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Show WORN OUT WOMEN After the First Kiss. Geraldine Well. I like that! Gerald All right; have another, Will Find Encouragement In Mrs, Merritt's Advice. i Many Old People Suffer from j Mrs. W. U Merritt. 207 S. First Bronchial Affections particularly at Ave., Anoka, Minn., cays: "Last win- this time of year. Brown's Bronchial ter I began to suf- Troches give immediate relief. fer with my kidneys. It Js vain to bo always looking toI had pains in my the future, and never acting towards back and hips and felt all worn out. ward it. Boyes. , i 11 Dizzy e pells bothDunt worry about your complexion-ta- ke ered mo and the Gartieid Tea, the llc-ilaxative and secretions ; blood purifier! An improvement will be kidney were Irregular. The khd in a week. first box of Doans However things may seem, no evil Kidney Pills brought decided relief. I am thing is success, and no good thing aure they would do the same for any failure. Samuel Longfellow. ner woman suffering as I did." ONKni(OMO fJt'ININK iold by all dealers. 50 cents & That ONLY l I.AXATIVK HUOMO yCIMNK. for Mh Fosler-MIlburof K. W. l.HuV t. Lm.h1 Um World oox. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. orer ntnaiure U Curw a (.old In Ouf OUCH, OH NEURALGIA. MY BACK" STITCHES. LAMENESS. CRAMP TWINGES, TWITCHES FROM WET OR DAMP ALL BRUISES, SPRAINS, A WRENCH OR TWIST THIS SOVEREIGN REMEDY THEY CAN'T RESIST ; b I J t ! ! j I u Oajr You cant make good ginger ale If anything ails the ginger. Show us a man who lives the simple Jife and well show you a cynic. j 1 Ifi!reeerniThC Rip SOns EyC Water J W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 5, 1903. Commissioner Sm F)Oh v the Railway World, January j, goS. Mr. Herbert Knox Smith, whose zeal in the Chicago. They terminate at Dolton, from which large shf ppers In the territory had been guilty. cause of economic reform has been in no w ise point entrance is made over the Belt Line. Considering the fact that these shippers Inabated by the panic which he and his kind did Whiting, where the oil freight originates. Is not cluded the packers and elevator men of Chiso much to bring on, Is out with an answer to on the lines of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois, cago the action of the grand jury in catling President Moffett, of the Standard Oil Com- which receives its Whiting freight from the upon President Moffett to furnish evidence of pany of Indiana. The publication of this an- Belt Line at Dolton. The former practice, now their wrongdoing may be interpreted as a deswer, It is officially given out, was delayed discontinued, in filing tariffs was to make mand for an elaboration of the obvious; but the fact that a ratebook containing these iral weeks, "for business reasons, because it them read from a point on the line of the was not deemed advisable to further excite road, and it was also general to state on freight fates for other shippers was offered in the public mind, which was profoundly dis- the same sheet, that the tariff would apply to evidence during the trial and ruled out by turbed by the crisis. Now that the storm other points, e. g., Whiting. The Chicago & Judge Landis, was kept out of sight. Presiclouds have rolled by, however, the Commis- Eastern Illinois followed this practice in filing dent Moffett would not, of course, accept the its rate from Dolton, and making a note on Invitation of the grand jury although he might sioner rushes again into the fray. Our readers remember that the chief points the sheet that is applied to Whiting. This was have been pardoned if be bad referred them in the defence of the Standard Oil Company, as in 1S93 when this method of filing tariffs was to various official investigations by the Interstate Commerce Commission and other depresented by President Moffett, were (1) that in common use. the date of six cents on oil from Whiting to Now let us see In what way the Intending partments of the Government. We come back, therefore, to the conclusion East St. Iouis has been issued to the Standard shipper of oil could be misled and deceived by of the whole Oil Company as the lawful rate by employes the fact that the matter, which is that the StandChicago & Eastern Illinois Oil ard file on rate of the Alton, (2) that the Company of Indiana was fined an had not filed a rate reading from Whiting. amount with the Interstate Commerce Commission was Commissioner Smith contends that "concealequal to seven or eight times the value of its entire property, because its traffic a class and not a commodity rate, never being ment is the only motive for such a circuitous intended to apply to oil, (3) that oil was arrangement, i. e., that this method of filing department did not verify the statement of commodshipped in large quantities between Whiting the rate was intended to mislead7 intending the Alton rate clerk, that the t rate on oil had with the & been Eastfiled and East St. Louis over the Chicago properly of the Standard Oil Company. ity competitors ern Illinois at 6U cents per hundred pounds, Suppose such a prospective oil refiner had ap- Interstate Commerce Commission. There Is no which has been filed with the Interstate Com- plied to the Interstate Commerce Commission evidence, and iione was introduced at the trial, merce Commission as the lawful rate, and (4) for the rate from Chicago to East St. Louis that any shipper of oil from Chicago territory' rato rate on oil was entirely out of over the Chicago & Eastern Illinois, he would had been interfered with by the that the nor that to file failure of the its the Alton proportion to lawful rates on other commodi- have been informed that the only rate filed rate had resulted in any discrimination ties between these points of a similar char- with the commission by this company was Ci for of any Independent shipper, we must and against such, value, example, cents from Dolton, and he would have been acter, greater as linseed oil, the lawful rate on which was further informed, if indeed he did not know take this on the word of the Commissioner eight cents. President Moffett also stated that this already, that this rate applied throughout of Corporations and of Judge Landis. Neither thousands of tons of freight had been sent by Chicago territory. So that whether he wished is it denied even by Mr. Smith that the indeother shippers between these points under to locate his plant at Whiting, or anywhere pendent shipper of oil, whom he pictures as substantially the same conditions as governed else about Chicago, under an arrangement of being driven out of business by this discrimthe shipments of the Standard Oil Company. long standing, and which applies to all the in- ination of the Alton, could have shipped all This defence of the Standard Oil Company dustrial towns in the neighborhood of Chica- the oil hq desired to ship from Whiting via was widely quoted and has undoubtedly exert- go, he could have his freight delivered over Dolton over the lines of the Chicago & Easted a powerful influence upon the public mind. the Belt Line to the Chicago & Eastern Illi- ern Illinois to East St. Louis. In short, PresiNaturally the Administration, which has nois at Dolton and transported to East St. dent Moffetts defence is still good, and wo staked the success of its campaign against Louis at a rate of 64 cents. Where then is predict will be so declared by the higher court. The Standard Oil Company has been charged the "trusts upon the result of its attack upon the concealment which the Commissioner of all manner of crimes and misdemeanors. with this company, endeavors to offset this influ- Corporations makes so much of? Any rate ence, and hence the new deliverance of Com- from Dolton on the Eastern Illinois or Chap- Beginning with the famous Rice of Marietta, down to that apostle of popular libermissioner Smith. pell on the Alton, or Harvey on the Illinois passing ties, Henry Demurest Lloyd, with his Wealth We need hardly to point out that his rebut- Central, or Blue Island on the Rock Island, the Commonwealth, descending by tal argument is extremely weak, although as applies throughout Chicago territory to ship- Against to Miss Tarbells offensive personstages easy strong, no doubt, as the circumstances would ments from any other point in the district. alities, we finally reach the nether depths of warrant. He answers the points made by Presi- So far from the Eastern Illinois filing its rate and baseless unfair in tha misrepresentation dent Moffett substantially as follows: (1) The from Dolton in order to deceive the shipper, of the Commissioner of Corporations. report Standard Oil Company had a traffic department, it is the Commissioner of Corporations who The Standard has been charged with every either betrays his gross ignorance of transporand should have known that the of form commercial and with most of piracy had not been filed, (2) no answer, (3) the Chi- tation customs in Chicago territory or relies on crimes the the calendar. After corporation cago & Eastern Illinois rate was a secret rate on the public ignorance of these customs to of strenuous long years attack, under the because it read, not from Whiting, but from deceive the public too apt to accept of the of the United President leadership every statement made by a GovernDolton, which is described as a village of the is at last dragged to States, corporation about 1,500 population just outside of Chicago. ment official as necessarily true, although, as the to of bar answer for its misdoings. Its only claim to note is that it has been for in the present instance, a careful examination The whole justice of the Government is distrength many years the point of origin for this and shows these statements to be false. rected against it, and at last, we are told, the similar secret rates. The Commissioner adThe final point made by President Moffett Standard Oil Company is to pay the penalty of mits in describing this rate that there was a that other commodities of a character similar its crimes, and it is finally convicted of havnote attached stating that the rate could also to oil were carried at much lower rates than ing failed to verify the statement of a rato be used from Whiting. 18 cents, the Commissioner of Corporations clerk and is forthwith fined a prodigious sum, The press has quite generally hailed this discusses only with the remark that the measured by the car. Under the old criminal statement of the Commissioner of Corpora- reasonableness of this rate is not in question. law, the theft o property worth more than a tions as a conclusive refutation of what is evi- The question is whether this rate constituted shilling was punishable by death. Under tho dently recognized as the strongest rebuttal a discrimination as against other shippers of interpretation of the Interstate Commerce law argument advanced by the Standard. oil, and he also makes much of the failure of by Theodore Roosevelt and Judge Kenesaw In fact. It is as weak and inconclusive as the President Moffett to produce before the grand Landis, a technical error of a traffic official Is remainder of his argument. The lines of the jury evidence of the alleged illegal acts of made the excuse for the confiscation of a vast Chicago & Eastern Illinois do not run into which the Standard Oil official said that other amount cf property. 111-i- 18-ce- nt six-cen- 18-ce- 18-ce- nt six-ce- t six-centra- te unques-tioningl- y nt |