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Show Approach of the Dawn. "When you pet Into a tight place and everything goes against you until It seems that you cannot hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and tho time that the tide will turn." Harriet Beecher Stowe. GUARDS KILLED CONVICTS. Detached L'elfry. The village church of Hast Bergholt, of Prisoners to Es Suffolk, is probably the only one In Desperate Attempt cape From California Prison Hngland which possost.es an entirely Frustrated. distinct building for the belfry. The Muni a in are tells A number of prUeners at the Mato hung many yards away from the church, and are work- penitentiary at Folsom, Gal., made a ed from aboe Instead of from be desperate attempt to escape on Thursneatb. day afternoon, and as a ivmiIi seven CUTICURA SOAP of nine convicts, who had planned to Wc are doing our part in The Worlds Greatest Skin Soap The got away, were almost riddled with bullets. Three are dead and three tn of Nation of Standard Every a critical condition. raising the grade of tea in the Earth. Captain H. J. Murphy is wounded by this country. Millions of the worlds beM people a M;ot in the g ami iccetvcti two Your if l.o' rriunu juur immey juti use Cutieura Soap, assisted by Cull-cur- Might knife wounds. Lie I'm. The break was similar in plan to Ointment, the purest and sweetest of emolimt skin cures, for preserv- tho big cmeute of hut July, but the Diamond Ink. diamond ink for w riting on ing, purging ar.d beautifying the fat t that it was within range of the glass Is a compound of fluoric acid and skin, for cleaning the scalp of crusts, guns t f seve n reliable guards, all dead barium. The latter has no effect, it scales and dandruff, and the Mopping shots, and one of these within fifty being simply a white powder to givo of falling hair, for softening, white and soothing red. ranch and sore ft cl. maUts it nuuo bold and despetate. body to the acid. The Ink can be Tho convict who engaged in the used with a rubber hand stamp, and hands, for baity radios, lulling and break were all employed in tho roik It should Le allowed to remain fifteen chafir.gs, and many sanative, antisepof the most minutes, when the barium will brush tic purposes which readily suggest crusher, where to themselves women, were at work. Captain especially prisoners off, leaving the design on the glass. mothers, as well as for all tho pur- Mmpliy was acting as general over-steposes of the toilet, lath and nursery. about the rock eruMier and font other prison attaches. L. Daly, M. HoEmersons Belief. I believe in a Finnic and an acre ci gan. Charles Taylor and Charles Jolly, Such tea that your dealer rood ground. Whoso cuts a straight were employed as pushers to Keep by the help of the nun at work. returns your money, if you path to Ins own livingrain A large sledge hammer was thrown and sprout God, In the sun and Into tho crusinr. causing tin ponder-ouuniversal dont like it; moncvback tea. ing grain, seems to me a him- to tome to a standstill. mat working man. He solves the problem Tills Write for our Kuoi.Ha liix.L. attracted Captain Murphy. Chas. of life, not for one hut for all inea ol (Vn)ny, Su and Jolly Taylor to the platt immesound body. Emerson. the coin iris rustled diately. Thereupon Cornstarch to Remove Grease. to seize Jelly and Taylor. Murphy, in om: .Ml ilruc to rrui: ai rou in catching tno succeeded Cornstarch will remove grease most Tku 1.4iuil quinine Tu'ni-ic- . only They II H fulU i cure. li. VY. tln in Kli two first mentioned. The others ena Rub little e h '.W. uu fresh, effectually. dry Grue' i.nuturo lm. deavored to take Hie other free men, cornstarch into the soiled place and it who managed to escape them. of Wisdom. will begin at once the process of abVarying Degrees During this time the scene of trouble "A burnt chile dreads do fire, said sorbing the grease. Ilrush the first was cover the guards on used off carefully from the garment, Uncle Elion, but dc man dat done the under could and not see the strugoutside and proceed in the same way with los' his money on a boss race goes gling men. Tho convicts with tlieii more until the disfigurement has en armin lookin' fob another tip. a way toward captives made tlu-iWashington Star. small post commanded hy Guard V. 11 tirely disappeared. Harris, who was armed with a tide Five of the gang surrounded Captain Murphy and two of them had Jolly. Tho convicts had Knives in position for immediate ime. but bad no sooner step d into the open than the seven gun ,s began tiring, and within twenty seei ds seven of the convicts were on M M the ground helpless. f, The convicts approached Guard Harris, who stood ready to act according to the standing orders to shoot re'Z.y t ' gardless of consequences. When withr i, in forty hot of the outside guards, one of the convicts gave the command. Hand out ycur gun. or we will stab Murphy to the heart. Instead of handing out the ride, Harris sent a bullet into the fellows body, FOR RHEUMATISM, CUTS, SPRAINS, and he fell to the ground. In quick sucCITnt? A MJkB L I h WOUNDS, OLD SORES, CORNS, BUN- cession Harris fired at each of the reJONS, GALLS, BRUISES, CONTRACT-E- D maining convicts, who were trying to MUSCLES, LAME BACK, STIFF JOINTS, FROSTED FEET, shield themselves behind Murphy and BURNS, SCALDS, ETC. Jolly. At the time the first shot was fired, AN ANTISEPTIC that stops Irritation, subdues InflamYell was in his office. GrabWarden mation and drives out Pain. his revolver, he rushed to the bing scene. He signaled the guards to conPENETRATES the Pores, loosens the Fibrous Tissues, protinue shooting, and he put his revolver motes a free circulation of the Blood, giving the Muscles natural Into operation also, at the same time elasticity. giving orders to the remaining conbehind victs, who were crouching rocks and in other safe places, to line up and march in. This they did in quick order, going on the run. My wife had been suffering five W. S. Bailey, P. O. True, Texas, writes: I was persuaded to use Ballards Snow years with paralysis in her arm, when cure. JAPS CAPTURE FORT. I have also used it for old sores, 'j! Liniment, which effected a complete frost bites and skin eruptions. It does the work. BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED. ALWAYS USED Rihlung Falls Into Their Hands, After REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES Months of Fighting. THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c and $1.00 ' After months of fighting, sapping and mining, the Japanese forecs finST. LOVIS, V. S. A. ally occupied Rihlung mountain De- A TEA 1 rr a So-calle- g tie.-per-a- te r TEA s - - Cram-lwo- . iy Hr-um- tii-- y 1 r ; a . whose picture is printed above, proves beyond question that thousands of cases cf inflammation of the ovaries and womb arc annually cured by the use of Lydia E. Pinkliains Vegetable Compound. "Dear Mi:. ITxkitam: Gradual loss of strength ami nerve force told me something was radically' wrong with me. I had severe shooting pain- through the e pt-lvi- organs, cramps and extreme irritation eoinjHlled me to seek medical advice. The doctor said that I had ovarian trouble and ulceraadvised an operation. I tion. strongly objected to this and decided-, to try Lydia 13. linkliams Vegotablo Com pound. I soon found that my judgment was correct, and that all the good things said about this medicine were true, and day by day I felt less pain and increased appetite. The ulceration wxui healed, and the other l complications disappeared, and in eleven weeks I was once more strong and vigorous and perfectly well. My heartiest thanks are sent to you for the great good you have done me. Sincerely yours, Miss Margaret Mekki.kv, 275 Third SL, Milwaukee, Wis. $5000 forfeit If original of about Utter proving genuineness cannot be produced. Burglar With a Hoodoo. A Paris burglar, in trying to escapo from a shop, fell into a barrel of lard, in which ho sunk up to his neck. - , . rune k CURED OF PARALYSIS Ballard Snow Liniment Co. j cember 28. A report received in Tokio from headquarters of the Third Japanese ' army before Port Arthur, says: IIOWARO E. BURTON, ASS?s r.10 Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, 81; Gold, Silver, 75c; Gold, 50c; Zinc or Copper, 1. Cyanide tests. Walling envelopes and full price list sent on application. Control and Umpire work solicited. Lead-Vid- e, Colo. Reference, Carbonate National Bank. JOHN OGDEN ASSAY CO. 1 wLUU porh Any three. 100 Samples by mall receive prompt attention. Placer Gold, Retorts and Rich Ores Bought. DENVER, COLO. 1725 Arapahoe Street, eld, 611ver, Copper rLead W. N. U., Salt Lake-N- o. trSrfL syrup. time. 1, REVIEW, a Daily Newspaper Delightful For The American Home. A LL Important news; a brilliant magazine feature every day; departments devoted to literature, poetry, art, science, education, religion, hygiene, domestic economy, fashions, travels, recreations, business, markets, etc. Nothing admitted to reading or advertising columns which parents cannot read to their children. Subscription price II a year; 75c for 8 mo.; 50c for 8 mo. Subscribe Chicago Review Co., 399 Coca-Col- a Building., Chicago, 111. to-da- O NJBU M BaT.I ON t bye! Your trwr retnrna your monoy if yon dont like Schllllntc'B Rout. Love and Happiness. beautiful is to bo loved and he To to be loved is to he happy or to tiling you are, which is exactly the same thing. TEA What is it for ? What for? What for? What is tea for? Trouble of Our Own Making. Its the trouble that never happenr that worries us the most. Schillings Best is a pack- On Wedensday, December 28, at 10 oclock In the morning, the left center age tea; is never sold loose; column of our army, following some we think too much of on the frontal paraheavy explosions Father of History. pet of Rihlung mountain, charged and ' occupied the parapet under cover ot Herodotus, the father of fire from heavy guns and constructed declares that the inhabitantshistory, of the defense works despite the enemys lake dwellings of Switzerland fed fierce fire. At 4 oclock In the afternoon, when their horses and cattle on fish. our occupation was practically comMri, Wlnilow'i Soothing Syrup. teething, aoftena the guroa, redoMt plete. we charged and occupied the in- - fi 7or children aUaye pain, cure wind coliu. fecabottiu. ner lines of heavy gun positions, sub- - I sequently dislodging a remnant of the P Wives Cheap In Africa. enemys force stubbornly holding the I In Africa wives have been sold fo gorge fort, which we occupied, and r two packets of hairpins. captured the entire works. it , i i 1905. i Sold by drufflste. DAILY your handsomest money for it and say goodPick-ou- TEA ! Pays for THE TEA -- G. C. SALT LAKE CITY HUNTING, Superintendent l A |