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Show . . Send In your orders quick for-- needs In Watches, Diamonds, your or Clocks. Wowlll Silver Jewelry, fill at once and seo that shipment is made on first train. 1 T,e CaUSC Of Many Sudden Deaths. a dbcw There must il.inqcio;: Country y !TJIM jf fs 1 1 3 i V,- o. 1 !, Urn' I .Kiila Nur.i Wanteil. Profession of Dressmaker atToil That Kills in the End. "These are the reasons, and they that thousands of U r- - npmd-x- v 1 u ed b! vill at tack the vital organs, c ulling cabin h of the Ida Ider, or the kidiuns themselves break down and wu-t- e away cell by cell. bladder troubles almost alwavs iesull. from a derangement of the kidneys and a cute is obtained oniv kest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If on are feel by ing badly you can make tto'nd-iak- c the taking I)r. Kilmers 5vamp-Roat- , great kidney, liver and Madder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and it. and over pain passing our dressmakers are ill every year scalding comes that unpleasant necessity of being with nervous prostration; that as compelled to go often through the day, many more go to the wall and give and to get up many times during the up work; that none of them ever make night. The mild and the extraordinary is so:i realized. a competence, although their work effect of Swamp-Koo- t for stands its wonderful the It highest should assure It. of the most distiessiug cases. cures "It Is the general outline of the reais hvs.mt to take and is Swamp-Loo- t sons that I, Anne P.annerman Sedge-wicsold by all druggists in fifty cent and si.e hutles. You may have a Hitt, at 3$, am at the end of my of of this wonderful new disa lottle and have reached sample string parting the ways In which I know not how to covery and a look that tells all ahuit it, sent free by mail. Ad Iris, Dr. Kilturn, or what to do next. That I, a both S: Co., I'.iiigh timou, N. Y. When mer fine looking woman, as you see, with writing mention reading this generous a speaking voice that once would have offer in this paper. Dont make any gotten me a place upon the stage, and mistake, hat remember the iiame.wamp-Ront- , with a hundred letters telling of my Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, ami the worth and skill, can think of nothing address, 11 ugliamton, N. Y., on every better to do next than to try to get a bottle. job of demonstrating until I can get k away from the octopus of the composite woman who wants clothes made. And yet I love my work, and dont know how I shall do without the long evenings, as well as days of thought and toll for which I have given up social life and recreation for 18 year: Exchange. HAD STORED HONEY IN HOUSE. Industrious Bees Had Hive Between Floors of Dwelling. For several years Patrick Prcnder-gas- t of Abington, Pa., lived In a house along the Old York road, not knowing that a swarm of bees also considered it their home. The swarm hived between the first and second floors, directly beneath the beds occupied each night by Prendcrgast and his family. The house where Prendergast lived, with a realty sale, passed into possession of John Lambert, Jr., a prominent ' Philadelphian, with a country place at Abington. In line with projected Improvements, Lambert arranged to have the house moved back from the present foundations, preliminary to having it remodeled, the structure being more than 100 years old. Workmen discovered the presence of the bees, and an apiarist employed to remove the swarm found more than 200 pounds of pure honey between the second floor and the celling of the first. It being assumed that Mr. Lambert took title to the honey with the house, the honey was turned over to him. "Be Thorough. Such was the advice given by Field Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood, V. C., to the boys of Felsted school. In the course of his speech Sir Evelyn said: "When construing a passage, easy or difficult, look out every word of the meaning of which you are not certain. In games play your best, not for your own hand, but for your own Wooden Buildings and Rats. "Why are there so few rats in New York? remarked a man who knows all the range of nature from bugs to elephants. Simply because there are so few wooden houses, and especially because there are so many cellars and stone walls and concrete floors. If there were no wooden buldings In the city, and none with wood in them, there would be no rats. ar COMPLAINTS MANY AND VARIED. Complete Harmony Had to in Organizations. Obtain Estate smooth sdirim lor farmer Irom il.olr mo: worked with imu h h icce FOR After Go Agents fden with Lard for Sale Reap Rich Harvest. :n J A ! kidney tiur.ble is ullowidtoadvmioe in Real I PORT me cau-t- v heart dis- - Flan to Ajsarsin.it? Premier Franco and Cause S;rious Uprising failure or Promptly Nipped in Cud. aie often of kid- ney one-doll- OF p- - 1 n enrib. IIC A .Many mi. him thckidiify-jH.i.o- CAUSE OF NERVOUS BREAKDOWN. only are suggested v CITY. UTAH. fiurr, lu.o. V death smlm MAKE j'lu-miioas- ST. l'--- - hv.ut 170 ri,NTM.M:i 1. Kiee i v the The old reliable piece for Jewelry. TREES . Ik c.utM - Hf iA. 1 SALT I YVt II FjSLAKE . in this pn-vaili- I ADVERTISING TRICK WESTERN FARMERS. AN TO a tlr.g b o'l Si i til It : 1. - i- - in on a a makes Ml farmer nrd j.u lus In: J. low at li 'Hie figures nr ,i lai.-t-d ns high as Lisin ii. An abortive attempt to hut h.v degtai an an nts. and acre, overthrow the monarthv and pro I hen the victor h is that explains claim Portugal a republic has been hut se!l can tin that he only mi agent, nipped in the bud by the prompt ac- land at tin owner If the named juice tion of the government. The plot was will agree to jay Lr advertising at organized by a small group of ad- the rate of fifty cents an acre. Tim As near as can vanced republicans. agent juoniises orally that the adbe ascertained, the plan was to asvertising money will not he j ayablo sassinate Premier Franco and then until the land is sold, but this stijuila-tion risstreet success for upon depend is not contained in a contract ings supported by secret republican that the farmer signs. and labor organizations armed with In a few days he retches a copy of bombs and revolvers. an aj and not demand The conspirators Intended to take lor money. It Is said that twenty-tw- o advantage of various festivities to agricnituiists were taught with carry out the coup detat. The roya this bait In Brown County and that e family was at Villa Vicosa, entertain one of them gave up $320. Others o Most Abruzzl. of Duke the Ing hotly that they will not pay hut the army and navy officers who wen they will make a fight in the courts. in the city were attending a gala per What Hubby Missed. formance at the theatre', while many I state was of functionaries of the chief telephoning tin other night, ball at said the girl, ami a voice crossed were present at a magnificent I couldn't voice. mine, a whisju-rinone of the legations. The police' discovered what was in help wondering what the game was. What are you whtlsjieriRg for? t the wind early in the evening of Jan asked. nary 23rd, and surrounded a house Ilush, she said, still In the whiswhere the ringleaders in the plot wore conferring. When they broke In per. Tin trying to talk under my the doors the lights were extin- breath. I don't want my husband to Please get off the wire. Won't guished and in the confusion that fol hear. lowed most of the conspirators man you? I got off the wire, hut I couldn't ;ed to make their escape. Several wonderof them were captured, however, in sleep very well that night for her want was she didn't what it eluding the leader, Joao Chagas, a re- ing to hear. husband publican journalist, who was prominent in the republican revolt of 1891; This Is the law of benefits between Franka Borger, editor of the Mundo, men: The one ought to forget at once and a merchant named Grendella. A what he has given; the other ought case of revolvers and bombs was never to forget what he has received. found in the cellar. Seneca. From papers captured it was evident that the conspiracy was badly organized and premature. The leader. las always been an active revolution-stAfter the revolt in 1891 he escaped to Brazil, and subsequently, icing pardoned by amnesty, returned to Portugal. As the details of the plot are in the hands of the police, other arrests are expected. Cleanses the i :, f-.- over-courteou- s de-tiar- "All clubs, said the' secretary, "keep complaint books, and some of the complaints sot down in them are funny. In our book yesterday a member complained that the hot water was always cold, and moreover, there never was any. "A novelist last week had the nerve to complain that his last new novel hadnt been added to the club library. "Young swells sometimes complain about the club wines and cigarettes and cigars in order to introduce brands that they are touting for on the sly. "Sometimes anonymous scandal soils the complaint books pages. Thus, last System USE CLUBS ON UNEMPLOYED. year, appeared this entry about a very a ally; Dispels Colas tint member: popular " Maj. Hawkins is flirting with too Chicago Policemen Object to Men Out aelios duo to Constipation; of Work Walking in the Streets. many of our wives. By the way, he Acts natu pally, acts truly as still owes that tenner he knows to collisions Chicago. Several sharp a Laxative. whom. occurred Thursday afternoon between Best jfbrMenvbmon an dCUJ-ren-youn- g the police and the Army of UnemCUTICURA CURED FOUR nnd Old. ployed, who attempted to parade to men had hundred Two hall. the city Southern Woman Suffered with Itchits Beneficial Effects get in a column on the lake front formed ing, Burning Rash Three Little and started to march. The column Always buy the G enuine uliicb Babies Had Skin Troubles. was more a succession of groups of has the full name Com- oj the a column five men four and than My baby had a running sore on his neck and nothing that I did for it took proper. At State and Madison streets Chief effect until I used Cuticura. My face the crowd was met by Assistant ordered who of Police Schuttler, was nearly full of tetter or some simthem to disperse. They refused to do ilar skin disease. It. would itch and so, and Assistant Chief Schuttler at burn, so that I could hardly stand it. once charged them with his force, by whom it is manufacturer!, printed on the Two cakes of Cuticura Soap and a box breaking up the column and striking front of every package. SOLD BYALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. of Cuticura Ointment cured me. Two with clubs those men who attempted one size only, regular price 50"t per bottle. years after it broke out on my hands to hold their ground. and wrist. Sometimes I would go BOISE BNK CLOSED. for it itched so badiy. I nearly crazy went back to my old stand-by- , that had never failed me one set of Cuti- Forced to the Wall After Other Banks Had Refused Help. cura Remedies did the work. One Positively cured by set also cured my uncles baby whose CARTERS these Little Pills. Boise, Ida. The Capital State bank head was a cake of sores, and another closed its doors on Tuesday and W. They also relieve Disfrom Dyspepsia, In tress who fix. Mrs. was in same the baby S. Bruce, former assistant cashier of digestion and Too Hearty Lillie Wilcher, 770 Eleventh St., Chat- the Boise City National bank, has Eating. A perfect remtanooga, Tenn., Feb. 16, 1907. edy for Dizziness, Naubeen installed as receiver. After a sea, Drowsiness, Bad conference lasting until an early hour Taste in the Mouth, CoatTry It on the Piano. ed Tongue, Pain In the There was a young chap in Des Moines Tuesday morning, this course was Who ordered a T none sirloines. Side, TORPID LIVER. agreed upon. Help was sought from They Bowels. the regulate Said the waiter: Not so, Purely Vegetable. the other banks, but they did not feel Sir, unless you can show warranted in extending it. Announce- SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. A sufficient amount of des coines." ment wras published of the situation, Genuine Must Bear together with a statement made by TILES CURED IN G TO 14 DATS. examinaIAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to euro any ease Mr. Bruce, after a three-daSignature of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in tion of the bank, that it was unques3 to 14 da ys or money refunded. 60c. tionably solvent. This prevented ex3 Talk is cheap unless a lawyer is citement, and the closing gave rise to no other trouble REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. handing it out jyrup rf'figs Oixirtff onna lo "CALIFORNIA Jig Syrup Co. SICK HEADACHE y Fac-Simi- le |