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Show STUDY FORESTS OF HAWAII. Interesting Facts Learned by Department of Agriculture. The forests of the Hawaiian Islands have been studied by the sonants employed by the Department of Agrlcul lure. There are two very distinct kinds of forests In the Islands, one on the drier lowlands near the sea and the other on the mountain slopes, where there is a heavy rainfall. The coastal forest Is composed exclusively of "algaroba " or the "mesqulte ol Old Roma Work of Art. Wathlngton la Popular Name. A discovery of considerable Import There are more counties In the United State named for Washington anc was mad in August at Suse, tin A treaty of arbitration between than for any other man. The capital, ancient Seguslo, in tho province ol Italy and the United States has been a state and two cities exceeding 20.000 Turin, Italy. At a depth of six feet In population also bear his name. or more a colossal man's head wa signed. found. It is of bronze and U doubU The report that Russia ht.s sent a tho natural size. The head la of ex new expedition to southern Persia la cellont workmanship and la well pr denied. We manage our business served. Itto is supposed that the head the statue of the minister belonged Tho Japanese of Kauai Island. Haof whole to the serve Augustus, Marcus Vipsanlus Agrljs people, waii, are drilling, preparatory to gopa, who was the husband of Julia, ing home to participate Jn tho war. so far as the people want to daughter of Augustus, Agrlppa wai Robbers blew open the safe in th the grandfather of Caligula and great be served. bank at Rice, Minn., and secured grandfather of Nero, He died in tin if Your don't rriurn your money you I2U00 In cash and f 15.000 In negotiable year 12 II. C. NEWS SUMMARY. TEA our Southwest, which was Introduced From the which is still original tree, standing , like N LiRtiitf it is estimated that at least 50.00C paper. Comforts of Travel. acres of forest have sprung, fairly METHOD OF LEGAL TORTURE. Berlin has passed the two million The purler on the California Limited well distributed over the different Is mark in population of the city proper. his winter will be prepared to press a lands. The native forest of the moun CounLast of Civilized the England gentleman's Housers while he waits. tain slopes Is distinctly of tropical The police register shows 2,001,500 to This is a new wrinkle, introduced for Abolish tries It. character. None of the familiar treei inhabitants. It England, as all the world knows, the benefit of fastidious dressers. of the north ttmpernte zone are pro Two firemen lost their lives, several was to Isn't carry absolutely necessary the last t.f civilized countries to ent. One looks in vain for oaks, thi persons were injured and property of trousers, either; an extra along pair abolish the test by torture ns a regu l lie maple, pine or spruce. The more Ira valued at $js2i),nio was destroyed by lar porter wot ha while you sleep. A historian who Institution. legal On this luxurious train daily market tree are the "Uhua, "koa, a fire In portant has made a special investigation ol reports are received by wire; there Minn. Minneapolis. 'mamane and "kukvii. The contract for the sale of the prop modern methods of toiture has dis- are the latest morning and evening covered (hat the barbaric tractive is newspapers Issued en route, fine staHave Smaller Faces. 'Tty owned by the World's Fair com- still common in books and The- chief difference in the heads o! matt) out of the way tionery, a library of western A pany to n Chicago wrecking company corners of tin globe. t urrent magazines. Whitley exerTiie early Eng-Ilsmen ar.d of the lower animals Is ii to keep up wish who for those for J45.ooo lias been signed. ciser be. n widely imsystem, it (i, the size of the face. Man has a verj electric ami athleiles. their curling R-in the tine of Henry A jury of sixteen men was sworn in itated. large brad and a very small face, anc are ether ladies for the travel irons HI the torture trial was in vogue. omforf s. animals are more fierce and hrutal ox it Rising Sun. hid., to try James Gil f preparation The Zsintn Fe intends to keep its actly as the face is found large anc ispie. accused of the murder of his First came tlir.e i'.ivs raver. On solemn fat (Iyer at the front. i and the by the rest of the head small. e. Gilli.-pitwin sister, Elizabeth day a caluron was mad io boil in Th town Russia, church Their Praises. and a stone was placed, apparFliakethgrnd. Shouting Queen Elizabeth's Superstition. Qm-t-Elizabeth to Kirkland, 111., Jan. 2nd. (Special) council has rejected tho petition of ently, In the boiling water. Two dying day Cured of the terrible Rheumatic Rabbi Totkiu in favor of the qualifi- Juries of twelve men apiece were pres- wore suspended from her neck a piece rains that made him a cripple for cation of lews to participate in munici- ent in the inlett st of nccu-e- r and ac- of gold, on which strange characters cused. Doth sides tested the water, were engraved. It had been beyears, Mr. Richard It. tlreenhon, an pal elections. if and was it old and respected resident of this boiling queathed to her majesty by an old they acreed that Statistics just published show that the accused thru-- t in his bare arm Welsh woman who "by virtue of that place is shouting the praises of the remedy that cured him, Dodds Kid during the period between January 1, ar.d took out the stone. His arm was picco of gold had lived to tho age of 1902, and June 20, Him, there were then wrapped in cloth and sealed. On 120 years, and at that age, having all ney Pills. T had the rheumatism in my left killed in strikes 19$, injured 19GG and the third day the priest inspected the her body withered and consumed, sho arm and if it was perfectly healed the died, commanding the said piece of limb so that I could not walk over ten arrested G144. accused got off. It seems as If the gold to ho sent to the queen, alleging to fifteen rods at a time, and that by B. Richardson of Minneapolis, J. the use of two canes, Mr. Greenhon testing representatives may have been that as long as she wore it ou her Christianand shot Miss Nellie killed I would tampered with or the examining priest body ahe could not die" to lie have sit or says. a one son. on the of I prin- may have been corrupted. down on the ground when dressmaker, was out trying to walk and the sweat would cipal business streets, and then shot In and Out. run down my face, with so much pain and killed himself. A pleasant girl answers the I could not sleep at night for about ring of Gen. Stoessei, the Russian military all call-- rs Good tea, close price. at a certain rectory In five or six weeks. I tried different doctors medicines, commander at Port Arthur, according Brooklyn. She Is a daughter of the There is no other way to but they were all no good. Then I to a dispatch from Chefoo to the Daily Emerald Isle and is capable of as sent for Dodds Kidney Pills and Telegraph, has again been wounded, good Irish hulls as any son of 'the build a good business or ould sod To the inquiry of a recent almost from the first they brought this time by a rifle bullet. if was in she re caller Father I relief. By the time had taken fourkeep a good business. John McClure, a miner, plied In the negative. The caller, howteen boxes of them my rheumatism Your (rroi-f- r return jour money If you don't emever. rather than be disappointed, was like Schilling' Itect. was all gone and I can truly say I shot and killed Julius O'Shea, both feel better than I have in the last ployees of a livery stable in Ixs content to see one of the curates and Looked Like a Framed Painting. Well, she reAngeles. The men quarreled about a told the girl as much. twenty-fiv- e years. plied, "There's only one in and hes halter worth about ten cents. lie had been standing for five minout." gone Power in the Wifely Smile. In the lobby of one of the large utes just Chief Cenro Zbereff of Moscow has hotels looking at the pretty cashier The man who finds his wife smiling Issued a warning to the editors of the CHAIN HABIT'S he when comes through her little office window. Finhome at nights happily to insert nothing in their will be likely to stay there. If he local papers ally he turned to a man near by and with in the connection Formed doings papers Certain Hands said: should go out the memory of her smile Unconsciously "Gosh, zat's sha pretty picture. zemstvos town of councils. and to Break. and Hard Wisht I cud paint like zat. Thought will make him feel that she doesni An ingenious philosopher estimates I saw th held move, but things allez care, and he will soon find himseli All the brick-layer- s unions of New wanting to go back home and make York City were enjoined from strik- - that the amount of will power neces- move when Ive had too much. Then g her care. t break a habit would, lie walked slowly away. Kansas City ng on a building at Madison' avenue sary lift a Times. Ninety-sevent- h of if it could he transformed, street order and by to Mothers. Important weight of many tons. Justice Scott of the Supremo court. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, It sometimes requires a higher dea safe and pure remedy for infanta and children, was an inventor, Henry Mitchell, gree of heroism to break the chains and see that it how You dont half-knoearfully mangled at Reynolds, while of a pernicious habit than to lead a A Beers the experimenting with a smokeless forlorn hope in a bloody battle. good tea is; good tea is exfrom an Indiana town: writes Signature of lady to he which submit intended powder "From my earliest childhood I was In Use For Over 30 Years. for the use of the United States army. tremely good. was out a lover of coffee. Before The Kind You Have Always Bought. Robbers entered the postoffice at of my teens I was a miserable dysGo by the book. Frostless Plants. teinbeck, la., during the night and peptic, suffering terribly at times with Your (rrort-- r return jour money If you don At the government station Lulea in got away with $2300. An exchange my stomach. like SchllliiiK's Rest. Sweden experiments are being made of shots took I was convinced that it was coffee place between a posse to secure varieties of plants not likely of Xenophons Historic Retreat. that was causing the trouble and yet made but the their robbers citizens, to be injured by frost. I tould not deny myself a cup for Next to the retreat from Moscow, escape. 3G I wag the most famous in history is probAt the age of breakfast. State op Ohio, City of Toledo, I aa" A lone robber held up the bank in very poor health, indeed. My sis- ably that of Xenophon and his 10,000 Lucas County. ( Fraxk J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior of Chisholm, Mich., during business ter told me I was in danger of becomGreeks from a point in the Interior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing of Asia, 3,405 miles from a place ol He ing a coffee drunkard. business In the City of Toledo, County and State hours, secured $2200 and escaped. aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of forced "But I never could give up drink- safety. They fled the distance in 215 Cashier Griester into the vault ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every use be of cannot of that cured the Catarrh by jase at the muzzle of a revolver and locked ing coffee for breakfast although it days and made a retreat so successHalls Catarrh Cure. FRANK CHENEY. safeJ. the door. kept rr.e constantly ill, until I tried fully that the little band reached Sworn to before me and subscribed la my preswhich the purfor Postum. I learned to make it prop- ty without a loss ence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. two fifth For the time within months . , A. W. GLEASON, erly according to directions, and now suing enemy was responsible. the Newport Iron Foundry and Ma- we t Notary Public. can hardly do without Postum for Pisos Cure is the best medicine we ever used Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts chine companys building, Newport breakfast, and care nothing at all for lor all affections of the throat and lungs. Wm. directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the Ky., has been dynamited. No lives coffee. system. Send for testimonials, free.& 0. Endsl.it, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10, 1900. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. were lost and the workmen in the "I am no longer troubled with Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Halls Family Pills for constipation. Troubles of Columbus. c'o not have spells of suffering place all escaped injury Columbus had just discovered that The American Sheet Tin Plate com- with my stomach that used to trouble Fretters Seek Company. I so Name coffee. me Im onto vhen drank the earth was not flat. tin plate The trouble Is that fretters arent pany started thirty-seve- n he chuckled. But he given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, your curves, content to fret by themselves. They mills In Pittsburg on the 12th. Of the Mich. trouble people believe had making want to be accoma-nieby a large 242 mills all but seven are now runLook in each pkg. for the famous that they were not on the level. chorus. ning, and it Is supposed they will be little book. "The Road to Wellville." Philadelphia Record. going before the end of the week. by Father Uachelot In 1S37. u-i- - h fa-ti- ng TEA one-legge- d - life-lon- TEA w 1 - 1 8,KiA-- k dys-pers'- a, |