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Show u THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 9, 1922.', , Sv . V V ilow JLDemaBd CITY AND COUNTY SPRING ROAD-WOR- IS PROGRESSING K ' Hundred of worker are busy repairing, grading and. In ihort, thoroughly renovating the city and county hundred of its first series of farewell engagements, machinery, men, hones and. wagons are assigned tof the multitude of tasks that must be under maintenance, continues until the weather has settled. From left to right (top), a three-tocounty track being loaded with slag one of the county earth roads. Center, the city sand and gravel pit above the Wasatch boulevard; the motor car, the deciding factor near begins n Holliday. , . X'.-- Utah to Obtain $560,000 for Forest Thoroughfares Under the Federal Act. - ' - t! 1 r: 1922 Sales Expected .,Kr5t 'vp,jA ,v?m &l ( U; Tv-- 4 , -- I , V Rules end regulations have- Jnzt-be- en issued bv the UntriJ State department f of agriculture covering the forept road' as fixed by i program of the department, the federal highway act passed last No ember. In addition to the 175,090.00 for one year carried by that act for thecon-atructio- n of a .. federal jSighway ay stem S of roads in eafch state, the bill carried ape proprlftUohi for. the. present and the next fiscal year for what are to be known as - hrthe expenditure .of till i forest-roadmoney, cooperation of the mate or local authorities may be utilized, but need not be required. The near regulations give the forest control over the placing of the forest money, but require In lb main, that work be under the Iroad of the United State bureau of pub. which is In the same depart roads, ment. allotment from the forest 4 The Utah money Is around 660,000, of which some- thins like 36u,ieH; i to to spent on wbat are known as forest highway, and the remainder on forest development roads. The Utah forest road program was the between K. A. Shert subject man, aaalstant United States forester, and the state road commission, and has been more or less definitely laid out as a re. . p.r- - i ' S' 0 it .'i." ' ,K: ' .r. ' tlj. r'Z .'X - 1 f a? s. JJdh.r'4 - S- 4. e5-- v i.;r 4 - v ;V . ,, .Vm Si'' a - 'c k ' 1 jx' f - ..." tT v lta- - - y'. A4.J f suit 1 I y Details Numerous. However, there is a considerable amount detail work yet to be covered In this J of connection, and so far as the rules and Jkv '' ' 1 a 4 Transportation Creative. j C regulations Just Issued affect the pro-- redure of the state road, commission and of the counties In the stale which are seeking forest roads the following excerpts from the rules will he of Interest. Mr. Sherman's program recognizes In a large measure the needs of the southern part of the statfe for development of forest roads, which would thereby serve also to Increase the scenic assets of the state, as well as to develop the agricultural industries In the territory served by such roads. , The rules which have been received at the Ogden offlcea of the bureau of public roads and of the forest' service set up the distinction between "the forest the fund t. nt J 4l k Major Project Defined. The rules also say In part "Major project A road whose survey and construction shad be prosecuted under the supervision of the bureau. This S ,erm includes all road projects on the foreet highway system except those which g do not require the technical services of highway engineering organization; or whoee estimated average cost la less than 0d0 per m'lle. The term includea forest development roads whose estimated aver-- 1 age coat exceeds 5000 per mile, or sfhich "require the technical services of a highway engineering organisation. "The secretary of agriculture, after considering the recommendations of the forester, will apportion the forest highway fund for expenditure within the states as follows; One-ha- lf In the ratie that the area of national forest land In ny state bears to tha total area of such land in all states, and ona-ha- lf In the ra.tlo that the value of national forest land In any state hears to tha total value of such land In all state The forester shall prepare a tabulation for the distribution of the forest development fund for expenditure within the states based on the relative needs or the vsrtoue national forests, taking into S consideration the existing transportation M facilities, tha value of timber or other served, relative fire danger, and presources fe comparative difficulties of road and trail construction. This tabulation, if approved by the secretary, shall constitute the ap, portionment of this fund for expenditure within atates. ( i J f th Inclusions Explained. -- Tbrtrt" highway (1) all existing and proposed roads, or parts of roads, which are- - necessary sections or f extensions of the federal aid system wholly within the national t2) Other axlsttng and proposed forests; roads, or parts of roads, which are sections or exof the federal aid system and tensionswithin or adjacent to and partly serving he national forests and which may be designated aa forest roads by the forester and the chief of the bureau of public roads, and (3) other existing or proposed S roads of primary Importance to counties tJor communities. development rosds shall include i'all other existing or proposed roads wlth-por adjacent to and serving the national forests and designated as forest . IVoads by tha forester. A record of all - v roads designated as forest roads will be furnished to thedevelopment bureau. . "Tha bureau, acting for the rshall request eaoh state highwaysecretary depart- ment to eubmlt a map of the roads within and adjacent to the national forests which win Ha Judgment should be Included In'the , forest highway svstem, of primary to the atate or to the counties, eor communities thereof. Each state y department ehall be requested, be-- I fore submitting euch a plan, to secure and consider recommendations from the , proper county road officials as to the forest highway of primary Importance to the counties and communities. The dis- trlct engineers of the bureau will file t together with their recommendations if copies of the map with tha district for-- f t j" ft t f n hlgh-ywa- ester. 'Plans Prepared. a "Each district forester of the forest 'service shall prepara for tha national for. ..ests In. each stats or portion of state -- within his district maps showing the ex. istlng and proposed roads within, adjoining and adjaoent to the forests classified as to status, type and function. -- This -plan shall be baaed upon the primary road svsrem proposed bv the state hlgh-- way department, It Shall show In which , I "A JPM ' ' PTsI I In addition to the new car sales bus!- ness, one needs always consider the used car market. Reports from all sections of tha country Indicate that the used car storks of dealers are getting cleared away. "Why la It that there is a greatly increased demand this spring for cars and trucks, even though general business is Just recovering, snd even though there were 1,600.000 passenger cars and 150,000 trucks sold last year? There are. it would seem, several reaednS. Transportation is In hard times productive and creative. the man who has had an expensive city small a suburban take may apartment home, buy a car and still save on his one of the many rent. That Is just O vma rfys , . eco-nom- uses of tha rsry but 'PeobaWy-sti- H more Important la tha fact that during the past year there has been a great de velopment hi the Interstate road system. Thera were 12,000 miles of roads built In 1921, which wss aa much was constructed in the four preceding years. Wherever good roads are built, there the possibilities and the economy of motor transportation are increased. - "Forest highway fund The approprla-- 1 tlon made by the act for forest roads of primary fmportanc to the state, counties H or communities within, adjoining or to the national forests, to be 1 known as forest highways. "Forest development fund The appro- priatlon made by the act for roads and trails primary Importance fpr the pro-g taction,of administration and utilization of the national forests or when necessary for the use and development of the resources upon which communities within or adjacent to the national forests are dependent, to he known as forest development roads. ' ALFREtr-REEVE- -- HIT I'i - Away. Manager, National; Automobile Chamber of Commerce, r dal article written 7 expreanJy dt Lake Tribune) dspectlve car bu era .will do well the market now. Tha automobile business i having the best 'demand-'- " which It has felt In two year. It la believed -- in' the dndustryXhat there witi . r& be auch a demand for car and trucks In 1921 that sales will exceed last year, even though the reeovery of general bus- i- - -ness appears to be gradual. It is recognized that the automobile business cannot go- - much ahead of the general business curve, but It can be and frequently baa been able to take the , lead in the return to better conditions. Transportation of various aorta is vital to business health, and motor transportation is not unlmportant livthie regard. Two or three months ago It was the feeling of automobile manufacturer that , general business throughout the country was so quiet that 1922 business would not , exceed 1921. Orders have been coming in so rapidly, however, that carload ship-- . tnents are more than double what they were a year ago. The entire year will probably not show a growth of such pro- - . portion and,' In fact, the increase In sates of new cars may be moderate, but the general outlook will certainly be much . Improved. x , j Oeneri tea, e. Geared Being V ? ... .. w V W:i , Reports Indicate That Used Vehicles ,Are Rapidly V,v OH - Be Greater Than in 1921; ..Period Orders Double. v v to , V ' Construction Work to Be of Under Supervision United f s g v tatef mile of payed, gravel and dirt highway. A soon a clasMd performed. This das of work, which can rightly be load on from the county slag pile at Sandy; right, dumping the in the good roads movement. Bottom, grading the county roads hard-surfac- of the following classes. In the judgment of the district forester, each proposed forest road should be included: (1) For est highway system; (2) forest development road system. Trails, maintenance work and minor iw pairs and construction estimated to cost less tliSn $600 per mile will not be included on such maps. The plan shall be revised annually In accordance with the above procedure. "The bureau, acting for the secretary, shall arrange a conference with the state highway department and the forest service for .consideration of tha forest highway svstem proposed by the state highway department and the district forester. Fallowing such conference final recoin- mendationa for the designation of a forest highway system shall be submitted to the secretary by the chief of. tha bureau and the forester. "The forest highway system may be added to or revised by the action of both bureaus, following the procedure herein provided for the original designation of the system. Cost Decline Noted. Pilots T Entered Ahnual Memorial Foui$een lnfor-matl- Construction Stressed. Tha foreat highway program shall be baeed upon the following considerations: Constructiva correlation with adjaoent federal and atate road programs; the Interests of communities within, adjoining or adjacent to the national, forests; service to the national .forests , by increasing their value and. usefulness; the economy or continuity of operations; ben- eflt to forest development, protection and amount of available i op,LthV funds. shall prepare and forester trlct They , Eatern Day Classic. te The Tribune. INDIANAPOLIS. April With four teen entries In the till and the advance seat sale for the International race to be held here Tuesday, May 0, 0 per cent ahead of last year's record breaking figures, the speedway executives are working at top speed to, get everything In readiness for the rush of business In the final two months before' the big Special 600-mi- le Development System Named. "Tim forest development road aystem ehall be added to or revised as the forester shall prescribe. "The chief of the bureau and the forester shall, following the recommendations from their district representatives, pre pare and aubmlt to the secretary a list of the forest highway projects selected for the Initial (fiscal years 1922 and 1923) forest highway program. The pro gram shall Include a provision for ths maintenance of roads, existing or under construction. Upon tha approval of such projects, or any of them, by the secreIn the forest tary, they shall be Included highway program. to be incorporat"Subsequent projects ed In the forest highway program ahall be selected a a follows. All projects pro posed by counties, communities or other agencies shall be submitted, to the state The bureau,. acting highway department for tha secretary, shall request each atate to submit a list of hlghwav department proposed projects. Including Its own rec ommendations on all projects submitted to It by counties or other agencies AH projects shall be submitted ss far as practicable .on forms furnished by the secretary. "The recommendations of tha bureau on all projects received from the state hlghwav department shall be' furnished to the district forester and the state highway department.- - The district forester shall Investigate any proposed projects coming within the requirements of the forest highway fund, including those submitted by county authorities, communities or other agencies to the state hlghwav department. The district forester shall call upon the district engineer of the bureau for any necessary engineering Investigations xo supply accurate and Tutl with reference to proposed state or county projects The district engineer shall arrange for Joint conferences with the stat highway department and the dlstrk-- t forester for final consideration of the program. A Joint report ehall be filed with the forester, and ths chief of the bureau, together with auch additional recommendations as their respective representatives may wish to make, following which the forester and the chief of the bureau will submit a program of recommended forest highway projects to the secretary for approval, qlasslfted as major and minor. The forest highway program may be added to and modified from time to time, following the same procedure The program shall Include provision for tha maintenance of roads existing or un, der construction. Th Cleveland Trust company estimates th decline In' the cost of motor vehicle operation during th past year was 13 per cent. Even a greater decline has been noted in the cost of motor vehicles. One of the latest and highest regarded statements on th price situation is that In th Guaranty Survey of th Guaranty Trust company, New York, which eaye: "This reduction has been brought about cut pread over by a eerie of price more than a year, so that we now stand of the end to be the at what appears period of price revision rather than at the beginning. In view of known Improvements and refinements, in the product, with no comparison of present prices those of 1913 1 possible or significant. that - L' f affair. j Ralph DePalma, that favorite son of speed who turned defeat Into fame here in 1912 and then won In 1916, will pilot a home-mad- e ar, the Duesenberg, in the event He has abandoned the foreign cars he has been piloting with little or no success In the last few years for a speed creation of America, in the hope that he can show his tires e other drivers at the finish wire. Our own "Handsome Howdy" Wilcox, who won la 1919, will try to in the Peugeot he has been tuningrepeat iu over the bricks of the local oval alL winter. Wilcox has had unusually bad luck In last two races, but Is confident that he will have the "huge" worked out of hie French car by race time this year. Eddie Hearne, the youthful veteran of American speed paths, will show hi hairless dams to the fans from the drivers Scat of a Hearne waa the first driver to enter the big race and will carry the numeral 1 on his te-th- ect or forming a part thereof, at a deestg-nate- d cost not exceeding by more than 26 per cent the expenditure authorised in the forest highway or forest development program, may be authorized by joint" agreement of the chief of bureau and the Construction projects substantially deviating from the project as approved In the forest highway or forest develop-meprogram or which exceed by- - more than 25 per cent the expenditure authorized therein shall be eubmltted by the chief of the bureau and the forester to the secretary for approval. "Construction work on national forest highways bf federal or state Importance shall not be considered complete until the project has been inspected and approved by tha bureau and the state highway department, nor until the district forester has approved the clearing aud disposal of refuse. No other construction work on major projects shall be accepted ss oomplete by the bureau until It has been Inspected and approved by the district forester and the cooperator. ""Maintenance work on all forssrtilf shall be performed by the bureau unleea Otherwlsekspeclfled by agreement. The maintenance on all other road and trail projecta ehall be performed by the forest service unlese otherwise provided by cooperative agreement." for-est- nt NEW TYPE OF AUTOMOBILE FEATURE Xot.ouo motorist in ten know the little points about driving and the care of hie car which make for comfort, safety and economical upkeqp but every one of the millions of drivers is interested in. this Subject, particularly if the information is presented in language which is nontechnical and easily ' . ' understandable. " "You 'AutoKnow, a short explanation of the various phase of jlnving, care of the car, first aid repairs and the other details connected with motoring, which supplies the necessary iniformation in manner and in the most condensed Apace possible, ha been secured by The Balt Lake Tribune for its .Sunday automobile sectioii. Its publication will commence next Sunday. . ' . April 18. - - - Dlsteel-Duesenber- g. Tommy Milton, who has more tides than any of the pilots, will bring a new oar made In California, to the race. n was victorious here In 1921, is the speed king of the world, and last year was winner of the a. A. A. champion-ship- . He won the last two California race at Beverly Hills in Los Angeles. E. G. 'Cannonball"- Baker of transcontinental fame, another Indianapolis pilot, la the only driver nominated eo far by Louis Chevrolet, The man- - who designed and.bullL the- - cars which, won the last Mil-to- drives. Chevrolet has pair of entered six Fronts nacs In the race, 'but is keeping the names of five of the pilots a secret. The Wiseacres claim he has a fast on on the wing which will shortly be announced Although this will be Bak. er'o first start in the Indianapolis affair, he probably la as well acquainted with the local speed bowl as Wilcox and Ralph The Mulford, who have driven In every race and have a flirting- - acquaintance with Long years ago, without a thought, every brick on the course. He Is a bear I bought a car and then I bought for punishment, being famous for his Borne gas. ' and oil, and tires, wonderful endurance on the New Tork springs. Lo tc 'Jaunts. Five hundred Anl And forty thousand other tnings h of his usual runs, should miles, Till all my gelt wee gone; and I old-tibe for this easy campaigner, Regan to go In debt to buy who graduated to automobiles from th The gear I needed for that car. hard riding seat of a racing motorcycle. me from would friend My far, point at And then there Is Wally Reid, fresh And eay, "There goe the boob he's from winning a new series of moving picture races, who will stake his chances He's busted flat punctured Uke na for fame and additional fortune against Of his, own bum tire." But all those tha prowess of the old masters. Ira Vail, gents who suffers seasickness every time he Were fooled. I have a eoupla cents drives the board bowls, will again tackle In "bank, and as (he swift years pass-the Indianapolis bricks this year. still buy oars, and oil, and ras, Mae Harvey of Los Angeles, th only Fan belts, and pumps and. piston ring a woman In racing, has entered her Fron-tena- e And all the endless little things In th race and nominated Jerry You need to run a car. Ill say. to drive. But Jerry says he Wonderilch Go buy a car, for It will pay- cant drive It because he has purchased And keep you hustling on your toes a Duesenberg. Anyway, both care and And though your friends may point and Jerry will be In th race and there are smile , more good drivers than cars Youll find at last the car's worth whilel.(Tkfidy to far th starter . Dora Dowd In Farm Life. Harry llartc, who appeared her last' 600-ml- Catt Worthwhile. submit for approval bv the forester and secretary a list of forest development roads which constitute major projecta This list shall set forth location, available cooperation. If any, and authorized expenditure from the forest development or funds. Upon the approval of euch projects, or any of them, by the secretary, they shall be Included In the forest development .program. The selection of foreat development roads and trails constituting minor projects ahall rest with, the forester, "Cooperation from th state highway department, county authorities "or other agencies, associations or Individuals shall not be required, but may be accepted. Cooperative agreements shall be' entered Into for all projects which Involve financial contributions to surveys, construction or maintenance by the state highway dspartmente or county toauthorities, and shall be approved prior beginning or construction aa the case may be, "Negotiations for cooperative agreemenu shall be conduoted by the' buicau, other-avallabl- e -- -- following an agreement 'with the'' forest service as to financial cooperation, If any, and maintenance. The detailed provisions of the agreemenu shall be those agreed upon by the bureau and the state highway department Ail agreements for construction shall be based upon location survey estimates and shall be prepared on forms furnished by- the secretary for execution by the secretary and the state highway department. - Features Considered. "Negotiation for cooperative agreements for other foreet road projects shall be conducted by the foreet service, after consultation with the bureeu as to their technical and financial featutes.'The detailed provisions of the asreement shall be those agreed upon by the forest service and, the cooperating agency. Upon the completion bf survey and chsf estimate, the construction of a designated project, conforming with the original proj one-sixt- Prices Raised. This conclusion In regard to atabillxa-tto- n Is based not only upon the amount of the average price reduction that has taken place, but also upon the progressively smaller price cuts made recently by leading manufacturers. Furthermore, at least six- - manufacturers have raised their prices since the first of th year, and there is Justification for th belief In an apparent stabilization of the costs of the chief materials entering Into motor car manufacture. Many people believe that the price of raw material enterautomobiles ing Into the manufacture of case of some have reached bottom. In the of these materials a renewal of the upward price trend has been manifested and metal The average price of metals products Is now nearer th 1913 level than the nine groups, except that of any of for which the bureau of farm products, labor statist! os compiles price data- - - It appears, therefore. Improbable that automobile production costs can be materially lower for some time "Inventories hkve been well liquidated in th automobile industry and th indue- try brought to a sound position, where re-no price Justification of further general duction appear to exist. ' are In other word, people getting more value per dollar In their car thl year than they ever had before. Borne comto Increase panies have already begun turn this in the their prices, and when I usually a sign that market appear it trend." on Is the upward business Covey-Ballar- Purchases Company d Goodwin-Dickso- n Motor company an.-- ., . Tha no u nee the purchase of the Goodwin-Dickso- n Auto company. Ford dealer. $01 South State street, and acquisition . of the exclusive right! to distribution In Covey-Ballar- FT d. , Linthis territory of the coln car. A representative of the Ford on has new company In Balt Lake the of the largest stocks and tustnes In th Intermountain region. The added presa tine such as th tige of handling make this new company one of in this tho meet powerful and influential ' district. Th president of th new organisation la Stephen M. Covey, president of the Melvin R. CJovey Investment company. as Ballard, associated with Mr. Coveybeen of the ha firm, junior Inmembernewspaper business for sevthe active reeral year. 'Official of th company In contract Ford th of on largest port by them. th country have been closed demand larger Until business conditions th business house on South quart ere State will be occupied. eight-cylind- er tll I alay ' ' V In the rote of a mechanic for fiddle Hearne, will drive hts own Duesenrace-- - He ha had th berg In In three . Caliexperience of competing fornia race, and will drive In two more to csr hts Indianapolis. he before brings--tn cent of the total InNlnrty-seveper vestments in the Mexican oil Inhuetry is held by foreigners, mostly Americans. year ' ' . J |