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Show CAUGHT the by grip-RELEA- SED BY A A. (Special Correspondence.) Tbe morals of the Swiss peasantry the cows stand In small barns knee Were worse ,han they deep in filth. The owner would be are slMrla8 ,w (heir maimers and cus quickly prosecuted in America for toms have remained the same for a of the sanitary laws. Jh! 1 ,yearb' N,h else in all Naturally enough, the cows seem to orld, perhaps, have people so be restless when the springtime long continued to do same old way and to things in the comes. It is said that they remember live so long un- their alpine pastures and are anxious der the same old roof. to return to them. I do not doubt It; eir love ot the picturesque and .. even animals might have this homethe beautiful seems inherent. You will S"iSS farmi'r sit in the twi-i- sickness. so often ascribed to Swiss cows in song and story, under these t hour in a trancelike reverie gai- conditions. ns at the valleys and scrutinizing every Inch of the acclivity on which Procession Up the Mountains. his cows are feeding. He loves it ail But it's a great day when tbe cows with a sturdy though quiet respect Perhaps the reason for his silence is go up Into the mountains. The leading of the valley announces hat there is a loss of adjective force dairyman in thq ramifications of the Bernese when the snow Is cleared from the Maiensaess and the Unterstaffel the dialect. ' His wavs are totally unlike those May and the lower pastures and the of the American farmer. He cuts his advance senn, the cheese maker, and the goat boy take up the first supply hay in the rain and makes no to. cultivate it in the sun. He attempt of implements. , gathers it three times a year while it is still On their report that all Is right, ths green, and sfores it in a barn with dairyman, with his independent Alp open timber work like an American and twenty-fou- r cows, starts forward, corn house. and then the mountain steward, o the word, and all ths It fills the air with a fragrance al- pfainier gives most as pungent as peppermint and small tarmers who hold rights of pasas sweet as syriuga, and as most of ture for even one cow join the procesthese barns are built close up to the sion. The leading cow has somehow or house, the smell permeates the It is a hay made of short other assumed her position. She cargrass and wild flowers the bluebell ries the big bell, and I saw one that flowers, tbe red poppy and the delictae weighed thirty pounds, made of copmauve tinted crocus. This mixture Is per alloy and capable of containing perhaps one of the reasons why Swiss fifteen litres. It bore the date 1806. cheese has a singular flavor of its own A. cow deprived of this bell will die oi and why the hatter needs no salt. despair. The herd seem to observe a The farmer lives on soup, occasional certain rank, and a cow transferred to pork, bread, cheese and diabolical cof- another herd will fight for her posifee. All the cooking is done over a tion. A good leader brings a high wood fire built on stones, and the price. smoke oozes out through a hole in the The sheep and the goats are dealt roof, heavily inerusting the ceiling with In the same way. The shepherd f6. La Grippe is Epidemio Catarrh. spares no class or nationality. IT cultured and the ignorant, the Pernna, which I did and was immediately benefited and cured. The third bottle completed the cure. H. J. Goss. The aris- tocrat and the pauper, the masses and the classes are alike subject to la grippe. Kone are exempt all are liable. The original Grip is well named. French term, la grippe, has been shortened by the busy American to read Cured in a Few Weeks. Miss Jean Cowgill, Griswold (Tjtera House, Troy, N. Y., is the leading lady with the Aubrey Stock Co. She writes the following: During the past winter of 1901, I grip. suffered for several weeks from a severe Without intending to do so, a new of grip, which left a serious attack word has been coined that exactly catarrhal condition of the throat and describes the case. As if some hideous head. iant with awful grip had clutched us Some one suggested Pernna. As a its fatal clasp. last resort, after wasting much time Men, women, children, whole towns and money on physicians, 1 tried the and cities are caught in the baneful remedy faithfully, and in a few weeks monster. of a terrible grip was as well as ever.'' Jean Cowgill. Have you the grip? Or, rather, has Saved by the grip got you? If so, read the following letters. Hon. James R. Guill is one of the oldThese testimonials speak for themsest and most esteemed men of elves as to the efficacy of Pernna in Neb. He has done much to make Omaha, it what '. cases of la grippe or its it is, serving on public boards a number A Southern Judge Cured. of timea lie endorses Peruna in the Judge Horatio J. Goss, Hartwell, Ga., following words: I am 68 years old, am hale and writes: Some five or six years ago I had a hearty and Perunahas helped me attain very severe spell of grip which left me it. Two years ago 1 had la grippe my life was dispaired of. Peruna saved with systemic catarrh. J. R. Guill. A friend advised me to try your me. g So genuine is spacious chambers. this preference, that even In small houses the space usually divided between two rooms is now given to one. Usually the room thus formed (s a long one, a sort of salon. evidence of farm work as we know it Everything is in perfect and curious order. The land is very much cut up by ownership in these valleys, so that at certain periods in harvesting m what little ground Is thus possessed Hons Treatment Cores. Write for free symptom list If yoa cannot call Consultation tree Pft. A. 9. SHORES, Special Offer in Private Diseases DR. O. W. SHORE. t, K?' i'w , v ;v w s v,; ts e caused by Unfortunates, of both sexes, who are sufferlnr from Private oxoets or oontagloo hare always been looked upon as legitimate pray by the Shark and PRS Charlatans wbo nose as 'Specialists and rob tbs sufferer for worth ess treatment. SHORES DO NOT aSK YOU TO PAT TBKH ONE DOLLAR UNTIL UUKKD-UNLYOU WIBH TO YOURSELF IK8. 8HORB8 KNOW TUB! CAN CURB AND DO CURB PRIVATE DISEASES IN BOTH SEXES PERMANENTLY, and to PROVE thslr skill. In this class of ailment, they treat ana w bo sure tuob oases before tbe prefsr patient is required to pay Drs. Shores' one dollar Or tboss may pay tbe fee In small weakly or monthly installments as tbe cure progresses. IMIS humriji PLAN OP DEALING WITH THE AFFLICTED, deals a death blow to tbe guack and Fakir wba demands all Cash, in exchange for empty promises. Did you ever bear of s F.iktr refunding a penny to a doped patient? Taka no chance you cannot lose your monev if you don t pev are simpy the result of enlarged or WEAKNESSES OF MEN of so ealled Inflamed PROSTATE GLAND Drs. Shores new LOCAL TREATMENT for tuob eases. IS VARIABLY CURES ask other Doctors bow many oases they cure under tbe old and useless plan oi treatment for this trouble. We cure LOST MANHOOD. Seminal Weakness. Spermatorrhoea. GONORRHOEA, SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and kindred troubles, In less time and rortess oney, than any Institution In the want, ovary eaee is oonfldential we never uses name or betray a secret. Consultation. Examination and Advloe FREE by mall or at tbe offloe OFFICE HOURS: 9 a m to A 9 m; Evenings f Sundays and holidays 10 a m to 1. South Main $ DRS. SHORES & SHORES. Soeciaiists. Salt Lake City. Utah. Expert Ifnor-no- Dlseases-whet- taste-'-qult- to: 249 HILLS DANKER tomaqhATb9w"T; jalden-Judso- n DIPHTHEBI AND -- NEVER FAILS- - Drug Co., General Agents. REMEDY SS Salt Lake City, Utah. Curious Old House at Lucerne. the landscape is a vast patchwork in various colors. The Alpine pastures are generally far away from the farmers home, up sometimes among the mountains, ALWAYS line. The cattle the glacier touching CALL FOR A CIGAR are driven up to them in the early BY ITS NAME spring, and there they remain until the snow and cold drive them downward. . The tremendous labor this all entails In carrying provisions for the herdsmen and transporting the milk vessels through seemingly Impossible decliviMEANS MORE THAN places and up and down rocky to also impossible saved appear that ties, I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption ANY OTHER NAME would astound the American life three years njro. Mas. Thos. Kobbixs, negotiate, my BROWN BAUDS GOOD FOB PRESENT8 17. 1800. Yfarmer. That the cattle are able to Maple Street. Norwich. N. - Feb. ascend these precipitous paths, here Urfnt t.ll.r la th. World. Grewsome Collection. and there choked by huge boulders avaA French professor is the owner of and gravel from recent earth a collection of 920 human heads, rep- lanches, Is the first surprise; that the of people. Swiss can so complacently continue resenting every known race struggles for existence Efi Walei . rnSRAVTEKD ClBE FOR TIBBS, their singular Is the second surprise. W. n u.t Salt Lake No. , 1905. The Swiss farmer loves his cattle. to 1 toll w cure you Id He has names for every one of his cows, but there are singular manifesta- the winter .Trades in London. of his lore thera tions According to the late returns, fotlme. Bold by drugglta. carried are 1 756 distinct trades being suburbs. on in London and its , u crao SCSlIIBiit 4-- j Locksmith Ingenious Invention. An Ingenious lock has the keyhole a the knob, or handle, of theso door. conThe mechanism of the lock is structed that a person on the inside the knob of the door can, by turning so that In one direction, lock the door even by a key, on be opened, cannot it in the outside. By turning the knob is the opposite direction, theon dooroutthe locked, but can be opened to side by the use of a key designed fit the lock. i Hope for the Father. The young doctor met his old preceptor on the street and confided he had a serious case about which he was worrying. The baby died a few minutes after it was born, he remarked, and I fear the mother will die before morning. Dont take it so hard, said the old as he gathered up the physician, reins. Perhaps the father wont die." ; TEA n tured in the most primitive way. The milking begins at 5 oclock in he morning. The milk is poured into i great copper caldron, curdled by ennet, and then put in a cloth and nould and then under a heavy and flurasy press. It Is turned three or our times that day, and in the morn- ng the cheeses are put in the store oom and kept for months, each day ieing dipped in a strong salt bath. In he manufacture of this cheese It ;c.ems that the plebeian methods and he mingling of the pine smoke with he rennet and milk as it is heated in he kettle must have considerable to ' e .o with its strange as nuch, I fancy, as tbe quality of the con:ay and the flowers that are sumed by the cows. The women are all hard workers. In the best class of Swiss peasant life the wives are not only good helpmeets but are careful in bringing up their children. Every one must attend school at Rome time in his yiuth and all can read and write well. Every home is numbered and insured by the government, which is very paternal and looks after its own domestic welfare with a surprising de- The young girls gree of solicitude. begin as early as 12 years of age to lay by a little stock of linen, and by the time they have reached marrying age their dowry consists of hundreds of pieces of underclothing and bed linen, It is all stored away in elaborately carved chests that are handed down from generation to generation. i dont 1 all shrooic, asnroos and private diseases f both seias. and diseases ! children. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ovarian Questions That Enter Into the Ability Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration. Falling and Displacement of the Womb, and eousequeut iSpinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the to Achieve. of Life. A Chicago clerk who is in love with Change It has cured more cases of Backache and Leucorrhrea than any other remft special line of study asks when one edy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such cases. It should change his work? He adds dissolves and expels tumors from the Uterus in an early stage of dethat he has been in his present place velopment. to Is or it twelve years and Painful Menstruation, Weakness of the Stomach, Irregular, Suppressed give going Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headnche, General Debilup. The time to give up regular emto it. Womb quickly ity yield troubles, causing pain, weight and backache, inployment and start on a line of relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it work," is when you are will- stantly invigorates the female system, and is as harmless as water. to Some the people pay ing price. Jt quickly removes that Bearing-dowFeeling, extreme lassitude, don't claim that anyone can do anything care" and feeling, excitability, irritability, nervousof all their ness. Dizziness, Faintness, sleeplessness, flatulency, provided they concentrate melancholy or the blues ability in an uninterrupted manner. and headache. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, or some deIJ Would you work five years to write rangement of the terus, which this medicine always cureB. Kidney Complaints forty words? Would you work twen- and Backache, of either sex, the Vegetable Compound always cures Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred ty years to Interest the editor of a thousand times, for they get what they want a cure. Sold by Druggists work Would certain publication? you Kefuse all substitutes. everywhere. to culminate forty years, if necessary, your plan though it turns your ' Oldest Inhabited Residence. friends into enemies, your relatives San Salvador 8tmps. Tbe oldest Inhabited residence In into critics and your natural oppoA postal curiosity is tbe fact that nents into rejoicing ridtculers? Ear) the British kingdom Is said to be one of tbe smallest countries In the M. Pratt in "Short Talks. Dunvegan castle, in the Isle of Skye world, San Salvador, has Issued the the seat of tbe McLeods of McLeod enormous number of 405 different . TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT part of which dates from the ninth postage stamps. Tike Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablet. All drug If It faila to cure. K. W. fist refund tbe inmey century, or a couple of hundred years Groves signature la on tech box. li&o. before tbe conqueet of England by William the Norman. Would Maks Sure About the Soap. A little boy who bad been blowing You think one tea as good Many Children Are Sickly. bubbles all the morning, tiring of Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, as another? play, and suddenly growing serious, used by Mother Gray, a nurse In Childrens Read me that theory about Home, New York, cure Feverishness, Headsaid: I ache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disyou buy at the Why heaven; it itb tbo glorlouth." Break up Colds and Destroy Worms. will, said the mother, but first tell orders, lowest At all Druggists ,25c. Sample mailed FREE. price you see in the me, did. you take the soap out of the Address Alleu S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. "O yes; I am pretty thure water? window? 1 did. The mother read the deTO TELL BUTTER FROM OLEO. four grooar ratorna yaor moo ay If you doal scription of the beautiful city, the Ilka BehlUing'frBaat. streets of gold, the gates of pearl. He Simple Test Which Is Claimed to Be listened with delight; but when she Raise Crickets for Fighting. Infallible. came to the words, No one can enthe curiosities of Canton are Among The indicated with teacher cooking ter there who loveth or maketh a crickets are raised for where shops her wand two each dlahes, I gueth containing lie, bounding up, be said: fighting fighting, as the Filipinos a pat of golden butter. I'll go and thee about that thoap. cocks. The Chinese gamble on tbe One Is butter, she said. The New York Observer. and a good fighting cricket-iother Is oleo. I want to show y,u a results, sometimes sold for $100. and conclusive test for oleo simple an easy way of distinguishing oleo Then you ! butter unmistakably. New York is too far from and need never again be cheated. She put the oleo and tbe butter In Japan; San Francisco is separate saucepans on the fire and nearer. let them come to a boll. They boiled In a very different manner one noisYour grocer returns your money if you dont like Schilling's Best. ily, with a great deal of spluttering, the other smoothly, giving forth an abundance of white foam. Benny on the Crocodile. It Is the oleo, said the cooking The crocodile is a large animal that Inhabits the Nile and loves to go on teacher, that bolls noisily, for oleo la a mixture of grease and water, and tbe sandy beach to bask In tbe sunshine and lay eggs. It looks some like a mixture of grease and water it THERE IS NOTHING ike a dachshund, only there Is more bolls. It la the butter that bolla with more painful than a soft, silent foaming. A great differof It at the ends and it Is bigger. There was a crocodile once that es- ence, Isnt there? Remember the difcaped from a circus. It roamed oer ference, remember this test and you the country, seeking in vain for pigs need never be Inveigled in the future wad and small children to devour, and Into buying oleo for butter. Chicago Chronicle. died of starvation in great anguish. You can ride on the back of a crocoObjected to a Ride. but there ia nothing aurer to dile, but it Is more comfortable to An old colored woman slipped and cure than use a saddle. It is usually quiet, but on tbe sidewalk way out In Indifell is terrible when roused. We all ought to be thankful we are not a crocodile. ana avenue last night. Two patrolmen hurried to her assistance, got Benny. her on her feet and prepared to take Chicago Tribune. her In a nearby store. The old womThe old monk cure. It 9 penetrating, prompt and unfailing, Dr. David Kennedy Favorite Remedy ft an was very much excited as she was adapted to both Bexesanu ail atH Cures Kidney and See heah, Mis-tabeing assisted along. Liver complaint, and purlUes the blood. ail druggists. priem 25c end 50 o Plicemun, she cried, doan you no avalanche! I go fuh to sen fur Apples as Nightcaps. The apple is such a common fruit aint done hurt bad enuf fur no avaSo no avalanche was sent few persons are familiar lanche! that ve for, and friends took her home. Inwith its remarkably efficacious medicinal properties. Every one ought to dianapolis News. know that the very best thing he can Mrs. Window Soothing Syrop. do is to eat apples just before retiring For children toothing, softens the gurus, reduces to flammuon, ailj pain, cores wind collu. IfccabotUe. for the night. Family Doctor. TEA .. diiiug, his sheep on the Bodeli at Interlaken is a familiar sight. They must need be continually rounded up by Bpb lest they stray on somebody else's pastures. The goats run more or less wild, but generally assemble. It is suspected that many of them are of chamois descent The Swiss farmer seldom handles any money. Once a year. In the early fall, he attends the cattle market If it be In Melringen or Interlaken the town puts on holiday attire, and the streets are filled with little booths for the sale of various articles for household use and personal adornment When the farmer makes a sale he buys Odd to foolishly from these displays and Americans. Seem Ways The American farmer would be then deposits the rest of his money In much surprised could he behold the the bank and tramps it borne possibly country here In Grimmlalp. He would all the way yodling the herdsmens as they are see the great, green acclivities dotted songs, or "Kuhseigen, In the dialect by these really beautiful chalets en- called tirely surrounded by short grass, with-pu- t The Alpine yodel is well known. any apparent cowyards, chicken yards or pig sties. Except for the Making Swiss Cheese. few trodden paths, leading The main product of the Swiss up the mountains behind them, there Is alight farmer is cheese, and it is manufac- CATARRH sad all curable diseases f the eye, ear. aoee, throat, lunjs, atom aek.lWar, bowels, kidneys, bladder and No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or suoh hosts of grateful friends as has n and, 'creosote. .in one louse belonging to well to do people found' a small stove, but the pipe fell short of the ceiling by two or :hree feet. On asking the hausfrau why the deficiency could not be supplied, she said she liked It very well as it was. It must be said of the Swiss farmers home that It is scrupulously clean. Tbe smooth pine woodwork that has never been painted and only stained richly by weather Is constantly scrubbed, and all the simple utensils used In tbe bouse are kept in fine order. anl CURE Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, the Great Womans Remedy for Womans Ills, "love-to-do-- Swiss-Germa- TREAT Of Lydia E. It with hinder Mil WE.... THE DISCOVERER WILL YOU PAY THE PRICE? Spreurbrucke, Lucerne. OVERALLS HOUSE r after-effects- MOUNTAINEER SOUTHERN Either a Rambling Bungalow or Modern Frame Structure. Externally the typical southern house of the present Is either a rambling bungalow like Witchwood one of the most attractive places near Asheville an Italiauesque structure with white columns, a reproduction in part of some old antebellum mansions, for the like of which the south was famous or a modern frame structure quite architectural and compact, with leaded windows, borders, and an open terrace built upon a foundation of gray stone with coping of tbe same, or modification of these three Ideas. In Its interior arrangement, says a writer in the Housfc Beautiful, the southern resideuce has always been called upon to meet not only the demands of convenience and comfort, but also those of hospitality and entertainment as well, for the southerner is decidedly a social being, given, to entertainment lu all its forms. This characteristic was not only gratified, but actually fostered by the big rooms of the houses of tbe old south. Soon after the war the popularization of the sliding door made it possible for small rooms to perform the functions of large ones on occasions, and for a while the southern builder cut his house up after the manner of not his northern brother, though quite in the same restricted proportions. That phase may now be said to have passed, and general taste in the south is once more in favor of Among Swiss Farmers PE-RU-N- TYPICAL ' Rheumatism Neuralgia St.Jacobs Oil f h 1 Salzers National Oats TEA Dont risk any money on doubtful tea Schillings Best is your tea. Greatest oat of the oentnry. Yielded tn Ohio 187. In Ml oh. In Mo andin N.Dakot bn, per sore. You can beat that record fa 7S0L WALLS ENTIRELY OF F08SIL8. . Overheard at the Furrlert. Of course, madObsequious Clerk am, I cant sell you a tail like the one you have on at the same price.- -' Woman's Home Companion. . Comforts of Travel. The porter on tbe Caliiornia Limited this winter will be prepared to press a gentleman's trousers while he waits. This la a new wrinkle, introduced for tbe benefit of lastidious dressers. It Isnt absolutely necessary to carry along an extra pair of trousers, either; tbe porter works while you sleep. On this luxurious train daily market reports are received by wire; there are the latest morning and evening Aged Priest Dies. newspapers issued en route, fine staThe Rev. Michael King, the pioneer tionery, a library of western books and A Whitley exerpriest of Oakland, Cal., where he had current magazines. served more than fifty years, died ciser for those who wish to keep up their athletics, and electric curling there recently at the nee of irons for the ledtes are other travel comforts. Th Santa Fe Intends to keep Its fast flyer at the front KU. 8)0 Unique Building Material In Church Near Niagara Falla. There la a church In the quiet little village of Mumford, near Niagara Falla, which Is composed entirely of fossils. At first glance the walls appear to be constructed of rough sandstone smeared with an uneven coating of gritty, coarse plaster, but a closer view reveals the error of this Instead of plaster first conclusion. tbe eyes behold traceries of delicate leaves, lacework of Interwoven twigs, bits of broken branches, fragments of mossy bark and splinters of wood, all preserved against the wasting of time and decay by being turned Into the hardest of flinty limestone. As a matter of fact, every block of stone In the four walls is a mass of dainty fossils. closely-cemente- we mall yon free lota of farm seed aampiee and oar big catalog, telle Ing all abont th ie oat wonder hod thoneandaof other seeds. fONNAsSAUEMEEftCO. WXB U " MEXICAN Mustang Liniment is a positive cure ibr Piles. JOHN OGDEN ASSAY CO. $1.00 each Samples by mail receive prompt attention. Placer Gold, Ketorta and Klfh Ores Bought. TEA 1725 Arapahoe Street, You can spoil good tea by boiling, you cant make bad tea good. In arery packaga of Schilling's Baal Taa Is baoklatt How to Maka Good Ta. For 10c and this notice I a DENVER, COLO NEW PENSION LAWS Apply to NATHAN BICKFORD, 81 F 8t D. O. Washington. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. I |