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Show THE SALTJLAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 9, 1922. Social Notes From Utah Towns OGDEN ternoon at 2 JO oclock at th Mary Fay inn. A business meeting will be held end reports will be given by the chairmen of th different committees. Following the business meeting a children's program wlU'be gtven. under the, direction of Mrs. & R. Alton, chairman of fhe childrens unit of th Catholic Woman a league. An exceptionally entertain-n- g program Is being arranged by Mrs. Alton, who will be assisted by Miss Margery Mullen and Mies Nora Dunn. -Mr Fred Williams entertained th memoera of her sewing club at card Friday afternoon at her home, 1941 Waih-ngto- n avenue. Five table of flv hundred were pUved, after which a luncheon aa served. Daffodils were used for decorations Mrs. Norbert J. Thomas entertained at cards Thursday afternoon at her home tn the Read apartments, In compliment to Mrs. Arthur King. Thre tables were arranged for cards, at which prlae. were won by Mrs. I N. Fulton and Mrs. J. F. Oimlln. The luncheon table we centered with pink sweet peas and rose Covers were laid for th following. In to the hostess and guest of honer-M- r T. H. Carr, Mrs. Herbert W. Htnlev, Mrs. J. R. Robb, Mr. W, F. Heyman, Mr Sarah Eayers, Mr J. F. Glmlln, Mr. Georg King. Mr I. N. Fulton and Mrs. W. -- E. Qullllnan. . Mrs Marriner Browning was hoetess to the members of her reading Club at her home on Eerie avenue Thursday afternoon. A review of Conrad a book, Nos-- t Mrs. Herman Pederson CODES. April A A party iuda; and procram war riven by th Klwanls club in th Knlrht of Pythias hall The Wednesday evening. a vocal aolo by cars.program Leslie M. SaviUe, vloln aolo by iMareollua a sketch by David Wl'son and Mr..Smith, Har. old Packer and etunta by Mitts Lucille ' Alisa Melba Nelson, Misa Thelma Parry, , Outran t and Miss Nell Woods. Mies , j Gwendolyn Nelson was the accompanist. was followed Th program by dancing Basket luncheons eupplied by th women l i were sold to th twen. Muslo was fur, nlshed by th Weker orchestra. About forty couples were ta attendance. The entertainment was In charge of the fot- .lowing committee: Mrs. John Culley. chairman: Mrs. A. 51. Merrill. Arcs. W. H. Kaeder. Jr., Mrs. J. P. Cony, Mrs. R. M. Hoggan, Mrs, Fred Froercr. Mr. Harold J. Packer and Mrs. Wade M ed I i Johnson. The Ladles Literary club met Wednes- - 4 afternoon at the home of Mrs. I. N day Fulton on Lincoln avenue. Officers for - th ensuing year were elected as follow-Mrs- . R. B. Porter, president; Airs. Arnold Q. Bowman, secretary; Mrs. John Culley, treasurer; Mrs. J. tl. Thomas, reporter - Folio win the elect kmf of officer. 'repoTtif were given bv the different committees , - lor the annual Easter tea to b given , .by .hedu6 on Easter Monday at the s Berthage, for which -elaborate prepara---ttonare being mad. A number of new-e- nd novel feature will be Introduced A fashion show and manufacture review ere being arranged by the entertainment , committee. ---T'CareTiin Jipj rf vln honor of bride. Mis Helen Carpenter entertained ' at dinner Wednesday evening et her home, 2227 Adams avenue. Tellow and white decorations were used on the la- -, which was with a basket J ble, of tulips. Tellowcyitered candles were at each end.- - The favors were Easter novelties, Covers were laid for ten. The dinner was followed by game end dancing. -r Airs. W. Karl Hopkins entertained the . membership of her bridge club at the.Mary Ay inn thia afternoon. Luncheon waa served on thre small tablea, following bridge. Spring flowers were used for decorations. , Miss Beatrice Browning entertained gt "'"a box party at the Otpheum Tuesday . evening, when the play. Stop Thief: was presented by the Junior class of the Ogden high school. Celebrating the sixth blrthdav anniversary of her daughter, Grace Lois, Mrs. J. IV. SmaHey entertained seventeen guests Wednesday afternoon at her home on ad-dlti- rcmol Formerly Miss Fawn Caevsr of Ogden, who was married In the Salt Lake tem, pi Wednesday of laat week, the-ted- y n, (Mrs. Ben A. Fowler, Mr. and s Air. Os- - - r V ew.jyjtttif tie UHL. Mr. Frank B. Hochstetler and son, Mron, arrived here today from Omaha, Neb- - for a brief. visit, Fred F. "Herrington, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Herrington, who Is attending Harvard university. Is spending hi Easter vacation as the 'guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and 'Mrs. WIITtim X of Pawtucket, R. I. Mr. and Mrs. Ftnrtevant and Mr. Herrington are motoring through Maine and New Hampshire. Miss Dorothy Herrington, who Is a student at Stanford university, la the guest of friends In Fan Jose and San Francisco during her Easter vacation. Mr. Parley C. Richardson entertained at four tablea of bridge Thursday afternoon at her home, 2665 Fillmore avenue. Honors wer awarded to Mrs. Claude w BE, -- ere-supplted- h. - -- h street, Easter decorations were used and a favor was preto each guest. sented Luncheon was served on small tables. The following were present: Ruth McDonald. Walter BiH Jack Dinneen, Klnnard. Jim Ktnnard, Ted Lewis. Ernest Kohler, Beverley Wood, Letttla Peery, Virginia Andrews, June Andrews, Helen Shipley, Ards Phttllpps, Alice Smalley, Keith Henderson, Blaine Wflbur and Jay Smalley. Mr. Julia Smith will be hostess to the Martha society Monday afternoon at the Mary Fay Inn. The Drama dub met this afternoon at the home of Mrs. David Becles, with Mrs. J. Orson Douglas and Miss Dana Mrs. E. R. Dumke Kelley as hostesses. gave a sketch of the life of Eleanora Duse and Mrt. Philip Warren Kniselv read the play. The City of the Dead," by DAnnunslo. Wagnerian selections concluded the program. The regular meeting of the Past Matrons' circle was held Wednesday afternoon in the iMasonlc clubroomn. Following the business session, the time was dsvotsd to making fancy-wor- k and guilts for the Easter basaar to be given on the 2 circle IS, from until by April o'clock tn the afterneon. In the Atasonle temple. Refreshments In keeping with Easter were aerved. Members of the J. C. S ciub surprised Air. and (Mrs. George Wangs gard jftHeTrfieme, soli' Porter avenue. The occasion was the wedding Ltax-- anniversary of th Wsugsgards. ketaof luncheon hy member end Impromptu prises for winners tn the games were awarded. Mrs. -- Verna- Murphy woo - the- - prite for hlgb score and the consolation prize went to Ben A. Fowiler. Luncheon was served to the following- - Mr, and Mr. Clyde Jack-eoMr. and Atrs. Charles Smith. Atr. and ,R. S.,Faraa-wort- Tea was served. Mr Herbert F. Feager was tendered a surprise Friday evening at her home on Twenty-sevenstreet "bv a number tHerdrWho- motre4 ben from over Fundav as and remainedLake Fait th guests of Mr. and Air Feager. Cards were the diverskuf of the evening, and at midnight a supper was served. The party Included Air. and Airs. A. H Walsh, Mr. and Mr Vtrgtl F pence. Mr. and Mr. Fred Webb, Mr. and Mr. Albert Walsh, Mr. and Mr Carl Holmes and Miss Netth i Mitts-Afor- Twenty-sevent- w aa.giy en .by -- Air-, welt Jackson, Air. and Mr. Castle Mur-ph- v and Air. and Mrs. George Wangs-gard. announce Mr. J. er 8. and Mr. Oarv , the marriage of their daughter. Fawn, to Herman Pederson of Cam. The ceremony was., performed . at high.- noon, Wednesday, tn the Fait Lake temple. Mr and Mrs. Carver will entertain at a wedding supper tn honor of the bride and bridegroom net their home, 639 Twenty-secon- d street, next Monday evening. Only close relatives end friend will be present. Air. and Mrs. Pederson will be at home in Oasis after April Id. airs. A. L. Anderson entertained recently at a parcel shower In honor of the bride. After a program of games and music, luncheon was served to the twenty-si- x guests. The bride received some beautiful gifts March 29 Mrs. D. E. Davis entertained at a china shower In honor of the bride at her home, 2647 Hudson avenue. After games and music, a buffet luncheon was served. The guest numbered slxteexr. The bride received a number of beauti, useful ful and presents. Word has been received In Ogden of the marriage of Edmund Wood, son of Sir. and Mrs. 1L C. Wood of this city, and Miss Helen Carmen of Fan Jose. Cal. The marriage took place Monday at Ft. The .Mary's church In Fan Francisco. couple were attended by Richard WV Graves of Ogden, a classmate of Mr. Wood a sorority at Stanford university, and sister of the bride, who 1 a Junior at Stanford. Mr. Wood recently was elected president of the PM Kappa Psl fraternity Atr. and Mrs. of Stanford university. Wood are expected In Ogden shortly on visit. a Members of ueen BstherFhanter, O. E. -- -- XBjIgyasFeygr Btrtr-teva- Remo ve Dirt Without Removing; the Family! nt Cave, Mrs. A. Q. Egelhoff and Mrs. Phil A. Kohn. Jonquils and sweet peas were used to decora te the luncheon table Eas ter Ideas were carried out ih th favora and place cards. Mrs. Richardson waa assisted by Mr W. C. Hinds and Air. A. M. Allen. The Child Culture club will meet Thursday, April 13, at the Berthana. It will be social dav, and the following will be Airs. J. W. F. Volker, Mr. hostesses: G .G. Moyee, Mrs. David Ecclrs, Mr E O. Olsen, Mrs. R. A. Moyes, Mr, Warren L. Wattla and Airs. George W. Goddard. Th program wilt be In charge of Mrs. J. G. Falck, who will glvo a paper on The Ftory of the Girl Scouts. The mothers of the girls participating in th program will be the guegt of the club A Light refreshments will be served. full attendance Is dsslred. Airs. T. H. Davis entertained Ihformally at a kenaington at her home on Twenty-fift- h street Thursday afternoon. Luncheon waa served, covers being laid for twelve. The regular meeting of the Historical society w'as held Saturday afternoon of last week at the Mary Fay inn. Mr. Joseph Che and Mrs. .T. It. Slack wereMrs. JotiephOharle OusI1he hoste6e avejon presented two of her puplU;' Axis Miriam Che and Howard hupe. In a M les Chez program of vocal n umbers. clcanintimeiiiix)-cquip-your.liomcL:with-thc-her- entertained at their annual Easter party for th children of th members of the order, this afternoon from 2 until 4 o'clock In tle Masonic temple. A program of games and contests, consisting of an egg hunt, a bean bag contest, musical chairs,rbira bunny hop and p. handkerchlet,race the' gtrla furnished entertainment for the afternoon. The Easter Idea ed out tn The deeorallons and re- ean- Fort Mie- - Yor'' (Clay Fmttht freshments Tha entertainment commlt-te- e and included Mrs. Rose Whitley, chair- Mr. "Happy Songs (Terosa del Rlego) Shape's numbers Included "A Dream man; (Mrs. Blakley and Miss Helen Win Eyes' ters. Mr.I.o- Y alee wee-- c hgirman - of (Bartlett). Look Down.. Dear, and "The Dawn (Guv the refreshment committee. About seven (Howard Fisher) A of Miss trio d'Hardolot). composed children were present. JIuslo was Doris Proudflt. violin; Miss Ruth Pingree. furnished bv Alias Ruth Prow. The regular meeting of the Catholic cello, and Marva McBride, piano, renSaint d amour Womans league will be hed Tuesdiy af- - dered two selections. and Starkletts Following the musical A. W. Mr program. Age gave a report of the last meeting of tho City Federation of Women's Club The Historical so. eletv voted unanimously to give its support to a Mothers' day program, which Is gtven annually by tho clubwomen of Ogden. Miss Josephine Seaman, representing ihe. progodtt committee of the club, S , -- ei electric vacuum cleaner. Its powerful suction whisks away deeply embedded carpet-beatergrit from carpets and rugs in such a way as to prolpng their years of usefulness ana attachment beauty. Its handy 9 OUti fools remove hidden" dirtdrom in so aweekor Perhaps the;Ifurnishingscovermgsand upfamily will be reunited. The- holstered things, mouldings, dust will have settled once plate-rail- s, closets, book-cas- es againj the rugs and carpets will radiators, even the furnace and be dirty again and mothers piping, without raising or scat- For days, mother in dust-caher p and gingham has marshalled and hurried her s, costly army of dusters and helpers.The familys in a turmoil. Mothers all in the kiddies and dad are .all i - ty-fi- drudgery and exertion will have been in tering the chist, ,or disturbing i the family. Any dealer or your lighting company, will show you how to solve spring cleaning worries. Phone or call on one ' : tomorrow. life-shorten- ing e All Fools' Day would be no joke if then were no response when you pressed tne electric light na power' switch button. On that day, as on all other days, Sundays and holidays included, your public service com- - - -other thousands of custom crs. Whether one, or all simultaneously demand that service it must be there when the button is pushed. It is this infallible service ' that operates your electric vacuum cleaner. ' vain. These things should not be! There is an easy, economical wav to clean house and keep it clean! That is outlined-threprograms, one of which Is 'to be chosen for next year's work. A on John paper Burroughs by Alls Eva Erh concluded th meeting Air. and (Mrs J. Earl Ballantvne will leave April 15 .for the east. Thev will sail April 27 on tho Rochambeau for a five months tour of Europe. While tn Franco thev will spend some time at Calais, th former heme of Mrs. Bal)an- tyne. , Airs. H. L. Bell has as her guest har aunt. Airs. Farah Jeffars. Mrs. Jeffers spent th winter In San Diego, Cal... and Is visiting here on her way to her home in Helena, Mont. Benefit association. - Ogden Security council No- - 3557, gave the eleventh card party of a series In. the Moos hall Tuea-da- v Honors were awarded to evening. Mr Alarth Kramer and Bert biperell Consolation prizes went to Mra. Farley and M. Caahmore, and the cut prize waa won by O. N'ewev. Tho regular meeting of th order will be held Tuesday svening District Manager George Duffey of Fait Laka will be present, and will give a talk on th benefits of the order. Mtee Alargery MyUn, student 'of th Sacred Heart academy conservatory of music, was presented in a piano recital Tuesday evening la the academy audit, rlum. Miss Alullen waa assisted by Alits Faye Williams. Miss Patricia Barrett and f the school orchestra. - , PP.VI?H On Display Monday V Ahrl -- mi S6. 'tie te Ordinarily worth $10 or more Iacluded in this showing; are large drooping hats and chic poke bonnets, heavily trimmed with flowers; also small and medium irregular styles, suitable for the matron. Be Here STOKE Early for , OPENS 9 0. - - Best Selection 269S9MAJM ijra w ev.ug f time far the USie ef the aol a lerse evening was spent wtti music, readings and speech Mr. and Mr vhl enterf The Salt Ltk. wii tpest la tame (4 tained a numberGeorgeKlrkham of friend Thurday siuHr. follewlag which buffet luncheon waa In honor of their eon, Dcnztl. evening A statical program wta th erred. feature Game and muate were enjoyed. ef the' evealpc Mr. W. X- Brewn and Air. William Mra J. n Jeeaan ef Salt Lake tpeat Tuea-d- a guests of her with Mr. and Mra. 1. T. Stiell aad Kr.uden of Prove were th Mrs. Elmer Jackson Monday. ether relatives. SrlJav Self ( ulture club, their huhe4t eumbev ktelteS nv nMt, tel Brockbank eatertalaM Wht friends Saturday eccaalo bln her f Uat weak, klrthday anulveraary. The time waa ta gamaa. nuaic and readlag. A hnff.t tUcheea o doek ,'ttM The were rneeta 7 e- Katherine gtahman. Florence Tut T. tle. Blanche Thma, Raima Cornabr, Mary Brockbank and Butk Thomaa. . The Ml nee Neaa Ranae and Msry Warner were dinner sueete Sunday of Mr. and Mra. Aohel boihwell at Sprinavllle. Miaa Katherine Wllliania waa given n nut-prta- e party Saturday evening f laat week at Mr- - and a,f, hrr Mr., EenL WHHanwr Mualcrgamea and danrint were Luncheon waa aerved te twenty gueats, Mtaa Leona Ranaen waa boateaa for the of the B. F. A club Thureday eveninggtrla of laet week. Mueic end needlework were n-)ojd Loeheon wee aerved a C 10 orlork Mra Martha Stoker tad Mra. Clara Lane went to Sprlngvllle Monday to honor the blrthdav aanlvereary of lira Laura Clegg Mr, fhtra Lnraen and daurhlera, pearl and Florence, left 7uedt) for their hem in Blnck-fooIdaho, kfter an extended visit he. with reletlvea end friend r Mr and iln. Ftnton Beyerk and Mra flam Marnue and non, Fred, went te C oaten Bun ' day and apentejKe day with relative Honoring their teacher, Mre. Blanche Moore Lewie, who will leave aeon t fill a laalo fori the L. D. S church, the puptla ef her room et the Central ecbeot gave at party the cleat of school Monday afternoon. A pragma was rendered, all the teeehere or the tehool taking pert ea well aa aaay ef the Itefreabmanta were atrttd following puplle. the program, Mre. Hewee McKell ef Trinidad. Colo., aod her two little children elited Mr. and Aire. B. AtcKell th peel week. Air JB. 1. Jtowe enjertalaed at family dinner Friday evening ef Let week, the aeration being the birthday annlveraery of her Jletldee Ur John Howe, mother of Mr. Howe, the gueatt Included the brothers tad tlatera of Mr. aud Mm How a and their wives and huahenda. Following the dinner the ereales w. .pent I a nociiil wr l)utf town eurnt were Judge and Mra A, B. Morgen. Mra 0en Bow and chtldre of Provo. Eli d Mra. 11 era Funk Jkmosup after6-s- FLOWER TRIMMED trtalnJ SPANISH FORK I Only one way to clean radiators hang a damp cloth hack of the radiator and with the blower attachment of the electric vacuum cleaner blow out all the hidden, dirt. germ-lade- n ef Treat -- Banish Dirt and Dust the Electric Vacuum Cleaner Way Alls All Crane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jleber 8- - Crane, left Thureday to make an extended visit to her e'ster, Mr Chariee Carpenter, at Los Angel , The Riverton Dramatic club presented . te9 r 1 th play Th Arrival of Kitty Wsdne given under the diday evening. It rection of Miss Elsl Johnson, Salt Laka is vis of Oliver Almira Miss King her mother, Mr Roe Oliver. j - LEHI RIVERTON LEH7. April S ALr Fanny Edward ef Mllferd is rieltlng relstlve In Lehl. Mr Harold Goodwin of Fait Lake it the-guof Bwhep nd Mrs. p. L. Goodwin. Alias Jesn Goodmundsep of .Burley, Idsho Lehl relatives and friend Mrs. A. J. Andsraen ef fxove spent lest d here, th guest ef Mr. and Mrs. Vloter Gsiaford. . Miss Laura Bsddo ef Salt Lake wts the guest of her parent Mr. and AJrs. Christian Knudson. Tuesday Vednesdav evening of week th Second ward Religion else entertained et a soosl In the Second ward rhapel. Game, dancing and refreshments wers en loved by seventy guests. Wednesday evenlng'ln th Fourth ward amusement hall ths Beehive girls of the Fourth ward entertained at A aorlal. A program, game dancing and refreshments were features of ths evening ef last week s number evening .Friday ef friends surprised Aits Eva Gunther Air. end at th home of her parent Mr. Cart Gunther. Tp evening was spent wtth games add mueic. Saturday evening of last week Mrs Charlotte Iwis entertained at shower tn hondr of her stater, Miss Elsie Evens. muslo refreshment were and feaGames, tures of th evening. The honor guest beautiful received many and useful present Mr. W. I Werlton entertained at dinner Friday of last ek. Covers wer or twelve. Mre. 8arh Knudsen waa surprised at her home Tuesday evening tn honor of her sixtieth birthday anniversary. TJi RIVERTON. April I Alisa Delphi Jolly ef Salt Lake is visiting her slctep, Mrs Ernest Hrdv. est ' eek-en- lt I' Mr Heber-- 8 CTane-w- s Salt-Lak- e visitor Friday of last week Mrs A lh Henderson and her son Car-roof Balt Lake visited Air. Ell Howard Sunday. Mis Ala Nielson of .Sandy Is visiting In Riverton Airs- Thornes Psg and children of Pa-- t Lake spent last week-en- d visiting rela. tives her Mr. and Mr R4!e Pas and Mr ar.d Mr Q. J, BUI visited In Salt Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs William Askv and children of Salt Laka were the guests of Air. and Mrs Thomas Nlcklee Sunday. Mr Carl Madsen ha returned home after a week' visit with her daughter, Mr Arthur Pelereon of Sandy Carl Mr and Mr. Bert Burgon, Mr Madsen end Mr. Lynn Miller at'ended Mr home the shower at a of George Miller of Herrlmen Wednesday evening entertained Mr. and Air. David Bill Monday at s family- dtrtner tn- honor of the homecoming of their daughter Venice, who returned Friday ef laet week from A mission In Canada. "Air. and Mr Alelvtn Pe(ron" entertained at dinner Friday In honor ef, Mr. and Airs. Roa and children. Mr Hattl Freeman entertained a number of friend and relatives In honor f Mrs. Harry Page Thursday afternoon ek.- - Garaev wr of last played and luncheon was served at 6 oclock. Rose and children have Mr. and Mr moved to Ealt Lake to make thtlr home. - - - - WILTON RUGS 41 Hi). ll i-- l f' 41 The lasting beauty of yegr bom'' When yeu purchase from our stock, yen are purchasing the lasting beauty of vonr home. Beautyy of color and shades merging into each other beautv ef svmbollsm and bevutv of artistry fonud oniy tn HE RATI WILTON RUGS, cop'cd from Old Ortrniai Marterplece which have made tho PERSIAN RUG famous throughout tne world. at deli-tel- t We extend t you a cordial Invitation t vilet our exhi-titlIt wl'l yoom. wher ta h bur extreme pltur rhow-I- n of hav th privilege wonderful the you rugj - A SHABA & Co. , no so- STATS' " Wasatch 21GJ 1 |