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Show WISE WORDS FROM RUSKIN. All healthy and simple bar wror.g. helpful literature between right ana Train Xo. Ill leave Gunnison for Manti, Ephraim Mt Pleasant, Provo, Salt Lake City ucd Inter re-Ugl- best to obey. I f Gi-ni- HeaJstunes, Mantles. Grates, IRON and STEEL FENCES. ftf-an- inter-mediat- The love of nature, wherever It ban existed, has been a faithful and sacrd clement of human feellug. Speaking truth Is like writing fair, and comes only by practice; it la less a matter of will than of habit. common book will often five you amusement, but it is only a noble book which will give you dear frit nN. A much Read little at a time, trylrg to feel interest in little things, and reading not so much for the sake of the story as to get acquainted with the pleasant people Into whose company these writers bring you. e I w. cl v A. Benton G.A P. lisrrrix, C F. Local CURE the WITH '4d T ?nt. b L gfrrufft i W TCIOI, TABLES IX CONNECTION, r. ;ft- The - Under New Manatrettieiit. MY HACKS Arrapine- - Ranch, - Utah. Gunnisi.n, Deinns mmm ' . i. CKA1XS. . Utah- . - $ MJi Ml M J W idRVVA I IN J-?- ; t tk r All thf: -- . u, , ij, ;:V.Fr.r DAY. tin-m'- rr It' . J loh emu nt . o-.- by all ... v so a A MOiVn- - ; y--'i y Ct vr 1 t, S m kj? y- $ y -t T v,r Hi'liW'fttj; WiA.JC SiTFriyv; TfVf)AY druggist. i or FIS. promptly obtained in all countries, Caveat and Copyright resl-- I f wo for or Model l'not. tered. Send Sketch, ALL on patentability. t?i,Ci,6 !re,)ort STRSCTLV CCMfiDEWTIAL. Tatent practUM ! cielMlvely. Surpassing refew'w. t? Wideawake Inventors slionlu have cn nand-- 3 kook on How to obtain and Sell patrta, V hat dn- 8 will pay.How to prt a partnar-andotht- r J vcntlo-1valuable inionnation. Sent free to aay adaicsa. " "sraa Ui NO , ! FOR DRIVES .ttf.TA' rms JTAH. mt . ii I THg ZVS . im 1.11' W Stack rvi K imwjqagw;5Jgj3ccaLiaAyh; unmiwci'.WHrw The Saif !b Tonsorial Artist and Doctor. a few years ago Charlestown, Mass., h'u a colored barber who bad aspira-lions- . W, 11. GKIBBi.E One day Dr. Coster, who was Give a prominent physician of the district, Ounn.Mjn - - - Utah rook the chair, when the tonsorial arOh, doctor, I wish I Mtri ffr n ingiiiwiii m anr niwiir trrriT r tist remarked; had learned jour trade." Well, I A Cure For Misery, said the doctor; I don't know, (L have found a cute f think your own profession 13 a very rvr,e!" prp't ronlHrir poison prod tied. say. K. M. Jamt-sf'. C. of Lout-.llen- , Rings Little Liver pills wake up :n cal.hd.E rF fit Bitters, r n . i corn lazy livers, clean the system and clear 50 oi-u i t Ixittles, It hrnnii .uasi toe skin. Try thorn for biliousness t t ! H)'!-uT.ta-u n of b i)U u and sick headache. Price 25c. bor no ilm; and its puti yellow ju uidme sale by Paul vou Nordeck. This y .)t cleau out of commi?i?ion. tonic luedioiue and blood pu tfierj Rives pu.ck relief m all st,o:naci', liver and kidney comphiiute ami the misery of lame back. Sold under Rurantee Gm-mYou- AND FOR MEET ALL Beauregard. irwrr.MMi ri Ziii CAKED PRIME COX I) I T1 OX IX O. B. BEBGLUXD WELL ARE TEAMS WjI Maine, saya of Cicklena Arnica Salve. It does the business ; I have used it for piles and it cured them. Used it for chapped hands and it cured them. Applied it to an old sore and bailed it without leaving a scar be-b- i. d 25c. by all druggists. now in of it be a wholesome and happy one; and if, on the whole, the sum we are going to sjKnd will do as much good spent in this way as it would spent ia any other way. It foes The Business Mr. E E. Chamberlain, of clicton, Sta Feed & Livery YIYS&AA - gi:xxis.x UTAH. & n.e? T;!iU Cottle f w" .. Beer and Cigars. Oururmint, of Uoiilt'd Gouda Simply CSIognul. Q mica i IN Choice Wines, whiskies, lie may b? told by silence, by J&D ALL THROAT AMD LUNG Tfif LttlF.S. : a equivocation, by the accent, on sylI GUAItANTSIID 2ALI2:7il.CXOBY4 lable, by a glance of the eye attaching I XIOHLT lUSTUUUSD. 4 a peculiar significance to a and all these Lind of lies are worse and Laser by many degrees than a lie plainly worded. i 'mr A ALOOff i AfO DCAtLPS fc IfOBCS CIJGM3 rr rp i;i I UTAH. gs o n , S li;1j i'j1 ,3 Whatever we wish to buy we ought first to consider nor only if the thing bo fit for us, but if the manufacture E it OUQKll Mines ut-'-y, 1 PaOP8lliTOP.'-O- D. iT.g&iu ac juv.vstare KILL the wo A Simpctc Co. .MANTI, east. Music Is the nearest ut hand, the most orderly, the mist delicate, and the most perfect, of all bodily pleasures. H .indi'fllarble Monuments. te mediate points Ht ll:.0a. m. Arrives at Salt Lake 6:10 p. m. Train Xo. 110 leaves Salt Lake for Provo, Mt. PI Manti, ami Gunnison, Marjavale points 7 :30 a m Lofiven Gunnison for the south 1:40 pm. Arrive at Marjsvale 6:26 pm. Connections made at Thistle Junction for all points Olx'y something; and you will have a chance some day of finding out Sons, MASONS and STONE CUTTERS. si A Tlwti TARLB No65 IN blFECTNOV. 10.1007 & Parry n In r solving (o do our vrk well I? the only sound foundation of any whatsoever. vhat L. P. No almsgiving of money Is r, lull fu! us uimiglYirg of cart and thought TRADC-MARK- S 501 Seventh St., 1 p via (A-i- i Vasfcircir.n, C. 1 1 C,j y t7"lN fr 1 ''t t' i v r t1 n ii sV ; 2 f';. 1 l4 .s r v y, rr V w. S c; ciLic A dose at bed time usual- ly relieves the most severe before morning. 17. A p hCW W ;iij 'o n fl! 30 days treatment For SI. 03 Sanction or money refu nded. guaranteed XfU) BY PAUL aTo. VfAT XORJ'ECKS DRUG -- : STORE |