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Show V V .. 1 ' 'll iv 'M ikMKlur i. it Onnntion, ID. mun-r- m , uodorAci of Conn of Mari-- h 8. lTfl no. GUNNISON, UTAH, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31. VOL, IX AnJaew Thompson Of This Succnmts to Paeumonla FOR Particular Women. Andrew Thompson, aged 21 years, succumbed to pneumonia last Tuesday morning at the uome of his parents in this fcity. Ho waa the sou of Christirn find Ifaunah Anderson Thompson. Funeral services will be field this Friday afternoon from tha II. The best p!ac; in Gunnison to buy 4ftos is our store. Were better prepared to furnish the women of Gunnison and surrounding country with Shoes than ary thr etore in our town. From oor immense stock of 7W SfHwll. ar Wo can easily find a pair to fit the feet aud suit the taste an 1 purse of every woman in the Two of our best v '. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved parents. This being the second one of the family to We taken from them by death within six months, they having old sou only a short buried a time ago. gfwes county. City Quarterly Conference. The Gazette in common with all weekly pewspapera is obliged to insist upon every subacritor paying for his or her paper at lea-- t once a year. This mut be done if he or sh desires to continue. All who do not pay the price annually will be dropped from the list. This rule is put into effect by all papers because the United States postal regulations require it. It must bo done or the paper will be denied the postal priveleges which make it poisible for II papers to exist. Ther are a number of subscribers to Tho Gazette who have not paid for li'07 and every one is requested to Fettle immediately. Those who have not pan! over a year limit the are beyond now. They must pay without delay cr the paper will not lie tent longer, and steps will bo taken to collect the amount due in each instance. The Gazette has no gbr-icia Ibis matter. The order of the department must be obeyed. sub-cripti- ou mating A of the property txx SPECIAL and xuso CASCADE, y Shoes are constructed from the best selected materials by workmen who are experts at making high grade hoes. Below wo quote some pattern? that we strongly recommend as the best, values you can buy at C e vi-alii- ily J leveuue to defray the expense there And to consider auv other huMiiep before th that may properly meeting. F. C. SAYAGF. Trustees. Hljher Health Level. I have reiched a higher henlth I Dr. level since began using Kings A e Good screened lump coal at the old Morrison mine SiJ. 50 per ton. Screeued nut coal at mine S3 Delivered at your bom SI. 75 per ton extra. Apply to Lorenzo E i wards, Gunnison, or at the mine. t in SPARKLER. l03? BLACK DIAMOND.. MARTHA.... ... J 1 lWg' II Anyone interfering with the regu tation of water from the head gates of field canals will be prosecuted according to law. By order of the S3.25 2.75 2.50 2.35 ... . Gunnison Irrigation company. WILLIAM METCALF, President. 75 take Piieuies. They aie guaranteed. Dont suffer from rheumatism, Jback ache, kidney trouble, when you get A sin: 30 days treatment for $1.00. gle dose at bedtime proves their For sale merit. Get them by Paulvon Nordeek. Co. Sllom BL OK . . : . . . CASCADE IS CARROT CLASSIC A f to-da- A y. il a w lam now prepared to do all work n the line of plumbing and tinning. GUNNISON CASH STORE . W- - x during j J; r-ir- If you are looking for bargains it .$2.85 will pay you to take advantage of the 3.00 prices offered by BECKS BUTCHER 3 50 SALE the next two weeks. ejn -at.. fJ large shipment just received. Finest' Shoe made, Mens, Boys and Girls To stop that pain in the back, that stiiioess of the joints end muscles, sSfioe Mens DIAMOND your choice of our T, 'r Jr Edwards, Mgr. , BRIGHAM JENSEN, XEPIU ANDERSON, Coal! Coal! DIAMOND SPECIAL CASCADE r of Gunnison School DMiici No. 12, will be held in the Wathiugtou nb ol build'ug at Gtiui'hoP, M tufas Fet.u ary 3, lt 8, at 7 v.O och ck p m., for cf (ti.iidirirg lie tho jtnpii-r.d imof itilaigir.g ad ploring the C ntnlu-h- art! Gunpisou Fchool buildings, aud the nus iug of s he r'r- - .ci pv The Quarterly Conference of tho J cob writes Life Fills, New South Saupete Slake will be held at Springer, of West Frauklin, Maine. Feb-uarManti, Saturday and Sunday They keep my atomsch, liver and 1st aud 2nd, lJ08, commencing liver ard bowels working just right. Lead1st. The at 10 oclock Febuary If the fe pills riiF&ppiint ycu cn trial, to in be are requested ing Priesthood mcrey wili be refunded by alj attendance aud the public generally !Kc. 100 good envelopes printed with druggists. are invited. return address for 50c at this Saturday eveuing, Febuary let, the youf TMih Gazette 51.50 per year. Priesthood Meeting regular monthly will be held in the Manti Tabernacle-LewiAnderson Joseph Y. Jensen Ezra Shumaker, Presidency. dues are the DIAMOND L-r9i- y-i. NOTICE. Notice to Subscribers. DEATH OF YOUNG A1AN. SNAPPY SHOES the xoud-rl- CtaU, Shop at residence, Prices resonabie-- ' Satisfaction guaranteed. C E: MADSEN, Gunniedd. V O . 5 F? t r I V ' - ..'v I |