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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY HORNING, APRIL 9,' r 7 1922. i "1 1M of th plv. '"g,y." t the Balt Lake theater- - - Ada Hssler, Genevieve Jepperson, Florence Kirkwood. Mari Morgan, Alin Coleman. Grace Hughes, Beth afternoon Kerr, 'Dixie Man gum, 8tn PROVO, April Thursday club Brimhafl, - the member wera of the LAmeti Bth Msngum, Beth Ashworth. The was the of Mr. Oran Gronvmau. Sew written Mra Annie D. play were the di- Pe'mer of this lty. by inf, music end needlework Ml versions. Alice Russell has returned from . Mlsa Beulah Hatton entertained Salt Lake, where she spent ten day with number of girl friends Tueedsy evening friend. With garaaa mueto end refreehment. Mrs. W. F. Olsen returned from Eui Mr. end Mrs. Themes W. Ashton end reka, Tuesday, after several days' visit. - Mr. end Mr. A. .V. Stoddard spent last Mr. and Mrs. Fora Decker and children week-en- d of Salt Lake are the gueeu of Mr. and is Salt Lake with relative' , The Elks ladles mat Tuesday evening Mra David Openshaw for a few day j at the Elk Miss Jean Corbett club rooms. The game of is spendI five hundred was played, and priaer were ing s week with friend In this city. Mr. nnd Mra R. D. McDonald left Monto Williams and Mrs. Thomas Mrs given I J. Milton Jonas. Refreshments were day for a trip to California. They will visit relatives and friends at Milford n , nerved. 1 The members of the Pioneer ward route ebolr cave a successful Sixteen guests were present at a dinsocial and ner given by Mlsa Grace danolnf Linton, Saturparty Wednesday eveninc. Saturday eveninc of last week the day evening of last week. In honor of Mr. R, D. Dramatic and Ward Mra members of tbs. Sixth McDonald, who left club a daneinc party at Monday for California. Easter decoraenjoyed tion were used. Hansen'a. Mr.- - snd Mrs. Abe W. Turner received The following were the ruesta of Miss Mr. and the member of the O. N. Os club, and Zina Scott st dinner Sunday: Mrs. T. William Jones. Miss' Natalia some special guests, at their home MonDecorations in Earner ef'Lewis, Miss Edith Ross. Earl Lewis ana day evening. Miss tosh Henrichsen. fects were used. Cards were plated end Mr. snd Mra Boyd D. Strong of Salt luncheon nerved to the following: Mr. Lake spent last week-en- d in Provo with and Mr. J. E. Stein, Mr. and Mr. Mrs. Cslestla Strong. George B. Herding. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Mra Von Kenai . was - hostess at a V'. Sutton, Air. and Mra Raymond Sutshower Fridsy e vetting of last week, in ton, Mr., snd Mra Jesse D. Hunter, Mr, honor of Mias Vivian MoEwan. a bride and Mrr, Nele Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Vera , of ths week. Easter decorations were Greenwood. Mr, and Mra Mart Roy lance, Mr. and Mra Kenneth Dunn. Mr. and ueed in the rooms where thirty-fiv- e William M. Roylane. Mr. and Hi. guests Wers sntertained, Alex Hedquist and Ml Mr. Winiam P. Bulkley la spending e ilr, Virginia Sutherweek in Pocatello. Idaho, with relatives. land. Mra Stein and Mart Roylance reMra. Rhode Miller of Salt Lake spent ceived the card favor. in Provo, the guest of The Columbia Sewing dub members last week-en- d met Monday evening-- st the home- - of Mrs. . Mrs., Celeatla Strong. The last of a series of dancing parties E. L. Jenktna Needlework, music and was given by the Social Sixty Dancing refreshments were the features of in-' i club in the armory Frjdav everting. The terest. hall was decorated Ip Easter colors and Mrs; Elisabeth Beck announces the enI . emblems. gagement of her daughter, Norma, to ErMiss Alice Deck erf entertained a num- - vin Noakea of Charleston. The marriage will lake pUce at Laater.Ln Salt Lake her of friends at dipnar Sunday. Mrs. John Worlv has returned from - Mra C. F. Dixon of Pavsou spent the California, where she spent six months. latter part or the yerk n Prqyp, Sent The folldwring members or the Eastern Mra Rhodiv-Miite- r 'of "Ss Is at week-en- d Star, Valley chapter No. t. went to Salt with Mra in Provo . Lake, Monday, to attend the meeting at Strong. '" A bn And Mispah chapter No. In honor-o- f and the visitation Mr. Lindquist' ' daughters. June and Bernice, who re- of grand lqdg officers- Mr. and Mra. C. Mra H. Charles Chamberlain, Ward, cently refumed from Los Angeles Mr. and Mra.f Alex Hedquist entertained at Mra Ada Ranseb. Mrs. Percy Shand, C. Hoeg. of last week.,.. - Miss- Kora Redflsld, Mra.-O- , Friday t - dinner officers of the Provo Miss Lottie Kedfleid. Mr and Mrs. H. Or "The followingeenlng t- Women's Municipal council spent MonBlumenthal, Mra Mvrte Dunn. Mra C. D. Bliimrnthsl. Mr. Emma Snyder, Mia day afternoon in .American a sliver 'tea given by the American Lee L. Baker, Mra Floyd Vlolett. Mis H. Livingston, Fork council: Mrs. C. E. Maw, Mr. Rav Martha Moore, Mrs. Timmerman, Mr. L. O. Potter, Mra W. Mr. and Mra W. 1. Whittemere, Mra. T. Hauler. Mr. Alex Hedquist, Mra Ja- Clarence Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. E. W, cob Coleman. Mrs. Johnson. Mra. Duncan. J. T. Fsrrer. Mrs. J. W. Huish. Mrs. Mr. Etta D.Bagtey was a Salt lake Srank McGraw, Mra Eari D Bean, Mr. visitor Monday. G. H. Hendeleman, Atra. George E. BolMra Roy Kay of Hiawatha spent last ton and Miss Thomas. Mra Hssler gave week In Provo, the of Mr. and Mrs, a talk on the dance reform movement Lynn V. Sutton. guest t Mlsa Arvlfla Clark was the guest of and the picture show movement. was discussed by Mr. Mew, honor at a surprise party given by a snd Motion Pictures" we treated by number of friends Thursday evening. Mr. Potter. Games, music and luncheon were the enThe Ladies Aid society of the Comf X joyable features. Mr. and Mra Ben R. Hansen of Twin munity church met in ths church parlors Tuesday afternoon. Mra. S. H. Falls. Idaho, have returned home, after Goodwin and Mrs. M. A. Conant were pending week with Provo relatives. Mrs. Bennett Cash- - and Mrs. Emma . the hostesses and served rsfreshmenta. EL Mr W. BlbhenS of Ashworth Salt Lake Is i . ofWallshurg spent last - weekspending a week In Provo with Mr, and end in Provo with relatives and frienda, Mrs. George Bibbens. Mrs. Myrtle Green of Salt Lake was a Mias Vivian MeEwan, daughter of Provo visitor part of last week, the guest Bishop and Mr. D. D. MeEwan, and Of Mr. Mart Roylanca Richard Anderson of Provo were united Mr John BL Booth ard Mr. Isaac in marriage Tuesday by the . county Brockbank were Salt Lake visitor Friclerk. das of laat week. ' Mra David Westwood was a Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Simmons left Sun? visitor part of the woek day for Salt Lake to make their home. Miss Evelyn Hansen was hostess to ths Mra W. M. Dean Is spending a few members of ths Red Pepper .club Sun- days in Balt Lake with her mother, Mrs. evening. day Mary McMurrin. Miss Irsta Crane entertained at a soThe children and grandchildren of'G 8. of cial affair Saturday evening Moore, numbering thlrty-siconductlast week, complimentary to Ralph 'Nutts II of Salt ed a surprise party Sunday in remembrance of his birthday anniversary. DinLake, Twelve gueata were present,. served. Ths following dancing students of Miss ner went to Salt Lake, Venice Jepperson Jn rooms pleasingly decorated with a In the prelude variety pf the season's flowers, Mrs. E. Wednesday, and appeared shu -- I . 1 -- -- e Ce-les- tta t - - g Je -- to - k, -- s C. Rodgers entertained the member of the E. I E. club and a number of special guests at her home Saturday after-- , noon of last week. Bridie was played and the prises were received by Mrs. William Ferre and Mrs. Earl Bean. Miss Ines Bunnell, daughtersSf Mr. ani) Mra F. E. Bunnell of this city, end Kenneth Allen, also of Provo, were united in marriage Wednesday evening et the home of the bride e parents. Bishop A - Booth performed the ceremony In the presence of the immediate relatives and close friends of the young couple. A wedding dinner followed. Mra G. H. Heindeefman entertained Thursday evening for her daughter. Erma, ho reached her fifteenth birthday anniversary that day. Mra Jamea I. Evans entertained at dinner Wednesday evening In honor of her huehand, who I here from Sunny-el- d spending a few Mra Agnes Crandall was the honor guest et a surprise party given by member of the Progressive Bowing chib Wednesday evening. (Mlsa Anna Peay was hostess to the members of the N. J. B. club Wednesday evening f has Mice Stella Bryan returned from Fait Lake, where she spent a week with her etster, Mrs C. J. Pexten. Announcement iaymade of the engagement of Biles Jennie Router to Joseph B. MeReavy of this city. The will take place early in May In marriage the Balt Lake temple, Mia Roweln Allen la spending aev. era weeks In Balt Lake with relatives Mr. and Mrs George Beebe left jr MIRROLAG I- Furniture, Floor and Woodwork Beauty is Only da. Jidooth of an , Inch Deep! s - Bait Lkc, visited their parents thia week. Tbev will re urn to Sait lAke lomorrcw Mrs H. R, McMainea is visiting Mr. and Mr 8, J. Johnson and family in Provo, Mr. and Mra. Homer Rasmussen eirter-- t vefling progressive ainedTuiey600." Pnaes were awarded to Cleon Anderson and P. C. Peteraon. Jr. Refreshments were served aA midnight to Mr. and Mra Harold D Sorensen. Mr. and M am.-- Clecuv Anderaoe, Mv and Mrs e R. Jensen, Atr. and Mra. O. J. Bracken, Mr. and Mra T. Hansen, Mr. and Mra. F. It. Rasmussen, Mr and Mra Jparpn A Nielson, Mr,1 and Mra P. C. PetMreon, Jr.. Mr. and Mra. Ben Carlston. Mr. and Mra Jacob Peterson. Mr and Mra Ernell Mortensen, Mr. and Mra lh er Rxa mnssen and Mr. and Mra. W. Li Thorpp-ThMvovotls club was entertained TtJokday evc'riing "by 'Sirs." Kate Lanib. Luncheqn waa served at It o'clock to eight member Mr. and Mra. Lester Olsen were dinner guests of Mr and Sira Gray at the Travelers hotel Sionday eventng. Mr and Mra Jee R. Jensen and daughter. Rath,, of Salt Lake ace gueeia ol Mr. and Mra- - Jacob Peterson, Mr. and Mra. P. L). Jensen, Mra Myr-l- e Kelson. Mra Dell Anderson, Mrs. Thor-vhHan-e- n and Mra Nelson Beal left Thursday for Salt Lake for a Short visit. relative and frienda of Hans F. Forty tendered Christensen hirna surprise Wednesday eventng In honor of bis fiftieth birthday anniversary. Mr. Christensen waa presented with a gold signet ring. Refreshments were served. Mra. J. M. Thomas was hostess Monday Luncheon afternoon at a kenelngton. waa served to Might ladies. The ladles' association -- of the Snow Normal coflege waa entertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mra N E. Noyes. A biography on the life of Kipling and a number of his best stories were given tv Miss Sarah Gillespie. Mr. George Beal Mra Ralph EL sang two of his song The Booth gave two piano selections. In spring flower. home was decorated Refreshments were served at H oclock to Fri-da- - Jor Bsit-Leremake their horns Mrs L IM. Bryan wa hostess at a children's party Wednesday afternoon for her daughter, Veda. Twelve gueata enjoyed games, music and lunchvcnd-each was (riven an Esster baseon., ket before leaving. ke -- EPHRAIM r out of ten the only NINE times between old and new - furniture, floors and woodwork Is the condition of the thin finishingxoat on the wood. r Look about you I How many unappreciated things in your home have ; nothing wrong with themTother than a few scratches and stains on their'. surface I, ; ) . Restore their brightness and beauty withcoat of Devoe Mirrolac. Its high lustre, sparkling., gleam,, and wonderful color will make you proud of them again! ' Devoe Products are time-teste- d and proven, backed by the 168 years experience of the oldest paint manufacturing concern in U, S. Founded 1754. EPHRAIM, April A Miss Ine Dorlu wae hoste Saturday evening of last week The guests were ushered In by two small girls representing the Queen of Hearts and the Queen of Diamonds Games w ere played and At midnight a "fools' " luncheon was served. Those present were Mail do Nielson. Arvllla Anderson, Loot Anderson Minnie Nielson. Ohio Rees Ine Mardy. Daved Hansen,- - Lenor Thomson, Riilon Murphy, jrtlton Kellett, ArOv.tr Bchulta, Avril Larson. Grant Bag-leReed Sanderson, RolHn BagnalL Evart Draper and Wesley Thompson. Mis Chssie Greaves of Ephraim and fester J. Olsen of surprised their frienav on April I by legon getting married The ceremonv was performed Sold by the Devoe Agent In your community in Manti by Judge Lull worth Woolley. Mr. and Mra Olsen left Friday for Salt Lake. Ogden and Logan to spend a few week, and IM then return to Ephraim to make their home for the summer. New York . Denver . Chicago Mra WIlMam Quinn entertained a number of relatives and. friends Tuesday afternoon In honor of ner birthday anniPAI NTS RIOS H IS Carnations were used as decoversary. STAIRS ARTISTS rations for the dining table, and a chicken VARNISHES MATERIALS dinner waa served at S o'clock to fifteen. Mrs. Ralph E. Booth and son returned Monday from southern California, where they had spent two month Mias Minerva Willardaen left Monday for Salt Lake toremain Indefinitely. - Mia Lada Thomson Ft visiting in Salt fifteen. Lake. The BlueWrd swarm of the South ward Beehive girls was entertained Tueedsy RICHFIELD eventng by Miss Marjorie Sorensen. The lesson waa gven by Miae Jnea Doriue and ! ftlCHriKLD. April i. Tht seals were distributed. Luncheon waa Anna NIrL Mari Hteo Gold- served to thirteen. Prtroq, Bondi y Bean entrruined and brausoQ Cryntn! Mra. Ephraim pateraon left Wednesday it tho homo of Mill Nit! In bonor of for Balt Lake to meet her son. Odell, on OToninf MiM Hln PoaiMci of gilt Liter. Tbo orminf hie return from a two and one-ha- lf Ciroittooi years' wit ipent In plirtnf mission to California for the Mdbmon formtd tho oontorploro for tht dtnlnf tiblo. churrh. tvrvlvo wit served to gnnti Mr. James Bailey entertained Sunday Luncheon Mr. Wiltcr Dodrv of Provo It viittlnf In 1084 EAST TWENTY-FIRS- T SOUTH HYLAND 210 afternoon in honor of her birthday anni- Rfcnfltld. Mr. and Mrt, ft tuMf of btr irvnti, versary. Luncheon wss served at $ David Chldvittr, Nr. a Carries DEVOE Stock of Paint and Varniih Products Complete eeven to o'clock ladies. Mr, and Mm. Jintti doff if Panfoltchpint Mi sees Eva Christen aen. Mae Barton and Inst work-cowith Mrs. Flan RuimII. Tho Junior high, ichool sotirtilncd it in Sophia Lund, who are teaching school 'n ovtriR and nek gproo dioct Aiturcigg of lilt Retheir guests Wednesday Mr and Mra. Waehv and Mra. R. P. CarglUs of directed a discussion an Ind4a." e. tmfunlahnd tbn muilCw RrfmhmtnU ww freshments were served for fifteen W. H. Tebbs, W llllam Owens and ..AttorV J . were last week of aervod. wUI Mr. end Mra R, I guesta ney-Joseph entertain Golding of Pangmtch. - Mia Id guests. Mrs. H. Malmsten, oT leaving The Rev. N-- E. Clemensen left WednesQie society Tuesday,- April IS Saturday to visit relatives in Salina and roc were Richfield vlaitorv gnndiy. , Miss Winona Cherry entertained it a day for his home in Ban Francisco after Marys vale. Mmdvram and Min Mr. - nnd MrW.-J- . an Mtss for extended with here relatives. luncheon visit Mary Friday afternoon .Mrs. E. bt. Johnston entertained a Mrtv Biindl It ort he of Pangtilfch 'varr funvti of The members of the Christian EndeaDixon, Miss May Clemenaen and Miss Mr J. F. tliiddtr Sundiv. rnoen in honor vor executive committee nere entertained of ,.UVr.,r T!'urfy fviano mrt FHdiy of Helen Larsen, Tho PiraiLTrichtr birthday anniversary of her Uat wwk at tho high srhord. A mooting wss The' Home Culture club sill meet next at the teachers' cottage last evening. Mvrtla daughter, Mra. O. F. Wall attended the Presby-teriAn April Fool paptv was first given in tho auditorium. Bpoorhon woro Wednesday afternoon at the home of given Eatur- , nude by Mm. C. X. Hinars and Mlso Tlo Mrs. J. 1, Simpson. for southern Utah In Gunnison yes- Slsrfn!n Si Lai't at be home of Roml for left Los high school bind give a few e Miss 7o and Madsen for the Misses Viola today. terday Margaret Tappan lections, and tho remainder of tho owning wss Angeles Monday to spend the spring and Mr. and Mra C. A. Hone entertained Plilllipa 5,n. Helen Jones, Ruth Carter, spent in dancing. .Rofrcahmento woro nerved. summer with relative dinner Profeesor Louise at for and Mra Sunday Frandsen. Evelyn Madsen, Edith Mrs. N. Mrs. J. R. Haywood, i. Henry and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Meyrlck spent Tues- p. F. Oardemann and Mr, and Mrs. Fair-el- d Aldrich and Grant Olson. Theodore MadMrs. Fred Gardner of Panguftrh visited friends In Mantt. Laraen. sen, Bheldon Moimon, Sunley Petersen. day and Wednesday and relative In Richfield Bitnday. Mra L, J. Malmatsn of Vancouver, Boyd Madsen and Rudger Mr. and Mrs. M- - A. Winters had as Olson. Tho Relief society of tbo First ward entertained Saturday of last week in honor of -- e ' y, . Devoe & Raynolds Co., Inc. r r GRANITE LUMBER & HARDWARE CO. s d 1 Bay-onn- -- favi ti al wk 5 Mrs. George . Nelson, tbo oecaafon being her Gsmeo snd music were birthday annlvemery. enjoyed by the following guoets: Mrs. August Nelson. Jr.. Mm W, B. Thurber, Mr. George CsUsway, Mrs. Mary f bristlnneen, Mrs Henry Outsea, Mrn. James Bsrlow, Mra. C. R. Gnrr, Mrs. Dorn Borneo, Mrs. Alsu Nelson, Mr. John Hansen, Mra. Georg Whyte, Mr. L, P. H. Hsnsen. Mrs.il. L. Chria-teasoJ. Hansen, Mr. Mra Harold (Ttristoffereon, Mrn, Homer norapsrau Mr. Hans Nielson, Mra J. J. Bpendlore, . Mra. Joseph Orrock and Parley OutMo Mrs. M. C. Nielson spent last week end In Gunniww, guest of her etster, Mr. Caroline Peieraon. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Christensen and family returned Monday of last week from Balt Lake, where Mr. Christensen had been attending school. Mrs tad Mrs. John Roblneon of Maryan! were Richfield visitor Sundry. Mra Milton A, Thorne sntertained a few friend Baturday of laat week In honor of Rise Ileen Xayne of fhgurd. Games tod music were enjoyed. Luncheon was served to eight Conspicuous nose pores guest. Mrs. N. C. Poutson snd daughters, Helen and Laurel, of Balt Lake, are visiting frleuda and in Richfield relative Mis Norma Christensen entertained Sunday in honor of her birthdsy anniversary. Games were played. Luncheon was served to twelve guesta. The Richfield high school gave a red and bine bsl! Friday of leaf week In the AnonHai!. The hall waa decorated In the school colors. Mra Jack Wtrithecfc J eywwdtog a few-- days in Aurora rtaitfng frleuda. Mra. Frank i hristuca entertained at sark apron and over IL dancft-FrwlaoHauweeb Game and music were enjoved. and daaeing waa n feature. Midnight luncheon waa served ' to thirty guest Visa Danlce Nanford of Balt lake If vilftag "friendwtir Rtcbftsidr guest bf Mr. sod Mra. FootSaverShoes Mould the foot r , 9 to Perfect Form A. S'. V $ : and Relieve Tired, Aching Feet I most wonderful arch fitting shoes ever made can be worn by any woman. All the special features are scientifically inbuilt. They have'more style, fit better and wear longer than any other - Ehoe., - There ir a Foot Saver Shoe in black, brown and white of latest style for every type of foot. Beauty and comfort combined. Foot Saver Shoes should be worn at least a part of each day by every .woman who desires to have healthy, normal feet. They are nationally . indorsed by some of the most eminent foot specialists and physicians for business women, nurses, college girls and general outdoor wear. Foot Saver Shoes are sold by leading dealers throughout the United States. If there is no Foot Saver dealer in your city, write tp us and , we will send you the name of the nearest dealer who will give you all informationregardingFootSaverShoesandfill your order bymail. Trim Ankles, gracefully curved arches and beautifully modeled feet are assured by wearing Foot Saver Shoes. ' i ' ,Foot Saver Shoes are made exclusively t TAr Julian g r h & grow larger , Kokenge Co., Cincinnati, Ohio 4 pores of your face ire hot as fine, as those on other parts of your boay On, the nose, cspeciaUy, thrre sre more fat glands. and there is more activity of the pores. If these pores are not properly stimulated and cleansed, they clog np and become enlarged,. To reduce enlarged pores, follow every night thia simple treatment; La ween. MT. PLEASANT N 1 5IT. PLEASANT, April A Judg nl Mr. J. V. Chvrrv entertelnsil W.dnr,-d- v svsnlng n honor of the fiftieth blrthiUv anniversary of Juriga Cherry. Their guest . InrludM Masr. and W. W. Crawford, H. C. Jaroh. R, Malmatsn, C. W Korenssn. w. D. CandlsmJ, Thoms Braby. E. M John, ton- - R. H, Hipekley, Fred Rasmussen. R. Hr. Candlsnd. H. M. Rasmussen of Falrrlew. J. IV. Andereon, Louis A Elden Crawford and V. L Johnson. Mrs. H. C. and Mrs. J. M. Burns. . During the evsntrg a must-e- I program sas presented bv Mra. R, L. Malmsten and Mlsa Inona Cherrv. Mr Peter Lose of Willard rtalted the of tha week with her daughearly part ter Mlsa Ella Low Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Clemen sen entertained Sunday at a family dinner for the Rev. N Ea Clemensen. Mra. A. Crane Mr. and Mra. E. AS. Wall. Mis Betty Wall, Mr, and Mra. George Clemene?e Mr. and Mra. N. O Clemensen, Miaa May Clemensen and Mlsa Emm Clemensen. The Twentieth Century club met Friday afternoon wtth Mra John H. Seely. Tha etudy of Hannah and rinlnnah," from Women 6f tha Bible." wa presented bv Mra Louis A. Petersen and a m ferine article on "The Peace Movement waa read by Mrs. M. A. Winters A short musical x prorrsm preceded a luncheon for twenty ftps' Mr. and Mrs. John O. Jonsa returned Sunday from a month's visit In Salt Lake. The Women' MI!onrr eoeletv met Tueaday afternoon with Mra 8. E. Jensen. Mis Edith Thorpe waa In charge of decorattone and Mrs. D. II. Duckering IB7UNG g soft cloth from very hot water, lather ' Mes-dam- I- -. r I if neglected' The Mra Alfred Ward and Mr. snd Mrs Renton Jackson motored to Balt Lake Wednesday to JouAIfred Hard, 1o the northwestern states. 'T'HE e- - fY it with Woodburys Facial Soap, then hold it - to your face. When the heat has expanded the pores, rub in . Very gently a fresh lather of Woodburys. Repeat - this Jiot water and .lather application several times. Hopping at once if your nose feels sensitive. Finish by rubbing the nose for 30 seconds with a , piece of ice. , . - , - . L GET a cake of Woodburys today, at any drug store or toilet goods counter, and see what an improvement this treatment will make the first time you use it Do not expect to change in a week a condition resulting from long neglect. But follow the treatment persistently and you will be able to reduce the enlarged pores and make them in conspicuous. A cake of Woodburys lasts for a month or six weeks of this treatment and for general cleansing use. The Andrew Jergens Co., Cincinnati, New York, and Perut, Ontario, 25-ce- nt n,,i l. Wf. TU (X. , |