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Show tie Gunnison rp,j. Gazette. - I Published every Friday at Gun . nisou, Sanputo County, Utah. QI.EDH1LL LEO a SOU., Putllsheri. n. OLruiiin. Mamie jicr.acmrnos Pno Year Six Mouth Three Month Q , w B4TC $1X0 1.00 XO FiilDAY. JAKUAKY31 . 1 808. 'Yon Imf. d plan for (storing potatoes pits lias until to recommend It when late keeping uiictU:s are not wanted until spring. A dry situation should be cho.en md the soil removed enough to maka a nice level j lace about three or four feet wide, ami the pit dug eight to ten Inche deep. Here tl.o potatoes should be piled up In a rldfp as high as convenient, and covered with a laer of straight straw, following which the soil from the sides should Le dug out and placed tlrmly upon It to a thickness of eight Inches. Care must be taken not to get the spade too close In at the bare, or thwre will l-- no foundation' for the wall of earth to rest on. 7 he whole should be beaten with the back of the spade, and to finish it a bit of thatch may be provided to keep it dry. The pit may be carried to any but should be no wider. The should be front north to south., end to get potatoes In winter the later end rhould be opened. In Big atickiui just like some batcbelora. lo when prosay This i so sudden posed toby yo' in g ladies they havejA G00DL FiUNCil been courting for about seven years. OF DAIRY-FEIt mnm For the next 30 days o'oiii?; at, and below cost. Frmers should take advaitfage oftlii great slaughter in prices ?M buy farm implement e Still stickin r nslr Uryan And from th White House cotii's the reply: Tito i too Pair Mens Several P03K Mm" Percy Over Shirts going at TjOc no the doll. Half Price Suits Red D oaa MENS ami BOYS IIATS to l old at Half Prieti Price. Half Pants at Wing stoe jars, all sizes, your own price Drucs of all kinds, feall price. n- The advertising merchant is the noe who does the business in these days of push and enterprise. There are more newspaper reden today than ever before in the history of the tonrld. The newspapers places your business under the eyes of the buyer. He sees what lie wants, and, knowing where to find it, looks up the wideawake merchant who asked Mm to and sep him. Success in these rtavsoffharp compplition calls for A Good Blister. A good blister for eternal vigllence. You cant keep a bone may be mad of the followring hustler down. Several sets of Team and Single Harness to be sold at Cost. Single Disc and Hand Plows Below cost. Garden Rakes and Hoes, any Old Price. Everybody get in for this big sale. CHEAPEST SALE'Ofti! e -- ing: Two drachms of binlodide ef mercury, two drachms of powdered and two ounces The brt nrm we have in our town well and rub well down of lard. Mix to the roots for the general good of the town is of the hair. the one you will always Bee on the front seat in the progresive band Water the Hor6e. An important exto first is one He the point in horse care' in the watering, wagon. tend an open and warm band to greet They should always be watered bethe stranger and welcome him to the) fore being fed grain and should not receive any for at least two hours afbest town in the state. He will re- - ter feeding. It Is not best to give sent, an insult to our town as quickly driving horses a large quantity of as he would h slur at a number of his water at one time., especially just pre- as it is very apt to family. He very politely invites the ceding a drive, the digestive system and may ;Jaffect chrome croaker to move oc. is lie to scour. The horse animal cause the , over ready to give his just propoition required to make a long wpjcj to every public enterprise. Ho talks drive should receive water every two up our town at home and abroad and hours, especially during hot weather. heievos it the bst place upon Gods kittle and often is a good rule to adopt in this connection. Water will earth in which to live and de-- 1 never injure a horse, no matter how sires to be buried here when he dies. warm the animal may be, providing it Lot us all try and be like this man is given in small quantities and slowly. for one year and our little city will Good Fence Posts. Both tlie hardy take on new life and improve as never eatalpa and the black locust make exbefore in its historv. cellent post materials, the former making a serviceable post in from TO to 12 ana the latter in from eight to The County Commissioners and years ten. In both cases the best results the land owners on the west side are are secured where the tract on which to be congratulated on the work done they grow is given thorough cultivaon the grade aoross the swamp. The tion, which Insures a rapid and vigorous and in the case of tho grade has ben raised, the whole dis- lattergrowth, to lessen the damage from tends tance from the west wills to the San-pitc- h the borer, which it is wcu-s- enemy. bridge to a height of from furve to eighteen inches above the old level of the bridge, This places! Pinesalve Barbolized acta like a it abore anv high water mirk. The poultice, draws out inflamathn and work cost $000 00 one half of which poison. Antiseptic heal in g. Forcbap-amoun- t paid bv the county and ped hands, lips, cuts, burns. For bv the went side farmer o ale by Paul von Nordedk. Th commisHonera could adopt this road Kraem with d vantage in rWh-More and more are walking nq Slhtriote of STAR3. They make cur ieet gUd. JHjh-- r prise. Star Brand Shces are better. can-tharid- O. B. BfiRGLUND I : Rotary Public. Gutini i ni, Utah. V- - JOSEPH HIGHAM Practical Weaver. Carpets Gothland the Finer Fabrics to Order. Has a New Loom of Modern Make Years of Experience- All Work Guarantee BfiCKS Neat Job Work at this office. Cenb-rfield- . t t t : Fruits and -- f Vegetables t- t CALL AT STAR MEAT THE MARKET. y.. J. II. FERRE. Propr. Main St., Gunnison, Utah. f Your Patronage Solicited. Cor, block South of Jefferson school GUNNISON, - - - UTAH. LEWIS LARSON ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Get Yours? lot of our customers have taken a peep at the big new liaeof Fail and Winter Suitings we have just received from The Roral Tailors of Chicago and New York. There are over ft ye hundred styles. Coats nothing to Irok and but little to buy, BUTT IN. Geo. S. Francis, Agen Gunnison, Utah. A legal matters receive prompt and car ulatteutlon. A I Did Yob W. I 11 LoaiS Money ot Farms. F 't buy , and sell y Term? Beal Estato farm and town property Office over PoslOPrce MANTI Utah It psys to read the adverlLineota enterising home merchants. I v. f. -- lf , : , Meats 9- - i iH-ha- Choices 9- - it 1 gen Utah. Gutmisoti |