are arid region of tire west; resolution of pany, which he assumed early last to the Commercial club and March on his retirement from the rushing thousands of settlers into thanks '"Islver Harris, retiring president. treasury portfolio at Washington. that country and are displaying the At 3 oclock Saturday afternoon it busiPresident W. L. Bochemohle of the in developing greatest energy was announced that 558 delegates Bank of Ellinwood of Ellin-woomines ness opportunities, opening had registered. At that time 194 suspended Kan., has been arrested, charged and planning railroads. This tide of membership certificates had been 1s- offered sworn falsely in a report has he an, with said, having sue(J for 494 yeary an(j 14 life; at the 0,0j1,zatIon' is which to , Russia, of condition last month. the example banks jnspiring inconfronted by a similar tank In the nouneccatl The offlee'that The Labor party held a conference reglstrati development of Siberia. Many of the will undoubtedly rise at Hull, England, on January 21, at memberShip native Koreans, however are leaving tQ a total of 500 which an amendment to the constituthe country to become Russian sub tion binding the party to Socialism jects, rather than remain under Jap- LAWMAKERS ARE LAZY. was rejected by a large majority. anese sovereignty. comM. Shipoff carefully avoided The prefect of St. Petersburg has Fail ment on Japanese activity in Man-- Members of Third Russian Duma suspended the Tovarish and the Seved-nito Down Work. Get to was his that but it opinion churia, two newspapers of wide circulaChina have to submit to the St. Petersburg. The dumas slow- tion, on the ground that they were folobjections offered by Japanese to the ness In discharging its duties as ait lowing a subversive course and construction of a new railroad, as executive body has created a bad impreached revolution. Japan is fully prepared to support her the princountry, pression throughout Governor Patterson of Tennessee demands. cipally among the adherents of consti- has commuted the death sentence of TAFT REPORTS ON PHILIPPINES. tutionalism. It has taken shape ini Lee Holder, aged 19, to life imprisonan unusual chastisement of his fellow ment. Holder, a year ago, murdered Natives Not Yet Fit for Complete members of the duma by M. his father, B. G. Holder, a preacher its president, in an inter- of Cumberland Presbyterian church. view in the Novoe Vremya, in which David S. Kresky and William A. Washington. Nine years after the the president complains almost in debattle of Manila bay, Secretary Taft tones of his inability to whip McGowan, who pleaded guilty to obspairing records the results of the American the"duma'into'a semblance ofl parlia-- 1 taining rebates in violation of the United States laws last December and mentary efficiency, occupation of the archipelago forecasts the future of the Filipinos the In- were fined $1,000 each by Judge Smith M. Ivhomyakoff denounces in an exhaustive report transmitted to difference shown by a large number McPherson in the federal court at Kansas City, congress by the president, with a of the members, many of whom hardletter written by the chief executive ly ever cross the portals of the Tau-rid- e Clarence Darrow, of Chicago, who three months was Although palace. terms in the the commending highest operated on at a Los Angeles hoshave elapsed since the opening sesThe conclusions secretarys presithe duma has scarcely pital for mastoiditis, is improving. The dent declares that ruin would have sion, hethesays, consideration of the bud- physicians in attendance regarded his followed the adoption of another pol- begun reform of local courts and land condition as favorable and believe that icy toward the Philippines than that get, outlined by William McKinley and legislation, while eleven minor bills the operation ultimately will prove a been up complete success. carried forward through these nine which have passed have of the drafting the failure through The state census of Rhode Island, years, and asserts triumphantly that committee to get together. there is no brighter page in history completed and presented to the genthan .that dealing with the relations eral assembly last week, shows an inREVOLUTION IS OVER. between the strong and the weak in crease in population of 12 per cent these islands. He adds that the Fili- Execution of Leader of 1903. The present population of since Haytian Rebpinos have yet a long way to travel the state is 480,080, while five years els Ends Outbreak. before they will be fit for complete ago it was 428,556. Port au Prince. The revolution A bulletin just issued by the interbeen suppressed. has Jean Juneau, state commerce The Buenos Ayres Way. the leader of the movement, was cap- the months of commission, covering July, August and SepBuenos Ayres. Great excitement tured at Dessalines, a little hamlet 1907, shows tember, that the number prevails here owing to the issuance close, to Gonalves, and was at once of casualties on railroads during that of an executive decree closing the ex- shot .to death by .the government traordinary sessions of congress ana troops that made him prisoner. Go- quarterly period were 23,063, including putting into effect for the current fis- nalves has been occupied by a gov- 1,339 killed and 21,724 injured. The return to Italy of emigrants cal year the 1907 budget. This ex- ernment force. The revolutionary, rom the United States is gradually treme measure was occasioned by the movement in Hayti, which has conre .obstructive attitude of the majority in to an end with the execution of its' stopping, while emigration to that the senate, through' leading spirit, Jean Juneau, was of country is being resumed. Steamers with the result that neither the bud- short duration. It began with the leaving Genoa and Naples before the get nor other legislation could be landing on January 15 of an expedi- - end of the month will tak6 back to dealt with, the government being left tion of adventurers on the Haytien America at least 5,000 emigrants, powerless to meet ordinary expenses. coast not far from Gonalves. ing. lf in 320-acr- d, I te 1 a, d Kho-myakof- I I h-el- self-governme- non-attendanc- e, f, |