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Show fHE fob uib For -- Fef CAB. DO DC. HUDSON 0LD8M0BILM tw-h-l AND m Ueed on nra featured offering la aantalM Car Pi rill oa ad ark offer ta te wove ta who the person oerly appertnilty to aaki kin Boloctioa. Mot oely aia tbaaa cara ereepdonnl aa to rale. bat thotr future earner trill hara the m defection ef Botttrill'e tad car policy etnndlng babied every oaa of tho. Dm ia end ask to ba abawa aoa at tbaaa ear. nnd flaw appearing need tsso.oo Broa JToarin Owlud Ctoaar , Orarland Toarto , , Brick Tearing. 117.00 Caak, (3S.dE Monthly. " s 460.00 Hadsng Touring Boiek Touring ' Oakland Tearing Dodra Bra. Touring. (110.00 Cato. 30.60 Monthly. f - Cadillac CadiUae - (750.00 ll fpia, tear log. model W 490 Che ttodft Tfortf 56. 1 terra-Arrotoaring, 114 model. Oakland 6 --paaa. eedaa. c Oakland paaa coape. Oakland tourings, all modal. Oakland voadater. Balck tearing, 1031 model. Cleveland tearing, 7970 model. ., 4760 Ckaadler roadater,' 1810 modal ... 760 Harwell coupe J5' 1 Kea loadater 450 Htuta 4 paaa, touring Su Hupmobll 6 pew toaring 60 Oeerlaad toaring 160 Amoricnn Traveler roadater 00 ... Bind baker eedaa NOT include ianrnneo premium gn ckargea at T par rent. ta 1. Opaa Sundays. I THB BOTTERTLL AUTOMOBILE SS So. state Street. Balt Lake City, Utah. , 67. mode! ptoetoo, 'model 57. roa drier, modal 17. t paaa., m The toaloaad. naodal 50. paae. toaring. raster, Vdvm tort 9MM 6.w.t ...' State.... . lease.. ttidkttitiit iiyggeeetp attiStai aetata iliy SiX Fwd t0ttrin attaaiaa . Nf I a a 8 Olktlfid aatatati eo4 nw a Plif tMrtllf 'ST OMmboMU tour. Si OlEmobllw rotUctar a a 6T5 00 573.10 171 M 178 00 850.00 675 00 810 00 705.00 9V 00 950.00 a S4 45A OMxmobUe xport eeea.ee 46-Old mobile toar. 43 OldaiBOblla tear. . . . . ...... ea.-.a'- ......... ....... . all Koto Toaring Hadeon Super-Els- . 56.80 Monthly. (26000 Conk. bterest rtmFBt,10 447 SoatJi MaIb fit. CO 2063 USED CABS. - SHABMAN. AUTOMORIL COMPANY Cedlllecn all etylas. all models. Oaklanda, all styles, all modela. I esfc. We ar Dodge- - Pi - . Opea Sundays and E rentage B. TOCRSSEN. Oldamoblle Dtit ribulorr Used Car Department, 447 South Mata St, . A. 1317 f creriiaulad and the I ether" standard make UECUNTLT WRECKED- .- seeding Bulck, Ford, Oakland, pound , f . track.' " ....... i - f foli - - O220S Was 8268. 401 1917 CHANDLER touring, la A I 'mechanical froR BALE Balck' flrot-ctae- s condition. Tires end paint good. Price 100. mechanlrol condition. Juot the ear for eaah or terms. Cell Mr. Von, Wta. 120. ' 2112 Btaga lino. Terms. Ctll Hy. 868. 2396 921 OAKLAND 9, in perfect condition; will 1920 DAKLAND. This ear moat be aarriftced. trade good Ford; torma oa balance. Call Ia excellent condition in erery respect. 930 Was 6807. O2690 2397 easy forme. Wes. S11T-1970 NA8H toortng. (DIB dome, boL monthly. LATE 1920 NASH TOURING. B100-B- . 0291 Hy. Oaod mechanical condition and looks like new for small car and giro term. A BARGAIN ia 1920 Stota,, f Irat-cla-ia coodl Will trad Peterson, Wen. 1450; ere. or Bun., Was 3385 M. tloo. eaah .er torma. Coll Aldotu, Wna 71 1841 797 Monday. BY owner. WlUym-Kntg7 passenFOR BALE 1918 Bnick, newly painted, ger automobile; big, classy, splendid car. teerhnnled. Inquire room 10. W11 .2258 You can feet pride la Arising Inch. . Make an Cell s 1327 Eeat 6tb South. Hy. ilMONIB toot old ear and bring bach toe lustre. offer. 8476. 1214 Blmonlg that aew car and preeerre fbe Itiatre. Wn will either do It for too er sell yon the BY OWNER WnUa-Knlgfour la A 1 and 2 ton track and trailer; will toatarlal tod show yon bow. It's Ineipsaelre. WESTERN RUBBER (ALES CO. trad for smaller car or modem home. Waa IS Hast Broadway. 1230 Weoatck 8266. 2619. 2169 1919 -- HUP TOURING. ROB SALB-eTrnJust orwriiauled, rape to ted aad ha almost body for Ford or lliorrolet flood condition, cheap. 66 W. 7th So. - 2167 aew cord tine: ettoh or terms Call Peterson, istO BC1CK alx touring; ciito or termoT Hr! Was 1450; are. or Sunday, Waa. 3385 M - tt . 7840 02892 6109-- rood . tire. 8 wire wheolo, 400 down, baL mo. Orarlaad, Urea, 8176, (to roadater. BCR7PP8-BOOT- gen easy' terms 550, Call - 2898 mnditloa, with Jefferaoa at, Waa. good BU70K 550 7 , rd., la fin tienne.Cill 1919. Darts, Was BY OWNER battery, Repainted, B3J4-- Paige, aew top, 6 wire wheels, Hy. 2272 1187 E. 21 Bo. Oi.OO 00 179.00 ft 50. 7 Bf. 492 1847 al4 8A FIN 1020 Otkltni jTxIl McDonM. W. M4a: great fexran. 241R Sd82lla OOrOE SEDAN. R 1020 AUmlt rord Call DtxU, WtMtcb 7074. cwljr Tamirbed. - v A STEARNS KMf.HT, goM cord tires. AcondDioa great bargain. 'Call Boeta. ttr. Wax. 82M. DODGE 2422 Bro. cfoupx. la (In Ford or Ikxlg a trade. coodllfon; CaU Hj. will 870A I4A9 Republic track t bargtla prlc. Me 21 E. South pbeo ft McGlaltr Co., y 2SS8 TOURING. I A-- l ran log condition, good tire tod bow top. Beat corera, ete.; $2TS. Peterwn or Bun., Wa. S3A5-Wa. 14V); tlS3g NO. 1 ton Ford truck, la heat ef eondltloa. or 478 W. 17th South, tad Call Hy. 1046-01540 make a hid BRISCOE touring; (150 down will band la. - 1474 Daria. Waa. 7974. WHO KNOW. New and need ant parts for all carer Money-hac- k Barrie. guarantee. UTAH AUTO WRECKAGE. 427 Bo. Main. Was. 2287. MEN 1 REO roadater, ran be made late a feed track. 128.00. (09 Booeerelt are, 2276 rS394 FoA SALE One toe GMO trnek. Cash price HUDSON speed iter, 1920 'model, excellent con8S7S or will trade for good cor, 916 dition. Bee it today. Was 4058 R. Balck er Dodra preferred. Write J. A. Kopp, 6 PASSENGER Orerland auto, good aa new. Cedar City, Utah. 209 aea to to Yea bar It appreciate It. To ba Rea,' ia abaolutaly ftrat-claa- a old vary cheap to B cash buyer. Call at 169 caodlttea, leather top, new paint, cord tires; Regent 998 644-CaU By. No. 406 Garfield are. (STS. W2S08 7 HAVE ta 1921 big nig Btudebaker that mu at he told. Car in la A-- t shape. Mr. Brown, BY OWNER Ford toaring. 1911. A 1 shape, By. 6160-R- . 2388 elec trio bead aad tall lights, 6 tram harp car. bora tor, portable fmat eeat, new beoeyeomb NASH 6, fn good condition, good tlrea and Call Waa. plenty of power; 1750, terms. radiator, excellent tins. Mnet sail at sore. ' 23M Only 166. By. 4706 926 Pcaaaylraaia are 607. 1278 FORD TOURING A new ear, with eafra tire. A bargain, on CADILLAC ehaaala; will aajl. or trad fog Ford large steering wheel, etc. 179 B. tod South Woe 2960. p985 02301 term!. Ctll Keata at Waa. 90. VORD track with erpie tod. an artra barge aT FORD touring, good mechanical oondltloh, 14u. So. (9W) 626 E 18th et Dawson's geraga, 69 Poatoff lea place 12283 SEVERAL used cara for sale by pel rata owner; Ro. 740.00. to 4746. 156 6150.00 WILL trade Balck roadster for motorcycle. Call Hy. priced sMl Manor 86-248 81 h East. OAKLAND toaring. lata model, tanks like new. LET Erwla Mil yoar nsed ear. EBWIN KALES CO. 3070 Was 1MT-M- . Bargain tor cash. Wne 205 78 Be. Btete. DODGE toaring, late modal, looks like saw r501 2069 Was 1547-bergala for reeh. DODGE TOURING I A wonderful bargain la a FORD roadaUt, good meohaaleal ooadltloa, (loo! perfect running car: a late modal, with good a 25 0 at. a98a tiro. 'Term a. Keata. Waa 800 tSED AND REBUILT, FORDS. WITH OB 1931 FORD-- aadan. nawly painted and U par lacI 1 without WITHOUT STARTER. coop hap mechanically. Terms. Waa. 40M-R- . starter. 6200; 10 sedaaa, 400 to '6476; BO tour911 ing gad roadotars from which to rbooao. Wa BRAND-NEoa Dodge; will eonaldar. trad bpoclallie oa bags 'and Tabullt Forda, or 976 W. Wee. 02129 need Ford Dodge' Open Boadnya, 10 to p. m. A BARGAIN is t alightly aaed Harare; wire UNIVERSAL BALES CO., wheel end word tlrea ; mnet be eold at once. 7th Bo. aad State. Will fire torma. Cell McMleheal, Wat. 1078 Was. 6276. it 100.00 oo so.oo 6A0 el879 tires; condition, good Mathana ,Waa. 129. It. aoo.oo a SEE" Ashton Jeaklna EXCHANGE DEPART lrada. Was MENI,lt you hate anything to 128. tab : PROM 9409 00 4O0 00 ........... 7974. IP A IQ Flro-pna- BALE OR TRADE. Bulck truck,. -- C 4 ... Orerland tour., Elgin ... Reo Bulck H 45 Ford, light dclirery track 0' 01dsw4Ue Oakland. 94 Studtbik pt .a firOARHOUBB MOTOR CCk, Jnet Win demooatrata. 2262 ESSEX toaring ; ear ia in A-- t shape, new toortng earl rana tad leoka like aew. 1920 cord tire and e reel snap for tome pit. Mr. Right price far quick tale. Hyland 188. a2387 it Brown, Hy. 6100-- ,7720-R- 5109-W- . 107K riNI Wat. Studehnknr rnedeUr. 02441 60 TON lt 2414 1014 HUDSON t. a10 special six. 850, way terms 17 Darts. Was 7974. 8TU DEBATER trtek ckMD, A4 eoeditkm. md e2645 ' tire. 149 W. 8rd So. FORD eedaa, by owner. Will consider Ford 92646 coupe oar tra ttc. Phone Wy, 2995 M. eaarkaulcd. 490 CHEVROLET. (075. --AtM . 1990-W2tT6 are. Wa 818 4th Phoee PACKARD SPEEDSTER Car ia hr perfart vaeRttioa; artra arhaela. feeder. ipotUghLhumpere.nML.Thl. it a clasay looking car (ad aery powarful. Ownor tearing town and muse toll. 780; could ar writ 777 ataka forth phoaa Wat. S028-M- . k2 433 ' Nth arcBtic. -' 7 PASS. hiaaeL Chaleter Chandler, I paaa rate 2641 Wa 337. choice. 1356. 468 Stela. MAXWELI, touring, choap. Ownor leortug city. 2871 387 East 7th Boath. FOR SALE, by owner Will taka loti or 4ta monda for my three care Franklin aedaa. TribChandler and Dials flyer. Address S, a2M8 une AM Junking Detroit aloe trie; will Mil cheap 2672 837 East 7th South. daUrary bora TQRD tearing car. also body; cheap, t 28 W. 8th South. LOOK that oral they are "Baal Cere"V Genuine Bargain. , 9 Franklin touring 9 Franklin sedan 1 Marmot, let spnrt model "chummy. I Reo, , Ford aedaa. 1 Ford coupa. , Call Waa. 0549 R. ' aJST llWO 496 I HEVROLET touring. In wary good eondltloa: B new tlrea, aew top. A rani bar4th gain. (til al 841 Montclair court. 653 East 2661 . Snath. 1920 490 CHEVROLET light delleary. fine coadittoa i 3 good tiro. Regtootbl Call Hy. 4392 term ,2552 MUST tall my Dodga coupe; aloe hare a Fori touring. Ford roadater aad light dellrary; al In fin eondltloa tad bargain Tanas to suit 2673 8837 M or Hy. 402. Wa FORD roadster, 1917 madel, lu A-- l condition, 8414-J- . 2680 Wa cheap. AotoTno'bflB Sopslftaf a ilea. . framaa. bodle Ota, WHEELS., spring repaired. Track bodies built to Order. Conmbo-BngeWe A077. Shops, 13 B. 4th Be. m403 CALL S. P. Fowlar Mfg Co. fee onto work. Wa xaa- - repair alt damage " Raid W4 Obop ear. Ice day er eight Wa. 281. ASK the man who has tried us; get Hat Barr6336 242 Edlaxa. low Auto Beretr-e- , JOSEPH MURPHY At TOMOBILB REPAIRING 1 moved to Exchange Place, premises fora841 merly arcupted by Tbxe. Eleetrie Co. and Tlr HONEST tot i, rk. 478 jor BattenrJEiiag (Ubvtlt g Soi Sale iotf Ur 4b0a body and 0101 4M, MotorcyclEs FOR BALE Motorcvcle. aide cor 2806 McClelland are. Spring 2420 FOR BALE Ford roadster, truck, Phone Wat. 2946. 1923 llceute. new motor. Bit N. 2nd Allaa Hatchery r377 , BARKED cockerels Plymouth tth ar Rack cti-- d hatching eggs, ilse I. O, Day, 725 Pay's beautlaa Waa 0421. " r8141 100 males end famaloa cheap. K 8tb Bo. Waa 4577 W. t 1M and Taacred strain chicka, Farris, others ( high egg production, for April aad FalMay delivery; aiao pullets. lows A Aadaraoa hatchery, Hyruta, tub. 16 BABY 14483 for aettlng, R. I. Reds. W. . 767-R964 13. for al lake at. Hr. (100 R. !. RED tatting eggs - Davidson strain. 219 "a47 W., Tth to " Wna 833LM.- - - " EGGS I For SaJa-oH- 3t Mid Ortio klada chick feed. hay. grala aad flour. Our prirea are lowest. We satisfy. SPECIAL 60 tew egg cosea, 1 Ford del. body o asp. FARM BUS HAY GRAIN CO., 668 3a W. Temple. Waa (913. ALL - 712. 8th h Y s, '! pHiver. beautiful tiwlrumeat ..473 MxA Plant.! player, plata eak 30 Autu.p,ae pleyer. dark wk 4i0 gtor,, 4 , tark pi.uo, 450 Gerhard plan m plate wuteul 400 pUno, Try rood Hw 350 Wlllsrd piano, wainot rase only .lightly urad $145 Aeallsn Vnctlion with (raduol ,...('I7 60 125 Ylctroln, mthogtny ......,....,.,..83 60 123 Columble, golden Site .........(AS.M Victor and Columbia records, 30c each,. 7M Aml) pu.10 , ,,..,. 8'. - foe S5c. 141 MUSIC STORE. o'G 4 door, esst ofAuerbecVN FISHERS X BrMdwsy. ft 387 THE ptsaoa ssd playev piasos listed below-S- r II aew, clesa Instruments, aow stored Re a local warehouse. All will hs sold for test plus , Terms msda If desired: .4-freight. Hsmtltea pltao, walnut finish. .... Mndello player piano, wal. finish. 1, - Mndello player piano, mah. finish.' " 7? I Howard plane.' dsrk Mk flnlsk. 2"' " Kiting toa pisno, msh.-flnte- h. Remember all ar asw. For sppotatmeat nit p5262 Hy. 1514. ,219V- "You'll rare money." BABY chlrkn today. 1594 to. Btoto, Hyltnd new $300 phonograph wttTLI LARGE. heeQtlDil, 8013 9811L rrrr 29 records, sit foe 125, atee with 6 corls. 16. Ill E. to. Temple. sim.d (GW, 14 qla day; 90 yearling chickens; eheap-ae- at 313 N. th West, rOhd COLUMBIA Grsfonote moving. aew; very 1 BABY chicks, Mtosubl. 105 Log all vartetlea, svary 4aV, at "V. Hy. 1997,W. -tod 6. Waa. 944 Ballsy A tost tA. 44 - 3 Ubb, atr!. ,ha,..:...u.1 Ltf hatched from tha hast laytag atratea. shipped wlthia 73 hours of Lxa Angelea with our guar-antr- a f fuir null of live chk-k- s nr desiins-te- . rl&h Turkevn. duckling hitching eggs, fteds, UTAH-Lagho- ru Juno rent edits, incubators, brooders, w have "baby chicka. May tad hatch-lug Whit and Brown Leghorn saprad tha puhHo for 14 year. Writ delivery. fur prtet lisle. Phwaar Hatchery, 320 B, Spring M. Hopkins, 866 W. 18th Bouth. J. rggs at.. Lot Saga la. s!43 a(13 Waa 8788-, FOR SALE Baby chicks today Brat ta tows. WANT to buy a fox terrier. Thona Murray Fifteen leading varietlaa. 3494 491. I Properly fad and brooded. Also leper Bol Hot brooder. The 3519 Bo. 3rd Esst. brooder that everybody talk shout. Be euro Dl UK rgga for setting. sto Phone Mutray-848-WWill deliver. buying others. They rounot ge out. Write er wire Utah State Batch-ecy- . 1 KATNUA'l KD. .Rhuds Island Whites,-"Ur- n es- -' B4M Booth tost etrwet. Balt Lake City. soaMtttng teg bird." Heavy wtater-lsyte- g rlS49 Talepbone Murray 474. a winter. Egg for Mis. train; (9904 THRK8 aisle turkeys and I hens, 19 eggs; Wss. 8437, DAY-OLEM tad dock egg for ralt. Wan. 9844-w- .829 PULLETS. Guaranteed 8. C. Whfto Lejhorna,"lsy-ol- d lullets NIC B Utah rsfartnee. EalabUshad family Jersey cow, 2 gala, milk Cal. 88N0-B- , Hatchpry, 928 D riH pataluasa. 333 10!0 Esicrexe. drily. Hy. - -- - P Jam Hi rat. Prep. k. HATCHING agga. purebred reds tad Butt Blue Andalusian 1.28 per 16. 84 Garfield sve. 844 THOltOlGUfiRED (( for Won. 8909 or 638 11th are. kslchlsg. UTAH HATt MED chicka, beat of stock, some r2814 two weeks Old Turpin Bros., Murray, Utah UTAH POULTRY BUPPLI, Phone Murray 834-749 BABY CHICKS AND SUPPLIES. IN8PB0T THE t.ECTRO H ATCH eleetrie We mb supply yea with ssy sssount f baby aud brooders before you buy. They chirks, brooders sod poultry sopplte. From iroduc sad raise mere and better chicka. Ask 6009 to 16.000 hoby rhteks every dsy. AU or catalogue and special priea. 351 Mtltna wholesale ood retell, Utah Poultry sve. Hv. 2693. Agent wanted. t9l si 8.7 Supply, 128 B. 2nd Death et. FOR BALE B. M. oocksral and 9 hens, OLD pullet, baby chicks: brawling Feed 7 Plymouth GUat nhhlto - 687 H 4tb at. Wsetern Grata male. - to . (996 1442 Co., Ogdsa, Utah, to. 2nd West. PONIES for tala- - pour Shetland poa lee at the DARK Besov Leghorn cockerels, ebsep. Must - Utah Uvsry,- - 4th Boath hate State aad Ree-o- d womakeTV reom-f- oc young stork. My birds bar rtbboaa tines IBIS, Including grand 01584 East. nllesc cup end twa gold msdals. C. il B. I. REDR, 2 Partridge Itoeh.' l rach An rhsmplon 9459 441 to. 8th Bast. Hy. 1001. Trump, Barred Rock wckertll Bit cmi. 1 COCKERELS, , faiora fowl. WMtara Qraia ft Feed pullets sc host; apartsl meted t?27 pens of those ehote Rhode Island Red; sgg Ofd. tuk. 1 M for setting and up. Msiwell, THOROUtlHBBLD R. I. Ked setting eggs, Red bstrhtng, 2668 Speclsllst. 8061 Third Best. $I.M pr tttBf M Its CaU and a my 178& B. C. R. I. REDS end Brown Iwfhoro imn B.o or fton Hy 80HT-gn. affk, sidAS 832 Do. 7th Esst. 1 S setting. OS fof HtUof from Vhraak Fo'ya. A NoJ 1 RRKEDINhV ptn of Brarlsd Buff Loco FoUsto Ha. Fm Rock I tho only chick rut of this breed ia tha stats, 2481 61 Est to. Msk ms aa offer. MIST Moriflr inf cholc U. I. Rad; two as aorkeral. siitaan (od FOR SALE WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS food ashlhitio from fro rang selected hsns mated with MllUy alt lftjrlDff, 30.0a M ft I3tk 17A3 1y. 4043, pedigreed cockerels from BOO 287 sgg trapneri record May end Jnn prices 88 60 psr 25. and coop, 4 by 19 BARRED Rok U,?tnf h 500 60 per 50. (12 psr 100. Bpsctel prlc rtTfll 16 S. at harcal. Hy. 41$ W gnd 1000 Iota, toft arrival guaraatesd; you rendireceived aA sllvs aad la toed WILii pay for rhlcks Bl ad fmlo aod kaby cauary 1810 tion. No ngoney te dvaace; pay delivery. bird rhap rail Waa IK33W. Order now. Established 1898 FOR SALS. ' MUST HATCH INCUBATOR CO. Sfltar4 podl(r4 Eotllak buiMof. white, 484 Bevrath 81. PtUltuu. fel. mat, t Bionth old: rerj fiM. Tbon Vaaatrh r74d 444K-Jher BALE We FOR aucroeefully served the CTl tor doc 00. $8 One imat Rplt al, public for 14 yesrs tad ars better fitted this 1817 Ht 48ga. 674 B, 4th Ro, ever te till your reuulrsmsnte la baby chicks, Also natiir turkeys, ducklings and hatching eggs. flrei-lcsTANCRSD o tsrubalore. Rellsbla atti k yftt1er'Ttdckr IS2 feeds, reamdteg,' Write for prico list. brooders. Ship, Cfft per IHt, $3 pr acttlnr; M par kodrd. Mo on Bus..' men , There., by parcel poet Rwar of fak Taocred chirk from falifor. or is 29 to. Be Haamoad, Wood orprets. PIONEER HATCHERY, Cro, CUh. 1TTA Spring, . tmo Asretr. rTT6 TARE or DOGS" FRE&c Bok of oaport ad BAKHED Rock hstclilng egg from ehote pen of smI. alert tosutlss. Park famous Isytng d car of dof, too acloctUfr traiainf W. B. rrsto. 2 59 per setting, poetpold. to Sport' moo tha Fro with nhcrlpt1o Woods Cross, Uteh. Hsmmood, r9 maa't Sod Sfttf today (coia or iump), ClnHft 389 Butler Dtffcat 1. 1.50 Rsd sggs, Bldg., Sportsflaai's THOROUGHBRED R, psr !P34 nail. 1958 View ri. 2494 setting ATTRACTIVE, durabl aporUmo a watch fob ANCONA eggs for hitching, fltr, (In. 8hp-hsr- d to Wpoidv-Dicat- . fro with g most' Hberiptlo 2759 strain. "547 So, 1th Esst. CoU1bi itarMrf, nrUiB SILVER 8. Hsraburgs ssd B. L. Wyssdot o kuntlsg, fishing, camping, lag ctorl dog, .09 far blue ribbon winters; sgga 2.00 sad 35c today feoia or atanp) Sporta tc. 15, WUtord U And. rasa. Rrlgbam City, Utah. Botier Bldg., CoftclooaM maa'a Dlgmt, nm lt i. IiSUtft MUSIC taf marhicra. WBtrh &871, FTOEK rcu, a, uwuitiv piaaOm mabafeax bciort Mosat." w, $355. rah. If fak tVtiX , 15, fPh.m Hy EDISON. tMircaia for will trad tot Iribunurr food piao e u1yr Addr - V o. ch; , brfl. ER riANO, kp. paymat. FOR fi5 K4i 20 AUR-41- pbnmMtraph, A5; Ad f'oitiinbia Graf 8 rack; VJctroU, 17; afio4lir rolmnbl CrafOBola, 559; two 75 115; x YMrola Vlctml, 15 rnmia. Ai'tctm(a.! 14. . 10; Victrola, yQ immadiata pram? top t cL U fio of phooocraph, witkhU aay adtoction. 0 The ary la Irak . popular f dat befit ywir KftKV-WEFfrm purch DOLLAR dr ON PAYMLNTE OR MONTHLY l" BALANt B. MCBIO COMPANY. CONSOLIDATED 4 and 69 Mate 8t. (Went rid of tha street r - Thsster.h Pars opposite far (159 90. W1U tfwie Wis. 261. tih2 ; Vletrols. eevorsl style, at a REPOMBE88RD asaa. Credit Wr- tState hsrgsl. Ueoatelg model Vletrols for let lWiT 8161. ls; player with large col lection Bret will take (878 for quick sal. 899I-M- 01823 L. te 8. , Wo. buy town and vrtll rarriflce my JeW' AM lee vie e plsyer-plsnand ninety rolls for 275 cosh. Cell 9T N. Main ri. 2;S ONE upright plane, a snap for quick sal. 274 B. 13th to. 5247, toe- CBiCHERIhO psno, ftne eeodttlea, 0 rirh'T gain at 399, 743 Jefforuo St. KIMBAU, pin no. Ilk new, perfect tone, 8s It Lsko Furniture tone I torts In. 2167 Wss 3437. Co . 183 B. Broadway. OWNER will esc rifles beautiful Foster pisjer-ptso- o. 11 metsl sctlos. walnut css, post. 8950. Mil (375 cask. Room 811, 8Ctnloh bntcU 826 I LOOK Pis, ft ret class coodiUoa, Pbrere Poll BALE siJTC ,, Wss. 0203 J. WANTED (Ishlviet phsmsgrapk; good eoditi''o.7 2845 Was. 9459. cash price ' Mosicikl IngtnunepU Deagoaa "Artist Ppsclal,"' (225 xylophone, practlcslly new, 811 So. tlh East,, 8584 J, Hy. Tot Snlo 8i OCTAVE For B&l Machinery MACHINERY COMPANY ) .WESTERN KAILS 7 4687 J. VI EXLkY S ciesnlog Was 4949 T5 EVERTTHINO AND . i IN MACHINERY. i d 1 S' PIPE - T27I4 prices. Pslatteg, and kslsoatning. . c GOOD piano, sacrifice 4, jic S' S90T890E. WASATCH PH0XX8: ttk Ft r Jo4f 6tt Blrtl-- c tn Cltf. - - Ltk 0054 jftrtO lftftft JOO0 hakqik rAnmyo, hapeb 0644.M. lowest , aU taftft IMiO ftft I ooo 0ftft 00 I la tb S, UireiUed ewlr UFkp pip at r CaU 1 Mk wf bench and roil, Tak pfanf rffa r phonograph pm U?04 2. Adfr Tribun. (i ALiXOfeT a td playar piaa. U $dU0, 14W dik9Ta yuUr crat 5dOU, - Ui TLA 399 work PHONOGRAPH. If yor lookfnf particular THO ROUGH BRED HATCHING EGG8 Bins Black Mlnorcss, Silver HamAndtlusinns, K. 4780 A. Jessen. Utah. Bendy, burg. WHITE AND BROWN LEGHORN sggs for 9536 Grass at. hatching; laying pullets. r54IS Hy. 1694-W- . CHOICE R. I Red settlag eggs, 1. Call sn4 see slock. 2624 Highland Dries. Hy. 6289-J- . BF.8T - BARY GUAM - 8hthtSf dlffrte ibl k 84389 WHEN te doubt, ctll Hy. Pntettsg nd paper banging tho way yog like It, 1625 64439 7th Esst. EXPERT paper hsnglsg and kslsoatelng, keif st I . m- - Good heuse price. Hy. 2264-ml45 painting. PAPERING. 46 boh; kateomlnlng. paper clesq. W snick 4949--1. work steed. guars lag,- - -- W441E - uUruact, Vtrrk WHITE Leghorn setting eggs. Ferrtg 9284 Grom strain, 8 per 100. Hy. 819B-W- . - talk- - m! buy . muaical LONWAY 8d I v. 2409 r8U24 t 11740 West. 01387 FORD englae fur Mia. Fair condition. A assp 179 Pur to see. 1759 For HaIk Bicycled Reo track. ONE KImcI truck. 1 ton; on 60 Marks BICYCLE, 817; good condition toq. Good order. Will trade on good acree Tth East hot. tod sod 8r4 ora 294 R. 2243 Windsor home. tmaU or Hy. age 1388 . 1814 treat. For Hal Blcycl Tlr GOOD, durable modrl C 87 Bulck tourlog car ee. la axeeileot coadltloa; Dvo tlrea, all good; A GOOD TIRE. EACH Deeded. Ira Psslnaot top. 'a to reps daady A BETTER TIRE EACH ..............89.00 family oar. (425, torma. Hyland 844 R. T7RE8. EACH 19 80 2493 3 00 DOWN. BAL ON TERMS BUYfLE B. BROADWAY BICYCLER, MERHD!TH 19 apart Btode), parehsaed aa1 FA1GE, OB' city 1927. driven leva than HOOD mile troata; must sail, tea ring Iowa Moaday. Will aad torma Wss taka light car la trad JUNK BUD W. 01370 AOOOOS , , PITTSBURG JUNK CO. peyt hlgheet prices ter 5 BUICK. tocoad-hsaclothe, turaitiuu, totUao, ote. Oaod maehaaleal eondltloa, arw top last fall, DT80 58 R 9 new cord ttraa nawly painted. Snap at 9464. Hr. Call Peterson, Waa 1450; are. ae Bus., Waa HIGHEST prices pal for all klada ml teal, asm 2448 BS63-M.ond head eiothea, bottles. Waa. 906T-J- . 01851 p5016 LATE '99 Ford too truck, A 1 eondltloa; might 1929 RKO touring car, good eondltloa. for cash, HIGHEST prices paid for Junk, second head Waa consider touring part payment. Waa (DfM W. I or trade 'for .toll estate. Bra R-- Btrasal clothaa, shoes. sutlcatM and toola , SAXE T Plymouth All ehteka White, Browa and Buff Lcfbocx guaranteed safe arrival. Wa atao rorry a full Uo of mol and 41 brooders and toby cbtok Hri4ih.ry. 4vU fyp?1"' Hollywood avo., box 98. BABY CHICKS. BABY CHICKS. Caa furaisk any wank aow. Whtta. Browa ar Buff Leghorn Aaron, it. I, Whit. or Barred P. Rocks, Black or Whit Minorca You pay for aa dead and White Wyandotte er rrippied chicks. Csa furaisk coal brooder orders aad he by chick supplies. promptly tilled. W. H. W. Smith. UM State at. Hy. 014 pi BABY chicka at People' Forwarding Co,, 62 W. iat Bo. Early chicka pay boot. Wa have P4308 the beet, all testing varieties. SINGLE COMB Whit Leghorn egg for hatch-teg- , Cow lay, Holliday. any qaaatlty, Clart Phone Douglas' 61. p4821 5'EW choica Aacooaa, Black MIsotom aad Whit LegbdkaA left. Com early; get your Farm choice. are leylng. Thee pullet ProOucU Co.. 46 W. 1th South." Waa 1471. INDIAN Twin metorryelo, fully (quipped, good 1938 running order. Make mo aa offer. 436 Reco era. 2009 FLAKS FOB POULTRY HOUSES. 1922 HARLEY DAVIDSON and eldecar.' model 74. See thi, beforo you buy. 901 East Third Al! atylra, 1MI tlloatrattoiia; rcrt of getting 2271 South. winter fa, and copy of Th Full Egg Baa Send 35 coat INLAND POULTRY kt. For Solo Uvetock JOURNAL 385 Cord Bldg., Ilodlanapoli, Iod 1923 BELL and buy fresh mlleb cowa. beef, real. bog poultry. Keep 9 Jersey bulla; service FOR 8 A UB Tboroag hbrd pangld Hamburg 83.00; tike ball, 35.00. A, T. (sunders, 2827 corkarel; ala egg for hatching. 132T E. 88th 8a. 8 tats By. 2090. rtl5( Smith. SIMM 1 YOUNG freak milch raw, B years aid. guar o Red, black, waH. I kltton. PERSIAN aay anteed to giro 09 8 gals, milk dally. and mor to com. Ubbt and r60l8 OMgrayRuffo orange 24 west. aur don hlmaelf proud tbla ba DAIRY cews for tala; good milker. Dave fprlhg.. 841 So. 2nd Wcat. - Waa. MOt-2A80 Mathis, Ut ok. running west, south of Clover . Leaf dairy, Holliday. till FOR SAUSA bore or city Ma and atUfig T. FOR BALE 8 young pure-bre- d cra. pur bred R. Red, ?& aettlng. J Jersey hull. on Hnlatela cow and heifer calf. 50 Whtta JohanoeaaoOy Murray, Utah, R. F D. 4, bos 8 A Tfm Leghorn pullets and bent; will trad for beef. A. T. Eanndern, 2827 Be. State. Hy. 2890. FOUR atraia of Ancona, eggs for batching 11708 So 81 M par aettlng. f. J. Plata, 858 3rd 2048 BOMB good big draft horse forvtraably Hy. 8022, H. W. Dual, Ogden, Utah. sound. Phone FOR SALE Opo iih year old-- Barrod pigaouth 1895. . .r 46tP Rock rooater, reaaooabl; aotting of err, 2dl0 ONE 4 year-olhorse erheap. 94 Bo. 4th 1 00. Hr. 4848. 01865 THREE beautiful R. I Fast. Ctll Murray 422. on year eld rooater, OO 529-J l! 2 for will worth $3 00; e. Hy. 33T FRFBH milch cow. 6 gala per day. 3rd calf. 620 East 83rd South. Mutray 370. M. 1742 WANT1 goad homo for fin female fox terrier HOLSTEIN cow with bull for tale. Otto Tree fee few mouth; hour broken wUUngto pay sen, 870 Oraapo at, west, from 1801 W. Bo. 2336 1748 Perry betel, room No Temple. s 3100 RRWARIt, leading la arrt and rm TWO young fresh mllrh cows for lotto of party who atot my f1rat-5HMlo cheap, giving from 4 to 6 gallons milk pn Isegboraa. night March 28. S H, 1857 of D. Rraw pec day. Call 882 8o, Jlt Wost. Tab Elm. 848 E. 8h So. 3838 WILL tradq Jersey cow, froeh April IA for farm bora and wagon. Murray 255 R or BROODER hon, rapacity tint chirk, elee 334S 4118 8o. 6th EaaL . 2109 trtrally heated. 838. 35 G at. . egg for aetting. 8740 So NINE young fresh milch cowa for aale, Bol. BLACK Uangftha 3803 2nd Eaat. etelna and Jerseys: oil heavy mIDora, In, 49189 PETALUMA "electric Incubnlors rati brooders! epttur 198 6o - 8tk Wost.' bow they operate. - 6 poets! fms ts4 TWO young fraah Jersey milch cows for atlo, price bolter of swsooa. Freight paid to your gals, milk 4 day. 883 Bo. orareot firing 5Vt to R. R. stnttna. Pstalng free. Trump'i W. 03174 1st 2458 Hstchsry. 441 to. 61 h Beta. Hy. 1001. ONE more with yasr-ol- d colt, oof more, ooo FOR 8 ALE Thoroughbred Irish setter 4 pap. oao row. 1104 Bo. 10th hens tad Apply 2868 moatho old - Coll Wss. 6866-R- . West. 2845 FOR BALE Eight Belgian bares, cheap. Hr. S YOUNG fraah milch cows far mla; will 21 22-2309 old tt raaaooeblo price. BOB Ba tod Weat, 2581 ERY fins strain Whit Plymouth setting err. 2 50 per setting. (49 to. IW4 Esok TWO Jersey cow .for sale. Phoaa Murray s2820 61873 BIG BIX Btudebaker, look and run Ilk aew, B261 cheap for quick Ml. Roeeeo. Wa aad ap. 8I14-W- pay Co. - d Hambergs, 12 per 16, Buy aad Mil all kinds pullata. A. X. Saunders. 1827 Bo. luto. r3529 2690. Hy. HATCHING egge Brows Leghorn and R. L Bed. 1 per 15; 4 per 100, drltrerod ta city. Nell H. Williams, 1984 Douglas era. - Hy. . NEW Aetna two-to- n track,, hlg reduction. 2421 Call Campbell, Wa 8261. 16LM. 2507 ta FORD automobile, good condition; price $225. r trad far Feed. Call 428 Elisabeth It. 1689 PIGS for Mle, Hy. 1207 R. 2547 Douglas . 1918 DODGE touring cur. flrat-ciaconditio, Mid read 07416 very cheep. 170 Bo. State. . PAIGE 44 SPORT. WE ran aava you mmay aa flour, hey. grals, Boas Co. etc. Prompt 4lltrioa Beltsy The only used d a port oa the used car mar863. 1324-W- . 1300 ' terms. Waa Hy. ket, fully gutnataed; A r2d0 ' Fur R. choice A. Aadraw. Real Be. 3rd K at. BUGS, Call-Bat- . Darld-oe'- s suata; . egg. for setting from EAST chick a, ll Hyruta. Utah. a 1919 Dodga touring car with wlr whaolt end just rabullt Thin car would saw. for good used ford , Will roaaldar pets r pert terms to any responsible party. Car will he et 47 West 4tk Oo. U this weak. Aak 1668 for Doaglae or rail Was 96 s 1920 FORD; good roadltloe. starter, 194 aim ttrra; tarrae- - Hy. 2714-1920 OAKLAND aedaa. cheap to quick Mia alt CilT Tarcy. Hy. 5182-W- . .Cell Olautead. GOOD .JJ.'l ChcTwUt:.ehp. . 182t '6aKLAND.' porekaaad last May, Rut like aew. Make ma aa offer. Pkoaa Mr. Von. 3401 Wan. 129. mettaga. HAVB Was - C. h. I. RED eerkecela sa4 pullets; i860 BTUDEBAKER IS. -- Stadebakcr. 1912 StBdebakar. 'HMO-200- 0 Orerland. 59 09 79 Maxwell, 19U Pullman. lPltt-17.- .- SI,, 288. Was. 43 OLDS. 1918, good machaalcal cnodltloa, new 1616 battery, goedtlrefc- - Wa. 5435-- - 'My. terms. Will Uk 4990-R- Btndetoknr wadaa . , - Cbarrolet, ate. - l - Oearlaad touring. 1910-1CadiUae. American Traceler raadator. RICHARDSON BOWKS. INC.. 1912rl4-18.M .;;::::1Beee - "Wa. 143-16-8 - Tenaa to amt yearn pechotbooh-y---irz Social Hall Are." 380' Michigan, 1913. We charge a atralght 6 per coat totersot par B 29. Buick., madel annum ta deferred paymeata. Ask what ear U8ED CAR DEPT., . Chalmera. - Was. 390. - , - 47Al W. 4tk Booth. St. ompetitere charge. 8 1912 Regal. BHAKUAN AUTOMOBILE . COMPANY, Apperaon, 1914-- 1 9tS; -- Cadillaca Oaklanda Opaa Sunday to . track. Republic 1 South State Street. Waeatch 6707. r8396 truck. , Commerce, OPEN SUNDAY. - Sa mane, 1 tracto t a31$8 BTRATPORD MOTOR CO.. INC., Jeffrey Quad. 175 Root 2nd So. Phono Was. 7519. ' AUTO SALVAflBCO., ABB RELIABLE . 13 WIN USED CABS Largeat Caed Car Market la Utah, j 789 8. State. Nam Chevrolet 496 (edao BTUDBBAKBR Big Six, 1921 model; teoke and ..,......,.,.,..900 SdO gam Cherrolet 490 toeriag' rani Uke n aew car; glaae wings, Nam Cherrolet toeriag 10 run 8000 milea, . . . Gabriel, anufcbere; MO aew guarantee. Nw Cherrolet bng fitudetoker Special 809 Ford tearing ... Bo CADILLAC 55 model; recently orerbatrted; an 241 Ford touring 845 cbanically perfect; 700 00. OPEN SUNDAY a. m. ta 4 p. m. FORD SEDAN LIBERAL TERMS, 1921; good aa saw; 309.00.- -. SEE OUR LINK OF USED CAR NOW1 READY we make as aztraragaat elalma, bat do effar FOB DELIVERY. , ITCFMOBILB- - 1921 ; ran 000 milaa; aacrlflca, koaort value. MB WIN BALES CO. 500.00. . ... 1090. 09 192L Bulck Six IBS Booth State, Wasatch 905. 950.00 OTHER GOOD BUYS Bulck tooringa Ch arm-l- 1920 Bulck Six n215 . 900.00 ..... 1919 Buick Six bugs, Cbarrolet tooringa, Cher- 1918 Bulck Six 00 00 309 CASH. FORD rolet Path Finder. Chalmers. tourFord tearing, purchased Nor.. 1920. with 400.00 Bullk Sts ..... lag, Ford buys Ford tonring Iwlre" 198 600.00 ptnrtor, eleetrie light, ebook ebeorhero, new ....... 1918 Natloaal wheels, Ford Track. Jeffery Quad 1918 Klaael . .. .... ; 500 00 ptnlwart battery, aew palat (oh, raring beard track Mitchell 1619 Oldamnbile 400.00 carrying rack, metometer. aide mlr-korapport, '' chammy. National. trailer), Orerland tour- - 1918 225 00 front ml folds dews for bod, hood pod ..... ... Ford touring . Inga. Oaklanda, tadah and toortng: 125.00 ..... one yenrs tiro radiator rover. aide 1914 Orerland touring Plerco-Arroa Oldamoblle, ted 1920 MaxweU f 400.00 and theft lnauronco policy, tor (800; perfect .t . .. bug). Wlllya-Knlgh- t, tooohanlcal eoadltkm; hill aet of toola and other rnm New cor, with tome extra a, would coat These cara prm different- - from the- - general Many other cara too eumarooa to jnenOon." 090 at pennant prlcea. ran of used earn. TbeyNar erarhnuled, re Was 43 or Was. 4 146 678. .. 02361 painted, retopped, and look and run Ilka new Coma in and aee for yourself. AUTOMOBILE owner. gnrngemen, meekanlrn, 2500.09 White, 199b repairmen, eead today for .free copy of this ton White, with BABY TERMS. Itael and body tnoaath'n lean, It contains helpful. Hnatrne-- . hand hoist 1.100.06 Htw infonnotleo aa ererhaellng. Igntttoe tram, RANDALL-DODAUTO COMPANY. LTD. 1300.00 White, express body bles, wtring, earboretore, etarnge bat tort re. ete. Was 4560 47 Second East. Drwg 170 pngea, illiiotrated. Automobile DiMENDENHALL AUTO PARTS COMPANY. si 835 gest, 96 Butler- Bldg.. Clnrtnnatl. . 80 So. W. Temple, Balt Lake, to White Motor Co. Buccaaaara iuick 1919. 6 tires, good top and paint. r54S7 217 down, bol. mo. Ctll By. S26S. a 2400 THB BUT! NO PURUO, email toeriag car; ean Essex tearing 20, S Miller cord tine. 8 er-tr- n. CLASSY Ford bug and 483 ... Atlas blk. . r840fl arrange terms Inq. APPRECIATE new point, good' top. 250 down, be). . CnD 'Hy. 8269. t23M OUR USED CAB VALUES. BAVB 40 FARTB. ON AUTO TO 80 PERCENT FORD deUrery body foe ule. cheep. 2420 AUTO BALVAOS CO., 737 BO. STATE. Lake ft. 02861 -- . 667 i91 ETCDSBAKEB We hart bare Cera-.- hara 4J0, r l IJt AUlUrt BU1CK Bol motirl, touring. priced iSJ right. (3328 ra, Wee 8261. r5041 and upholstery and ere good tope, tlrea, paint WANT beet Ford that 6100 eaah will bay nr Ford track tor 150 cub. - 90 Dearer at. 192i BIG BIX Btudebaker. excellent condition. ready to go anywhere. Sppiag 1 hare." If you want e slightly need ear at a big re2248 duction, tareatlgata this. Attpacllea price and 1 the time to look them oret end get year toll or trade for motorrrele Ford chuste! terms Wa. 6117 R. g2394 or 900 So. Tth But. - o204 Murray 4d-KASR ael toortng; will sell eery reasonable. 1920 ESSEX, 5 cord tires, newly painted, me- choice. Must chanically right, ran 12,000 miles. er will eon alder smaller car in trade. Phone ell Can arrange term. Was. 750. 02898 6117-R- . today. ' - (ir. Tot, Wan. 129. TAYLOR KOTOR CAR COMPANY. 2395 Car must be sold. 121 OAKLAND. Will CADILLAC PHAETON 2nd East. Social Hell Are-e- nd . 610O-R. -guarantee r tad Let model beautiful cap painted Cedtmut girt tense Ey. . ,2669 cord tires, mechanically perfect. Terms green, elSlB WU1 trade. Price (1750., Phone 1919 FORD sedan for tale with starter, price if desired Wan. 83SO.R. r1192 (600; Isdnira M4 Hollywood are. Boadny all UBED CARS. a5090 , dor. Week days after 5. MODEL N HUP. Motor te (nod. hut ear needs painting and BAYNE car, IS model, good condition; will Dodge Touring. 300. Will Uke Peterson. op. take 350 ar trade for Ford eedaa. By. touching Dodge CommerctaL 1343 dSP4-. - 2200 Wee 1460. Bulck Roadster. t CHALMERS Orerland Chummy. 'roadster, 1919, perfect condition. DO YOU WANT A NASH BIX MODEL ST1 Essex Da Tie. (273 terms , down, easy monthly Touring. AT A PRICE WAY 191B ITS VALUE! A-- l CONDITION. THIS Wnn. 7974. BIRD MOTOR CO., CAB GOES TO CAPITOL ON NORTH MAIN BEFORE you sell your car, Blmoniie It; brings Distributor IN HTOH. GOOD TIREB ALL ABOUND. NEW Stanley Steam Cara. beck the original hister.' Call for demonstraB. 250 Bo. 1st Wat. 2589. BATTERY. 060 CASH. NO TERMS. WRITE tion. Western Rubber Bales, 134 B. Bdway. 1723 .H-8- , TRIBUNE. FOB DEMONSTRATION. JtAAH sport, 4 eor4 lpolat. guaranteed.. dlataace. A Rrothefe meter care. - Thaee cara hare ante hara baen repa luted aad 4 . ' goad aalectioa ia care of Wh klao after Hupmobll, - n- 177 Canaries chooee offcting' a"rery choJca tot or'rrtiuTn t carefully Pteree-Aroo- 1931 modal. Buick. 1929 model. Chandler. Cleeelnnd. 120 model. -Scats, d paaa Maxwell coupa . Bae roadater. " BUT HOW GOOD. The boyar of need automobile, should aet ha Influenced only by price. Quality, appear-aac- a and age should determln year choice of a ... 52-0- r large stock of can end tracks to HOW CHEAP. Poultry and Pet Stock rOB PH Stock hit ban Murwiar FOR 8 A LE 1 26 ' USED can that ar right, at the tlght priea. CERTIFIED 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN 89; BABY abaaofrsph, kagLAkG-H- . Columbia C ' etambtg"ei'finixtiF89aS lHlC8AftiMra4wbi4,,4iybn"XWlrtywt enels. two Vlctoola 39 119 eCherrolct touring 226 00 dollrarp Ut 8iu4 59; No M. (78 F. each; WANTED Live poultry, aU klada xtgorDU ebtek gatraBtewd. 115, one 35 Vlctrea. 17. aaoth'-- f 1930 Ford toaring, it trier ............ 275.00 oog la tdrattc; par on delirnrT. Prtre for Adsma Phoaa - Hy. 1278. , S4 W. Orofaeo Vlctiula M 476 0 hleia ss Vlcfral. (14; 25 Viet rota, 14. ON 1920 Ford aedaa and Jbb, 98 90 per 35. M W per M; Il2 avenue DOLLAR 878 0 1910 Far sedan 100. OperUl price HWG lot. Larg give yoe iaisredlate poweeMloa- - of If yea want ay of three flat fled phof'grB-'00 00 VtSo Cherroleg roadster . . . . with ats I eUetrlc baubr ! thTSW. EaUbUbi HAVE your heua stopped laying t to the w top vary latest popular ae lections will psy yeu get rid of them, IMO Far toe track, psaomstlc tires.... 600 00 1WM. Member Eonom Then 9 Bureau ' Ceuit; Fra 191. from dat Waa com aad and theta, of price Accra ted get (all Twe ether Ford riracki , 'purcharir Tana begttr your Hatchery Lbt. . B2448 PATMENTB MUST OK MONTHLY CO. INCUBATOR HATCH CO.. BMiTH ALEIRE AUTO VW. 4th tie. Wee. 2094. 484 Baraath St. , Petaluma, Cal BABY CH1CK8. BABY CRICKS - ' CONSOLIDATED MUSIC COMPANY, . a242i a2ul Open Shadays, V to I- Booking orders for March. April. May aad 4 aad 60 Mata 8t. fWeri aide of tha at ref L,, the Jana fee WHITE 2415 delivery following bora Leg vaytellv et lag model. 1020 ia; hens, B8AITIFLL BUlt-ROADSTER. - cheap, 2087 ppoeite Paramwal-KmpraBarred aad Theater.) Black hlloorcaa R. I. Red Bo. 6th East. arith mw cord ttrra; car aaly drtrea a abort SURE Whit Whit Rock Wyeadoriea. t . Oldemobll Tearing Hedge Broo. Coape - 7 FOESAZJI Sa1 Poultry and HIGHF6T sab priea paid tor For nail r ................ ' . CatfiUnc CadiUae Cm For BS AntoaobOop "I'AIGE DAYTONA HOAD8TER." Claeateet Will eacrtflee: 75.00 roadster ta city 1616 catdi or terms Room PR, b m. 9898. TS5.no Oldimobile track louka PMGB1LA. aedaa. perfect roadltloe; HI oo 050 Ford track, paael body like orw. Will taka Ford or Dadga at Drat CoktinbtTlal 500.00 ..... 125 paymeet. Phoee Was 10018. Caa furnish used OldamobUe tracks with gey FOR BALE Buick. 118 eiwtai, eawly palat. We charge a straight rooaa per cant interest pec type of body. d; angle eawly oearhaulad. laqulre kannm oa deterred payments. Aak what our aldOT 189 Wllros hotel. eampetltera charge. AS rare and tracks offered ere tn moat excel- iET of Ford sin wheels at a bargain- - Be renod lent shape, thoroughly inspected Cluro Brea, and Oraanlf. 44 South Second COMPACT. (BARMAN AUTOMOBILE : 1854 West. Phone Wamtcb 6323. paired. Oakland. Cadillac. ' v 61 Seutb 6tata Street. (TOT. Waaatch Call 1919 model, flee roedl PAIGE ear, teuring Aak that to ear pa guarantee plea explata OPEN SUNDAYS. . Mob, 800 down, bel. monthly. Hy. I83i-nelly guarantees . , . Cadinae Amto. ForSoJi v FOE BALE FOX BALM TOrRSSEN. rtbntftr. E. A. used cars. TO OWS A. 8PLXNDTD Dodgn Automobiles BaJe Murama-wraTT crlckla , roa SALS For Sale Antomobne rOKBAXE AntomohOsa BsJfo JSALT"LAK15 TKiUUME, SUNDAY MQKJNINU, APRIL 9, 1922. ft fet ft mirkei ftfC ftft fwt h. frat 4 - hvh. t ' - ?w - i 3 r a -- fwk. furnisk pip, price, ? rrT? a. rd Wwt, ton. !. y 1 12 i)Kk ateader pip. "PT l fra Prevtfk uilinkp. 476 Miltteea Co., 7ft i 10 and BAJU&reroOk cap. T y wrsL, lBk. feet ft Inch. FOB "- m-inr- 1 Tr-s- . v inch. 1 feet Iffvt 4 coupled: asJPtft refrifertHof cbn,s 7 fi m Can be ' peruoir it 41 YUU?r rt4 I ideal tinting, painting gnd paper pfeducew Market, M 0. "Bsttsfsctloa cleaning, renseoshle, guars 1ft ft. i hy rake, 1816 pNB Ortrn teed." Hyland 4525. ulkf plcir. Iftft. Fred" bttkc- R. Fy p- - , M 2127 A. Green ANDBRBERG, By. K Bx 107, et, 9963 J. contractor, painting, paper hanging, IftINCH moHra with vert! hundred kaite. 12398 tinting end decorating :t Uk Ckct Call 871, W. tk S, end kslsomteing. PAINTING, I43 pnptrlisagteg Wss 9224-- J r78T FOB lntertitienl tractor, fuflurH4 4LB'U0 erhaoied new cylladei d HO( SB painting, kslsomteing ssd well paper wpttpped Dd ; 4ft per real prlc Phono Wes. 7597 B. ef new; H656 classing. 7" tv fjeh!. Frm. paw I REPAIR cracked blister, mend lasky roof. reflssh chimneys tn knlsomtnlag and For Sal Horses And Vehicle paper . htnftng, hous . pstetlnf, twtertof sud itertor. Best psluts and a us ms Is used ; only CAflfI paid for nseicss hone and cews; grid first-clas- s korsM ssd costs removed fra, phono llw workmen. Get estimate. J. i 04.2 , ray 149. Roblnsoa, 173 W. 8th Boath. Was. 6444. o89 BAY horse, four yesrs old, weight about 145 cast, A. H. Loo. B. W. Tsy lores 111. PAPER banging, ksloomlning, pointing aad 296 EL 6th Boath. Phono wall rleaulng. FOR BALK Bono and cow.- - 847 W. lth to,,. Wss. 4184. r, W. 0, plat. fin; 1" U5B -- A IXa ( PAINTING, psperhtnglng cletnteg, ktlsxtnln. LIGHT opting wagon for rate. 474 Pont of.,' Phone Was. 8986-1498 eto"T Wret. 5th to. hrt. 8th end ' la exp. petering, psperhssrtnf HORS Kb 1499-140- 0 the.; must 'toll; ran) Ressonsbls prices. nnd kslsomlnlng. W,. a3P Jf worker. 553 Bo. 4th East. 61 29 IL JI7T7 purpose teem, wegi-- s sad barnese; f holes Is pries on wsltpspse. 12c GENERAL SPECIAL HIGH GRADE B. C R. I. Red setting egg. lot of pep, reedy for train round and fat, double roll foe 2fle. 80r end 4Ac pspees, 1 tod East 1st So fertility guaranteed, 1159 lbs. neck; Mitchell wtgon, good, 06 -Phots Wgt. 1"S11 for work. with 2307 pspers 50c double roll. if takes nt one. top. A bsrgst estimates psper. pPf hanging, painting gnd new, 1174 (oerii 4th EeeL Jri (OR SALE Rabbit rieons. 40 Osrhtrd Plsre. kateomlnlng, work guaranteed. Fslrmoat New Phone Whs. 8337 W. 2304 Cm, 604 to. Btete. Call Monday. Jflno-lh- . lb.," 3300 eps kortre, epen. 177$ IN; e wte-tlrlH-t4 (i.vv; moire, yr span nraee (too: the Whits TANCRED Leghorns quit 1st PAPFUHANGING. kslsomteing. notnUng and wtgon, (45. Growers' Eschsagn tors, 4J3 ora; sggs, chicks, stock. 1073 E. 27th tontb wall clrsnlng. 204 E. 6th South. Phone B. West 2337. Wss. rear. 26v( Temple. .2308 Wss. ; 184. 269 BBED SR I. R. cockerels, cheep THB term te not nsed ae s retch whee 1 My bEt ERAL sound young work borer, tome bs r Thorough ead e St, ruehlog grer. .,66 f ram bnrneee 1441-W- . 611 to. Esst. 9th Hy. get my price first for petntleg, ksltomtu-ta- yrffrreos st., gnuth bet. Wret empln end 1f end peperhengltg. etc. Nelson, Hy, 782 R. TkN beos, 1 rooster. Blsck 51 no pcs pose romh. s'" 3 , .24,59 West win 1st prise 192". 23: bstyhlnc egge. 62 end lisrnees, dr (8i B. 0. Blsck Minorca eggs. 1.50: porisbls I DATA special rates Peporhtnglng, petering, NEW Rtodrhekrrtop wegoes hugglra. ery wngone. ipc) t chicken coop. 4r9 feet. chMp. John 8mlt. rlrnnlng end kelsoalalng; work guorsntred sragonn, . dump wegone. term Wigoee., Xurro .2828 1345 Ourty bL 12tk tod 18th - West, We. 4449 M end harness, collars, no , driving trarke, tela .2298 DE BBT (rd and 4th North. petering, ksleominlng sad toper clrse-la- g repair pert for ill kind and sites of wagon. ' Cell Hy. 2204-M- . , PBN of five prlns-wtnni,323d Doat tell to see " bfor you buy, Bitch Lnngshss. A. Btrsm, 623 4th tv. RONR CO., s228l ALBERT LEISURE sono ROLLS wellpeper. 4c roll (with work oolr) 158 distrlbutore to. baker wagon Felrmeat gfudr Petering, paper hanging, tiering. R. I, RED. W. Leghsrss. B Ml sores sggs. (' Nows Co., 604 B. Btst. W to. loan. Eetl metre Mnet, Belt Lake City, Utah. Phono Wso, 8 0 f 4 1 rock (1 set ting; 10 R. Minorca pallets a 2463 eel foe Mlo. rWss. 5364 Jt. 249 W. 7th to b 974 goad leylng hens, Otto Nrn Bo. tod West et. 2212 PARATARO. gtinraateod to rid chirk of lie , nnd mites, delivered..-- . A ddrssa. Albert--Do- , 70 R (ALB tort, 407 6 STOVE ACT) rmurACB REPAIHINQ RANGES ronsocted; Jackets, furnsoon, gnten, BtovM ttenaod and npelred. - Edwards Hy B434-W- .- - rioed 651 Elm eve, .220 RANGES connected, (9; water Jackets cleaned. 62. L Jackets, III eleven reps I rad All work It LATINO pulletn and hena, (1 each. 2849 - eUr.va guaranteed. tooth State et. Hyleed B1T6; E. B Mwrrin. p212t FOR BALE 3 White leghorn pullets st T5c CALL Western Foundry for nil kind of water 2144 Jerkete, atovo rvpslre. Wseateh 44TA f639 tech. 6d W. Tth Booth. feoiiR far hetrhteg. high scoring Rede, Park WATER Jnrkets nnd 11 kinds of raysln. ' For fair price era J. V. E. Unraaa. pgrae train B. P. Hocks, (I per MUieg. Hv. 8914-I20 2274 Wseateh 87B1.R. g BUFF OHPINGTON RANGES eoseected; Jerkete, turner, gretee, setting eggs from eiovee cleened tad repaired, stock. (Trank Jsrdlns, box 34. Bonn Edwards, llr. (6488 UfuL Utah. 2414 .2277 B425-W- ,. ) MEDIOJU. .ANpppOTOFl tiT1 DK8, 8U o iaTtTi bo r The Reliable BpecUlisis. Us'enb. . Drafnrod,. Heed Noises, nsthme. Rliromstisin, F - m. G Pllee, EpUPy, Goiter, end ether CL.or Nrra Blood, DI8EABE4 8kl, I s.. ' F Disdder. Dowels, Henri. Stomach. 0 Liver, t epsclelty for 24 yre. Con",,. end advice free, conridmllsl ted tsvlieu. 1 r writ. Office, 29 Mein etraet, Balt !1 ; City. Hoorn, dally. 1U te 6; event. I h , Burnley. 19 te 12. r CEMXNT V WV evmvfit won, iprt CkU C. JL ftuk rtTkl. FOH W0X3 erw tmm work, bjf li ao5 r kI |