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Show THJt BOX ELDER NEWS Box Personal Mention. Elder News, LEE & WIXOM, Publishers and Proprietors. TELEPHONE THURSDAY, in Advance, NO. 39-- JAN. 26, 190s. SUBSCRIPTION, Si 25 Otherwise, SI 50 A YEAR. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Oluff Chiistensen is the proud father of a son born last Friday. A fine son was born to the wife of Alfred Bywater this Ail doing well. morning. A girl was horn last Tuesday morning to the wife of Albert Bergren of the third ward, Big dance at the Acadmey it Saturday night. Bott of the Fourth ward Phillip was made glad last Sunday by being presented with a toby girl. Dr. O. W. Snow, Dentist, room 32, First Nat Bank bldg, f C. Eliasjensen of the 4th ward is rejoicing over the arrival at his home of a bran new baby P'8on N L Hansens shoes are better 6ifl Mrs. D. R. Wright returned to A Big Clearance sale at Holst , s. Wm. E. Morgan, principal of her home In Ogden last Thursday. Cannon Hailing of Mantua un- - lhe Willdrd .schools, is rejoicing Thatcher BP the arrival at his home of a derwent an operation last Thurs-- 1 was seen on our streets Fnday born on the 18th. day and is now at the hospital in baby girl, jagt this city. . , There is a slight epidemic of n n t? f an j j rlet fever in this county at the Eor Rent House of 8 rooms, barn and lot. Enquire of O. Iher,e are hrHday or four cases in Brigham and one Snow. tft Miss Millie Reeder went to in Corinne. The Stork visited the home of Logan last Thursday to visit rel- , N L Hansen s shoes are better aljve8, John Anderson last Friday morn- President Kelly is reported to ing and left a nice little baby t0hn P Holmgren. of Bear alonS EVeryne be ,8getUng much improved in strength. River City, was a Brigham Vis- Scelv He was able to sit up and par-- itor Friday, take repairat Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dunn, JosFHansenV10 Hfuly of food yesterday. made There has been a deal of . fl'ig trip to Salt Lake There is a case of diphtheria in discussion anent the great lat Friday. bounty the family of Jonathan N. Ander- - whether it should stand or be law.py J.-ieFishburn and wife came sen of the First ward. This is pealed the legislature has decided in from Tremont on the Malad the first case In town for a year that it shall stand. Valley train Sunday, or more. Miss Lottie Horsley of this city W. L. Grover and Ursel S. Lost Between McMasters uderwent an operation at Dr. Rose of Garland were in town Rith office ,Mrd,jr tor gland. l or.day oa buriocsa. Md Boden S I. of the Kck. TM. i. the .h,rd rfobUncU 50c pSe h Hankrr of l Mn. Simpson, ut ward, and be ville the News office !?j!V,uJ? gave Hon,, lht I Our Great January Clearance Sale Is Still On! Alf. Richens went to Tremont A MATTER OFHEALTH Saturday. Alex Baird went to Logan Tuesday. Mrs. L. Berg, Jr., went to Salt Lake city Tuesday. Henry Baer of Point Lookout, was in town Tuesday. J. K, Haws of Elwood was a Brigham visitor Friday. Lorenzo N. and David Stohl went to Tremont Friday. Mis. F--. A. Box returned home from Ogden last Thursday. Miss Pearl Houtz returned Sunday from Salt Lake City. Mrs Joseph BJeppesen of Mantua is reported very ill again. Peter Mortensen of Elwood, In the city last Frida) . was d of L p. Christensen the 31 ward has been suffering with Dave Tarpey and J. Y. Rich black erysipelas for two weeks. were In Brigham Monday Sweeping reduction in every James Smith, of Preston is department at C. Holst & Son. visiting relatives in this city, Mrs. Pettingill of Willard un- - Mr, Aaron M, Po1 ter of River derwent an operation last weekjside was in the city Tuesday, an ailment cavsed by blood at both our BRIGHAM and TREMONT stor s Read over carefully the sweeping reductions we are making in order to cleao out all I 1-- We have sold more LADIES and CHIL- off Regular. 1- -4 off Regular. and colors Sklrts-- all . 4 off Regular. We have a few Furs left that must be sold. You take your choice at 13 A large assortment of WOOL SHAWLS at 4 atCT sizes 1-- I atf All Ladies DRENS COATS this year than in any one season before, but now whats left must go 1--3 Our entire stock of SHOES go in this sale at reduced prices. All Ladies' Flannel Waists go Id this sale winter goods. . 1 1 off Regular. Cheaper grades reduced proportionately off Regular. Big reductions on all Mens, Boys and Childrens Clothing. Bargain reduct lens on all Dress Goods, Hosiery, Uuderwear, Blankets, This is the way we are selling Mens Hats during the sale : All $3.00 Hats Selling at $2.50 All 2.50 1,90 All 2.00 1.60 All 1.75 1.10 Quilts, etc. All Knit Shawls, Hoods, Fascinators, Knit Underskirts, Ladies Sweaters going Notice the Shoes on the bargain tables some selling at 2 the regular price. H off Regular. A reduction of 4 on all Mens and Boys OVERCOATS. f-- TBoys Hats going at the same reduction I ? I 1 A. 7 regarded. I H. W, B. Jensen, the furniture dealer, is planning the erection of a commodious store building I nowVnpTexUorClorfen8 Sons hardware business. Bargains and best service at sen & Holsts L ' N. C. Mortensen & Sons have had on exibition at their place of business for the last few days, a pump run by electric power. It is a revelation to those who have never seen such machinery in operation. The First National bank pays five per cent on time deposits, compounded quarterly, if desired. Just received a large shipment of linoleum direct from the east, We are able ta sell as cheap as anyone in the state. Stohl Bros, Furniture Co., Tremont, Utah. A from tfri M- - iv ends' a"'s.whi Mj thr"l. p'' plcantcll John Standing and Evan Mo-rN Hansen s shoes are better o Collinston, were in town Lost A solid gold breast pin, on business Saturday lh James Sheffield, watchman in graved on back the lmtiais, R.E. House of ReDresentetives B. 1903. Finder please leave at was ia8t week; visiliDg hia this cilice and be rewarded, it Clerk Jos. Jensen, H. II. lolman of Honeyville inland h,s wife left for the Coast borne again from the hospital at this morning on a pleasure trip, Salt Lake city where he has been . , ever since he was so badly injur, , .N8, formerly Santa Bard n the power house in Bear . C,W; .now River canyon. His condition is bara 18 VI8ltl0g friends here this week, by no means favorable yet. Representative F. W. Fishburn For a first cla-- s shave, hair-cand watchman James Sheffiek or face. massage, go to Nelson Bros. Full face value every time. returned 10 bah Lake City Mon I . For Rent or Lease Hote. If you dont buy of 10 rooms furnished complete at Deweyville, Utah, near O. SI L. depot with hvery barn in con- shoes made by HAMILTON you nection.' Good business center. R. C. Fryer, Dewey ville. BROWN dont buy shoes right N. L. HANSEN IfcWe OnkrutM Every Plrl oacaaggaaorag: 01JR OWN HOTEL MENS, BOYS and GIRLS SHOES. UTAHNA. Fresh and Cured Meats of All Kinds, ERDMANN, H. Bywater, 1..., Cash Meat and Grocery Store, flret-clas-s and Fridays SCHOOL SHOES MM Bone meal for them lay. chickens-mak- e STFresh Fish and Game in Seasonal -- it will If you dont buy shoes of N. L. HANSEN Full line of V gctablcs tad groceries. Next door north of Wynn L. Eddys drug store Nuts Oranges, Lemons, Mixed and Celery. Brigham City Shoe Mfg. Go Store on South Side Forest St. Opposite 1st Natl Bank Bldg. II kinds et REPAIRING DONE. Leave orders at store to J. Also Fresh Oysters, English Bloaters, Norway Herring, An- will carry a full line of fresh and cured meats and a' complete line of chovies, etc. Fresh Fish Thursdays STOCK.J2 M L HARVEY Boden & Graehl BWe make a SFECIAtTV of Boys and Girls ALL AND EXAMINE OUR . Brighams model hotel. Caters to the traveling public. Meals 25o and SOc; rooms 60c and II. P. J. Koford, Prop MAKE.J Bost Quality 1 Knudsons. ....(Successor Patrooize Home Industry I Bicycles repaired at Christen sen & Groceries, you dont buy shoes right Pair.. We Guarantee Every ut County Treasurer S. N. Cole 1 811010 ircc ABSTRACTS. . Mo8iah Evans of Garland, ,resi' is back from Washington where dent he went to testify in the Smoot ma?a8er' of th Utah Sugar case. He reports having had a Co, was in town on business Tues good time, although he was re- W. B. Dougall, Jr , of Sa quired to be in attendance eight or nine days before he was called Lake City was in town Mondav before the committee. and Tuesday of this week on t Wheelwright We are pleased to inform our city says that she enjeyed her readera that by next week we to Denmark much indeed trip very and is at present engaged in mis- - hope to have about $50worth of You wil1 know when stonary work, She says that the ?ew type. comes as thefe is a good supply were the most glorHolidays of modest yet substantial head- ious she ever remembers. be order 80 When gettmgyour life insured, Pne tyPe dont fail to getthe best insur- - about 50 pounds of news type Ance, which means insure with th same as used in this article, the Continental Life Insurance Any one getting 75 points at Co. of Salt Lake City. Call on the shooting gallery gets a $1.25 Bros, and be convinced, tf pocket knife. Anyone getting 7 Point8 et 8 50C can of fresh Everyman who can possibly do so should attend the meeting PJ8tr8, Any one getting 73 free. Any called next Saturdav at 2 n m Points e.ts 3 targets 71 Pm" a . FISHBURNS, & & Stores at Brigham and Tremont. & df Friday. I al- ways do best at ;" L - You can DuciDe88 We have a few Stewart Hot Blasts that we are selling at cost Stohl Bros. Furniture Co , Tre-la- st I ont, Utah, Mrs. James Nuttall of College Ward, Cache Co., returned home Tuesday after a visit of three weeks in t his city, Mrs. Art Boothe has moved down from Collinston and is cupying rooms in the Pioneer Block back of the Mr and Mrs. R. C. Fryer of returned iromLklay MiUardCo. where they have been visiting with Mr. Fryer's sister Mrs. Mary Ann Wright. He had not seed her for some twenty-thr- ee years, On their return they stoppet at Provo and were entertained there by old acquaintances of some fifty years ago, oc-Sto- hl Post-Offi- ce, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Our big clearance sale will last one Wore week. Rave yoUr neighbors told you of the wonderful bagains they have been getting at Holsts the past few days. ... ju.f5.00 and $8.00 Silk Waists at 12.60 Stand covers, mens Mne wool shirts, susfenders and so many other goods we eannot name, going at their value. We still have some big bargains In dress goods and outings. The values we offer this week are positively the greatest In our history, Eariy buyers get first choice. Dont delay; we stHl lead in bargains. Estate: 1. Completeness; 2. Accuracy; 3. Responsibility. The value of an abstract depends on THESE THREE VITAL POINTS u We Invite enmlnatton of the method. adopted to iecore .ocurt.6;, end of otaf one-thir- d C. Holst & Son. Bemember the place half block south tabernacle. yj, can be done toward securing the The County Board of Health Experiment Station. It depends has issued a pamplet containing greatly upon the spirit manifested The laws of Utah relating to The county reg- public health, (01 by us whether we get it or got. ulation of contagious diseases For neatness and durability, STAR LADIES Can make $5oo and Resolutions and general in- BRAND SHOES caDnot be beaten. Two per day m their own locality, act- - formation. J This pamphlet is for trial has established their honest mg as our correspondents. For distribution, principally among years "" terras, address with self addressed those who are quarantined for Dont forget the dance for the qualities. envelope, News leader, ALBiOaN benefit of the public library, to cont(,g;ou,di8eage8 It.- be given in the opera house, line of the An Kent two romns on cor- ror Mrs. Alex C. Baird daughter County Assessor E. A. Box ner 0f 3rd we8t and 5th south. f2 S of Mr. and Mrs. T. R, Thomas, has gone out west-tft roundup r, ,, Andeson a wltb birth to a fine baby boy 'r mej flocks and herds for Dumoses of gave w- -J Fine Shoes for MEN in Stock, Paicul flccidtntlast Monday while Mother onday nJorniog taxation, Mr. Box, having heard be and Mrs. Anderson were out jast THESE SHOES are MADE on the LATEST LASTS well. Mr an cj3ijtj are of the wonderful jungles of West- - dm ing. Just opposite the Acad- - Thwmas ha8 Rrlnd childrtn We have them in the BOX CALF, VELOUR CALF, I4 ern Box Elder, may take a few emv, one side of the shafts became and . rea( graJd children. Pret- PATENT CORONA and TAN RUSSIAN CALF. and1 detadled ro,n the buggy days off to hunt, unless he finds We are headquarters for D17 Goods, Ladles' and Gents Fur4 was thrown to the thataU the animals have been nlshlngs, Groceries, Glassware, Tinware and GraDlteware. and about 25 ground It gives us pleasure to note dragged killed. Novelties and Trimmings a Specialty. He hung onto the lines, however, that the Box Elder News is Call at N C n show of improve-tioand signs n0 Paniculdr daage- was ginning and see the pumprinnopera- the new nianage- mcnt electricityP and doue byond a lew biuiscs. driven T BlG"RE D tJ CTION ON LADIES SKIRTS 8 a fa'r me? W throwbg 230 gillon. of water even wub a Yotirs truly, news, minute. . Linoleum! Linoleum! maeP will show up well and creates I have some fine spring cockerels If you want linoleum, now is favorable impiession, It is easi-for sale, White Wyandottes, Rhode the time to get d something first-L- r, by far, to get out a good -Rrds. narr hnti.Mia wrk:.lrta ing paper than one poor in ap ipearance. LoganRepublicaa, GOME TO US FOR SHOES. 1 ibllltj to m.k. good in; Iom e.oMd by error or omission In our .ban-acts- . ESTIMATING THE COST Wo confine our business exclusively to of a building the wise selection of Lumber means something of import, ABSTRACTING, CONVEYANCING, NOTARY WORK and REAL ESTATE And can give the promptest attention to all work id our line. fiTAll business Intrusted to our card Is treated with the strictest confi- dence. Lee Bonded & Dunn, ance to the one who has to pay the bill. Our stock has been selected with especial care and we know It will suit the most fastidious. At least that is what our patrons tell us, and they ought to know. Our line of BUILDERS HARDWARE is very fine and well adapted for the best class of work and our prices Abstractors. (Successors to NorRas Lee.) Room St, First Nat. Bank Bldg., Brighaih, Utah TELEPHONE 39-- . THEY ARE McMASTER RIGHT-4- - - FORSGREN te Famous W. L. Douglas lU f I Three points to think of when you get Abstracts of Title to Real ; I What we have, YOU HEED! Everything in the Building Line. We make frames quickly with prices satis- factory at our LABOR-SAVINMILL. G be-So- ns - ' Yours, With a Complete Stock, Mens e fr look-Islan- M. Hanson and Sons phone : A Merrell Lumber Co. Phone No. . 44H4444i44if444H444444i44 4 : |