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Show THREE YEARS AFTER JCOIITinVKST XOTIiS. Eugene E. l.arlo, of 751 Twentieth , Within the past year 23.f00 people venue, ticket seller In the Union Penw-r- , have found homes In Nevada. "You are at Col., says: I A company has been formed in Neliberty to it peat what eiee-tri'first stated through our vada, to build a Denver papers about road between Hazcn and Fallon. Doans Kidney Tills In The barge Monarch, moored at the summer of 1809, for Tortland, turned turtle and one of the 1 have had no reason In six men wuikiug on the Monarch was the Interim to change my drowned. opinion of that remedy. I was subject to severe atFifteen hundred teachers attended tacks of backache, altfco annual convention of the Wash j ways agpraated if I sat Ington Slate Educational association, Doans long at n dojk. at Spokane, last week. Kiuicy Tills absolutely The value of the mineral products stopped my b.ntkathc. I have never had a palu or of Wyoming for 1901 were: Coal. $11.-1a twinge since." 1.599; copper, $l,u:O,Oi;0; geld. $SP0,- Co.. Buffalo, N. Opo; silver, 50,ouu; Iron, f 250.0' H). For sale by all druggists, Price The lederal grand jury at Pert land cents per box. returned seven Indictmet ts one day Had Cne Friend Left. last we k In connection with the land "Don't give op." said Brother Wil ftaud now under investigation. ? vV-t ; rotl.er of ID (r, p ( Fire at Garfield, Warli., destroyed Do vvorT has left you. but you Soi l. Satan is lonesome four buildings in Die husit.eas district nlu l nil and InjuieJ sevtral others. Thu loss fer you!" Atlantic Constitution. is about $13.iuo, wit h but littie insur-anee- . SISTERS OF CHARITY Sta-tion- twenty-flve-mil- Uses Catarrh e e for Pe-ru-- na A Coughs, Colds, Grip and Congressmans Letter. C PoMcr-Milbur- n ta-.e- s, -- TEA Wc want yo i to know money kick rights; were not .afraid of you. your like Yir vn.vf r iiii.lii.: .H If u l irim jour don't If you itimti-- 1 Uncr stare This, Clush. a knew Reub would turn oul 'n ! h.artcd boy," said the old lady, v.lrirg away a tear with the corner ol In this hero letter h her cron. '.I soz: ise send me another $25. The ! went fcclin the kitty. other Cinc'xuatl Commercial Tribune. "1 r.;. a I a I . - (!.. tile. e t ui: roit ; r I'rarudliu Il'e. Vow '.:.NTt:::i i. ; .ili.ui. r lu.,.1 euro you la . I I ti If IAZO (UM'MKNT lo li daja. toe. The Pcwcr of Love. pood woman is a moral greater support than all the learned latllip"s of the philosophers. The love of one TEA Tea stands for Schilling; and Schilling for Tea. Your grocer rrturim your ltko Sclillllii licst. Vigo If you niom-- y dont Gold Coins. All the Queen Anne gold coins of That is 1703 bear the word "Vigo. because they are made from gold bullion captured when a British fleet defeated the combined Dutch and Spanish fleets in Vigo bay in 1702. TEA not good by accident. Schillings Best is no acci- is dent. i our broccr rc tarns your money If you don't like It- - Purity of the Mind. You can no more filter your mind into purity than you can compress it into calmness; you must keep it. pure If you have it pure, and throw no stones into it if you would have it quiet. RusLin. TEA How many families drink good tea in this town, do you think? Hew- - many drink poor? How do you account for it ? Write for our Knowledge Dook, Company, San Francisco. A. Schilling & What Shocking Taste! I met Mabel this morning out walking with her brown collie dog. She was wearing a blue frock. Just fancy r earing a blue frock with a Stray Tories. brown . og! Thomas Drown. 17 years old, slut and killed i:is father fur icrting him wii le the two inoa wort at work in a Held on their farm near Ckehalis, Wash. While Nevada is rail a lumber state yet her mills have been insually busy during the past year, ami their products have increased over 15.OUO.upO feet over those of 19u3. Northwestern stockmen will soon have an opportunity to bid ou 1.000 bead of horses to be furnished Uncle Sams cavilry, and artillerymen now stationed in the Philippines. Three men were killed instantly and two injured, one so that lie died soon afterward, by an explosion of four boilers at the sawmill plant of Walworth and Neville, at Walvillo, Wash. Of late years Nevada has come to be recognized as the center of the bee industry of the west, and in a great measure has supplanted California, which has heretofore been a leader. A sandstorm blocked traffic on the Carson & Colorado road one day last week, and all trains were held up. The sand covered the track a foot deep and extended for a distance of urn mile. Patrick Brennan of Leadville, Colo., in a jealous rage shot and fatally wounded Mrs. Kate Lowney and then shoe himself fatally. Brennan, wnc hoarded with Mrs. Lowney, came from Butte. Citizens attempted to lvner. the crew of a gravel train which ran down and killed James M. Myler in Seattle. The motorman, conductor and brakemen were attacked by the mob, but were rescued by tbe police. Dr. Johann Eisc.nhutt, the, oldest person in Colorado, died in a Denver hospital last week. lie was born in Switzerland in 1800, and came to this country in 1SG3. After practicing medicine ten. years in Omaha, he came to Colorado. Lew Ilartsough of Sheridan, Wyo., sentence in the serving a twenty-yea- r state penitentiary for the murder of his busines partner, G. F. McLaughlin, will be released from prison in a few months, by reason of a commutement of his sentence to five years. Register Gordon of the United States land office at Miles City, Mont, says that the reports of starving In among the northern Cheyenne dians at Lame Deer agency is exaggerated. The Indians have been on half rations for a number of years, and every winter the whites complain that the Indians kill their stock. In every country of the civilized The following letter is from Con Sisters of Charity are known. pressman Meeklson, of Napoleon Not only do they minister to the spir- Ohio: itual and Intellectual needs of the The Peruna Medicine Co., Colum charges committed to L.elr care, but bus, O.: I hey also minister to their bodily Gentlemen: I needs. have used sevWith so many children to take care eral bottles of of and to protect from limate and Peruna, and feel disease, these wise and pendent Sis- greatly benefitters have found Peruna a never fail- ed thereby from ing safeguard. my catarrh of Dr. Hartman receives many letters the head, and from Catholic Sisters from all over feel encouraged the United States. A recommend re- to believe that cently received from a Catholic insti- Its conti n u e d tution in Detroit, Mich., reads as fol- U3e will fully eradicate a disease of lows: thirty years standing." David Meek-isoDr. S. D. Ifart mm, Columbus, Ohio: Dr. Hartman, one of the best known Dear Sin The young girl who used from the Peruna was suffering laryn- physicians and surgeons In the Unitof ed States, was the first man to formvoice. of The result loss and gitis was most treatment the satisfactory. ulate Peruna. It was through his She found great relief, and after genius and perseverance that it was further use of the medicine we hope Introduced to the medical profession of this country. to be able to say she is entirely cured. If you do not derive prompt and Sisters of Charity. The young girl was under the care satisfactory results from the use of of the Sisters of Charity and used Peruna, write at once to Dr. HartPeruna for catarrh of the throat with man, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give good results as the above letter testifies. you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Send to The Peruna Medicine Co., writHartman book The a free for Sanitarium, ColumColumbus, Ohio, bus, O. ten by Dr. Hartman. world n. HALLS CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY FOR THE MOUTH. THROAT, STOMACH AND BOWELS.... Nelden-Judso- n MPVPPFAIIQ. I MILO I1L.1LII ROR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND QENERAL STORES Salt Lake City, Utah. Drug Go., General Agents. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. FREE Tht GREAT KtONlY AND LIVCR OUR |