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Show THE SALT. LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY .MORNING, APRIL 9.1922 18 LOST AND FOUND soy Hr to." C. A. yorXD Yoar lost ke FovW, Key, toft, Bicyrte A Novelty Work. i wm 2m4 So. 1L 4fik frami $ aoyer tfrrir fof 'to namo o( Faggy; face half white foot, Whrt vOllnr with saifurm dark mark tn enter at back of took. tU Lyman W. Koyon, WnA 2291 or HU4 137, iM get j rt Rir4. Hd bag, with eoorent of er y ppr ad rtbe nrtiel;. last btowtoo Ro19 ltd 12 39 Ok last 2ad Bo. or 9th Et. tors to Art fear Frank at 210 Bo. Hats at. for LOST by His Masterly Per formance With the Bow. b A if - g LObT om fo yaara, KraUtfer. wwur vlollnl.t. hn.c Salt Lk3f Wiukt or Waeateh Mitv. mad hit third ap(MU-anc4eiv.4 at tha ta.brma.ola la at night, furnishing LOT Beal ararf 1a RmprrMi tkaatsi SUwarB tha tlnaat Foil ralo lor retura t Wo4rr klHHMfr tha attending imvitltucla 2UA ' interpretation of (rraat TloUn music Bfthltq kaa, heard locally In many year. Wfdnrwisr. Larff'a aUsfr 9tm Other gr--at violinist have In recant LOST . BTlS-J2341 Bowatowa. Waa. )eju-played in Salt Lake, eoma diaplay 1. ambraila, mrrasaB inf a lechnie that seemed superhuman, LOT RawarB He At ka4l. RaUira U Trtbaaa. some an emotionalism, that almost blindly i3tnfl Kxeteler in swayed tha feelings; hot one finds, as It were, tha trtnity-aou- l. L09T Baturdar aftfraooo Boanarjlt parlHaa, rhlM a fur aackptar, Intellect, technic to a marvelous degrea, KawarB, Pboaa Hi. 241t supplemented by a simplicity that aug- 9T8-- J of art. tha power ment, hi, - laaaaa Aakg hiHrias- KfSiiCcr 4otsl la intensely IutrtT"H doe - Hippadmaa 4kalaBa4- Faka faeafjc Hr, pot seem as one afar off and removed 29924. 2k49 front the sphere af ambition, passion, L08T RwaH.eaatatnlac KlaaatB ft4 9oa tf. Ad Win and Joy. .Through tha m turn of Reward, fhona W11. 9w4 J. 2JM his Instrument, great concepts of tha LOST-Ff- t great composers are painted tn laafpia, ellppad win fa and tat). Re2nd 664 Loath. tor E. inforaiaUon. ward monlaa that thrill, esalt, aubdue. then ...... ,OOgf Graduation of tone from a forts that almost echoed to ta plan leal mo that ITO LI V hw Ford reedeter la frost t 2 voice world seemed a and from a So. Sth East, March Si. 1922; reward . Phoea Murray lfln or eatl at mer dieUnot-wa- m spirit as . east! foe Its receeery, y.t from Krelhler a bow aa did tha tones of shore address Lireaae 2S 721. tafia No. f V at&TO reward Fox tort-tor- , with short tali, Wack pt hrinr dren. Rotors ear; betoor to feifeert Rossorillo Park, BUckaay. Hb 1627 oral reward LOST Eng Wok build. rotor briodto t testate) ; No. to sower to santO of Bab. Rrtani 1606 9 Boat Ut Bo. Reward. Waa, 7M6. LOST Brows alligator skin handbag. Is BIB , containing ssosry, toe. Liberal are. al$fl reward. Rotors to 12A6 Irf Bigg? tatcDsctuaily than ovor .bofors, LOST Bun of krya oa ring. Friday after-boosmcro sensitlvo of soul, hold Inf. a ha 172 Howard, rail Hy. NW2 W. fi of tha ha a for e mu ? a vt -- Thrills Audience Kreisler - tmpor-ta- 4aB-lao4lt- crh r ; , '?sjnsa -- . ordLnSLrjr-.voluma.a- .tha. characteristic nd J'TMSIO.. ,221- Kreialer clarity and beauty waa always LOST One Scotch collie dog. eehto color, white there. flag around aeeh, tip of tall white, same 1AM Slain Beethoven's "Kreutser ttonata," which Ptt. aeo. Reward. a.'vl 2 opened tha program, proved to tha great liOST S reward for brows horse about g year, audience that the artist had grown sines Phone old. pellrer t Bind at Holliday. hia last appearanea. Tha work, with Its Douglas . s22SO widely contrasted movements and iu LOST Cold handle pocket knife, engrared "W. lightning-lik- e finals, held the audience to the end and brought numerous re. H. M90-- Rotiira to 1220 Lake at. or 'call 114-W- rr ! 2 Reward, IU X, wrls, welch, PasOM, M Selwesa Mendelaeohn'g magnificent "Concerto in E Minor. probably the biggest violin I4sp Kceosd and Third he- - ee Hals h sward, for Utn KsgUsk. work played here in recent year a waa yams By. J813 W, , I an given interpretation that hafflee'da. sirs', j s, Bv. cells.'- -' ' w-nsr- .d ; p peu-tnein responding to every varying demand I Reward. Hy. SSS2-J- . a2g of the complicated work was simply LOST One mink fur piece. Mala at. entrance , i superb. S m. Sat. Hotel Batura p. la Seek, L'tah, Dvorak "Indian Lament," the ballet Betel rtak. Reward. musle from 6chubert'a "Rosamonde. j and a "Melody" bv C. G. Dawes brought Packaga of blueprtnta, ioat from tha Rtn Cltande out the poetic and emotional side of the depot. . fib reward If returned to the 2,t7J artist in a manner that was as appealing fo, 24 W. 2nd South. aa waa tha chiseling of the elaaeto mas- DRESSMAKING terpiece Krelslera own cempneWona, "tdehea-lelAIM drenoaa made dnnamaklhf. "Fair Roamarin and 'Oaprica over. 15 aud 17 Larera hotel. 264 So. at Nennola.' stirred the admiration and endtPOl find. Wae. Waat thusiasm of the big audience even more droaamatar' HOPE, eaparlaneed deeply than fhe older classics Each re- HAftMlKT ceived se interpretation - that stamped wtahea aro-- k by tha day. Warn Ml R. tat 72472 the violinist as an artist of first rank. g So. Tampla. For encores that would not b drvl4, TOR plain sewing, call Was. 4522 W. Titpr Krele'er played hie own arrangement of atraet. (2729 a selection from a MACHINE embroidery tad beading, hemstltrh-leg- , suite and finally his "Old Refrain." Hie pee yd The Embroidery Shop, who. has ' a. Carl Lemsou. . accompanist, n34A6 4904. 991 Brooke Arcade. been with Kreeiler for a decade or more, was artistic, effective, sympathetic and LADIES' nnd ehlldrena dreaaee. bnngalow a proas; also other tawing neatly asd tetao. entirely satisfactory throughout, X70 E. fat So., Apt 1. Waa. The Kreisler concert was the lest 6f ably- - dost, . TW24 the season under the auspices of the MuA sical Arts society, of which R. W. DRES8MAE1NO dona roaaaanhte. or will go out. Paynes Is president and George D. pyper Can gln reference. M So Sth E. rMIS d. FIRST-CLAS- 1 Rimekv-Kortako- 742-J- manager. - FOR dreeemaklng . and 2997-W- flret-elaa- a remodeling, til and up. call Hy. a) 22 4 ARRESTED ON LIQUOR CHARGE. eewlng hy the day, nanoaabla prim. Frank Smith. M years of are, was ar- PLAIN Wan. 8714. aim rested at 41 West North Temple street of root a, nulla, dreaaen; also yesterday on a charge of violating the BEMODELtNH ordav. to Hemstitching, pleating, buttons, prohibition law. pushing htlglt tit Sik Baal. Hy. 19gDRE88MifcUS at home, or will go out by CARD THANKS' day. Mrs. " Watson, 2J4 S. 4th go. Wan. alAM WR wish te think enr assy frtmds fee tbrtt t2dg M. m ktndnens sad shews fee ear sea AT Pearl Any Dressmaking Parlor Spec Lai this psth, - or d grandsea during his illsens and death. taw-f- or ths twarntfut flaesl trlhiiic lbs. yvsrt Linn berg and Ur. and Ura T, Bnorr. litit FUNERAL DIRECTORS CDOltMM A CO., sstfertnkera and enhshe-ertU 227 Scats great Tamp), at. rtunt week, dreaeea made for ft. 2071 go. Main, Was, 148, - Begiiler ad-UAgrd floor. capea made to ardor this week, f 10 90 , atiioo flKST-TI-ASdreeemaklng nnd remodallng at Mrs. E. . Bucher, Warn 97M. your borne. - e27t a, Ml, Wii elothea. dreeemaklng and rhlldren'a r4929 gPRINO At homo or by day; IS yearn' eipertrnoe. Hr. r I. BVSh, PIRBCTOR. Mw at. Waaalcb ISIS yiNKBAL teary chapU. a Ic. guts - s- J. p240 School of Dnasmsking eUll PARENTS, hare your danghun' gratltuda alt flira them a couraa at tha (heir Ufa. TLORISTS pSSM Roister, A4 Snath Main. RING FLORAL CO.p 214 S. taB BtH Bmvs t1on 1 l 994 , ttnrtm b4 Bir wrk our w. Pt florlot. ALSO pi eo edging. 10c aad 190 yd Clara C. roaa Comet Shop. 8t R. Bdw. W4 F492B XJUTOSOAPS OABDCKXKQ LANffrCAPE trc ibB fardBolaf; pronort; toH H. WUkioMm, , Fii. I7T9W. M UrUlir, r4B44 rF Hemstitching prompt Phooo 9419. LAM HOUR NR. florist. 7 go. Trl. Wh, 1&14, Bb It. ZkB'k BldBt bbB RRN'EBT nistg BBUSTITCHINU. button, plailleg. heeding, rhlldren'a ortglnnl aewtng, drsaamaklng, hamatltrhtaf. Bmbroldery A Plaiting Co., Waa. a 1402 ASIA brook a Arcade, Ostrich Festhert dyed, cleaned end curled;, combings 171 So, grd East mads into switches. REMADE, KurserlBB JORDAN time-nic- 142 Mschine Button Holss Rutto Rrry uB m4 Rt- - KowU- 909 Main. 6a HfRioubl. Hl1, Rlk 4477. TRRRB. km. TiBA. Bbntks, trit tri tr Lsdiet Tailoring pnying, tsrdminf. Phoo H. 29A I8U Frk Btfot JSirboiBB Bxkowor. kSABi L, F0DR2AY, laBIfc ttltor mcttttot to BiR bai UHh TftUorfftff Roitu t rkfOBfhl W Ba Rfifwt. kB fitakf but toe CEMETERIES tkaBo tot) eran KYRBCRICHwwFruftp roooo. kirfo tests for amt 4Bk 80. 8t?w I (ok, t49T meoUl (Wfi, quirk shtBoa fisbd.T, tB MOTHER'S 4bolq KpfftJ.x o W .w , v W 4AATVH 44 ft. Mai ermrtorjr; rbw ft. Wa. rr. rkkig porptiitl tjutg bole. L24 ConstituUoB MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES Llftl ft 4 tff il 0 ?Ci k -- aleck tn nalect f rctn. B. UtKtaale; diaplay jtrtln. 422 Sc. Put, US are lb twly airs, and dealer la Uah. II "u t--y u, holies the SMreaai Uih Sfaalt,Maid Xlarble Co., T Wnt go. Tern. pSV.2i 61 ;:t Ao ! HOTELS HOt PB, (A E. let So. gvo rooms euc. Wk. an, tr; modera bets -I0r.htBgle meansrataa by week or moats Special Was. LINCOLN 4&S. lUid rr SLRSNS HOTEL 2X0 West 2nd gnats Modera rooms (a d week sad up. . ddaet mix was yr. esr.i, ynohg Sad go. eo raaaaa of solid comfort, all mod-tr- a coareatencea. all ontalda rooms with or without bath, persoasl aarvica. Bites S4 per weeh and tip. s2tHt is WINDOW SHADE CLEANING 8H4DK CLIANINU to. Prompt sertlre and reasoeabla pries. Waa ttuao. 12P go. East 1st rM FOOT SPECIALIST A FOOT IronblBB Ilsf, Ftrk (if, ''fi at. 2879, My. " Be Mr quirk 44 A. L, H latut, lasting v. 200 RnrB 70AB KEY Gim AND NOVELTY WB rfpsfr Boytbinf B. Gqb, Hlrycln 4 Ntrrslt Bosith WaMtrk 7B37 K Tc DR. UMi BUughtqr ??, Works, 1JB R. rB POI LOT. M. graduate, 4 aim If id f&4)9 08TK0PATH. gelt Bldg. Hea Rtrka-vtU- e S4t. r44g 1 ORCHESTRAS futfUiJoers anB ofaaftra for otsrUintiM'at, WaalJhWB H FIRSf-CLAk- j 1 , Ofi f M 61049 IJViM, - Wt A MCHOIA 0mih Wt Temple. VNIOV AtMf Office, Inc.. 229 Tempi. P. O and tbemhit, WIT93 l&2 box 1446 Hi ouU Wat L. W1SUEK. graduata S he, Alain TJAM Mclatyta bldg.. Was. 2494. US DB, r. VAN HOI TEN, bM specialist; ail 44 Su. Main. ailments. Ealih Emporium. Waa. chlrap-odla- 77g.v t. 13031 MAKE H. BLTLER, CbDopodlat. Special attention to arch troubles 93 Jed re Bldg. DB hints. L. P. nails, pSinU DELI, Chiropodist, ton Ingtow-le- g flat feet, wank nrrken, aalnrgod Jointa corrected. reeulta. Wna, 212. buotoua, ankle, dialarated, to 6 pinra aa W had or t m639 4 laellig Quick relief Sod Balt Bldg. rSMS MADE OVER UKE NEW. Telephona W aa. 9704, to Valentina Bedding Co., formecly tha Utah Bedding A Mfg, to., tne oldest and Urgent mattraaa factory tn tha city. Tiu cast ace Inside of a mattress; I hers (era, It la Important that yen deal with g reParaiturn renphotatared at sponsible factory. low primes. War mats tha famaua Aaa-- Tuf matt rang. p71S laier-MOLD wmtireaaee made oven S14S yniMIS Hyland OLD MATT REUSES PLUMB INO AND HEATING rr pairs, water Jackets r learned; eejls. furnace, etc.; price reaeeaabla. oha H. dbapmae, Waa SMI. eilpl PLD'ABINU furnaces cleaned and repaired. PLfMBIMi. IJeach Repair Co , Hy. 9304 k2x4 Plt'MBINU repairs, water jarkete eleenedT holla made and Ualallad. J. U Bnamuaaes. 01 4u sth East Hy. 722 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED .hkW. AND repaired et yoar home hy etpert Reran-mende- d by SU starve,,. AaU JL Danle, Wee 9419. r41 J. hd, r. tmisttr. wr i 4 U'' trti fr. ti ftdib b. twrt lto man 7 teat. a, aad $ p. VARA RITHRU. BKAITV 9H0P. A4lroq H 26. Trtbte. Ail kinds of beanty work tad aiauag. 229 eiRPal JAPANT,60 try cook for I' none Waa. tl7 out, Judge Bldg aa4 ttord. J1A99AI,E and elerlrlc baibn at Brown's Qitre. v pndle gins tori am, 47 At. Itaia,. Was, 7497, IRTlFeat at 6outk. k949 221 2446 T6. rool 2116 . be MINE forewaa, 46ft6; aria $256; ghlff copper projwrrlr la Ferta, 14.066 fert tov tea towel. Tw9yer eoaUaet; board eC AM 1t eaparteara, per axiaUi. Art qoHkly. aad foil far pbotograpk. Kooaa floor, b Broad Mmt, haw A tty. J377 2062 aieehaato vto rag work anyth ag tmai Ford to Faekrd; top wage Writ Jdaiaa Repair atop Burekd. i'tik, pfdtg Orrit'R BOY A largo fiaaaelal taatlintto ha aa ywalrg for a bright, ambtttoua keg about Id year eld. Aa exewileui opporfmilty tor ad vaareaMtot. Reply la ova haodwrltiag. Mating peotiotr expertoocoa - gad cboallag. Addrwtia aiOTd Triboae. 81TIATION waatod by A '7 boehelmaa aad tH around au. VY. L. Doaa, Twla FtU. A flBSt-fLA- at66t Idaho. waated for lUk. Idaho 224d wyo. Cal M? So. St a to et. IF yoa ar tonktag for ateadp ampkiyaietit witk brlgM futup, can t toom 21U Nta Bldg. toen MEN WANTED TO BECOME BBAFF6MEN. Salary f2S0 to $300 rooatbly wbo couipottoiL tbtof draft amen will trala pop at pour Ilaofaraiak FREE all 4ooU TrautUg uMIt is poalttoa at a bow- - Miary Addrra CHIEF DRAFTSMAN DOB. 4067 Broadw, Die. 62 Chicago, 1420 MEN wkated, $66 up wwokly to workar. Pat ou window aigna. No expert ear needed. Free Mm pie and taatructkmiACMI LETTER CO.. 1616 6ia. D. UCcfv THE latest fabrics, styles and hlgheek quality WANTED Partner boa. or female to help workmanship at lowest passible prices, fnuib-gat- - leak up vaudevillemalt act. Colored eomwliaa We bldg- tha Ulloc, 701-- 8 llclntyr 2321 H Address Tribune. 22, 'preferred. 4XUA. P3I1T 16 to taka dp aale Biaa orwr 24 oar ANT maka ear repaired, and ry Under rebored YOrNG rf1t-wtorgw-Conoart til food fpW With not tern eking the engine from the rkr, bo Hlfk tobool or a1rtrUf tonal I yoar games. Cell Pen. Was. 749. rlJT94 tuBlty. tto a 6 Modorataitd Ojv booklrocvtor. gradnat SClBvnTIO treatmeata and alec trie eiasw-- g. axpoeaetp Upboitor-te.-d44- 4r ao. E2t Jadgi bidr, 2362 opnt eveninga- -natll y 'Waa tt7. r.iw RUA6irE ctktorl? mn or bov tn work la BK1CKLA7RK8, CABPKNTEB8. ETr. WANT WDsWaWE toorr- - tototoy Irifh Big prfxto 01 HI. a I, Leans- baaety cel tore ; eeenmg rUeera fffltt fttxd.Jldaday VfwocK' 76 ad etici ring. Seed for free book oq plan 231 6 166 Eaat 2nd 6oqtftt 6 alyh. twice each week. Ton eea epccl gllte tn cer. TECHNICAL C0LLBOB, reading. CHICAGO tain branches of the work If destra-dKara A ARTlMT cod tkoalgnoe io card W and plcturoa 2163 1626 , Trek, Marlnclle 403 fltdg Phone mieago IIL Clift bldg. , Moogk shop, tortof. liukt bo yood. Pboao Waa. 6616-N1333 Wes. 9344. MONTH. Berome $IX or Addr H 20. Tr bun. a2316 railway nail rWk. Big. ACCOMPLISHED opportunity. Liat po.'Utoa free. Wrlto Imoto-dialedriollalit will take heglnoera; WA.NTED-w-Iprrtorw- d aaloamam for waab Roeh FraakUd Iaatitute, Dept. 476-O90c a Dsaoa, ilea.. 399 E. ' food dept. Apply. Was, 2a94-2167 eater, N, 7, Aortaeti Co. 7611 . 1993 4th fte. A firat-etaaf- t attowabtlo weehaaW? to MF.HM Diep1ay aew pfatH tiuwi-a- n REFINED famllr wishes to adopt baby boy WAITED oy, ta Intereat half a good paying farago X had bty-bandied eallery writ ordenu W 1292 red .. Address G-- L Tribune. - j in dellwar prpoir whop, wfiraatw WftilT,od?- - etoa. aad goIleeE you dally. Eipieae TrtbttoOr f tUQd uaoeeetoary. ELECT Rt& d eclentiflc meaaage, 50 Nmort eiy- - A4droa H-- f, Saroole Spare time tiafrtory. fzee- - -Arcade, by Dr. Agsea Wllnarll am! bif east TWO epabl aa1emow7or 4i medato road wo-- k. Bet 687 Dytea. Obi. Jeaalagt 717 g. 1923 er lady raduate, 4 a, an to I p m, !Nf Adxaoee dreading opfa iMlity, Car au , CH 16 66 I WILL "t be rMO04itki Zlr. MEN fig' dry,- for any bltia at to writ ardor far wear v g nS ae2T66 Hoatfe. Co., 2a4 ' debts coetcpcted by f front lessfe Poet heavy gauge alunttrtm rotator aad Mwr 177 this dale. Hart Post. eemblaattott. No rooital or experieaee needed. VAV wttb 6 of ton traokto eoa tract cit a how m mpto and write order, ax W deliver ever mo of da period ovary B: pear. banllag u f Ere borne iaformattoa tllVORr legal Fart ttw 2267 and eolleet. Fay you ta advaae. contract, wills, cat ate, claim, damages, Add re wltli reforoaee. H 11 .Tribune. W rite tor aanirte. Jeaxisgg lffg-Co- , satisfactory. N. B. CaafideatlAL Matthews, AOt KHTIM1 Vw peUoitoci bankruptcy. f. Pplg toiag. 2146. Atom 1636 Dartmt. OhK M 4th nt lawyer, 400 Hooper Bldg., 23 . lab Bo. Was SM4 171 232. 72 weekly, men to tra wet by MB' Sperlal RAIeKbWAN to aoU lighting future; mwat lutrodu6 800 eandlo power eol located anyw here; llBIKA. rela tinea, friend Afta Eleotrie COv, 26 oilaotomoblle, haet lams and lantern for farm era, datrre, writ 'fully. CostffleW Co., 401, Ls Angeles. State halxpertemf. 2(6t W funrtab hnekatera --cgardaera eoatrartor, 191 sots. Sample free. JTbomaa Mfg. Co., 636 Gar, 40OD flratwcUaa biekHk A aM IUMa HAUI'IHDWTH gnnnateed, trial at my risk K41 Ohio, Davtoq, b, e fro Tompi jin Kpartq a 1977 A. Spire, fooldcc, CoH., 192 tatli 2614 tweeq 1fh nf. 6h Meat. 14 TO $56 weekly la ape re Owe doing yar TOIR HDR09C0PE 1 page 29c. g Page 90c. A FEW dava1 work for laborer Call Hyland apeeial adrortlalpg work aai'mg tha famli e WtHt oomplet It pages II, wltb chart 7614 J. Rttftdiy 1 to 2 p. m. 2626 of your eity: go expert eoe aeeeasary. Raow yourself end be noeeeaefut. calendar Ameneaa Frodneta today fw fi) partfmtnr HOME for mao aad wife Mo return for keepiog Cur 6667 Amertcaa Oln birthday, Money tefnndcd If dleeatlefled. Ctoeinnati, Ohio. Bldg.. bout and for invalid old lady. 246 kfl'boni Johneow, Box 1294. Lon An 1666 year, - agona Ivaw et . rearearing V 2661 761 F. Bdw galea, -- Cellt. MAS I each tow to refmiak rhaadellera. brae .7 boumt Ork HAVE you a dry. wrinkled or Ally akin twin A CUMl'ETEr girl for be4. 'AQtot. hr new method, 16 daltr withoot la famlU. Sp Uondry. rood wage. 1176 eapltal or experlettee., Wblt CuoatUl Co,. ST falling htlrl Cell Mrt. Morris, Hy. 102 M Praco-Amerir- a a22V Fa at So W 2478 OUL - 1862. . specialties , Oektw. lUr ?2. , , of rcaldemc LADY MINN HH,FN OSBORNE, 60 for hou?ketiung tod eomponton, chnng GOVT, and railway mall eterkf needed. Ft . T90-M21 Taat Broadway; Hy. e!7 2466 Met - ptMGHsa hooeWM. I77, free, pftrleaeo uaftoeawary. of WANTED- - onipelent girl t do general feooae-wor- k Write Mokaoe Instlfite, 144 Dearer, Cote. Student PERSONAfi acanario writers. 1667 Palmer plan, pleas communicate with aod rooking Mut have rfrrenre, of America, 439 Halo 23U AN 1621 Itoorer at Phone Hy, 17b 1 1. tailor wanted: mat bo flrat-etaaLtgLos Angeled, Cal. Important. !!. 50 panta, 3..W raia 68; ateady League bldg., foal SALESMEN: Offlc naretoityj mat a 2Vf Mill work. C F. Dais nfflO lea, bos LIS America Falla. I tak hundred. Tiepealer buy $1; 1664 Mho. shade ilOMEOROWN traea, rose, grape vines, 8240 N . 13tk 6t., rHILAlFL-PHTPn.MrOR aod ornnmeatal trees. Berry jilantt. Mums 'Three Wee weob oppeoriiig me who rMIl W A NT ED firat-clboxwood effh rto Rbaeta dnlay clump, evergreen Ivy, refareoco. and who boUe c3727 8ALL6MAN B. H. Bower. Provo, ftnh. lo aeli adeerUHtiig calondar and they bar aalea abiltt to folo our largo or plant la Salt Lake City and vleinlty. I gamMtioo tpeeialtle ael! oatSomiUy know elertrical and Besnty Culture Selling aeaaow eommeaee Jaxxary 1. Brat prop f labor oavlnf appliance. Real worker eaa atakt hwNAieV'AcWV ctomnlaalon oolttoa to Puttier. Tliyhea paid j btg tuoney. Spleailid otportuuity for adTtncf-meo- t. 90-HK6. BUSflEUs CUf'BB. lrfro NG CO.. ClutlMitl, O Atk for llr. Baitoyf Into Mountain Klee-tri- e eUllft ftuprfluut 6irg mol,- Birthmirki promptly. GEO. 7L P0d2 M 667 A1 fo., 47 F.at 4th Sooth. fta. 6M6T eqr4a K 1h MEN, oxer 17, beomq railway mall elerka. Learn month. Llat poainoaa free, fraaklln Bgfuty Ftrlora N. Y. lawtlmto, pepf. 76 F, p1IW0 J1EN W are (he original; barber trade taught Wo pay free according to Fat tot metliod. KNOWLTON'R Beanty Rpeclale Correct marcel MF.N Ag 17 to 66, eaprieoro uopereaaary, ton white yon learn rod ear guarantor a job. Eg; bobs, jawltcbet, dyeing frake aeeret toreat! atien. repartR. waving, curia,Travy and Burn Salarlea, eiiHuxtea American Foreign Doteetito WoTer Barber Cnege, Iti Regent sr. pert etiehttoo. t'n temoo Martnelto hnm'a creams and powders. O round floor, 39 Agency, d47, St. !h4. r646 BE an to Mr big pan SIMM Waa 477. go. Main learn. Practical work. Big FREE hok A rHOTOil B APH apeeia l oftor: faro ageata oaly j ONt Job Writ at open. overriding. b bnalneaaMk moat tale peep. Frtomonde. National Atitoootlro School 8U8 80. BOARD AND ROOM Figueroa, 201 lear Bank bldg. r37l3 56 IM Angeiea. NICELY fnrmiahad isom, good heart, ren-abl- e MEN for fftomen, Iwaketneo; kegtonra fl5(k MEN. learn the barber trade, according rate. 243 2nd Rost. PhoM Wa. 4U49. later $266. RaUway, Bait Lake Tnboae. t the latent method. We get reoalta. We 2713 pay you while yott learv and gnarante a fob GOOD Worn for good people; board and room, MEN wanted tor deteoljre work. 148 Be vent at. 1666 Berber at Bper4eur Collet. ltah 33 Canyon 7 weekly. Waa. I7U-1- . nnoeeeaaary. Write J, Gaaor, formto Gov't. BR a iJerm thre, 866 106 f W9eklr; trarri ocer kS74 Detecttoe, M2. St. Lmit. 211 American world; experience unnecesaary VERT warm aad dralrabl front gad back paw UFN Af 17 u M Exper lence unacchaagry DoUclif Agwcyy jfJ-Xnc- .1?8 ultb!a for 3. 3 or 4; aicam btl; ter, rvoua. make acret toTeatigntiona. report. LiUltN TH Travel, MAIL ORDER BtSINrhA nd 47 Bo. 8th B. . Waa. 720S-smaller Palartea; otpeaaea. .Amerlcaa Forolgn 1 tec-lir- e build bp a liecrativo buaineaa at homo In mdlM 310 Agency, 64? Kt. Loiifa. oft a email Iftetotment. Write for time, apare BOARD aad room, ham cooking 43 go. 4th MEN wan biUetla. "Erafft demriptlto t4 to qaaUfy tor Firemen, Brake ititereaflng r9V2 Bast, ally. Box 66. Ban Francaco. aaes: xpereiiee 0Bneery; tranaportatlou e2tm I a. Lou BOOM aad hoart la prlvat Ylrito faratahed. St. Boggem, 527, family, modtry . 2t6 8xopbons home, Was. 23719 M. r!234 99 3rd av DOST angular la.'rumenl, Heauita 0 lemmas. EiRST CLAUS board end room. 173 East Booth WANTED Big pay to met errywhrr (larlnet enrart. Das Janata, 493 Sat to Ik aie. 8333 Temple. aamplea booklet, etc. W'hele or Wat. 9818-y9087 No S. time. etiwrienco required. Meyer. VACANCY, two friend, large roam, get aad cold apareSewenih 166 St . IolTille. Ky. Wkntgd Inform, tlon water; sxceUast board. 944 A let geuth. 211 . r979 B'ANTED Qub kl amateur acira for dram4ie atage, pooltiona opea. Addrdaa H 41, Trthmie EXCELLENT tabla board and rsoms, modern 2fl.7 829 Er let South. borne, rtoe la. rdADg XD9RR98 W3NTED. o nu apply bAi'LhlkNt Lli btAr a hep,r. room and board for gentle. COMFORTABLE nnleva are French pe-rTe any experienced, Btkrr, men. near bualneas district. fnrnlehlng the yreaeat street Waa. 82S7-J 818 W 4H. Roath 2M4 afllieee Af.. n.v. P irtle, line below ne - will S3 O at. - rtt?S . r Palace Bar- pur II 00 pet nauie. To these gtvlag a nantea aieady barber. Nit ELY fnrnlahetl toom, anltabla lor- - two; TWO In or wo oitfbt whom from r rivet of frieng, ber 8 hop. 2874 Waah.' 0 Ogden 114 board If desired. 1024 lat ave. temr tills Information we will pay, npo reI men flratvciami HAVH gtrfid for good poMUooa oourev local fl.OO. ton, All rhe of furstahed BKATIFCLLY of room, with board, to tfcuritv ceipt ea fumlah Information confidential alngla ar e suite; private bath; new home. 4ASwho 267? Ctah Sartoft dr Tenet Bldg a9&4 Day board. 833 East South Temple, Name and Inst know addreat. fountain u'tal FIRST CLAM room aad board, 80S !t. 2nd WANTED Expcftoocrd ao-lHowanf Edra. Orden. 1 tk.-LeVhd wnrkor 60 p. 0. Meet Waa. 941 J 1333 R, Kindle imnniHani. WANT W. 11 lluntinrhiB, Wllftev nptn. ma ancmplorod. atom aaxint for ka IlhAT (1,AM hoard aad room 630 had $13 oxtarenra. will our W Rummers. Ft E nrouoaitlmi month Job So. W'hy. ftft 4th wha per 12) gtx you 6406 per at a Smith, r 'dl So. grd T..L- -pliMDtowa-work, room imC b rd, or by tha to - boost -- H. wsxa tHmeteedr-n- gmoatL . prei; yoar Mr av, 2T6 W f1t Ito wtoag a el.wis yoar flid. A ilorculoa adrvrtlood J. Manliart. Ilraee, Id. bo Nationally Box Products Auto St. Ti9 D. 276, lift. C. Watera. Brick Row. your lira. 2upb. pNE Urge room, gentlemen preferred, with . t6Sin aod without board. 26 No. W, empta, Waa Mlrhlgaa. Tovrv truly. 64di, al643 BY Salt Lak fiaaucial ioatltuliou. capahto STANDARD FCRNITIRI CO. mal stosograpbar ltwcu th agra of 18 FLEASANT to nn, with twin bda. ateam beat: 37 flraf-cla281 So. 8rd Eaat, hoard Addmw 1767 ftnd 28. kluat b rapid aad accurate K-Jft6 Trihnttr. ST lux A 6 RMPL0YMSN1 AGKNi Y. CABPENTEE WOfeK NEW BCNOkljOW WITHIN WALRIVQ DIR. At Weat Socoml Sontk St. Watotib UKM1. TAKCB FOB TW'O YOCNO LADIES. WAS. work, cement work, romodeilng, OWIaat. k603 FOR and ftoUabi 4068 B. plaaterlug, palotlng,. pprbaBgiagw tc toll - 61772 -. 4TAK EliFLOr WENT AGENPY SSHE. 4046 Ka TVtopiian Waaatck C?1. room for two. Board if 164 Rrgout Mt. A VERY Aromfortobl hanlwoo.1 floor, NEW or repair, 160.1 waotbr detred. Walking diataaca. 673 Ediaoo at, mecbaslea; work gnamn-ter- d atrip:Call xperlnced 2661 bet State and 2nd Eaat, aNAT Ia, e.MPIX)YMENT AGCY., Hy. ftlftVW p4) 101 8166 So. W. Was. firUabt lat room and board for geatle COMFORTABLH Hp. tw atiS FGtt frotla iHilwtlng- y- oorptoterwork, 186 tea, clos la; 2 pala preferred. -- 6264-JL - - W. lot made! mg aad opormgr-m- it ws,,rf" Hy ymm. '5576 WILL xeteanga dntal work for rarpoator work A81 nd romubS labor. AaaocUiod DuUatp, 246 Children Horn t roiuedeltag carpenter cement asd brick Main r666i FOR t. - chimney IM retopped. Wit. S067 R. WOULD like to take eae ar tw klddlaa to mr bofal WANTED Idaho, portar, Ex)Wtlocd ears WKHJ. beat sf heme; pSTI9 Hy d repair aod board. Kf (AKFENTER aadS&8builder, cabinet wag- - $46 par jwontb, nn work. 2nd South. Shop. Eat Wa. 1146 F 6rt Trlbou. A MOTHBIIg rare In a nice home for two Adrfr 8RIT-W- , 2G1 1258 9tU Rani. rhildren, near good arbol. KLB( Titlt'AL AfPLIAMB RALE.1UEN. Una ' work before algll t WALKLR ELBITKK, HAlK.your painting tpentr 1J9 80, STATE. r hmiaecleauiav; Urge or small ob. Metal KDUC9TKD l.ily will boanl tw ehllilrea; alas illM wetkr H. l Wa. 4427 otriew, 2606 ears ter cklldres afteraeona. Hy. 433-- R WANT AD 4 tod lavtr, on who c MT4S 1 a!! Gaerxl Oontrctor End Build r 1486 drlT Ford truck My. 1004 GOOD boms for rhllgre. king, motherly rare. SOI 14) giv ti. k. room rnt fur pointing or C3RFENTER ant cement work, roptlr work 993 Huhhart ave . ear No. 11. eC90 2X1 E. 1467 oed rewind. Us,. Crocked walla aod founda-tioo- a kalaomining Iwmpl. paraaaenily rvpelrvol 28t. X. X. Daiiu. GOOD 7nur and llrratock man. who 1 jilti19X4 go. loth Fast. Hy. MOBTGAGRS AND LOANS ng to work for what tbo lnduMry co pay. VI B 164? rontraoi. repair aril point roofs; soil roof A4lraa G 88. Tr1bun RICHEY A COMPANY. paint;' prices reaenasbte. tint one osUxaatos. ho DEPARTMENT ator waata rtporlrurrd agg Roof Service co , h aa, 344d. Wamtrb L2H. , alramaa. Stato rxprrienco: fW g, now beUding. FOR ronPNlellsg. aad 4a full, repairs Trlbun. Addre Hare flrvt mortfag Vest e ally reaWawee work dona promptly, call 1634 prices .reeauaabla, for sale. Net you 7 per rent end I per cent 4143-Jaim Title examined, loan, kiede ang Interest rop FIVE mra lo plaot grape aud do farm work. By - Cabinet Work leried by u. Aek for Mr. Rlrhey. Taka number 38 at root cor to Odell'a station. gg3T 1706 1 DEB rent and 3 per cent mortgagee a strugCARPENTER, cabinet asd cement work! bundgle; raa g.t-- per real It kom la half clear. WAMLI Vlorkmr of oil kind to know that estimates ing, repairing, reflalnhlng; free, SWJL Hy ibaa will malntalo Fbone Was. 9006 X. Call 6 work at rato of pay I N. 9tk Waat. pg a homo canart Got and nita. reoed unrmplAymont lONTRACT rOR SALE. Iteraae of argent need, will eell at keavy right with your onioo. ball Lk - Ffdcration -- ITM dlsroont welt secured real estate rontrart, of Labor. PIANO INSTRUCTION reulrlagwillI130U te kaadle. 'WI19 dlecouar ea WHERE 8 barbers rat hair for 96o No. 96 net II par rest, aad sale. Address RUTH HU. LEE-CRAthat It EE, Hlcharda at Barber waatod '1753 Tribuae. P4133 taacber of voke And p.ase. Apt-- SOi, Wan. HE A OONSTHrmON SI PKR1NTFNDRNT r3Md EI IN G BA PI NO AND COVCBimi mar te 75e per he C0N8TR1 0T10N. WRI1B I KITE R. STATINd TERM! redureddilfln YETYBIXAKY 8XntOON sow. AGE Tea, her Sf loni etperlenrs deslrim pe-AND EXPERIENCE BEFE&ENi VM DB. MOFFETT Kit E Waa. 4H0I-R- . 1647 pile. xrtarlaariaa 76 yoara ADOBES8 Beglauera preferred. TRIMNB. rftStH prartical axprrlcnc hi V S. army, J43 8. W'ANTED At two lln experienced yard Wan 60 H Phan W. Tampto. on, k2467 Piano end Comet Etudlo maaafera, on1r 40. accuatomed lo buaulrod thousand ordume; atmog compiltioo: good Itmtrartor, cornet, trumpet CHIROPRACTIC AddrOM Standard WM. H. LESLIE, town, oaatorn W'aahtogton sod piano-- , eometlsf Daramennt Cmpnaa theWaeh. Lnmber l4d Rprtcan, (o, . Waa. FRANK H. EARDLEY, D. 583. suit 8 terrace. M K. tk to ater. Easier N. Firtt-cla- a automobUe tniinter. Idaho Wes J44 1 47 laltb AilWU.Vew-P4S5I Emporlom. vw(floma W'ANTED Sl7, AS Patol 4Or Pneoidritoy 44 to, aU I Ot6S4 for gieramat offir p. CLKRKHV 14 apWard KEY riTTINO AND LOCK WORK iltloea. $128 moathlr. Kxperitoeo unaecMO-aary- . MATTRESS REPAIRXNO BAHT buffi afvtitod. Wo repair anytkiitg For free llat of poaltlooa ouw opto, writ OLD Fhone Va. 4)A'J mad oror Ilk nw. Quality Fowlers bey. Gu Ionar4 f former clril aerrWq examiner!, and acrrtfw. (all Ltab llattr aod Nwieltjr Work. 106 W. 3a4 ouh tn F. 106? LiiuDabl hiilg W ahlngra, D. i. 2203 lb So. Waa. lull 66234 41690 ta I a rt - ... ry l 2 gtr r wt my er it Frr Trd t By (n. r2l nai ' a3 ck pl. lat a4 t Bt carptr MINES AND MININ O RAGTIME CAPITAL Wtntcl la handla gold mine ledge u 41ft. R. Carleow, 33e Peeler a re.. 7 PIANO ptaxtag guaraattod 18 13 toaaooi, SIT-I- J Orica. or ear. ! Watormaa 44 84. Mato. nta 4147 rnr, . crrt lwt. f3 f wttre t., V 4 ky . (Ps) ETW WANTED A emptiest girl te ears 4oe ghlt 4 eJi-1- HAND WAiHI.MS. A TROY LAUXDSY. R7UA8LE euoeeni I1XTS 431 Fet tor blUbto Ir6 6mmj, ; 3 morg 2Tk5? lo Material sh farnitbe. bI ft flrvt-eos- fancy work. Llb btantpH cowlnp brings Mrllnjlara Art Good rortamonth. Lomp&f A3T. par. crl t n4orxroe4 08 ble FH0T0FLAY8 Wrkina TEAthtMd from nnxl In univoriiiy. H $16 OHO for toe thouht wortb. a (.ary, (4 Mala. Kalkeryn Ic 61 paw leecliem Details free. Writ Producers Igcavu-81- 6. Era Yetgenwa. smaager. ssreitaesL W. 6t. looi. 217 118 trm Poem, play etc., or waatq ir IBAcbbKO. otowcotory, bft orhtoi. toltogo. STORIES, Rohm It or oobllmrito. writ M8. LUcrary Moootott Btata Tacbev Agnry. 32 fHcb Mo. 14 6164. Free rgUtrtlomp36b7 Bureau 812, flatwtbal. otower UOlilbREPER two with by DANTLD 71 Id for geaeral beuwrk; mot boy. Bo flsm took. Ws .6168. 11 W 1886 Apply 784. $d, Tib Ktit Sttoday morning.SJ655 GOOD gi4 waatod far goorrol bonsework. 86 AT 0rK 7 bdtvo to travel, demoostrato aod fell dealer. $40 to $78 pr week. Ry. fsro 1846 Virglei otreat. GowdrUb Drug Co., Dept. 101 f, Oort, ud, ond H5&80 touaawoik fcbLlAtfLhp Neb. fnf girl tookiag; amau faoUly. - Lofertncas roquired. WANTEI amateur act re for draguick! 1616 Wa, btoTv Atklrta matic atae, poritloo open. BXDSRlkNCkaD aaleewoiaan In alloeewncw. Triboa 25 But g, oxporianeo and wboro ImI Nw Barry glaghom - 1496 WOMEN to toll bootowitoReduced Artdtoao G u. Tribaft. ployodn Samprice. wtrpmofd. CAPABLB girl tor general 'too work 1 aaati pleapron, frc. Barry Mf$. U, Caurtoty bldg . HW Omaha. Nb. 15716 Fourth Apply 2 family e. WAlTKkhg vioini, bUdiot cole, 67 W. 2nd Schools Dtnclnt Boothe o)61l to dr ic. tg oae dev. Woodward's WANTED 'Bipofrtftcod tUoyeeo. 207 Bo. W LEARN aew studio, 247 "Bo. Main. Open daily; bus ol663 bet, 6 86 sad 6 Tempi. vr.u- nd. FLRMBUCD oirt.f five to ctopl for part-tiaggr of Uttlt girl 4lk yra. Q 8. 8tb . r -.- V 01686 Fast. , LADIES taught Vwimmlnf Prof. Tttonitoa wv 43 u2729 tends Barks dally. Wae W AWTLD 4Jopaiak girl foe cooking nnd dowastnlra work- Itatoroont. 16 Jto. 4th MltcellineoiiE Wantnd U170T 7l tod. i 2266 aa. Hel; Yergen-oe- rtwaiWa and espo- - TERAITOhUL aad tU6V qtorka -- liaNf, p. -- . Tf you caJf-j- k me alra rhl la the eye aal mat Inc me that you anclcea. kee. ambirieu. koofft aad rnorgetlr, i will eoastder yea for a abll-H- y poaiUoa whwre gouTaa grow fa to ftaaaral aad Joeoaae. TUq ofiporttmlt aerrtc with oaa of tk biggoat m to rao Amerlr. Con la iad how aid tf F meawa up to Art for Mr. big ptoitioa. 96 Boatoa 2 at brtwoea Fig Kyaua Bldg., 4trt6 Wt ntd Halp (Male) LOOK ME STB Alt, HT IX TUB EYE. - CHIROPODISTS EUAASk.ru DR. N OSTEOPATHS kjt iq CO., MATTRESSES REMADE MEN wanted to wear our trusees ; fit gturma-teed- ., Rex Drug La. W. lemple sad Broed. d372 : i OrrtCER WantJ H!p (Mxle) Monday sight, S o'clock. Eonerv leaaona sad demrmauaOona by rhua. ExpmiaUg bow nerve L18S eper1fce6 ktoHi Sr Fa. preeaure cearmls aches aod reliceee your pains FIlSTvf rfci6t, Amir ,1n rs, rw &H8 riam. ate. bawefited by of the 8 to WAa E.i Dnm far rwuit bfcry Seoecy eyetem. (Jab mew her el, Ip eoet W- ell. Includes an moatb'a dues (which te ft atoM b sprvrnred d good 2116 monthly t. Lmaim afceota aa band each kaaua tr6 Bom iukTe 163 8.1 2nd Kt. airht, work wUi6 luTHOLOGT Tha Wawlrh nrboot 4f pay-- FIVR ftrwt-ciatot 6rb J. BU 8 Kaajrt pr df. fo. 6 lock. kixbt t 6 WBe6r Sir. 161 h bcflnalDg 6m Bute, Appl? be(wa Rur pxrtoo1ffr ttk Cbt, 5i30 8 m. t B tFrcttg 4 It tnt Ha mabjert ftue. t I $i taetaiicg BMMth'ft tf WA NIKOLA brbtp I Uk nm of wwh i r ABrnUt If r by rrB. in4 nt; tts( & rxfertsc. por. Lr. Wwk Fbrt pfaoM Wtt, 6AA4 r 2066 fbe, iim. W, E. PH. ft4 twcltr, n.16 Ym room 269 6a. RietM BlBge Cl ItavA. yKN opiiatihf taiiwtjr ftian-aff1- r pnltlM 2366 trlth truqxwtatiM foroihotf, rrS qtiklu Rkr 8pt Dpt. lIVORcA; bArprx; tmiiws trwuWt; coo JHi HW8 WhiBwrtfbt, 6t. Zoai. wlUt. iafrrrlaw eeafiBwheL tAgsl aB 4V Lv WE Want 1w m- -v f forwwful portonaUt and 6s(ioi MMiUB. 6u7 AUm blociLgbiAt W. teB 4M aMIH wit eat tpprfeiat xnum appor-twi- t. Tkia to ftd offwr to waawt kat an whwr ... orffintoatioa ioawnt oretafa LF TO DATS btb 7rtFl wHt W xr attratiT 4 by ptonl iprtaeB ttiMfg tK off of miwomI saanntd alt ort; If tptoyi4 Uf p. m. m. 10 Eng ! J. Offtr cl 434 tNOMftt flii U wall worth ?mr while tAn i 206 Mclatyr fWBf Wm, 693. 0 iiKArdlnary pnltMi t 6Bdwrtnh. PERMANENT BKLIEP. PILE ikJH b frsniM If you wlU mil ! '8 Ne need at knife, ne gue rente gtrea. 7176 Ralik BMf. nftrr 16 n. in. fgaleoatUae Ask 4 see Olerenu Pile arerh. pain, atatioB-of- f MKS rnUwn powitiona Diwgn. Treat went. fcbremm-Aohneoc4d with wanning XowAportotfcto fwniiahod, rxiwftoue L. WISHER, graduate rhlr-apeDB. ELIZARRTH writ toft, qukk. Baker, 0upU, fl&66 let, 729-2McIntyre hrdg., m to. Main 8t Lowl. mahiirrtfhf, mil Was. 2Snp EXPERIENCED jaanitw inhiiai ANNIE I.OKDON glree scientific treat a.anti ehank want poattkto eit or out, AWrr Waa. TtW. 2ti geuth kid and mamago. SUtf . Trltom. WfatAd WANTED WANTED WASTED WANTED ' ami rhemlft. 169 6a. 4. bi-fWaaateh 4U4. Wpft Temple. l K BLACK A lKA40N. ataavora anB ebamiata. bottfh n2M Tempi. Baa 1314 C- TRUSSES ' ASSATERS - - K. H. DR. PITCH, aapbaltvm sad all kinds of roofs paired and patnted.- - J H. Ukkali, 144 k,. S4e0 jor. Hytaad ICC W. 4T. 1821 Afiftta, AMTin ad Wtst Tfispl ttraat, 6aU Lib knd for Ramplo Jor lopes Wna. ROOF REPAIRING Wttttrb 169 6a. hotel WINDOW Bldg. PERSONAL n Wl gpl V iit - B. 836 atiwaV-- 1897 R, e prk-efor gnaa, revolvera, w, tehee, WANTED Waeuao for geaoral cleaning nnd I PAY top die musical instruments, er moods, cameras, woodwork -- waahibgw Apply Mr, Edgeworth., anything of value. T buy. sell, trade or fa- 1718 rnsaberfaind opts. Heavy to loan a3 reeeoeehle change asythlag DevMeon'9 Loon Office, 30 East 1st Re. -WOMAN 09 girl to attcod children during day. rates. hi Odd wfaDo niolkor works. - Apply 823 W lat 6a. Bsa. 9349. IAQ7 WILL Roy revb far BO nwvt Nstionel lash- - mg-- -letcre. Groshelle Cseh Brgtster Eacbsoge. G1HU bet. 78 aad 76. to help with boutoworg od muU wag; for boe mU fagtriy-9- 231 Rtate et.. tiroebell Fetohee ho'bHng ft 733 OWE riwreto furniture aod carpets, tall clothe: ale BVkBiHhtf tody waated as compoalvn with i , t37l 1738 Waa. 4009. olderlr Ude. 462 North Sfd Wet WANT to asaahlne with aa Auto buv, 46 ksitlcr Uk REFINED lady, 86 or years of ago, to three eyUndev, ov will buy the 30 and car of bon o nnd children;-atoad- y homo tor 9hi W. 3rd Ro, cylinders separate, right party; rotoroaeo waated. Addra G 24, SI490 . . 1777 Tribune. Phoaa Hy. 3U23W, BRIGHT young woman a housekeeper for young IBLD tenor aasophoae. SIT23 f man widower Address Tribtme. slhdd r BARTK PAPER OLD HAG3fNE8. iwork add J COijFCrE.NT girl tor we themvour Save fell buy In family. nugitiocw City expffieoco necen cooking; St93t 1688 Wee 403N. 1177 B Bo. Temple. Waa '80P2. ey, to all old BAM' bi 444 postage eisoipe. WOMAN fw general housework. CU at on er off cover, ea far hack so - - I6.8 Ko4tr aerraco. e r l4Ar Write whet you bare. Av X-- Van llnrre, TWO middle-aged- .1UA4 eaperieoced Ihaoibermatda; 230( Edina Blvd . Elea (Ity. IIL also two scrubwomen. Apply Belmont hotel, B HAT have, yon to Weds for a 5 passenger 1861 2N6tfc Prate t. Overland auto? Phone Was. 9782 or Waa WANTED Experienced girt foe geooro) bouse-wor4970. 02512 618 Second ara. 2146 refervoce. FIRST CLASS steamer trunk. Waa. 9219 J. UNINTIJMBEBED lady partner witk some mesas - v c S2492 , for local bnaloe, yeferoftCeo exchanged. Ad ' 2036 W ANTED Lady's large wardrobe trunk; anal 4rea H-- Tribune. ho In good condition aad reasonable brio-C- all - - v- TUid.MAX BB THE TI RNING POINT IN Bv. arc 2.mt - 4ouir TOUB urs. v fr We bar a woman fntnre to ftom 58 to 60. of good habits, good appear ad ability, to tell the tuh. Tha ftnaftolal aorlee dpnriment of a great commercial boots la wilting to pay well and train th right, woman for a poafitan of greater reftportibility.' This my be the toroiag prist In year life. To tooeo that yon are tha woman, call between 3.80 p b, gad 8 ton. at 212 BostoaBldg. 2116 r Wntd Ettit Bohl LIST yoar property lo cur promixiit $1 street offie. ooocxcluilTOPO CQMMI88IO tNLr.M FK MAAS TUB 6AUL Fair oUcli4. Hating h 'O RIAL BARNH 886 South Mato 1ST AT a lot or tw MTIsL buy x COMPACT 4U32, 4686 Wa. blreoi. -- cto3 from owner; term rl?.i7 y. IP, 0." iwx littiw WANTED Woman to take care f InraDd Hde. ""nofl b 2210 HILL Good hewie. Apply 186 W. 6tb Botith. caab for lot oo ont 14; or ii pty D 21. Addroo biy 4 Of Ancgooi buugaWir. COMPETENT gtH for bakery. Apply Buoday H766 marning. Packago (Jrocvry, corner 8 talc and Tribune. 2nd Hmith. 2t84 F0K Ml to trad tv in MaU tratfo-WI- AGENT8 or salesladies, reliable, energetic women. no experience ecery, liberal eomrais-aPwr- ,loqolto office New Grand briel, JO to A 277$ Modday, WANTED Experienced woman defectlee by local department store; most gif reference. 2175 Addre G W, Tribune. $2 .V) PER DAT poM one 1 dy to each town fee Noo to distribute circular for Economy F. Permaarirt poiitio. alcoholic Fiaroriof. 1921 B. D 4 11 It ro., thirago. LADIES: $5 to $16 daily lotroUnring new guaranteed hofWy. Huai wear or replaced free. JCbtthor experieace nor capital required. Writo deliver and collect. Aamplea fur order. staked ewwtolnryrt- ftrfF Mill fesbloo silk. Co.A Dept. Oh to. 3205. rtncinnatl. 019.76 LAD1BB: $80 weekly easy. Bpore time only. rinanintoed waterproof spree wiling tlko wlMfiro. Beery lady will buy. Require no laundering. Always ready to ue. Experience mteeceewiry, bamplea tore. fUHen Mfg. Vt . 1982 Dept. 3874, Baltimore Bldg Chicago. LADIEA: Rraod new. 66000 weekly easy, ExperiIroning beard cover tell tag fact. ence onneeeaaarc. Ppare time only. 8am pie free, flatten Mfg. Co,, Dept, 6874. Baltlmow " 1561 flidv., C1riraf. TEAi HtllM WASTED FOR KURD XL VACATION' FORJTION. Rrd dellahtful Slmmev Irev.llne en-- i make 3309 bealrtea, Wer la along ashen! ties. ao4 offer tplenfrid opeor-tunlf- v fee hu.hieea mneertlno Rell. mao fa, paid: deflnife .alary vuanntseil, wth Preferseee gives epporninttv lo earn, oiere. tlKM ...rthif earlle.t and trnrktng hmgeet. P. F. .AlhrlgM. WOK Las A Eleetrte WHt BMg . Denver. .1994 e KRI.IARLR eeneern vests nomee to 4s fan ev work Materla'a fprnleheil. I .them I per. Rtesiped enrelope hriar, pertli-o-lere- . Art (iooda Compear, prte-etcr-'4 Ohio .1949 RFARE TIME W0RKlo4ie la ever? town. 93 aa henr iSemonsfretie Stirilf Irmtmg Heart Co-e- r. hotr.thlnr pew. 9.11a ererv (!. LYNCH. W. ho-n- BARN 3 Riwlaeflelrt. III. 1903 tO Mfg. pnfer U Co for city property or aouLbeMt Add row F'12, - V -- - WAMbD 7o buy farm Jron oaber. A44rM ma4 raock; Tribune. 8G- Improved i;r loeatiua Trlbuna. U-- price and I86J WANTED. Fut arriveA In city ao4 am taxiott to Have subatantta! cask payntrot 10 (o 30 acr loiprovcd farm oilb food building, torntod cnr 11 cita Lh Desire to do buai' location and riirt particulars eaa direct frltk oaner. Addreaa G-- 6 Tribune ' located. gl to maka oo mm mi.iiinwe.iwww.mi IF emearnmn ""'Awi lamnniniimii uasmni. 15to naw. bunfulow that you toe aa flrat paytocuC aad tarky bataoco oa woothly pay meat, pall Mr. Wori-aav1667 ftaa. 128. have VOL auriem WANTED TO BUV AT 0MB. y room c tuor. hukI-ra- . home, buhatautial firat and wnlklBg 4irianco good Boutltiy paymcnU. AtUlrea U 6, Tribune. 2162 full WANTED 4 riTArooto modem bous In Hnth-oaatfrom 8 to 10 year old, ooi to aacecU nnd trm Complete description, prk requcaied from ooner only. Addrcaa H $7. 2r56 Tribnn. t WAN f to buy a 4 or $ room borne, rauvt be reaiMHiable. Mr. Lee, Keoyou hotel ItldOG 8171 Wnted To Borrow PRIVATE pttly went, ULhurr.w T 30UU; wHI per cent Interest. Addrse A 3. Tt pay vne. rl WILL pay 19 per cent for 91090 loan, flood It error v. Address DA. Tribuae, SEVEN per rent guaranteed -- plus ratle earn-rallR Inge I years. Security, Was. B494-- rtSUM ILL p hatereat ond bnu for Wo of $5ito alx month and glv absolute oeeurlty. Ad 166J Tribune. 4rfc. W A N1 kLLmo from private parly of A? fto ixty day. Willtr forty dollars rooimtu Moo and fir aa octirity ahantotoly perfect diamond valued on thooaand dollar along with 66tony note for $426 fro ratd concert, bifbevt 1 refraca given. Addra immediately weeklr, aOdreeelea. mailing Teetfnetloe, '5-- ,- Moaep hark If raises llalUng Co . Toledo, Ohio. 2612 .1993 Trihim. ' Da rour LA LIKA own hetneritehlng and $looo ON not at 8 pr cent in rear. Good re faremv. Addrea Tribune. plenrirg: at.aehmmt fits any merMne, 33 39; 2104 hattnnhole $9; hang embmioeree. 33 39 Agmta wanted. E, Etepheuea, 21 Qulnrr, Chh-J-- o Wnted-T- c Eanl Farms alPTO iH nOOLLLHL- 3994-W- sad . - to take mom. rare- of smU home for 1& 3rt ave. Ingulre W 213 lC.-f- l WANTFD As .eiperlenred eonk. t.a 9o. l L993 Temple WANTLD A ivl for arrood work. Referenre rerinlrrd. IVn. 10. e3n4 VANTIlL-- f treble girl for rook .f and housework. References required. Was. 3404. 24 L street efTOO TO font aaU acre for 100 or coop onywbro- 4a wtal. witk more ken. bir full dead addrea scription. term, locnllon, cle. D SO. Tribune, Fait lake. 26t7 . MOKYT TO tZND 6 FIR CENT, Wo or making kmo at 8 per cent n Irrl Idaho, No commit charged. Yearly nay meat a allowed, THE HOME IVvESlMI NT A m i$ lAVIVlf CO., Glen AllUfr, rrat.t . Walker Bank $ldg k4310 TaiBIRAL loooa o nmiche. diamond, jewelry. 810 for 80c; $2$ for 7se. torn )oaa proper CoaDdeaUaL Frovtoont Loan (tooately lew. toctotv, 188 iriiMt Main at efiug farm to Utah and gal4 km or examination far COMl'ETKXT wlieilova. eocd pe.ptue reel, homie. Maneeer 143 West let Re. .2034 WANTED A reliable meld for graersl homeEeforenree.. 419 B. let go. ,203d work, WORK I NO girl er woman te share housekeeping room, wttk ton 14 at rlbt ormt-om CU kELD moocy at Runder. 331 DenvermethepjaddufhtL. 3311 . rvnl e(nuia A. Rtehtor Co, 66 6ouU 4817 668. TWO OR THREE WOMEN, BETWEEN' 20 lUab and Idaho farms; liberal option. AND 30 YEAR OF AOR. WANTED FOR ON WORK 116 Miller A Vtelo, 6u2 Kan bklg. IN AN LAUNDRY. THORB HAVINO HAD EXPERIENCE IN THI3 LAMB LOAN OFFICE, 7tt Auto 2nd So. SALT R5FER-ENCPLINE OF WORK PRFFFRRBD, Libriitl ton of rluo. b274P RTATE 40. FXFERI-ENCREQUIRED LOANS TG THE MAAi WHO WORkS. AND LIVE TEL-PHONl'UIIER. Rate lowest, pa; ADDRESR $16 up, witbout cnrMy. TRIBUNE. ,2titJ mato aerrtrt beat nnd uot private u B ANTED Woman for geneml kouaework; mnet Club. raaiaot, Wbat Natl bunk do for big boalooww he good conk; an Itundtr work; good wires. d for the man or woman wbo work. prk. Apple Mm. H. N. Berne. 1901 let eve. ,2434 A6 Scott bldg . 168 So. Main. w45A7 .EXPERIENCED etenogmpher end pfflce amte-aa- t. MONkX to kisa u enl muu, Wm, 8282 Rtate referearoa. Address Cl 39. Trth- Hofata Bros Loos A Trust U., 22 I. Ut - - ' 13T 01RI. fee heneework Piece rinse te rltr. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 191 W. let MM. Wee. 3103 2333 WANTED 8 teaegrapher, experience art eeecn-tia- l. but mast be good nenmtn. giete ul trf gipeeted to (tart. Addrrrn B 19, .Tribune. " 2330 WANTED Piano player, widow lady preferred. Cell et the T. W. C. A. rafetFHa. .Im YOUNG flady te eansaa Raaela akin food; re. moves M mitlrle. plmplm. hlotrhea, bleck-kc.dfrecklee; leaves akin purw nnd hn-tlfu- l: Trace, yentk, Nnne bat 'llr wires need Trlhnae e22T apple. Address Refer-nneektXPEHIEM Bl girl for record week. Phone Ban 2021. 924 B. Ba. Temple. a626 foatb. TUTTLE BHOH. -t- ote tost t).. nrtgg faa ku AicCornick ail and real bdildtng Art MGNEV TG LOAN t oualy mords prove ihat wo maka mot loans on real estate than nay txnat cotnpaia or corporation lo tear bank Salt Lak Cily eomblned. toald ibta bo a tmlca oar method war eompllahed rlgktf p2U67 Trocy Lmh A Tmrt Co. a MONKY 10 F&TATE, ANY Petenmu U. Wa. axjo OV IMPROVED CITY BEAL AMOUNT. , A lav. Co.4 48 E. 4th So. ' 2406 TTPEWKITZS8 for eela or rent. Writ, fat pete, S2IV, Wholes.!, Typewrlteg S233T Hein Pbaae Wli 2731. PI33 WE MEED TEACHER3. EVERYTHING In typewriter,. New Royal eaA am now Open la IdeNo, Wvemlng Posit Corona. Utah Typewriting Etcbaaga ta.. 33 VV aa asd I tab. Let us help yen obtain what yen W.n3 Routh U5300 4343. deserve. Register now. Th Greet Western gBaBANTKED rebuilt typawrttvret all makeiT Teachers Bureau. Pocatello, Idaho. 3402 tniqilive. Tha 1 po writer Co., 213 Eo. Main, a.KMI3 REPRESENTATIVE la tell Lake city gad la kpetslra. -- a. other eommualttra, ta sell ear tailored, qualone ONE hotteUMs, Corona, practically new. ity middles, tampers sad ehildrea epeelaltlca 3999 W 3819 phene Bee. direst to the trade. As opportunity for rolla-hlo- . onergotte memos tw rent money fibrin tmalneee. No trlflera SANITARIUM pare time, sod gee. tap muted. Address Triboae. p2?09 GSTKOFATHYs milk dttv etc.; bomollko 123 weekly, ape's rims, writlag foe EARN for out of town paUou. Dr oewepepers, megaslnro Fvp poem , detelie 0. A 4mbto pkrtoiao In rbnrg 2132 Lak free. Press Eradicate, DO t. Leult, klu at. Grfirtp 610 McUtyro bldg. Warn 6281 ALL make, list. Th C, bs 212 x p46$ ' |