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Show J. r I .THE. SALT LAKE .TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL NEW 9, 1922. T0( FFICERS-OFiX3DGE-259rLOYAlrrORDEROF-MOOSE , rv v '3 jit:3 nsai Q: M This Store Has Put a New Meaning Into the Word VALUE . - ! . 1 Money judiciously laid out for furniture need not be looked upon as simple expense. It is more often an investment an investment big dividends in refinement, comfort and pleasure. By giving our customers the benefit of our years of experience, com- l our low operating expense, we are able to supply your furniture needs with quality furniture reasonably, priced. S MQ t. w jiv.vjvr' T. A. WHITNEY Front row (sooted), left to right: O twMr trusteeR.r Olson, trustee; Phlit dictator; Frank B. Scott, dictator; Gertie- nd Charles W. Boeen, pa M Burton, trustee; Hs treasurer. Truesdals, Pugsloy, secretary! -"5 tmmcwde,- - pelat.-atnOuqiW;- A. do Witt, Inner guard; H. A. D. H. A. Whits, vice PULLMAN SLEEPER The Pullman Sleeper shown above te , ("V W J. JO 9 by the famous F. A. Whitney factory, hand woven, turntable gear, built on thg best of oil tempered "Steel springs, artillery wheels, eordtl-,-roy- linigceqmpkte with pad am, storm curtains. SM.E9 J. New' Chapter Is Developed in Adventures "oCFa- m0us''AntiredwRussiair Uenef air' on handy carriage, like all Whitney carriages, is hand woven with stylo and hn of distmetto. lias reclining back and adjustable dash, making it not only a able carriage, but one that is easv to handle. You will enjoy your walks more by selecting astroller. Special Thta x h Would Have Semenoff Deporled From United States Cossack Puts In ExcitingDay Stroller s T SELECT BEDROCTiI'TURNITUREIN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR TASTE t To place such a suite as this in vouf bedroom tb gif; evidence of your good taste and judgment. Its beaotifu! design and Construction are superb. Dainty decorations ornament all four pieces, and a mirror of generou also is seen on the spacious rfreef,ThO vanity dresser is made in the tripli eate mirror style and finished in American walnut. S257.C3 Special price. , Com--fo- $27X3 Plana for Annual Memorial r.;uua JiB'J. la ,n j m.n Service - of . Lodge April 23 - Under - Way. officers of the SaTDTSirlsdge were installed at the regular session held Thursday night, March 30, in the presence of a large number of members. According to the law of the order, the first Sunday after Easter of each vear is designated an the time for memorial service to be held for the members who have died during the pre t memorial ec eedmg year. vice will be held Sunday, April 23, at 8 oclock at night, in the lodgeroom of the Salt Lake lodge. The Memorial day committee is preparing an elaborate and appropriate program for the occasion, Details will be announced next week. Thie-veac- d Bazaar and food sale. La dies of Christian church, Saturday 131 East ?d South. (Adv.) First Presbyterian Rummage Sale. church. Tuesday, April 11. 10 a, m , (Advertisement ) home-cooke- SOREN N. JACOBSEN Who Per the Past Ten Veers Wee Con struct on Eupt. for Vllladsen Bros. V .Vi m ft t-- il a srft- -i Now in New Declaring WASHINGTON, April he.baA jeceivMibargeLhatmerican men, women and children bad been in Siberia by General butchered Semenoff, Chairman Borah of the senate labor committee announced today he would endeavor to bring about deportation of, the antibolshevik leader, now under bail in New York after arrest in connection with a civil auit. Senator Borah said thn ebargea had baealoiti -- baf ore him- by officers Andenlisted men of the American expeditionary force that served in Siberia, and were supported in part, if not fully, by an official report to the American government by Major General William ft. Graves, who commanded the expeditionary foree. The labor committee chairman said if those making the charges could not appear voluntarily before his committee, he would introduce a resolution authorising a t congressional investiga, tion of the charges, - wants eeca $3saBapsvveF- - nt to stay eppec raasBP-iB- in S this meBtiemptedte plain that If the reneial werbsdoported. It mlght-no- t be to France in the Oabln which ha haa reserved (or his wife andhimelf aboard the Aquitania neit TuesdaV. Mr Glase asserted that thi whole matter Was ridiculous anvwsv. The eharkes now tibrled at the seneral all had been brought up at Vancouver, he aid, when the Cossack leader landed At that time he said, i epresentativ ea of tbs American Legion were ihera, and after the general had set forth that he was fighting the Bolshevik! with silted help, the American state department 'had' vised Tils passports. At the examination conducted In the office of David W. Kahn, counsel for the New York concern which reused his arrest. the general admitted that, while he might have signed requisitions for supplies furnished by civilians, he was unable to recall the circumstances. He also claimed that, under the Russian law, he could not be held responsible If he did attach his signature to such documents, because of the large number presented to him ,bv his subordinates, upon whom rested the responsibility for their issuance. -- i Tho immigration authoritiea at Vancouver, it was explained, have original uriadiction in such cases, and there is no appeal to the department wherever action is affirmative. Authority existed with tho Vancouver authorities, it was said, to have excluded General Semenoff, but as they did not see fit r do eo the labor department is Jg act,:.even if action, werq desired. In case the action by tbs New York authorities, in causing General Semenoff a arrest in tho civil action, should make it impossible for him to carry his intention of leaving the the authorities will recognize immigration tho jurisdiction Mr Jacobsen hat now qpaned office ut 1238 Lake street, where he will con- of the New York courts and not attinue in construct. on business under the tempt to bring deportation proceedings. name of Boren N Jacobsen Constr iction was said. company 1 ith hie man veare experience la to he rive competent service. qualified SEMENOFF PUTS IN Bdldlng construction of Industrial plants w I'l etc . with-powe- . ) 1 x J ANOTHER BUSY DAY Toit-rove- No Swashbuckler. ' G, W. JOLLY. ... Formerly with the Walker Electric Co , has taken chary eof the appliance department of the Modern F leotric Co , 12 State street, Wilkes Theater building Mr Jolliv by reason of hie many years of experience in the electriiaj appliance business, is well qualified for his new position To his many friends he promises the efficient service and personal attention which must every appliance wale made by the Modern Eleco. When f want you information tric on the best electric washers, carpet range or other electrical ap(leaner, cal) at Was 2307 To Jolly." pliance, make It worth your whils. Mr Jolly will, this month only, give evert of one of the above mentioned appllamea a Hot point Iron FREE. Thta indu emnt w)ll serve as a campaiKn '1 he Modern Electric Co. operates on of the finest and most electrt-(- 1 slot es in this territory and Invites he good people of Bolt Luke to vtelt- ta purchaser ts ii odej n rtore . MODERN , ELECTRIC CO., 128 to. STATE ST. Fred C. Wolters, Manager, (Advertisement) r ful cltlaens?' At one stage when two Interpreters die- agreed, the attorneys tried to take a hand In translating the generals teeftnonv. which brought the remark from Mr. Kahn that thta tiling Is getting into a . Daughters of- - Utah Pioneers Seek Charter Steps were taken by the members of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers at their meetmg in the Lion house yesterday to have a charter granted the organization by the state. To this end the following committee was named to see Governor Mabev and Secretary of State H. E. Crockett concerning this matter Mrs. Flora B. Horne, Salt Lake, of the central rompaay or the Daugbtera of Utah Pioneers; Mrs. KJ mira C. Rich of Ogden, president of the Weber county company; Mrs. Anna T. Piereey of Bait Lake, m charge of the publicity work of the organization. The Daugbtera of the Utah Ptoneqrs hav been organized for twenty-on- e years, but have never had a charter. Interest in this measure was manifested at the meetmg yesterday. At the afternoon session reports were read from, the following counties: Mra Jane Hailstone of Logan, president of the Cache county company; Mrs. Elmira C. Rich of Ogden, president of the Weber county company; Mrs. Grace Cheever of Provo, vice president of the Utah eoonty company; Mrs. Rasband of Heber, vicq president of the Wasatch county company, and Mrs. Tatton of Manti, president of the fcanpete countv Bishop Harrison Sperry of company. Balt lake, a pioneer, also gave a talk on ehrlv dav in Utah; Mrs. Eliza Hunter Ricks of Centerville recited a poem concerning pioneer day, and Ferdinand J. Peek of Salt Lake played a solo on Indeed be was far from an Intimidating figure aa he looked inquiringly train one quo loner to another, but every now and then he exploded with an expression that interpreter said meant liar," after a questfcn had been put to him in Russian It was .doubtful whether the general himself gleaned qhe full significance of th charge hurled et him bv Senator Borah in Washington snd Colonel riisrle H. Marrow In Frankfort, Ky . to the effect that he had proved himself In Siberia a "buteberer" of Americans and the greet- - WhPn'kTprosdhed Laundry Owners Elect Qfficerjsanj jjoarn n When Mr Glase was shown the dtrpatih, he exclaimed epartstion that a what the general Wash-ingtp- h Special 51-5- 7. $25XS; pries,,. I FnoirniD,tLflire-(D(- n) East .Fir&tSouth Street. lived upon. It was only natural that ever he' saw's policeman that night for him aa If be had bean a with such a ntrlt tho aviation service, where Individuality counts to much, Hun. aboard a Pokker -How Navarre escaped death in the Kpind have attracted him. when Navarre wee back from the Is a miracle. But ha Is dead now He crashed inO front on permission,'' Pari was quick By R. T. S. f to know It. an 'aeroplane itOn one occasion wilt be recalled he And what do you Imagine he was doran down seven or eight gendarme ing et the timef , wife answered hie knock at the wlfile driving one of his for e fight lo He was (Copyright. 1922, by Salt Lake Tribune ) warden doors practicing prison All the machines at reckless speed through the Doom, there- - to ktdnap the kaiser aaj WASHINGTON. April You ought to be ashamed' she ad- sreets of the French end especially the senators ana monished capital. Whw- - bring him triumphantly back to Paris him, getting In late I ke this with All representatives, are vastly Intrigued would are victuals the cold. time The next But who the wireless telephone not be fascinated by the idea of broad- you are 'late we U lock you out for the most ones thought to night. eloquent casting so much of the wrlde, wide world as Jo Murphy used to be the chief of the In? listen to pared t White House guard for the president un-- When It comes, however, to adapting til he waa made' assistant ehtef of the th radio phone to practical campaign entire secret service He then turned h! purposes, there are certain compilations executive tnans'on over to Dick which glvo the poltt'ciana pause. Jervis, who now accompanies President Suppose, for instance, that a Repubhe goes Jervis ha Harding wherever lican audience should be sitting, some been traveling with presidents ever elnoe pretty night, waiting to hear a distinthe davs of Mr. Taft guished Republican candidate plead hia Mr Taft. It will be remembered. Vept cause by radio And suppose some mis- the secret service men pretty well on chievous Democrat, aware of the Repub- their s, for he loved to travel. It lican plane should start talking to that la estimated that, bv 4rn n, motor and same audience first The audience could steamer, ho covered well over 100,000 i not put him out, for they wouldn t know miles while he waa president. where to find him It would be supposed, a a what real'xe strain Few persons of course, that hs wraa phoning from aome Journev of an executive la Upon olnt near th distinguished Republican. long men g responsible for his Jut no bouncer could eject him from the the men The their responsibility keenly r . hall so long as hs kept sending on the and there feel is a mental strain as well as wave length. Repub lean a agreed WILL BE INFORMAL phvsical. Or something I ke this might happen-One morning on on of tho long Taft vast audienea Is assembled, eager when presthe around th circle, wing not only to hear the radio phone Itself, Hon. Corfi ell. Hull, Democratic National Chairman, wilt train was bowling along through but to revel In the achievements of th idential Nevada Jervis appeared at be Jefferson Day Orator. Known as one of the nations Republican administration After a period the in a thoroughly exhausted! hpeakfast of tuning the expected voice speaks most was unusual, for the train Thta unlliaut Ins the ears mobsaze will tmzle speakers. w "Ladles and Gentlemen The grand old state a!L night .wlthout, had been .. traveling of every true American" arty has bvhlnd.it a record of whUh it stopping, on board wars hands all ard is lusly proud supposed to have had a grand old ' "rest bang. Buz, , Ladles and Gentlemen. The grand old But not aJervis. x" ft ftft 9 someone the , mater, Dick? "What t is a grand old fake. asked. .Ota. Im all in," he replied. - I had wave 5S a terrfble dream last night "Thia Is a free wav and a free coun7" It What was try Ladles and Gentlemen The Demo-to Well 1 dreamed that the rear truck cratic partv deserve to be restored came off the president rtr and J hid power In stat and nation to run along all th night holding It up "Oh. ratal" v Gosh! for But bv this t'me the radio director th even ng has tuned up to a concert some now and then One hear etrsnge from Pittsburg or San Francisco, and the s'ory of the fatIn qf an old associate of political meeting goes fooev UnquestionEurope, course, some kind of a gentlemens the war davs most Interesting charagreement might be entered Into t6 kep ably onela- ofthe thentire French army was Will Be the Democratic snd Republican waves acter Navarre was from cashing or Interfering but the wav Navarre, th flvlug ace Informal. Ballroom In and throughout at known In th a country the campaign is starting out It looks an the world for that rnattei, long before tf gentlemen s agreements would be of unknown quality - Names are being the war. because of his daring exploit! Even if You feared If called already, and name never sound in main he Hotel Utah nor devil Excitement man neither air. Are Not a the nice through Despite the difficulties and 4he poss ble 7 at m,, Democrat, p. Interference, however It is certain that a will be atwhole flock of spellbinder You Will Monday, tached to the broadcasting stations dimr and tho air will Be' ing the campaign months raucous 0. April sounds with be filled rasping Cordially No farmhouse with a lightning rod will be aafe from radio political 'nvaslon, Received, Men and Affairs. at Washington r e, M306BATS -- BTfll You Are Called to Attend the JEFFERSON DAY DINNER tip-toe- at the 'HOTEL UTAH, MONDAY EVENING, April 10th, at 7, oClock well-bein- Jert nc n Get--off-- nf ento-nob'le- Pyorrhea Now i Being Cured In th government service of Investigation and prosecuting tre viewth tendency of the day with alarm ing to make heroes out of everybody sent to K aeem that prison wardens are Jail. vlelng with each other In their race hu-to sea which can go the farthest In manizing the penitentiaries The modern idea unquestionably Is to mak Jails and penitentiaries aa attractive a Poes b e to the Inmates so that they Wtlt give a sigh of regret Instead shout (or joy as the leave what of used to be caked the grin; portal. Out-at- d passes sre now the rule t nearly all penal institutions, snd prisoners are rather free to come and go at will "Yes, aald Jo Murphy, assistant chief of th United States secret service, "the la lb are getting io be fine places to visit Up In New Fnglsnd they hav some that are especially attractive On night on of th prisoner we He hed at In coming In for dinner Trie barn out for the entire afternoon. Old-tim- er B. Brow., also of the Trov laundry. him was elected tire president, George H. Strike was elected sergeant t arms. the convention closed Inst Socially night with a banquet and a dance, during which entertainment features were at the dose of the hearing with dispatches from Wsshington slating that Mr. Borah wa seeking hla deportation, thev were met bv tome of hla partv, who explained that the general was tired out after three hours of questioning, that he dldn t apeak EnglWh. snywav, and that they Jiad better see his attorney George W. Glasa Whereupon thers was loosed upon the general bv ht partv s vollev of Russian bristling with akys and vltihei" and the general was thrust Into, an elevator the reporters knowing whether he knew what their errand had been Thip is a suits you can well afford to be proud of. Its design it taken from the charming Queen Anne period. It has conveniently arranged buffet, table, six ehairs upholstered in genuine leather and large china, in walnut. American finished riehly livDadlseirD v. Kroupsl.y finally left, still muttering something about the 'plot General Semenoff wea asked tf charges appeared In the against him which had Congressional Record were true, and rean interpreter, through plied heatedly, that they were absolutely liea. h!ch He then propounded a question, was translated as follows : tAsk the allies If they supported me because I was fighting the Germans or whether thsv supported me bees use I was helping to rob, pillage and murder peace- BJWT0RK Aprtl (Bv the Associated Press) General Oregnrie Semenoff ataman of Cossacks, today found legal warfare in th esnvons of lower Broad-wa- v as exciting as the rattle of machine i guns of th eteppes of Siberia, Flanked bv his Ameekan lawyers and j 4a band of Russian supporters, hs was I whisked up to the twenty-secon- d floor of the Equitable building, and there, for the T time was bombarded with ques- Uons at a bankruptcy hearing which followed his civil arrest In connection with a Judgment for 47S 67S. alleged to have been returned against him by Harbin courts The plainttff in the action was the ta Home Foreign company, whioh asserted that the Trading sum represented suppWew alleged to have been stolen by the general at Chita. The general has been painted by his enemies a a man of fierce nature, who waded through the blood of hta victims, but he seemed Just a littl abashed up there In a New York ekvarraper with lawyers and reporters battling awav at him lo language he did not understand tho mandolin. 'lv is designed from the popular Queen Anne period. The shaped arms and the back set at convenient ahgle, together with the spring Med seats and spring edge, make these pieces unusually comfortable. They are upholstered in velour of excellent quality. The backs and sides are of cane, the frames beautifully finished in mahogany. SIC3.CD Bpeeisl price. J Original Jurisdiction. office buildings, warehouses, and specialize in lelntorced concrete work . (Adv ) Phone Hi land 240 IN CANE AND MAHOGANY This suite - cross the United States en route to France.- - An additional reaaott for his admission to the country was stated in the record to be that Madam Semenoff desired' to obtain medical advice. Officiate aatd it was assumed that Semenoff. would proceed to France at the first opportunity and would be given a reasonable time to carry out his intention, V A LUXURIOUS S' An Excited Exchange. Tha doaa of the examination waa I feel that if General Semenoff la marked by a heated encounter between Colonel more he should not lose George Kroupsky, a friend of any guilty Semen offe. who once wae prosecuting at time ill getting out of the country, in tomey Petrograd, and who fled at the the senator said. of the revolution, and Herbert Immigration officers said no deporta beginning A one of the lawyers representing were contemplated at theWolf, trading company. j this time, General Semenoff, it was Kroupsky charged that Semenoff was explained, was admitted to the United the victim of a Bolshevist plot and asked States by the immigration authorities that he be heard. He a as ordered to be at Vancouver, in order that he might quiet, aa he was present only by Should Be Deported cour-tes- I A CHARMING SUITE THAT WILL CERTAINLY PLEASE YOU furnished. In their business discussions the launowner heard papers on a considerdry able variety ef matters affecting the Interest in the convention industry was demonstrated bv the presence of owner of three states, Utah, laundry Idaho and Nevada, as well as retire sentatives of tho industry from Cali forma, (Colorado and Illinois. ' -- At Last a Guaranteed Remedy. Bottle Absolutely Free, Trial Any sufferer from Pyorrhea, feleedc ing and Ulcerated, Gums, Loose Teeth and other lore and diseased condition of the mouth, can gain immediate, relief and in a short time complete recovery from these dread condition bv using n new guaranteed home treatment now available. Thousand pro! claim its efficacy in overcoming Pyorrhea, relieving pain, healing pus pock-etsy hardening gums, saving teeth. You can prove its merits in your own rose! without expense or obligation by writ-ing Dept. 5134, Moores Laboratories, 2112 Grand Ave, Kansas City, Md., for one weeks trial treatment, which will bo cheerfully fet absolutely free ( Advertisement.) 1 1 Hon. Cordell Hull, national Democratic Chairman Ticket on sale of Hotel Utah, at the place until 3 p, m. Monday: Desk Trust Co., Willes Horne Drug Lo., Martha Washington Candy fehop and offic of fi. T, Stewart, 1X09 Deseret Bank building. following Halloyan-Judg- Hotel Utah e 7 p. m., Monday , Informal VJ 4 jr;. "t A-- |