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Show GUNNISON GAZETTE. untiring assaults of Iht Japan e with T EUR NOT TET II a grim valor that won u-- tin praise TIE and the fighting has been of their f that often waged with a r, JentJesin-sOF PEACE ARE refused trucesi to bury the dead and NO PROPOSALS LIKELY. collect the wounded. Over nirp-filhtrenches men hate fought hand to hand with cold steel and clubbed Russia Insists Japan Must Recognize guns, and at short range have burled Her Right to Free Transit of a each other band grenades filled Ships Through Water of Far n I) Mcriil GLLDHII.I, A IOX s GUNNISON UTAH. UTAH STATIC NEWS. population has Increased 1,0 hi during t Ik past yar. Pome apple grow rs in this stats have rraliz- d $'."i an acn from their (igd-v- with high exp!o-leEast What Fort Arthur has cost in hu man life and in money no estimate of The people of St. Petersburg have can be fallen At Fort last into has eurr Arthur even etncs Hu approximate past yar. ippk crop received with coii0'urn tho news, of the Japanese. Uxhaust- - male. The lse.s have been appal-e- d tho bands In Il..x UIJr county sent out known to the rest o the world a day by months of almost constant fight-- ling. It has been retried that in 179 carloads of fiuit, which netted tho of the fate of Port Arthur. casual- - s me engnrenx nts lending up to the earlier, decimated and disease ing, by rowers approximate ly $s:,5'k The evnt had ! anticipated and ties; and hopelessly staled in its rocky recent capture of Su.'hMeter hill, the under official direction the minds of It is announced that a new survey the gallant garrison has attacking force lost ns high as 40 per fortress, the populace were prepared to reof the Salt Lake & Ogden read will he yielded to its besiegtrs and t he end is cent of the forces ngaged. while the ceive with reMgnathm the announcemade ia Hooper and Syracuse. now written to one of the most dra- - garrisons' losses, of whieh no word ment of the fact by the publication of The average yield of hay in Utah matic war incidents of modern times, has come, must have bten frightful. dispatches forwarded lat week by tho past year was 3.31 tons per acre. At 9 o'clock Sunday night Guural The def nse of t he jwisitian which Central the describing No state in tho Union can compare Nogi, commanding the Japanese army to her ns a heritage after the Chi beeD straits to which the garrison had with this. e of Invasion, received from the Russian war, lias cost Russia reduced. Salt Lake City Is to have an eight gincral, Stoessel, a note saying that practically her entire fleet In those The expectation tire -- proof hotel, to cost he found further resistance useless waters. Her ships lie from Fort itory, that the surrender not less than $3ou.ihhi. Work will bo asking for a meeting to arrange thurs Inner basin to Chemulpo In would be followed at the capital by in in April. terms of capitulation. The note was Korea, and along the Shantung penin anti-wa- r demonstrations has not been Western Box Elder and Malad City simple and direct, and the Japanese sula, battered hulks of once proud realized. Fo far as there has been Immediately named commis- - sMs, or ignomlniously dismantled, are any are rejoicing over the prospect of ex expression of feeling it has been to confer with representatives interned in neutral Chinese sioners to ports, Malad railroad the Vulley tending for carrying on the war with all tho of the Russian commander. They met Save the three or four cruisers and Malad City soon. vigor possible. In 1S96, the copper production in at noon Monday to arrange the condi- some large craft that lie in the At Tokio the surrender of Fort Arof surrender. The nature of the hound refuge of Vladivostok, not n For l.Oeo.uuO Utah aggregated pounds. thur was celebrated by a lantern proI the year just ended, it reached a to- terms agreed upon is not yet known, warship now flies the Russian cross cession and a general illumination. hut dispatches from Tokiu Indicate in the waters of the northern Orient, tal of 4S,UU0,UU0 pounds. The Japanese diet will formally exthat they will he of the most magnan- - And Japan, too. has had her losses In the thanks of the nation to GenThe ore which was struck in the imous character. Minos press The emperor of I the long drawn-ou- t operations. eral Nogi for his conduct of the siege. Coolgardie property, near the head of To-th- c Admiral himself, through the chief of have struck from Japan the Russian officials there Is Deer creek. American Fork canyon, has given public his gas fleet list many fine ships and a Among imperial staff, that any proposals of peace feeling shows values ns high as 70 per cent expression that "General Stoessel has smaller vessels since tho morning of that may he made must be with tho copper. rendered commendable service to his February S, when lie hurled his fleet fact in view that in order that peace It is said that about $300 in cash, country in the midst of difficulties," at tho Russian ships in Fort Arthurs must be lasting Japan must recognize Russias right to free transit of its besides many cows, pigs and bushels and that it is his wish that military roadstead. ships through waters of the far east. of apples changed hands at Green honors bo shown him. The siege of Fort Arthur properly High Japanese officials declare that River Christmas day as the result ot y A dispatch from Tokio quotes mill- - dales from May 27. when, after there is no probability of advances a horse race. opinion as believing that the en- - gaging the first army landed by the coming from their government looking The claim is made that tho Salt tire garrison will be allowed to march Japanese at litsewo, Stoessel was toward peace negotiations. Lake Route will build to Iron county, out under arms and may be sent to forced back nock from the ELEVEN THOUSAND SLAIN. Pioehe and Bullfrog just as soon as Russia on parole. Late dispatches of the peninsula. Kwantung was Loss of Russians at Port Arthur Betho main line is oh their hands as a from Japan have shown that the gal- - The Japanese landing fore They Surrendered. lant defense of Stoessel and his men begun on May 5 and the Russian com-ha- s piece of troublesome construction. Some Interesting statistics concernnowhere boon given a finer appro- - inander elected to give battle at his Albert liassett and Sergeant Itiley, elation than in the land of his foes, northernmost line of defenses. The ing the defense of Port Arthur were soldiers stationed at Fort Douglas, were shot by Silas Smith during a and it is more than likely that Japan engagement was a severe one and brought to Chefoo by the flotilla of Smith will embrace the opportunity to show drove the Russians back to the first Russian torpedo boat destroyers which fight, liassett being killed. her magnanimity and admiration of of the main defenses of the position, carried numerous chests containing has been acquitted, proving the gallantry of Fort Arthurs defend- - A few days later, on May 30, the Jap-er- s complete records of General Stoessels by allowing them all the honors anese occupied Dalny, and on June army. Mike and Con. Gallagher were very which war permits a victorious army Originally the army numbered General Stakelberg. advancing very seriously burned by the explosion Eleven thousand have been to the relief of the Fort Arthur army, of a gasoline lamp at their place of to bestow upon the vanquished. The siege and the defense of Rus- was defeated by General Oku at the killed, 16,000 are wounded or sick, business in Bingham Junction. Both men were badly burned about the face sias stronghold in the far east have battles of Wafangkau and Telissu. while 8,000 remained in the forts, of been marked by bravery, gallantry With Togos ships lying like watch- whom, however, 2,000 were unable to and hands. and desperation unequaled in modern dogs around Fort Arthurs seawaro fight. The Salt Lake Route has placed an It Is learned that when General warfare and hardly excelled in mili- side and Nogi advancing slowly but order with the Barney & Smith comwrote to General Nogi reStoessel tary history. relentlessly by land, the famous pany of Dayton, O., for twenty-fiv- e The story of the operations around stronghold was under siege, and from garding the surrender of the fortress eight-whee- l caboose cars of the standPort Arthur is one of repeated fight- then on until General Stoessel, on New he said: ard design and for delivery March 1, I have 8.000 men in the forts and both by land and sea; of the most Years day, sought terms of capitulaing, at Salt Lake City. 6,000 of these are able to fight. If you desperate and thrilling character. Iso- tion, the operations have been marked do not accept my proposal, these men The Colorado Fuel & Iron com- lated instances of heroism that would by almost ceaseles fighting, bombard- will dii fighting, but it will cost you pany will put two dozen barges on have set the world times their number to kill them. ringing under less ments by the fleet alternating with three Green river, having gasoline engines The Russians estimate that the circumstances have desperate attacks by land, or assaults overwhelming of the fortress has cost Japan taking and being of light draft, to develop been dwarfed by the generally mag- by the combined naval and military $100,000,000. copper, sulphur and alum deposits nificent conduct of both forces. By forces. south of Green River. BOAT BLEW UP. sea there have been torpedo iboat When Stoessel and the remnant of The mineral production of the state dashes of superb recklessness and big his devoted garrison march out of Ten Men Rescued Out of a Crew of" of tah for the year 1904, as shown ships have ploughed Arthur, the flag of the Rising through mine Port Twenty-eight- , by reports from mills and smelters of fields with heroic disregard to give Sun will once more float from the won of the position Japan ramparts The boilers of the big tow boat Dethe state, reaches a grand total of battle or In wild efforts to escape. when she first sent her new fleet to fender blew up in the Ohio river near 125,074,974, as aainst $23,328,314 in By land the Japanese have hurled give battle and drove China from the Huntington, W. Va., and of a crew of 1903, a gain of $1,746,660. themselves against positions declared seas. twenty-eigh- t only ten or twelve have G. R. Day, confined in the Ogden to be impregnable. They have faced Russians Off Coast of Madagascar. been rescued alive, and they are Injail on the charge of embezzlement, and scaled rocky heights crowned Vice Admiral Rojestvenskys divis- jured. attempted suicide, using a razor se- with batteries anil crowded with deIn a few minutes the big tow boat cured from another prisoner. He will fenders, suffering losses that military ion of the Russian second Pacific was a mass of flames, the fire even recover from his injuries, but is now experts say would have appalled any squadron, consisting of five battleto the twenty barges in tow. ships, three cruisers, the transports spreading confined in the padded cell. European army. The boat was in tow of Captain In the doomed fortress its people Kamtchatka and Anadyr and the hosThe output of the beet sugar facR. Woodruff of Pittsburg, who James pital ship Orel, anchored in the roadtories of Utah for the year 1904, is have lived under a devastating rain stead of Saint Marie, Madagascar, was hurled into the river by the exof shell raOn and shrapnel. scanty at estimated 60,000,000 conservatively Monday. The dispatch boat Libau plosion, but was later picked up, not on knowtions, besieged side, every At the retail price of sugar pounds. afterwards visited Tamatave to file seriously injured. at this time in Salt Lake, ing that hope of succor or escape was prevailing The only dead body yet recovered The Libau reports that rain, the garrison has fought with a dispatches. this output is worth $4,615,385. identified is that of Thomas Dufand the Russian Warships are in excellent stubbornness that has evoked the ad- condition, despite storms severe the fy of Pittsburg, a fireman from Corio-polimiration of the world. They met the they have encountered. Pa., name unknown. s. - I r.'i 1 Stnel f,-- nese-Japanos- Ar-nn- Sou-roo- d l ves-genera- ice-tlon- s on-tar- self-defens- e. 35,-00- 14-1- 6 - c. 0. |