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Show I)vnWr ptj. . OunnUon. Utah. M VOL. VI. enr.1-r1a.- wntfr, ut vW-- r Ar jf c-- UUXXISON, UTAH, FIIHIAY, ANOTHER MOVE. There lias been a lot of talk about uoc tin,'; .1 BUp.r factory at or near Guauison but just when L pi,,i ,. ciued perfected to that end io Elepi tin-- Utah Sugar company aud says it quently their assurance of continued hearty support to tho factory. The capitalists ask in addition a grant of from two to three thousand acres of land, with autlicieut water Clui 1)0. right. Some of our larger farm r. of tho on to q r icing nca kare But urrady given this promise e:.d of t lu t'. j count it have to there is evry indication that the hmk fur another source linu that of a scheme will be put into etlect and the mouopjy, and with apparent tuccesR. factory ert dJidud. A meeting of dac-ida- have been induced those proposing tho investment was to take up the project arid they sclr duhal to take phico in Salt hike iu which thu on Tiv fday and ns four us arrangebuilding a fanners them.-f-irbdl acquire pait ments cati In m ulj they intend matownership. ing with the fanutrs to present and Salt Jjike cc.piL'diatj are said to pel fact their pi ins, ohVr to put up the requires! amount Henry A. Kearns, who has been iu Wtth which to erect a factory, taking Salt Luke tho past two weeks ill the o per cent of the Block themselves if interest cf this m n orm nt, is quoted ' tha formers will j;pe, to in Tribune us saying: tho other 15 purest. It - further If the farmers of Sanpete aud proposed to loan tho farmers what S vir counties aro ready to protect mouey they need to meet their poinon tboij-elva from tho unjust demands of the lave-- , incut, ht four and f 1 l:o of Utah Sugar crnpiuy and will per cent annual interest for join together in one determined stand twenty years It is edim.Uid tl.it. Pair lights, a i ,v factory will be the factorys profits, durir.gth.t ti;; e. d in Ih 3 rn'ir bourn by Sait will be more then eullic.'eut to piy Lake capital!, m w Lieh will eoi--t not back tho bord cf the fsruirm less than farm- ru If such ia a fact the As is vdl l;iv.n by (h fa who he a to a chance ecu hive kept in touch with iLu conditions thro have wit in heat the fu .cry owners any in lb. m two c; uilicc, tho producers idea The proposed have apparent outlay. comp fih-- to put up with the i3 for the i.urprs? of tin;; whatever the Utah Sugar rompauy farmerd directly co.ioorr.od and cunco chctcd, am! thin whoa pro inters came along mid offered tv) build a from and r icuivd cone Money to Loan c:i w.ttor slock. facloiy tho farmers, it was found that they Largo or small a mount a. i L. were simply doing eu in order to ci 11 Copesing. cut to tho tiusl, which in this insl-imis nothing more or ie. s than the Utah Effective Object Lesson. Mayor McClellan of New York Sugar company. What we propone tells how the officers of the Twelfth to do now is to secura tho aUeutiou of regiment gave him an object lesson local capitalists, men whom we have on the necessity for a new armory. confidence in, and trust to them to I visited the Twelfth regiment a co operate with us in an undertaking The of- which will mean better prices for the short time ago, he said. ficers took occasion to parade me farmers and the successful operation and my beautiful new silk hat about cf the well. as factory the armory and stop mo under evis now up to the producers. It ery leaky spot in the roof. It was too much for the hat. After the The money is ready any time that they parado around the armory the of- are ready to enter into a proposition ficers looked at my hat and then than will be satisfactory to both calmly told me that they needed a parties. I will report to the farmers new armory and that they believed who selected me to call upon the Salt I bad found out by experience how Lake men and make my report. If necessary it was. they are satisfied with tha proposition a mass meeting will bo held in One Womans Age. the near future and definite arrangeUsually only cruel necessity would ments entered into. compel an unmarried woman to acknowledge herself over thirty in the face of a large public meeting. But A Costly Mistake. Miss Yida Goldstein, a female canBlunders are sometimes very exdidate for the commonwealth senate in Victoria, did not shrink from pensive. Occasionally life itself is the the ordeal, for thirty is the miniof a mistake, out jouli never mum statutory age for an Austra- - price lian senator. In the opening speech be wrong if you take Dr. Kings New of her campaign, delivered in Port- Life Pills for Dispepeia, Dizziness, land, her birthplace, she contradict- Headache. Liver or Bowel troubles. , ed the report tlifit she wa only They are gentle yet thorough. and boldly proclaimed at Gunnison Cash Store. twenty-fif- e capitili.-t- s pur-pos- bic-tyr- 3, e y JANUARY aul-scrib-- lays i.- i oau-hal- or-w- ii - lY-c- herself thirty-tw- o. no. I'm.',. (i. i-- i. UNSUITED TO:? GUNNISON. Mrs. John A. Jilin-o- n is reported as having a bad attack of typhoid fevir. Proposition of UfJli Sd.cfjr K n John Ghdhili returned r n Com- pany to Gu::! M'jr.o Fjctory Ico Far Nor Hi ur heath. YdocfdiT from Bpriidteg tie holiday with family rulatious in Suutaquin and Provo. p. :r : Mrs, F. L. Coining enteit. lined a few friends ut u dinner aud card pirty Wednesday evening. t K it Th Gunni-ci- i uiihi.-e.- i furui-k'music for the Xi ,v YirV p.tly Silim on Monday i.veoing. r i d k t n i)rs. Bird .ill be at t!m (iunii m ItoU. .mk xt Monday ar. will iui,:i;i one week er longer tv) wait ur .a c tmneii Ik de:-iri;j- nti-- t ti u t: wc,k. in j;r:.u - e. 'r ' I f . ag f t gc r will co . i. iidu-.w- it .q bu f th i ii hi;-!- I !i,i I.) rn-M a irm X L,is ni a t v y.-ten- i:s) LOCAL ITEMS. SUGAR FACTORY Home Mtr.-- p- - tl if uj on v r I to bo a - i- j. . 'i..u citb-- r fur tVv: r, nre f or tt..A S.,mh PrcsidcuN Amler on cud di l ImiV:"; t:i i A. Iveihou v.t re in liuam on and U!i; h u tie: in pi ?v) r b auditiz.,g vicinity . r ' i L. L q Mil,; and j . r' . tithing accounts. tn .d i. to ai: :i,.- the '.wardLorenz j Ik , bdt thia morning .TL. coin-- ,'ii i 'i'.Ji fur ltichheld, luro bo expect-- , to IGvu e n felt that , ih purchase u carload of horecs h) ship it Win n fd.v-- s on the part of oil. and vicinity to participate ti r. n (arth r in ho dicuioa of tho Utah aud Cbrittunsoa Principal Joph and Sugar comp uivh prcpO'-itiv)iothers of tho public school faculty reiMiiiii.-iTh tlioy n.v.iy, gouernl tho week ut tho State have i in with acucrdaiice feeimg, hero, Teachers convention in Salt Lake, that v.. w .ud it in not likely that the r. tt farmers will pay any hoed to tho Thu marricvl people are to mingle solicitations of the company which in dv.net) and social at the Gunnison Mr. Austin represents. C).ra house tonight. Bachelors past thirty will bo counted eligible to Rcvouton Irazrlncnt. . iw-imf- th-iff.u- , , ! jc-t.-zda- ,i: i y, -. . " . w- - Ik-i-in- : ; t - t Gun-iwo- n , participate. A sure sign of Tho G ) ear-oldaughter of Mrs. Xephi Andersons is very low with typhoid. Ti'.ero is pcor hope for the Title ones recovery. Since tho above was set up in type it is learned that death ensued at ten minutes to four oclock this Friday afternoon. vj la 4 When bilious try a dose of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and realize for once how quickly a medicine will correct the disorder, For sale by . Gunnison tirst-olss- s up-to-dat- e approaching revolt and serious trouble iu your Rystem is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the taoubleomo causes It never fails to tone tho stomach, regulate tho Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, aud clarify tho blood. Kun down systems beueht particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its Bearding and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters is only hOe, aud that is returned if it dont give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by Gunnieon Cash Store. Co-op- tt tt District court will convene in regular term at Manti next Monday, with Judge Ferdinand Ericksen occupying the bench vacatod by Judge Johuscn. Among the criminal cases on the oalendar is that of tbs stale vs I, mil lioseaval, for felony. ftt ts Tiie Pope Bicycle Memorandum Calendar for 11)U5 ccntaius a menu for every day in the uu-- , rauduxu and fitjh (u.iunal sayings- in lac: i loo? gooii i'. is, good health, ercGo, aud that great vebi Leaitfi giving, tho moiieru bin. . , i our most eminent living i b .. .j. maiked accomplishmeat, ... . dar K free at Pope MfT. o p or any of our readers car i Loading li d col t star . . i Dr. C. M. Hart of Salt Lake begs to announce that he intends stopping in Gunnison another week, at tho office of Dr. Hagan. Dr. Hart is a Dentist cf high standing and dote A1 fgr. Co., ifaitf Gigel d;,, I hicagu, I: reliable work in his line. ti a tt Mr. Vm. S. Crane, cf California, Pi t r Owi.-lie-u Md., fullered f r years from r k ut bi. uf w tism aud lumbago, lie v os c.;d:y a. nimg 1; advised to sry Chdmb.rl.Jip.j g . ir, : u i Balm, widen ho did am! it earn... d a complete urH. This liniment i. f a f ... sale by Guani-oGo op. . . vU jr. : : v U. i ! . a ..-- i i .. 1 , UU i |