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Show DELINQUENT NOTICE. -- 1 WFATVJEW IHItlrUTION Prtcelpal of j.Ufo vi. Principal place Noil.'tf inpiny ;n i.ai M , ayiidl, Utah Notion1. th board of dln-emn. . : i : t to sain-of t'mMrl upou the fol :tn -- r W" low in;' d 'Tiir l on flcc;vnii of f ai.-I.l- fn inry of t.,. . . A oy k ruilri lo.. fclf.tl wl-'- . (.I. U u( u uj), I. W, v.tr.tT to. I I,': i . f. to ., l , , i i !l ... : i tl .; I i c i I" ( Trami: Ci.rd I, C irif J , p, rj..!tV,l. -- i M.rdul- - j j i . ,i AttJ!!V Poum'l , per- v I ; i . ! J Ju !'.; ij, ptvrt t ar I. .!. V'H I ; Antoni - trrr it iiiiiiuiriw m. Arropljic RaiiC Yp 4 I u. I h r ' 'haunch, I urs. i i ' s s a. r. r(' '''nw . ! ; .V' O. r ' U . u..'. .i i , 11 i r.5 H Y - !?, - s ' ; : t s 5, i. :o. - t'n. i ii. . n, bee'Nnct opr irr.rs. ' :. jr. - Albert Btj.u A . ; lift', , A ChliftVIl . j nt i. a,Tt r:Nlnk' toel . . A . IT-idG-- d, - Hl 1. the ..,rd d o.i 4 i .. I !. . o. ,l, iu, l : . , ! V, . , e vi.nli . m jnj i l r.' td . f. . i , a .sos' ..ctr"o! .u (Hi of 'r. i.ty, Siiior. .d dun: fot Q'lftrnjoi'- p. v,iM,in i ,,1, t r I. Oil o? i ", w., , ; . j v it i..y, m ..i i.t.'ji i :.i j.n .'' !f l !i h u.r. tti. uns.-t- l .!. l tirtmry, . Hlvl, if vrjiriu!uu. Ou T , f it p, ( levied ujKn lie o Wi t 1 4 ! i. .r ! ... r . , , ( ,, i . l.i-J- I . , ;i, tbtb. 'i A '! ppviiiM't--V- , tiii: 'tYKir.i,D land and Otfuiu of bu in GUNN I SUN ASSESSMENT NOTH::. r- - V . - ' f- a - - . -- 7 i-- j. ' r. O vf . ... a i W. V It J5 . v i :o ' : I r. fit ,w a at r I ! 5 i i ;o 1 11! . ; ( ( O f ! J i a no: t J ? J r? 1 1 r: i i i.i ii t v i 4 : h'lttr of ' li I t! ii. v ijucnt a- 'eihor v. it i th j . ri Cl., 4,:a c;rt of ( to J,.,y tl.o;.- - oi. KlTcrii--i,'- f i t anil rxi.ii''c-- o: c tic. J. X. ClliflSr.UXSr, Secretary. James C OiliCv. at Majf.irltl, Llcfi. I'm! C 1st pub Dec. 2'K 110 i. X F lVtrC V,!I1 EC o:j' 1 d Rewards for Quitting Tobacco. Six hundred and sixty ruen, women and boys, employed in the woolen factory of T. F. Taylor at Bately, England, recently received $5 er.ch from Mr. Taylor as a reward for abstaining from tobacco for twelve months. A hundred and forty-on- e men and toys and 519 women had kept the pledge which they were Invited to take. Ag a result of the years experiment, forty of the men have decided to give up tobacco altogether. tralia g . r a ! I N v i 117 l : r if i t cl bJ 00 1 ... -- f I I ir : ! ! i,.' t:- ! , Oifice, ut.: AXD jr.o L G l.i'.dri ' o i. . . . i'i lOo I0 00 Tilton irc Wcy.'.K'iitb p no 70 50 Tiltou 7v Wc-- mouth ?2 175 17.50 fs ' TV ton Jc Weymouth 51 100 10.00 IjCXl Auri in riceti Jnuej with law md ;in or !er of tho board of director so many E,h?re of each parc el of suehj imih u . ; stock cVJ may ba ueevs-'-arwill bo i.riiicr r.iiLj. iwt.2 ir:.ino. 1151 'Mvc . iu ut.sold at tho secretary's dace in Backs , Iiardi, Cnhrvn Ar rto:r, Gunnison, Utab; on tho 1st day Provo, Salt Luiie Cay .n(, of Fcburar, 1UG5, at the hour of 2 curiNisor;. states of are New South TBrBpV. ATP 7 IV A ' ' rtivU pri' m ' M'Tm I pi .whJ ( rjirr y - o r : OSWELL BECK. Secretary. 1st pub. jan. 8, 05, ' 1 Mythical Creatures of Japan. Jap? nr so Lclcive in more mythical creatures than any other people on tho globe, civilized or savage. Among these are serpents 800 feet long and large enough to swrllow an elephant, foxes with eight legs, monkeys with four ears and fishes with ten heads attached to one body. They also believe in the existence cf a crane which after it has lived for 600 years has no need of any sustenance except water. rlains Stomach Liver Tablets fo :ndigpti.n :ui Wales and havNew South Wales Queensland ing 167,738 acres, producing 3,844,993 that tbsy suit my case bushels, or 22.9 bushels an acre, and any dyspepsia remedy I Queensland 116,983 acres, producing trisd and I have u?ed m 2,569,118 bushels, or 22 bushels an acre. i ivtt-h :1 A : - 1 1 . r : 1 's- j - i- to A. J. Mn..rr, TCt $ V Berfict 1 Cu:'' Y NEATLY EXE r.V. L's w i,r Bur'; Trouble.'.. J tiy t.s i ... f TEE GAZETTE t 0i $ k ii.ua -I- - 's -. ijA r i i V 'K 1 r, or l'-- U (i.i7 t f i l"- Pf l'vlo f 1 ' 1 ' Jt' Ba v 'il- E 1 x to ' 1 t 4 a ' ' !if M n g. -- I t ' !i - A '.uUa'.iUy. ;i f : r; r.o J x-'- lM " U 1 ' - N 1, it y-- i. A ;.i - frm . . IB ' x x V--- ' pi , Oxc. s. uiid t fl rA ' f Tril Cctifs . i.j, ' , I 1- i. .i -- tfr t Bor All Throat and : nf-- s. jh 7 & LVcll$'.r-- G. A. B, B. j nt ! " ; Li r. h i ! . 1 ! . i . v. r h.-- ;ir L !Nta,-- n !! i Tertis. X;hu' ' - h'i t- -, . - m d ; R ai j NT; PRINTING use Cr.amb. i,9 . - 1 the salo. 1 - ' mediate oirts at 11 .21 a. m. Arrives at f4 a 1 Lakr- (,.) Train No. 10 leaves Sail Lake for Bingham, Provo 'Alt. Pleasant. Manti, Guunison and rntormediale poin.s f; :!'.) a, rn. if TrainNo. 12 leave iMnnison for Salina, Richfield, J'loinn.a and, Marysvale at 2:11 p.m. Arriie 'rl S at Marysvale (5 :15 p.m Count t i o n a ra a d e a t T h i s 1 e J l i n nf - 1 all points east. I. A. B IN jriv, oclock p. m., to pay delimjucnt ns seafment thereon, together with the cost of advertising arid expenses of on Barm v ! I'jt-;nu;- Founa a Cure for Indigestion. Aus- ik'av j ; Corn Culture in Australia. corn-productin- ... t. i lo Bllier. Tboeovcho will persist in c!oeit h?ir oers a gainst the con lie n roccin mend ition of D,r. Kinffii New Di't-cvery for Consumption, will b ivo a long ahd bitter iiLt with their troubles, if not ended earlier by late! termination. Read what T. R. Beall of Beall, Mhf, has to say : Last fall my wife had every symptom of conShe took Dr. KiDgs sumption. New Disooory after everything else had failed. Improvement came at cnco and four bottles entirely cured her, Guaranteed by Gunnison Cash Store. Price 50c, and 1.00, Trial bottles free. The 0 t PA JV.rr C Xu Fi.TM r i Ilfih. . , Dr. CM. BB;b I 1 ,s : fV 1 - I l. ( L f r.f Irc..' ' o v, r - - Ill Velocity of the Moon. The moon moves with a mean velocity of 3,350 feet per second a little faster than the highest speed given to a cannon ball. uTon rv, t j-- Co-op- . w iW Jv ' i - aN Vciy.'A i E .4.,vvrN I Ui v. ( 7 |