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Show : Gazette. t k The merchant is nbnit tho only i person w ho rejoioo that Christ- at (tun O holiday uiuui.l N. 9 It j.i)."., . . ill Months 51. CO l.CO XO Three Moat be JANUARY FRIDAY, 1005. 15, Another project haa been in ntigurated for the establishment of a ugar factory in Gtmuisoa. Whether or not it is successful would teem to depend entirely up- n the fanners. Messrs II. A. Kearns and F. L. in gettiug ('opening have sucev-deii.tvrt'-LLike Sot and a cap.lalihts Im will before ptopositiou put a re thi farn.'TH of thn tieimty suit id tins untiring tifcit 0 thei-'IP t!i!U'n. Tin- r.rrarp n. ut i - Jo-.p- in u tl.M h,. d p ..g and c.-;v ir:r. i v.i'h the farm, m tb 1 morn x thuni. Prominent ra ham expn .. ,.! their ir.tdi-nto i ndor'-etl.priyounn nud h no', unlikely that tL.it will prove the general fooling vher.f.vi r ti.: the matter is laid before the g mb pun brm i e o i- 1 n, i e Milv t dhcnii Y. Jen1 h t - ,irni YOU ARE SURE TO OKT HAVE TO WEAR CLOTIIhkS. 'i'll II lilOIIT KIND AT Till! RIGHT KIND OF PRICES FROM TIIE V A KILTY OF SUITS WE CARRY FOR MEN OR COYS. 4 Mcctlasr. O. A. Herron. St.di-- Presidency. t- -.n in p ; r t The monthly Priesthood meeting of the South S iupi te Stake of Zion Kill be held at tU Manti Tabernacle, Sat-- 1 urdar, January 7th, K05. at II oclock a. in. Tb High Coureil coQVtnes at theneund time Rnd place. A cordial invitation D extended to nil tho Pricf thood. Lewis And"rjon, d K t J 44444444444444444444444 Prksthoci - Each tear it b roup'd troro eni that tie custom of a Xe i m reception at the White Home tint must be aholi hed. Yb it wa- ftabishe(l the. United Stat. u v,;. a epnmrly populate d country, vritli almost in ignificant r 'presi ntation in corrrreq and Wnhingdon v;s a tragirbrg village, accesiblo only by "agon or hoisebr.ck over mud r- .uls. I'or tho prrsidexit to huke hands then with the oihr ifd representatives and the citizen V ,i liglu aGair and for tint res n h grr.cious one. Now it has become a ponderous formality, that every one concerned would be ghd to havo omitted. i Do Net Stress All of U s ! NOTICES. CHURCH d u-- 4 4 in 4444444444444444444444444 BATas: Ore Year M; t over, OleAhlll, KiUZltt, SCU3CUIFTI0N , iv estimated that a million thrifty voting evergreen trees have been destroyed to et:pply the demand for Christmas trees th pat Christmas. ruh. til i dot-eu- ina I 444444444444444444444444 44444444444444 I 4 4 4 4 1 j 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 w. 4 4 4 4 4 a Cov:;!i. 4 t Wlmu you have a r iu:;h do r.ct try rupprrss it, but remove the cause. T! m cough is unli a m i"'b'm ef dne tf, , end the d; ease la vrhtt you 4 hnuld cure, thru tho cough will .top If. Tho moat common caus of ii c.iUL,f ing is a cold. Anodynes will j X pror: i tly BupprP'S the cough, nmi pn par;-- inns containing chloroform, opium, c'u., yro used for that purpose but t! y do not enro tho cold. Cham-berh'dii- s Cough remedy on tho other !i ml does net suppress tho cough, but relives it by removing from tho throat and lungs tho mucus which oh true: the. bre.ithi; g, and allay- Genera! cuwr ' 'K X .T t. h nidb-'e- . f ' c. UTAH. - . (iKOIUii- by tlunnison Co op. IT'S MY ? Agent CTiCuicf v.-- . AIM CONSTANT ? Hrr.J Up a Little. Ameiiams r in London r.ra ie ngt to h v.rn fo.:ei.,:ng i.lW about t!:eY oru'ilry every tlay if they read the London papi-rsThe ie.ti't infonnatlon vouchrafrd to them is that there is a -- Sunt-. 01 Albany" la the United h tares of America. The Lorrlcu Fun piles an aoecunt rf an examination of a lot of b irbers by The United States is said to pay tho Barbers' Commiisinn of this now more racnoy every year for transport- state. ation of mail than all the othr Russians as Linguists. countries of the world combined, but Russian know 9 Every educated three besides Lis own, and languages foreign postoffices handle vastly more of them four. Knowledge of the mail than ours, send it further over many French and German lanEnglish, a greater number of post routes and guages is considered necessary to culpay less for tho service. The reform ture. A family having small children of this state of affairs will serve to employ two to four governesses, from keep .Mr. Cartel you busy when he whom tho children learn foreign tongues before they are taught tho becomes postmaster-general- . more difficult Russian. This command of language makes possible the It looks as if the cost of the Pana- fact that Russians have a better ma canal might be reckoned some-tmu- g knowledge of tho worlds affairs than any other people. lika of S. FRANCIS. Proprietor. - linlr Cutting. Shnulnfj Shornpoolnfr yytascage ul-- - Main Street Stnlr Tronic. PLEASE TO It would s?eein that every honor of already been experienced by the Japanese and Russians in their conflict but let them wait until they b;in with the pensions. war h-i- s Mrs. Chadwick says it will take months to tel her side of the story. The other side coj be told in a woid, "aMd. Bought CUSTOMERS. Cckatcd Troy Laundry. - Gunnison Utah. L. LiucSvIgson, PROPRIETOR OF and dealers in Choice Wines, Whiskies, Beer and Cigar s. of Bottled Goods Lino in Ourare p y Blegant. I I POOL TABLES TN CONNECTION GUNNISON that an automobile, the i litisl expense being not so impossible hs the amount it will take to run it. 4 Palace Toasoriai Parlor- - 1 ing the irrihuion and tickling in the thro:d. P o opens the secretious cures and elTect . dly m.d U t' e cold as v, the cough. Forj 44 14 4 44444 444 444"m-- 4444 4444 4444444444 UTAH. ChamberlaiGs Cough Remedy and Seat it to Friends. Mr. F. W. A. Fletcher, a druggist A in Victoria, Australia, says: customer of mine, was so pleased with Cham! erlaiss Cough Remedy, which eivj had used for her children when eu he ring from cold? and croup, that during a fortnight's time she obtained at my shop, nine bottles, which she sent to her frit nOh in diff lent parts of the state, telling them how much good it bud dede and advising For sale h them to gie it a tn iouuobou Co oy. Rigs ready on short notice. MY HACKS TK1GS FURNISHED Horses fed and given best care MEET ALL TRAINS. FOR LONG-DISTAN- CE DRIVES. P. JENSEN, Gunnison, Utah.. 4 4 4 4 j J J J |