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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY.. MORNING, APRIL 9,1 922. while a profusion of carnations, snapadorned dragon and other spring flow-erthe 1 vtng rooms. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mra. James M. Cook, Emtty and TWIX FALLS, Idaho. April I Mem-boThomas Cook, Mr. and Mra. O. of the N nth Avenue club, at a meet- Winter. Mr. and Mr J. A. Joaeph Stephens., ing Wednesday afternoon at the home of Vernah Rthan. Maurice and Marley SteMr a. C. D. 'Weaver, elected the following phens. Mr. and Mr Daniel Cook.-- Mr. officers for the coming year; President. and Mr. Chariea R. Cook. Mr. and Mre. Mr. P. L. Sheneberger: vice president, A. H. Woddvine and Mr. and Mr. Fred Mr. H. R. Johnson; secretarv-treaaure- r, Smith- Mr. J. H. Umbaugh. The club memberal Miss Catherine Calwell spent last week- were guests of Mrs John Hardin of Kimend tn Idaho Fall visiting friends. A surprise was tendered Mr. and Mr berly, at a matin?, part- - Immediately before the meeting. D. P. Murray, Friday evening of last Mrs. O. P. Duvall entertained "Wednes- week, at their home, by the Soroala Litday evening at a muacale. Solo num- erary club lad. and their husband bers were given bv Mrs. Wr, H. Dwight. Rook featured the evening. Luncheon Mr. H. C. Alexander. Mr. P. C. Bohrer was served. and Mr T. E. Thompson. Mr. and Mr. Daniel FI mm announce Mrs. George Easier was hostess. the marriage .of their daughter. Helena, ge Wednesday-Bridto to Stearns P. Bee of Georgetown. Tha the Wednesday, club. Mr. E. 8. Larned won the award voung couple were married Wednesday In for h'gh score, and Mrs. J. O. Thorp re- the Salt Lake temple. ' ceived the consolation award. Mr J. L. Jacobs entertained at a misMrs. E. R. Van Cott entertained for cellaneous shower. Friday evening of last members-othe Harmony club at a meet- week, at her home on- East Main atreat. Bridge was In honor of Mlaa Helena Flamm. ing Wednesday afternoon. tha diversion. Mr. J A. Campbell won dragons and sweet pete adorned theSnaplivthe club favor. Mrs Clvde Simpson and ing and dining-roort A Mr J. E. Madsen were guests urcheon was served to twelve guests. C. R. Scott wah hostess WednesMr Mrs. J Dellino entertained at a p.nochle day afternoon at a meeting of the XVimo-rau-K nartv Saturday evening of laet week, club Mrs. C. E Scott. Mre. A. uoncheon was servad to twelve guests Mr Jav Jeppson entertained the Soro Pearion and Miss Ruth Youngs were is Llterarv club ladies guests. afterEleven members of the Optimist club noon of last week. Mrs. Saturday D. P. . were enterta.ned.at a meeting Wednes- -. read 'Matn ?treet.' by Sinclair Murray Lewis, div at the home of Mr. J S. Klmea Luncheon wa served to fifteen. Mr. F. C. Dawson entertained Friday at a meeting of the drama and literature department of tha Twentieth Century J. Stein, assisted bv Mr A. L. Heilman, served refreshments to th llttl folks Gertrudes guests wer Margaret Jamison, Lor lladlev. Louts Peacock. Anna-le- e Whitmore, Cora Pace, Florence Moss. Irma Heilman. and Toung, Ruby Redd. Francis Blumberg. John Dalton and FYaak Stein. Mr F. L. Ruckio entertained th V, G. Dtnnei eJub Friday evvgiing. Tow eaa do aaythlag yea ilk with your hair after you restore It with For tho pleasure of Mvss Mary Parr',, Th beautiful, Mary T. Goldman who la to b marled next Wednesday to I" evea color la perfectly aatursl no Ivan Mathta, a shower party was given streaks or freakish discoloration t of Mrs, Tuesday evening at -- th horn aocrot. botray your Rukm Bryner. The decorations of th Nothing to wash off or rub off room Mary T. Goldman s Isn't a crude dv gink and white and a large but a dear, color! restorer set basket, attractively decorated, hung from certain and easy to apply. th chandelier and, contained many beautiful gift for th honor guest. Unique . Mall the Coupon guessing games wer arranged for tho Doa't accept say statement aa faith. C.- - M evening. The guests were Mr but judge for youreolf by result Fill Stringham. Mr Eugene Munk, Mr. U. out the coupon carofuliv. and if possiP. Madsen, Mr G. . Wootton. Mr P. ble enclose a lock of hair la your fottor H. Rhead, Mrs. Glen N. Nelson, Mrs Whan yau hare by this teat oa d a lock, set a judged Mr holt I from J. F. MacKntght. Mre. Warren, druggist, or direct from as. yur George Christensen. Mr George Mathis. Mrs. W. E. Stoker. Mr Leo Lowrv, Mr. D. C Woodward, Mr Haber" Mr Van Arden, Mri, B. W. Dalton, 1 Pleat tend m your FREE trial botMr A. E. Johnson, Mrs. G. P. Bovdon, tle of Mary T- Goldman a Hair Color Mrs. H G. Mathis, Miss Belts Brvner. . Th natural color of my hatr Miss Marv Mathis Miss Elizabeth HorsJet black...... black or dark brown snd Miss Florence Sperry ley browa light brown, drab Mr. J P. Egan Is visiting friends tn Imodium Salt Lake. Nam. Mr R. E. L Collier returned to her bome- - tn Rwlt Lake Monday-afte- rvisit I Address of a few (lavs with Mrs. U A. McGee and BL. other friends Miss Eva Murdock came from Soldier Fomin rrFPMav evening to spend several da iTi Price--- H1 davs I Mr vialt-'- d motbr, Urtv WiltaB rarrUk. C A. Pons pf StandardviH Min hostess TuesMr. Ernest Whit friends the first of tho weok in Price. Barter. evening Iat a meeting of chapter D. H.SALMON, Idaho. April A Mr. and Mr. day Mr. an4 William ftfrJ SaHtaa Ofdn beam son. Turner P. E. O- and who had jAj Mm- - Jopfr pwt luncb thsguest of Mr,.and-Mra- . Walter White, Scott, entertained-At- , lira. lb ttaHiara DtnalBad Riaork eon Tuesday fof Mrs. Burton E Morse. returned to their home a Chain last Ibo of CootrrlM MONROE ward Primary aafclatJm at , Mr. P. W. McRoberts. Mr. G. E. Duke. week. f Plaaa for tbo br boma Wti4aT ftrtwyiu. Mrs Becker of Carman was a Salmon Mrs Joseph Seaver. Mr John E. White enmmor Mork trrro tfltrqtaM aaf fc throe coum MONROE. I. Mr A. April A, and Mrs Jame Fitzgerald. .Car visitor Monday of last week. lunrhooa ", waa Mra to aorrod tht foliowtcif: The program In i have of Mra. C J The Monday- Evening Bridge club wa man snd daughter, Melba of Salt Lake, Joton W. RindaU. Mra Mrrflo raa, Urf ar are the greets of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Lar- Oarratt lira. Latina Harrlaoa. Mra. Alria Schroeder. at a meeting of the Twentieth entertained last. week a r. 8v afternoon. In- J, H. Wright. At the gamof auction sen. Hold. Mr Uilu Boadtoat and Mlaa EUa Boer. Century elub Tuesdr.Alfred Bell returned home from New ; 7 cluded a vocal solo r" E A . T.a ndon dinfollowed which a o' dock hrldge. Saturday of last week. reading, bv Mra. Herman Schurger; vo- ner. Mrs T. P. Csrne and Dr. J. F- -YorkMr ' Marta Ron non - nnotme-t(X- - P.- - Duvalt, and a " cal . solo, , bv Adam held 'the high score-- -' AMERICAN FALLS satire on psvchoanalvsls. in the form of Mrs. Fred Cranda'l returned last week marriage , of her - daughter, Martha, to school students from a visit, of several aeeka, In Cali- Brvc Prisbv of Joseph. The marriage a plavlet. bv three took place" at th home of the bride AMERICAN FALLS. Idaho. April I Report Of the nominartmTS committee was fornia Mra Spencer L. Bslrd entertained th received Mra Alice McDonald left last week for Thursday.Sir. Mrs snd enterChristian ThursTuft members of th Syringe elub at her Mrs. C. W. Paiks entertitned t'con to visit her daughter, Mra. Ellas tained at Sunday dinner for tha followhome Friday afternoon. A large number day eyenina at a meeting of th Past Red . Mr Mrs Ole and Larsen, Mr. and of member were present.. Refreshment Noble -Grands club Mra. .Milton, Slavin otXarmau was the ing: Mr Dari "Larr n .'"'Dr."' snd Mr ' Carl were served htiss- ImogenyC'rTvett ttSBghrOr j.guest of Mr and Mra. Frank Edwards Larsen. Mr A. A Carman of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mr. Ernest and Mrs W.- Homer Craven, celebrated Monday of last week. have r Sadie I via of Richfield. Leland. Elden turned to Rockland after Ogden her birthday- anniversary Saturday eveMr. and Mra. Jay Shaw left last week and Frank visiting friend Tuft. a costume tn of with American laet week Falla. party for Indianola. ning Mrs. N. Michaison entertained Friday Games Mrs. Alice Alexandria and Mrs. Della for eighteen of her girl friends Mre. Murdock McNIchol of Tendoy spent of last week for iMr. Ole Lar- Reed spent Monday in Pocatello. and dancing were the amusements last week visiting relatives In Salmon. afternoon sen, Mr Soren Madsen, Mr. Joseph OlMrs. Mr Anna Benson returned to Boise J. E. White entertained Friday Mrs. A. S. Albertson of Baker visited sen, Mrs Andy Sargent, Rose Lury and th first of th week, after visiting releyenlng of last week at a surprise birthSalmon of Mondav (n last week. Mrs. Louis Baker. at American Falla day party for her daughter. Edna ctuh Mra Charles Beers was the guest of Mr F.mmett Robins entertained the ative A wa born to Mr. and Mrs Fiftv member of the Star Soeal Mra. swim Ben daughter were entertained at a meeting Monday week George P. COnlee Tuesday of last Elite club Thursday evening at Sprague Thursday. She has been Those ming were: Mrs. party. the room of present In the amusement, christened Batty Lou. - .... afternoon Thursdav of last week the Woman' Bay Swain, Mr Milton Magleby. Mr Reed apartments hv Mrs. J B. Williams, Miss Hazel haa returned from Young met of the Harold church with guild A Episcopal Mrs W. A Maglebv. assisted bv Mrs. H B Johnson. Mrs Rupert, where "ahe visited relatives for J J. Donnellv. Mrs. Leggitt and Mr Boyd Brown, Mra. L. A, Magleby, Carman, a few daya Sllfer. Mrs. F. C. Beebe snd Mre Ver Mrs Mrs Fred V Griffith were added a new Mrs. G. W. Hanks. Mr. J. M Christen' Mr. O. B. Pomeroy has returned to followed , the sen. Mrs Melvin rone and Mr. D. S. her Refreshments Members oL the rounger set enjoyed a members. home at Kimberly after spending a business session.. Dorrlty. and music with with her daughter, Miss Marguerite games, evening Mrs. Marie Ronnon entertained at The Ladies Aid society of the Method Thompwho la teaching in American dancing, when the Misses Caro Saturday-eveninPomeroy, Mrs It met Russell hit church ist In honor wedding Mr. of reception and yjth , son and Vera Wynn entertained Falla of laat week. Tea was semed Mrs. Bryr Prisby Tueedav evening. of laet week at the Bus nese Thursday Mr. and Mra Maurice M. Myer left present Were: R Mtchelaon of Salt today for Bois Women a club rooms, complimenting j Mra F. M. Tingley andto Mrs. Della .Those Mrs. to week. a spend Eli Edwards of Panar. Nev. the ladies' lake, Louis Grigabv, who was noon to leaye, Hamilton were hostesses Mra Petron nd little- sen. suxlllsrv of the Presbvterlan church on Mrs. Hyrum Redford of Rupert, Idaho, Robert, George with his parents, for California in the city th Thursday of laat week at the horde of Vllllim A. V arnock, Air. and Mr Ntel guest of spent Mr Mr. J. F, Martin entertained Friday Thursday Ben Sprague. Michetson, Mr. At and iMm. Mrs. the of close Boren Madthe meeting T!naley. number of a for week of last afternoon and Mr. Lea Atkina will teav in sen, Mr. and Mrs. H'Tum Madsen. Mr. th Mr.near were served. Iltt'e guests at a partv. celehratrng the refreshment future for Burley to make their Mrs. James Mabsffey. who was th and Mr. Afton Bohman.- - O. R. Michel-so- home, third btrthdav anniversary of her son. Mr Prisby- Goold, Neil and Horace guest of her daughter, Mrs Arnold Held-ne- r. Madsen. Glads Frank Delps Martin. Mra LloydT Black and llttl daughter, Minnie. Ilene and Kline returned to her home Tendoy Teachers of the Junior high school Billy, returned Thursday from Rexburg. Prisby, - Vida- - Crawford and wer guests at a I o'clock luncheon Sat Thursday of laat week. Magda where they had been visiting Mra Brown At the East Side school Frldsv afterurdav of last week, reived bv sponsors sister. Mr and Mrs Melv-hWebb were sur- Black's of the girls' resene committee of the noon of last week a health poster exhibit O. Logan ar at Lara Dr. V. and Mra Luncheon wae wa given. The teachers of the lower prised Sunday evening by the following Hot Springs spending a weak. Twentieth Centurv club friends: Mr. and Mrs. Perry Asay, Mr, served at the home of Mrs. Henrv J. grades and the public health Burse were and Mrs. W. 8. Spark entertained at her Mrs. Harvey Bates, Mr Maud Jen. horns Refresh Wall. Covers were la'd for taentv-twhostesses for the afternoon. Tuesday evening In honor of Mrs. sen, Mr Bertha Lee. Mra Pearl Riddle Mr. and Mrs, C. E Wr'glit entertained ments were served to a large number t and Wfley W. Oliver, who is visiting her from H. 8 Bel). at cards for a few friends Saturday eve- caller Mont. Th memher of th A. F. Lima. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fewly and daughMr. and Mis E H. Casterlin had as T. club and their husbands ware th ning of last week In obsetvanee of the ter. Olive, left Sunday for Balt Lake to of week of last cousins dinner their., guests Friday vening birthday anniyersarv guests. Five tables were arranged for attend conference ' Later they will visit ShO. h'; Mr and Mrs .1. T. Watktns. Jack Wright. at which high score was made by in Idaho. The wedding of Mrs E. Janette Hough Marlon Mulksv have re. relative Mr and Mr O. R. Baum and Judge W. T. Oliver, Mr, Mr. nd Edward Mr. Chavex M W received Cal and , near after to Lambing Baker, their ranch limed Claremont, jf word of the marriage of their son. MIL Mrs. R G Hansen and Shirley Sparks took place Monday tfip winter in Salmon, spent having jf Twin Fall 'Mts-Ma htl JiCOodaihf of- Wtdteoe; manse, the .t'me.of th toe 11. event of last week !?at" TheTTshy-fennMrs. Oliver. Th decorative took place at. Boulder, awarded Rev A G Fearscn off elating was the hand concert and dance at the Tnemarrliige scheme was carried out in the Eastar March. J.8.. Miss"ten'a Ptoner evening Opera house Erldsyidea. The week Cleveland entertained for a few friends Mrs W. C. Doehler- - entertained batur-da- v wa th leading aoclal event of th The ladies of the Methodist Aid society dancing party given at the hot wer st a dancing pnrv Thursday- eyening of afternoon of last week In honor of spring at th home of Mr. Mr. Wednesday Mra. and Francisentertained of Mr. and by night home at the last yyeek of little her the Davia Wednesday afternoon. Rebirthday anniversary Mrs Alfred Bell. Tho hall waa beaut A J tv. Richtns cake hlrthdav Rose. Emma decorated waa freshments were served. Mias Priscilla Munson entertained at daughter. with candle formed the centerpiece for tifully to loo guestsnd at luncheon 13 o'clock. ht-home Friday eyenlng cf last week at the tahle Th guests were the members served Mr. Mra. and Done entertained at a danetng partv for members of the of the little girl s Sunday school class snd cards I Sunday evening for six guests. JORDAN KempequaUwa Campf re eirclo and their their teacher. Mr Raymond Preston. friends , on visited Mrs. DMWEST week. JORDAN, April 8. The marSaturday of last MIDVALE riage of Mary Lancaster and George Ian-caThe Campfire Girl gave a masquerade er, both of West Jordan, took place dance In their hH Saturday evening ot I REXBURG. DAHO Wednesday of last week. last week The prizes for the most pleasMIDVALE. April A Tbs members of th Mrs. Jessie Holberg and daughter. Mel-vto were Madeline awarded costume ing JIMrilr Bridge club were entertained "by Mrs REXBURG. Hi'w. April 8. -- Mesdames of Salt Lake, spent the first part ef RefreshR R Fenn at and Clayton Scribner. hem os Holden street br B R. Gill, R G Dow. Bllvs Gee J M. oates week the were served during the evening. ments visiting Mrs W, H. Bennett. fieniitf fUnnrr serrrd st 6 s'ciock. e Lew 'vli jam Bel. Fred jissnard. Maud Wall and Hllden Wilkinson of Mr and Mrs. George E bhoup snent foUwM by brMf B gler, FrsJ Nolan and James Cor'ev Of last week Mrs. C. B. Duchesne visited during the week with week "Tnesdty entertained at a danc'ng party Tuesday-evenin- two days at Pabsimarl last Dsrls ealrrtalned at a kenaingtoe st her home Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Batdman. In the Majptic hall. In honor on State and Waaatrh atreeta and Will and Florence Mr. Harvey The library aeettnn of the Ladtea rommuntty of Dr and Mrs C. V. Martin, prior to Harvey of Salt Lake were guests Sunday club held the'r departure for Snol.ane. XXash., ton eilrer tea and program at the of Mr. Mrs. and Roy Chlpman. Methodlat chlirch W edneaday afternoon. f A The music was fur-make their home Mr. Hattie Peterson and son. Alvin, fashion chow waa one of tho featurra. Th shed by the Dr gin.i ' Five orchestia. 8. Mrs. Mat Gllmour and are of PRICE April Brigham, visiting Mr. and Mr. waa following 100 program to Plano aolo. by Robert Dlmond. Refreshments were served guest Mrs. Russell Fisk were ioint hostesses Mlaa Virginia peering, ghen: hr Mlaa Mr. and Mr reading, Jaipea o Brien left Mon- Tuesday- afternoon, entertaining the e and Henderson enterMr. Vfr aoto. by Marabult: piano day of last week for Lev Angeles to Bridge club at th Gllmour home hr Mlaa Virginia Iteertng: reading, hr Mlaa tained tn honor of Mr, and Mrs. Heber make their home Whitmore. of Th the Salt Lake Henderson Luncheon games were aerrrd to thirty-ft-rgusts Sunday. Mrs. C, A. Harris left Mondav for Os- - were- MIsspreceded The,commIUWLin-rhr- ge Eveh n Olron. Mrs, latM-tA family- - dinner- - was given- - at I o'clock-Sundaeom gierta. and- friend "djs,t I'tah. to Mrs. TbeTma A verlli. Mrs. w . prised Mr. W. S. Meta, Air In honor of the Albert Hama. afternoon Morrison. fo- ep day's u. West, Mr Howard Merer. Mrs. M . Mra Roral Stoke. Mr (arml Rraeh, Mr. birthday anniversary of Hebar Mrs. B. H. Miller left Wednesday of G. W'. H Mr Perktne, Mra. Gardner. Mrs H. V. Leonard. Mrs, A Ire Berkatead. Covers were laid for thirty-sifor Cxlittirnla to spend a month L. Anderson, M.ra. Harold Xelaos, Mr. W. T, Wile Marahall, ist wektrtends Mrs. H. J. E. Whitmore, after which th time was spent in Ballinger, and Mr. William O'Brien visiting Rug-ertH. I. Mrs Henrv In Ammerman. th evening a luncheon was Mrs. Mr. and Mra. hick Dokaa announce the birth games. Mr. and Mrs. D. XV .Nelon entertained Mrs. J. F. 'Johnson, Mrs Clarence of eerved. All member of tha Immediate , st ainner Sunday In honoi of Miss Jennie II deughtere. CorStevenson, Mrs Alice Hall Miss The children of the Primer eaaociettoa family were present except a son, BertHaun. Covers were lad for twev Stevenson, Mrs. J A. Judy Mrs a concert st fh ward honfr Wednesday fere rand. who is attending school at Logan. Mrs. XXilliam Walters entertained .Sat- nelia 'A. S X. Mrs. Glen for Mrs. Maud Sellers of Salt Lake visited the of benefit Ballinger, Nelson, the of of In ward of last week honor charity urday afternoon , her sister, Mrs. George Henderson, Thursthe hlrthdav annlveraarv of her son. Mr L. A. McGee and Mrs Glenna Clif- theMrL. I)J SW. hoapttal. J.ihatoo ford entertained her aewing day. The six little guest enjoyed a Gerald club at her home Tuetdar afternoon Mrs J. R Sharp entertained the memJurvernla Goodrldge entertained a 'nummatinee and luncheon Mr U Wright entednined et tee et her ber of friend in honor of Curtis Hansen Mra. 8. H. Abbott and Mrs. Gus Conant bers of the Friday Bridie club tills week, home on sorer Main etreet Tueader efternoo. Sonlh Mrs. announce Munk 'Mr.'sftd Eugene evening. Supper, music and entet talned at a silver tea In honor of There rero Mra, r L. Spencer and Mr. Wednesday were the features. Those pres" the Ladies Aid society Tuesday afternoon the eniaiemenr of Miss Mary Paprv to L. B preaent Blackmer of Rran-te- a, Mr. Grice dancing wer Vera Peterson, Mabls ent at the Abbott hofae. Thirtv guests were ivsn Mathis. Th wedding will take place Deming of oelTllle. Mr. L.Wyo1. ; Robbins Ross Rlzzato, Jess Stringham, Rav nvt Wednesday, April II, at tb Salt halt lake Mr W. F. Itonn. Mr Ralph Col-of present. Gibbs. Mr. and Mr G. J, Karras. Mr Mrs. Hvruro Manwarmg was hostess to iaik temple. The young people will be ton and Mr. Allte Cunningham of Provo. tn Par-rv Price after Mav I. Mlea Rrue Johnoen rifely inspector foe (he and Mrs. Milton Goodrldge, Mr. and Mrs. the Mothers' Hewing circle Thursday at. home has mad her horn In Santa Ana. i nltrd Rtate Mlnlag. afternoon of last week. Sew ng featured Smelting A Refining Charles Farrell and Mr. and Mrs. Georgs the afternoon. Luncheon waa served to Cal, since leaving th Carbon County company, entertained the n embers of th op- Goodrldge. ataff snd their partner if Hieh school. nd Beatrice. Hibbard erating dance at .JdUlie Orborn eighteen guests, A buffet lunch-eo'i'hum-te- r Impertht liIT" Tvieada, evcnfng M IT. B. S. "TTorsIevT'entertnlnefi Mr. ana Mrs, 'C. 'A.'"Wo'irrohr or Idaho were Salt Lake visitors Wednesday. wan aerred. Talk were glren by Manager Heber Hand Mrs in Rexburg visFalla apent last week-en- d pf children of the neighborhood Sunentertained at lunchA Howard t hlef Dag Inset L. P. Anderses eon ions friends. day afternoon in celebration of the fourth W. Thursday afternoon for Maud Wall and Mr. Snrder of th commiwdon avfety Donald of blrthto Hllden Wilkinson. seventieth Hanaen. the hlrthdav and anniversary Complimentary , plcfnrea were ebows from th national Gertrude Stein celebrated her hlrthdav Safety of Mra. Janies M. Cook, day anniversary aefety council supper was eerved at her home Monday a n n I versa i'- - Sat urd ay afternoon of last Mr C- .- A tAti Tleited rrf: enltig. An elaborate birthday- cake, oi -- week bv inviting a number pf Children to tlvea ta this city dnrlng the week. CITY namented with seventy The hours were spent with Mr F B tiny candles. her home entertained at dinner at for the tab a. games, after which her mother. Mrs. B. her home In Blitincer nrmed the centerpiece Lake Thursday evening Those pnaent were Mr and Mr. H P Miller. Mr. Thi PARK CITT, April Woman and Mr william Water. Mr and Mra L Athenasum held its meeting MonA porter Mr. snd Mrs A A. Strom. Mr. and day afternoon at thregular club rooms. Mrs. Mre M 1 Joy. Mr. and Mr R. B. Fens and J. XV. McClellan gav an liftereatlng paMr. and Mr.- - W. W. 0 Brlea. Fifper on Where the Home Is Falling teen member responded to roll call. After America' club the Singing adjourned. Miss Eleanor Wright and Mdss Birdie CENTERVILLE Beatty, teachers in the Sait Lake schools are spending their spring vacation her Much used elderly f EXTBRTILLE April I Mrs. J J RoMnms nd Mf. Wilfonl Rarbsr of farmlsstss wrs at their respective homes for Franc Tassalner of Salt Lak Is people constipation, of Ur. ssd Mra. Ritusl Rsrbr durips tbsMis ru,t guest of Misa Ruth Flanagan. IS k. biliousness, head Mis lucili Lose, who Is attending Mr anil Mrs g 1. romb, spsst th ,rl school at the capital. Is her aches, etc. rirt of th wl, with rrlitJv, la Rrichtn mother My Pearl Lowe. viajting Moose a The social danca at Ur snd Mr C J.,. Smith lodge held "Vf ANY men and women, s Snsdar ta the I. D 0. F hall Tuesday evening gilt iJik. gnut, f Mrs. W, e. Watans. Mis .love Townsend has returned to they grow older, suffer Mr ssd Mr Wllllarn II Bsrtisr snnmiar riis mrri,(S f (klr dsu(htr. Riith to fiord the 'capital, after a visit to her mother. constantly irora little ills. The W. Parkis of Wood, Trow. to-plars Mrs H 8. Townsend. cause is the poisons produced is th Salt Lk ismpl Th ladles' auxiliary to the American Wdrndr Ur Hry rtrl,sd mrrt. In 1 th' Bim-br- Legion held it regular meeting In th by chronic constipation, resultf Jir rlnh at hr horn aftr-soof th Community church MonFriday in rarlors headaches, depression, ing Th following dob sismbsr wr pr-day evening Mswlvmss Josl Parrl-John bloating, sour stomach, bad A. A. Plk Mrs. entertained tp ladle Frank Wsltoo fwn CI,rton Stsnlsr Parrish. of th breath, etc. A single bottle of auxiliary of St. Lukes guild Of Ford Dsv Smith F. 0 Rd-int- . Frsd Rlrh. J church th Fplscopsl Thijraday afterDr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin Parid Winn snd Joorph Walton. and is today the largest selling Mrs. Harr Smith. Ura Franklin Smith and Mr,. noon. will prove to you that you can liquid laxative in the world, the The tadtee Aid society of th CommuMarr wrr aprrlal gnrntx so regulate yourself that elimiformula has never been imnity- church held Its regular monthly Th offk-rof th H I. A of fntrll! tn the parlor of th church Frk-daSnroad ward ntrtalnd Turadar ntng. A msetlng nation will occur'promptly proved upon. It is safer snd better Mr W, R. Jefford. Mr program waa nJoyd. aad latr gam wr Davidafternoon. Increased for and than salts, Scott and Mrs. Wlldsmuth wer rsfrsshmsnta doses yon plarrd minerals, arrd. every day. Ura Jamrs gmmtlr. Mra A L. Uardonald the hostesses calomel, coal tar and such drastic are not necessary. It is a comaad Mra I. J Mntr of Rnuntlful wr Mrs J. J. Jackson entertained WednesTill Tlsttora Di1ar bination of Egyptian Senna and purgatives. day evening In honor of Mlea Eleanor Utsa Rnlah Parrish snrarialnsd wtth a Wright and Mis Birdie Beattv. Other other simple laxative herbs with Half -- Ounce Bottle Free appotutsd affair Thnrtday aftrnoo tn guests were Mrs Deal Hartwell, Mis honor of Mrs. Floyd Parkin a hrid of th pepBin. The cost is only about Young. Miss Miami Macdonald. Mrs. w k. Th rooms rs hautifullr droratd Nina Fmk sleaps canxigarim, m svm If --M it M A H Miss Margaret Hurley. Jennings, s cent a dose. In th Fasisr iillsa and fsrna hstng at Mis tda. restart m laxatwt at tha maeunt III sm wJ Wltjntfred Jennings and Mis Flo. Th tons ft wr LnriH. Hatrh fsrttrsly ussd Trial Boctis a m, Sjm Spoof was the game and Vslda Hayward of Ronntlful, Virginia and renre Jackson In spite of the fact that Dr. FREE OF CHARGE ftpm Aanis T Flnora Rsason. F.lna Randall. plajed. 'Luncheon- as served after th m H kendv lAa swdrd Simply ,rnj your ngf I Caldwells Syrup Pepsin has mama Alta games. Kmma Print ) Frd Ford Porotht ami aadrsM is Dr F. B CaUweU, Parryh 14 Mr J W. Stoner ntrtalpd st card been on the market 30 years Strsspsr iriah Parrish Lah Ford Louis Ford, Woihnften Sc,, Mmitcllo, 111. Wms me is am. k In Woollor afternoon of last F,ra Hsnrook, Mrs lvl Bar Pitt Wednesday Mra Ftsl ruirdn. Ura t'larrno Moss compliment to Mrs F. D Verran of Michhr, and Mrs. Rhllnsy Smith. Mis Parrish was igan. Bridge was the gam plajttj Mrs TWIN FALLS. IDA. 11 , ra m XV -- V fuil-alse- two-cou- if J fit Violet firming, Ac pots or Ait atady of Asr toady kandt, ay! "CvU yrondet A hay worn on vuk gvteA. taty n4 ddifktful way cf harping har mtn naxU thcagt in perfect coniitim,m. - -- V L45ALMONrIDAHO s Justvwipe aSyay wtth-frlen- -- Tnf- cuticle will aiwayi gesasorg on th and even.' 4 cuticle. This is what causes hang-- . Two new PollskdsJust perfected Bails and that ragged frowsy condition the nail rima that, makes any hand Cutw oow 'offer yoe tiv very latest aM finest look Ugly and unkcpL 4 development 4 two highly popular forms of Bad and-Mr- v - llti. - h - The ttm foM rf - TLr ket is S.2SJ ratjd.doTOdrYt, i &rrfu"c.'s THIS COUPON WITH tS CENTS TODAY MAIL r Northern Warren. I n. 778, 114 West 17th Street, ppt. I - -- NwYwk aty. ... - V t 1 o. . 8tH0tetSMeeesetsiee 2 I 5 &Uto.eltM.aaM. LeeeaeteiteiaeaewwalieaiwemeWwMeaesewa City Md r- n fialr - - WEST , Sia-vl- st a, Moe-da- Ron-co- aft-mo- PRICE - Dan--ant- e e - alxty-elgh- th x, tn-i- s Good-ridg- e, -- ' n - Lemke-wf-Sa- PARK - l-- k , cuticle Will simply Wipe away, , Cuticle Pc mover. Cuticle Cream (Comfort), the ' Once you have begun to use Cutex you will have no. more hangnails and the Dept. T78, 1H West 17th Street, Kew York. - d - kagtafrtiU wk after-erinT- crf.B.'.W tl. base of the nail is like the selvage edge of ing shut obtainable in the shortest possible time to Duffing. Cute liquid Polish a piece of cloth. When it is cut or torn, vniform smoothness, the whole nail Tim gradually ravels out $7 d s luster that keep its aa cloth ravels when the just selvage. rea brilliance tor at least a week. Cute Set eom in four sixes: at Me. 11.00, . d W.00. Or each article in the sets sep-You can take off the hard, dry edges .Cute. ST?1! . , the nail with an orange stick dipped In tha Introductory Set only 12c . liquid, rinse, and when drying, push the ' aC-M- KE. i - tTcn VTETEIluae a manicure - by-M- t euticle SYRUP PEPSIN IN OLD AGE by -- pt hli-- k Verran won high score prise, aa r wall a th guest ot honor- - prise. A surprise party was givan to Delmia evening bv sixteen Of Brlerly Wednesday Card wer the gam his schoolmates. followed bv refreshment. diversions, Trldsv of Jut wk was Junior day at the high school. The Junior clasa prethe afternoon sented th plav, Jane. Inwhich was foland again In the evening, lowed by dancing and refreshment. of last week. Dr. and Thursday evening entertained th memHow' to Hate" Beautiful Mr. G. B Bheen Hundred Evening Card i t bers of th Five G. C. and Forslund O. A. club. Air. Make YourselfMore Attractive Wentworth wer awarded lathe prise. the attending Miss Ella Raddon, who accompanied by Miss University of Utah, are visiting Carolyn Vfght of Salt Lake, EVERYWHERE you go your kair b Raddon home. at the W. A. - noticed moet critically. Mra W. A. Raddon returned vv ednea-da-y from a two weeks' visit at Pocatello, People judge you by its appearance It tells the world wnat you ere. Th Afternoon Card club member wer . If you wear your hair becomingly and 'j Begin Sj tuning your prefit. J. W. Buck Saturday aftguests of Mra ernoon of laat week. Mr. B. B. Flack always have ft beautifully dean and f ,,d Ifpen haven there ntu,4t net t, waa awarded th pwize. more add than anyit put peter hairen fhe top efpeur the silMre J. W. Stoner entertained Wedna-dahead i ifpen have a round, fat . v thing else to your attractiveness ver Bridge Card club member X won and charm. . Bvana afternoon. Mra. W. fact do net fuffpeur hair nut Beautiful hair is not a matter of tee much at the tidetp if your Salmon of - Rock Spring. luck , it is limply a matter of care. fact it very thin and iong, then visiting- hejre. Wo.. miryen should fluffpour hatr out at Study your hair, take a hand A farewell party was tendered to Elat the L. ror ana look at the front, the aidea the tides. The nveman with the don Steck Wednesday evening leave eoon and the back. Tty doing it up iq D. 8. church.. Mr. Steck will fact and double chin should full wa A mlaalon. s' program on a war her hair high. All these and was en- various ways. See just how it look given, after which dancing best. ether individual feature t must he joyed. A slight change in the way you dress taken int eeneideratitn in selecting Miss Peggv Morgan returned Sunday in the way you care for it, s. the proper Above 11, morning from a weeha visit at th cap- your hair, or make all the difference in the world in it ital. timpluitp should prevail. Vtu are always most attractive when pour appearance. In caring for the hair, shampooing is hair heh most mat the most important thing. when it looks ural always BY ASTHMA CURED It is the shampooing which brings out most hke you. ; the real life and lustre, natural wave and color, and makes your nair toft, fresh and SIMPLE REMEDY luxuriant. When your hair Is dry, dull and heavy, Mulsified lather, rinse theV lifeless, stiff and gummy, and the strands hair and scalp thoroughly Rem. ding together, and it feels harsh and disalways usuig clear, Iresh, Famous Druggist Dlscavsra Slmpl Gsnsrebs ady for Asthma and MakesReedere. agreeable to tne touch, it is because your warm water. FREE TRIAL Offer te Then use'another applihair haa not been shampooed properly. When your hair has been shampooed cation of Mulsified. again a x C. Mr. Leavengood.. and is thoroughly dean,- it will working up a lather and. Thirty yeare properly, widely- - known be glossy, smooth and bright, delightfully rubbing it in briskly as before. a simple, easy fo take prescription You can easily tell when the hair is per soft and silky. for Aathnva h gave It to people who While your hair must have frequent and fectly dean, for it will be soft and ailky ia had suffered for years and, to their amazement, they ay they were easily washing to keep it beautiful, it the water. cursd these 'people told their frinl, regular have found cannot stand the harsh effect of ordinary and in thla.way thousand Rinse the Hair Thoroughly soaps. The free alkali in ordinary soaps the sure way to cur Asthma. Mr. Leavthat his pre- soon dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle engood feels to confident cases very important. After the all that he THIS iswashing, ruins it. scription will cureto tnsend tne hair and a tdg bottle on and generouslv offers That is why discriminating women, should be rinsed in at least two changescalp of 10 daya' Free Trial to any reader of th! eveiywhere, now use Mulsified cocoanut good warm water and followed with a rinspaper who will writ for It.oweif it cure you nothing. oil shampoo. Thia dear, pure and entirely ing in tfcld water. psy 81.25, ether! Bend no money Juat write to C product cannot possibly injure, After a Mulsified shampoo you will find W. Blvd , Rosedal. greaseless 1542 S Kanaaa. and the big bottle will be mailed and it does not dry the scalp or make the the hair will dry quickly ana evenly and (Adv.) hair brittle, no matter how often you use it. have the appearance of being much thicker Immediately. If you want to see how really beautiful and heavier than it is. " i you can make your hair look, just follow . If you want to always be remembered for You this simple method: your beautiful, well-kehair, make it a rule to set a certain day each week for a A Simple, asy Method long Your Hair Improve Your Looks Haitani ,P well-kep- -- 1 two-year- hair-dres- " fresn-lookin- - LEAV-ENGOO- Have Kidney or Bladder Trouble? READ THIS: a o h. Prlr, id y rntr bit-tlfull- Half-nme- , siUmmll , Madera, Cal. pt Mulsified cocoanut I suffered for three rear with catarrh of the bladder, oil shampoo. Thia or three teaspoonfuls of regular weekly shampooing will keep tht FIRST, putintwo a cup or glass with a little scalp soft and the nair fine and silky, - hav- ing tried every remedy T heard of, but without relief. Finally I saw Dr. Anuric advertised and, like a Pierce drowning man grabbing at a straw, I thought J Would trv it also, which 1 did with great sucre, a it relieved me alnioat immediately, before I had taken all of the first packege; so I continued, and would aav to all those luffertng from their kidney or excess tine acid, trv Dr. Tierce' Anurie Tablets and suffer no longer! I have great J. P. remediea faith in Dr. Pierce Henslev. Your health ia vour most important asset. So whv not write Dr. Tierce, President Invalids Hotel, Buffalo. .V Y.t and receive confidential medical ad vice, free, or send 10c for trial pkg. tablets. (Adv ertisemeut.) warm water. Then wet tne hair and scalp bright, g and fluffy, wavy ana with clear warm water. Pour the Mulsified easy to manage and it will bo noticed evenly over the hair and rub it thor and admired by oughly all over the scalpand throughout the everyone. entire length, down to the ends of the hair. Y ou can get Two or three teaspoonful will make an Mulsified at any abundance of rich, creamy lather. Thia drug store or toilet . ehoyld be rubbed in thoroughly and briskly goods counter, with the finger tips, so as to loosen the anywhere in the il dandruff particles of dust end world. A dirt that stick to the scalp. bottle should last .After rubbing in the rich, creamy for month. fresh-lookin- ana-ema- MUMFIl COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO I i -- |